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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

社交威脅情境下,自我聚焦注意對社交焦慮者之影響--以心像內容、觀察者視野以及焦慮情緒為探討 / The Influence of Self-focused Attention on Social Anxious Individuals in a Social Threat Context:The Exploration on the Imagery, the Observer Perspective, and the Anxiety Emotion

陳品皓, Chen,Pin Hao Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的,為透過操弄自我聚焦注意來探討高社交焦慮者在社交評估情境中的心像反應,並釐清心像內涵與形成視野以及對焦慮情緒的影響。過去對於高社會焦慮者的負向自我心像,究竟是在社會威脅情境下,就會自發性的發生;還是只有在高社會焦慮者具有自我聚焦注意時,才會發生,目前尚未有實徵研究的探討,此為本研究最主要的研究目的。 本研究篩選出高社交焦慮組37人與低社交焦慮組36人參加實驗,受試者在接受所分派的自我聚焦注意操弄後,進行社交評估作業,並針對內在心像的內容進行進一步的調查。 研究結果發現,接受自我聚焦注意操弄的高社交焦慮者,其心像內容明顯充滿較高比例的負向訊息,且在實驗前後的焦慮情緒改變也相對較高,而未接受自我聚焦注意操弄的高社交焦慮組,以及兩組低社交焦慮組皆未觀察到較高的負向心像內容,在呈現形式以及焦慮情緒上亦無顯著的差別。 高社交焦慮者的自我心像會受到當下注意力投注狀態的影響,當越處於自我聚焦的狀態下,其心像的內容也充滿越多的負面訊息,心像呈現的方式也越傾向以被他人所觀察的形式。由於自我聚焦注意在社交焦慮症狀發展與維持上扮演相當重要的角色,故在釐清高社交焦慮者在自我聚焦注意下的心像內容,有助於選擇適當的治療策略,協助高社交焦慮者因應環境中的威脅。 / This study aimed to explore the imagery of high social anxious individuals in the social-evaluative context by manipulating self-focused attention , and also attempted to clarify the content of the imagery, the perspective formed by the context, and the influence on the anxiety emotion. The past studies on the issues of whether the negative self-imagery of high social anxious individuals spontaneously occurred in a social threat context or only occurred in the self-focused attention have not carried out any empirical research so far, and thus it is the main research purpose of this study. In this study, 37 high and 36 low social anxious individuals were selected to conduct the experiment. After being manipulated the self-focused attention according to the groups to which they had been assigned, the participants had to engage in a social evaluation task, and a further investigation would be undertaken according to their content of inner imagery obtained in the task. The research results showed that high social anxious individuals being manipulated the self-focused attention apparently had a higher proportion of negative messages in their content of imagery and also had a relatively higher change in their anxiety emotion before and after the experiment. On the contrast, no higher proportion of negative messages in the content of imagery was observed in the group of high social anxious individuals that were not being manipulated the self-focused attention and in other two groups of low social anxious individuals. Similarly, there were no significant differences in the forms presented and the anxiety emotion in those groups as well. The inner imagery of high social anxious individuals would be influenced by the present status of the focus of attention. While in a higher self-focused attention, the content of imagery tends to be more negative, and tends to be observer perspective.

消費者視覺觀點與廣告訴求類型適配度之體現模擬與溝通效果 / The Effects of Embodied Simulation of Fit between Customers' Visual Perspectives and Advertising Appeals

董重麟 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要探討消費者想像視角與訊息相適配之說服效果。心像是指感官資訊在短期記憶中運作的心理歷程,在說服文獻中扮演著重要的角色。由過去文獻可知,個體在進行想像時,可以採取兩種不同的想像觀點,一個是行動者觀點,另一個是旁觀者觀點。兩種不同視覺觀點會提供不同的心像資訊,進而影響個體對所想像事件或行動的解讀。旁觀者觀點強調行為的個人意義及個性上的展現,而行動者觀點則強調情境所賦予的感覺及所喚起的情緒。視覺觀點在社會心理學中已有廣泛的研究,但尚未應用到行銷說服領域中。本研究藉由整合心像、視覺觀點、及體現模擬的相關文獻,提出一個觀念性的研究架構,試圖說明當消費對採用不同的視覺觀點時,是如何影響其對廣告訴求的偏好,且是藉由何種心理機制來中介視覺觀點與廣告訴求相一致的說服效果。 針對上述的研究目的,本論文設計三個研究來驗證視覺觀點與廣告訴求適配的說服效果。研究一主要是驗證,若消費者採用行動者觀點來想像,則偏好體驗型產品,相反的,若消費者採用旁觀者觀點來想像,則偏好象徵型產品。研究二主要驗證,若消費者採用行動者觀點來想像,則廠商的溝通策略應強調產品屬性的體驗性利益,相反的,若消費者採用旁觀者觀點來想像,當廠商的溝通策略應強調產品屬性的象徵性利益。研究三是植基體現模擬中預設用途的概念,主要探討的是,如何在廣告圖片中安排預設用途線索,進而可以激發不同的視覺觀點。特別的是,當廣告圖片中有互動的預設線索時,則可以激發出旁觀者觀點,此時應強調象徵型訴求,相反的,當廣告圖片中沒有互動的預設線索時,則可以激發出行動者觀點,此時應強調體驗型訴求。且由三個研究結果可知,視覺觀點與廣告訴求相適配所產生的較佳產品態度,是由體現模擬所中介的。 / The purpose of this research is to understand the persuasive impact of the fit between the visual perspectives and the advertising appeals. Mental imagery, the process by which sensory information is represented in working memory, plays a critical role in persuasion. From a review of the literature, we realize that events can be imagined through the first-person perspective or the third-person perspective. The adoption of the specific vantage point can determine the inference people make about an imagined situation. In particular, the third-person perspective results in a greater dispositional inference, and highlights the broader meaning of the imagined situation, whereas the first-person perspective discloses more information about the inner, affective components of the imagined situation. Visual perspectives have been studied extensively in social psychology, but its implication is rarely applied to consumer behavior. This study adopts three experiments to examine the persuasive impact of fit between the consumers’ visual perspectives and advertising appeals. Study One suggests that when consumers adopt the first-person visual perspective, compared to a symbolic product, consumers would prefer the experiential product; on the other hand, when consumers adopt a third-person visual perspective, compared to an experiential product, consumers would select the symbolic product. Study Two proposes that when consumers adopt the first-person visual perspective, manufacturers should emphasize a product’s symbolic benefits. On the contrary, when consumers adopt a third-person visual perspective, manufacturers should stress a product’s experiential benefits. Study Three demonstrates that affordance cues would prime different visual perspectives, and when the visual perspective and advertising appeals fit mutually, it will have a strong persuasive effect. In particular, when there is an affordance cue in an advertisement, it will encourage consumers to adopt the third-person visual perspective, and then prefer symbolic appeals. On the contrary, when an advertisement does not have any affordance cues, it will stimulate consumers to embrace the first-person visual perspective, and then prefer experiential appeals. All three studies demonstrate that when there is a fit between the visual perspectives and the advertising appeals, consumers will generate a fluent embodied simulation, which would lead them to have a positive product attitude and purchase intention. The results of these three studies not only enrich the literature of visual imagery and marketing communication but also provide useful advice to manufacturers, especially on how to create the fit between product positioning and advertising, in order to promote the the positive product attitude and purchase intention of customers.


黃金島, HUANG, JIN-DAO Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的目的是想了解非在學的肢體殘障者(以下簡稱肢殘者)之身體心像、自我概 念、歸因組型及生活適應的情形,並探討影響生活適應的因素。研究工具為研究者自 編之「身體心像量表」、「自我概念量表」、「生活適應量表」,以及擷自洪光遠、 楊國樞的一般成敗事件的「歸因量表」,經預試分析後刪題所得之各量表的內部一致 性頗高。 正式施測時實得349 份有效樣本,研究工具是上述預試分析後刪題所得之量表,使用 的統計分析方法包括次數分配、皮爾森相關分析、多元逐步迴歸分析,以及二因子變 異數分析。研究結果發現:肢殘者之身體心像、自我概念及生活適應間彼此的相關值 達顯著水準,顯示身體心像較好的肢殘者,其自我概念、生活適應也較佳,有工作或 收入的肢殘者,其身體心像、自我概念及生活適應較好,但歸因組型則無一致性差異 ;自我概念與身體心像對生活適應的解釋變異量共達61%,但八種歸因組型對生活適 應並無預測力;女性肢殘者對成敗事件較持自責、宿命的觀點;以高、低身體心像及 2×2變異數分結果顯示,身體心像與自我概念間並無交互作用存在。 研究者建議肢殘者應接受肢殘的事實,建立清晰及良好的自我概念,並多方充實工作 相關的知識及技能,對於成敗事件不再僅是做自責、命運的歸因,而社會上應儘量提 供無障礙環境,並一視同仁地對待肢殘者。

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