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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


劉紀谷 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在瞭解大學生的自我分化程度與社交焦慮狀態之間的相關情形。探討的重點為:(一)不同背景變項的大學生在自我分化與社交焦慮的差異情形;(二)自我分化和社交焦慮的相關情形;(三)自我分化對社交焦慮的預測情形。 本研究採取問卷調查法,以便利抽樣的方式,選取台北縣市地區的大學生,取得有效樣本共計313名,並以「社交焦慮量表」和「自我分化量表」為研究工具。所蒐集的資料以描述統計、T考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關、多元迴歸分析等方法進行統計分析。本研究的主要發現如下: 一、大學生有中等程度以上的社交焦慮,其中以權威人物的焦慮最高,而女大學生的權威人物焦慮顯著高於男大學生。 二、男大學生的自我分化程度高於女大學生,包含較低的情感反應,較具備採 取我立場的能力,以及較少與父母融合的現象。 三、不同年級的大學生在自我分化與社交焦慮上沒有差異。 四、大學生自我分化中的「情感反應」、「採取我立場的能力」,以及「與父母融合」之間呈顯著正相關。 五、大學生社交焦慮中的「權威人物焦慮」、「陌生情境焦慮」,以及「異性互動焦慮」之間呈顯著正相關。 六、大學生自我分化中的「情感反應」、「採取我立場的能力」、「與父母融合」和社交焦慮中的「權威人物焦慮」、「陌生情境焦慮」、「異性互動焦慮」呈顯著負相關。 七、大學生自我分化中的「情感反應」、「採取我立場的能力」以及「與父母融合」能有效預測「權威人物焦慮」。 八、大學生自我分化中的「情感反應」與「採取我立場的能力」能有效預測「陌生情境焦慮」。 九、大學生自我分化中的「情感反應」與「採取我立場的能力」能有效預測「異性互動焦慮」。 本研究根據最後的發現與結果,對諮商輔導、親職教育及未來研究提出具體建議。 / This research aimed at finding out about relationship between differentiation of self and social anxiety of college students in Taiwan. The purposes of the study were to: (1) explore the difference on differentiation of self and social anxiety showed by students with different background variables, (2) relationship between differentiation of self and social anxiety, (3) use differentiation of self to predict social anxiety. This research adopted the investigation method of the questionnaire, and used convenience sampling. The sample consisted of 313 college students from Taipei city district. Instruments used in this study were “Differentiation of Self Inventory” and “Scale of Social Anxiety”. Data obtained in this study were One-way Anovaanalysis of variance and analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson-Product correlation, multiple regression. The main findings were as follows: 1.College students have medium social anxiety, among them the highest is authority-figures anxiety, and female show the higher authority-figures anxiety than male. 2.Differentiation of self of male is higher than female, include lower emotional reactivity, have the ability to take an I-position, and less fusion with parents. 3.No differences on differentiation of self and social anxiety were found among students with different grade. 4.Positive correlation was found among emotional reactivity, the ability to take an I-position, and fusion with parents. 5.Positive correlation was found among authority-figures anxiety, strange-state anxiety, and heterosexual-interaction anxiety. 6.Negative correlation was found between emotional reactivity, the ability to take an I-position, fusion with parents and authority-figures anxiety, strange-state anxiety, and heterosexual-interaction anxiety. 7.The results indicated that emotional reactivity, the ability to take an I-position, and fusion with parents could significantly predict authority-figures anxiety. 8.The results indicated that emotional reactivity and the ability to take an I-position could significantly predict strange-state anxiety. 9.The results indicated that emotional reactivity and the ability to take an I-position could significantly predict heterosexual-interaction anxiety. This research according to the last result, implications of this study for guidance and parenting were discussed, and suggestions for further research were proposed.

高社交焦慮者在指示遺忘作業之回憶表現--從遺忘觀點探討記憶偏誤 / Memory Bias in Socially Anxious Individuals: A Perspective from Directed Forgetting

林肇賢, LIN, CHAO-HSIEN Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的在於運用指示遺忘作業探討高社交焦慮者是否有記憶偏誤現象。高社交焦慮組24人與低社交焦慮組20人參與正式實驗,受試者被要求依據指示記住或忘記三種類型刺激詞(社交威脅、中性、社交正向)。作業結果未發現任何顯著之組間差異,但進一步分析發現,在指示記住項目的回憶上,所有受試者皆回憶出較多的社交正向詞(相對於中性詞以及社交威脅詞),顯示記憶的正向偏誤,然而,在指示忘記項目的回憶上,正向偏誤的現象僅出現在低社交焦慮組,不見於高社交焦慮組。此外,相關分析顯示,高社交焦慮組的FNE量表(Fear of Negative Evaluation Scale)得分與指示記住的社交正向詞回憶量成正相關,與指示忘記的社交威脅詞回憶量成負相關;低社交焦慮組的FNE量表得分與指示記住的社交正向詞回憶量成負相關。這些結果顯示高社交焦慮者可能缺乏正向偏誤的保護機制,較一般人更容易遺忘正向評價訊息,因而更容易受到負面評價的影響,於是他們傾向抑制負向評價訊息的回憶,將注意力投注在非威脅訊息,並努力記住正向評價,換言之,他們透過逃避負面評價的方式來維持良好的自我形象。 / The purpose of the present study was to utilize the directed forgetting task to investigate the memory bias in socially anxious individuals. Performance on a directed forgetting task was assessed in socially anxious (n=24) and nonanxious (n=20) individuals. Participants were presented with three types of words (negative social, neutral, positive social) and were cued to either remember or forget each word as it was presented. There were no between-groups differences on a free recall task for words in both remember and forget conditions. Follow-up analyses demonstrated that all subjects recalled more positive social words than either neutral words or negative social words in the remember condition, revealing the positive memory bias. However, only nonanxious individuals showed such positive memory bias in the forget condition, while high-social-anxiety individuals did not. Moreover, in the social anxiety group, the Fear of Negative Evaluation Scale (FNE) scores were positively related to the recall of positive social “to-be-remembered” words, and negatively related to the recall of negative social “to-be-forgotten” words. In the control group, FNE scores were negatively related to the recall of positive social “to-be-remembered” words. These results suggest that the protective positive bias was absent in socially anxious individuals. Thus, they were more likely than nonanxious individuals to forget positive evaluative information; therefore, they were vulnerable to negative evaluation. Furthermore, people with excessive social anxiety might try hard to inhibit the recall of negative evaluation and to remember positive evaluation. In other words, they made an effort to maintain a good impression by avoiding negative evaluative information.


梁記雯 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的主要目的在於運用自傳式記憶的作業探討高社交焦慮者是否有記憶偏誤的現象。根據Clark和Wells(1995)的模型,高社交焦慮者在社交焦慮情境中容易把大部分的注意力集中在自身相關(self-related)的訊息上,因而造成對自身相關訊息的記憶優於外界環境訊息的現象;然而根據Repee和Heimberg(1997)的模型則假設高社交焦慮者在社交情境中會關注與負向自我評價有關的訊息,而不論該訊息是來自自身或外界環境。本研究企圖同時檢測上述兩個模型。 本研究篩選出六十四名大學生分為高社交焦慮與低社交焦慮兩組,所有受試者皆須分別回憶一件社交焦慮事件及一件中性事件,受試者被要求先在腦海中形成對該事件的影像,然後寫下有關回憶事件的詳細描述並完成記憶清晰度的評估。 研究結果得出高社交焦慮者在進行社交焦慮事件的回憶時,傾向回憶出比低社交焦慮組更多的自身相關訊息;且高社交焦慮組在回憶社交焦慮事件時比低社交焦慮組更傾向評估自身相關訊息的記憶清晰度高於外界環境訊息,研究結果較支持Clark和Well(1995)的說法。 / The purpose of the present study was to utilize the autobiographical memory task to investigate the memory bias in socially anxious individuals. According to Clark and Wells’ (1995) view, socially anxious individuals were hypothesized to preferentially allocate almost attentional resources to self-related information and remember self-related information better than external information on entering an anxiety-provoking social situation. However, according to Repee and Heimberg’ s (1997) model, they supposed that socially anxious individuals tend to focus on negative self-evaluated information regardless of it were self-related or external information. The present study tried to examine the two models simultaneously. Sixty-four undergraduate students were assigned to either high or low social-anxiety group. All subjects were asked to recall one anxiety-provoking social situation about public-speaking and another neutral situation. They were requested to form an image of the event and write a detailed description about it. They then completed rating of memory vividness for each situation. The results revealed that high social anxiety group showed to retrieve more self-related information than low social anxiety group and displayed more preferential to rate the vividness of self-related information higher than external environmental information than low social anxiety group did when recalling anxiety-provoking social situation. The result supported Clark and Wells’ s model.


陳姱蓁 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要的目的在於採用線索典範作業探討高社交焦慮者是否對於特定的情緒刺激有注意力偏誤的現象。高社交焦慮組有25 人與低社交焦慮組有29 人參與正式實驗,受試者分別被分派至社交焦慮情境中或無社交焦慮情境中,並且在電腦螢幕中的兩個長方形中出現中性、一般正向、一般威脅、社交正向、社交威脅、身體正向及身體威脅詞彙作為線索,當線索消失之後,受試者被要求對於目標物「E」或「F」進行判斷。在這些線索中,有些是有效線索(例如:目標物與線索出現在同一個位置上),有些是無效線索(例如:目標物與線索出現在不同的位置上)。 研究結果顯示當線索是社交正向詞彙時,被分派至社交焦慮情境中的高社交焦慮者相較於低社交焦慮者,在無效線索狀況下對於目標物的反應時間較快,且整體的注意力傾向,被分派至社交焦慮情境中的高社交焦慮者比低社交焦慮者較少將注意力投注在社交正向詞彙上。但並沒有有力的證據支持高社交焦慮者相較於低社交焦慮者,對於與社交焦慮有關詞彙,尤其是社交威脅詞彙具有注意力偏誤。這些研究發現認為高社交焦慮者有可能缺乏正向偏誤的保護機制,所以在社交焦慮情境中,容易選擇性忽略社交正向訊息,因而較缺少正向經驗與正向情感,反而會藉由逃避負面評價的方式,或是隱藏、抑制自己的社交焦慮情緒來維持良好的自我形象。

社交威脅情境下,自我聚焦注意對社交焦慮者之影響--以心像內容、觀察者視野以及焦慮情緒為探討 / The Influence of Self-focused Attention on Social Anxious Individuals in a Social Threat Context:The Exploration on the Imagery, the Observer Perspective, and the Anxiety Emotion

陳品皓, Chen,Pin Hao Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的,為透過操弄自我聚焦注意來探討高社交焦慮者在社交評估情境中的心像反應,並釐清心像內涵與形成視野以及對焦慮情緒的影響。過去對於高社會焦慮者的負向自我心像,究竟是在社會威脅情境下,就會自發性的發生;還是只有在高社會焦慮者具有自我聚焦注意時,才會發生,目前尚未有實徵研究的探討,此為本研究最主要的研究目的。 本研究篩選出高社交焦慮組37人與低社交焦慮組36人參加實驗,受試者在接受所分派的自我聚焦注意操弄後,進行社交評估作業,並針對內在心像的內容進行進一步的調查。 研究結果發現,接受自我聚焦注意操弄的高社交焦慮者,其心像內容明顯充滿較高比例的負向訊息,且在實驗前後的焦慮情緒改變也相對較高,而未接受自我聚焦注意操弄的高社交焦慮組,以及兩組低社交焦慮組皆未觀察到較高的負向心像內容,在呈現形式以及焦慮情緒上亦無顯著的差別。 高社交焦慮者的自我心像會受到當下注意力投注狀態的影響,當越處於自我聚焦的狀態下,其心像的內容也充滿越多的負面訊息,心像呈現的方式也越傾向以被他人所觀察的形式。由於自我聚焦注意在社交焦慮症狀發展與維持上扮演相當重要的角色,故在釐清高社交焦慮者在自我聚焦注意下的心像內容,有助於選擇適當的治療策略,協助高社交焦慮者因應環境中的威脅。 / This study aimed to explore the imagery of high social anxious individuals in the social-evaluative context by manipulating self-focused attention , and also attempted to clarify the content of the imagery, the perspective formed by the context, and the influence on the anxiety emotion. The past studies on the issues of whether the negative self-imagery of high social anxious individuals spontaneously occurred in a social threat context or only occurred in the self-focused attention have not carried out any empirical research so far, and thus it is the main research purpose of this study. In this study, 37 high and 36 low social anxious individuals were selected to conduct the experiment. After being manipulated the self-focused attention according to the groups to which they had been assigned, the participants had to engage in a social evaluation task, and a further investigation would be undertaken according to their content of inner imagery obtained in the task. The research results showed that high social anxious individuals being manipulated the self-focused attention apparently had a higher proportion of negative messages in their content of imagery and also had a relatively higher change in their anxiety emotion before and after the experiment. On the contrast, no higher proportion of negative messages in the content of imagery was observed in the group of high social anxious individuals that were not being manipulated the self-focused attention and in other two groups of low social anxious individuals. Similarly, there were no significant differences in the forms presented and the anxiety emotion in those groups as well. The inner imagery of high social anxious individuals would be influenced by the present status of the focus of attention. While in a higher self-focused attention, the content of imagery tends to be more negative, and tends to be observer perspective.

社交焦慮者對威脅臉的注意力處理歷程--過度警覺-逃避假設與過度警覺-難以轉移假設的驗證 / Attention processing for threat face in social anxious individuals: tests of hypervigilance-avoidance hypothesis and hypervigilance-difficult to disengagement hypothesis

曾孟頤 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的為,運用點偵測作業探討高社交焦慮者面對環境中的社會威脅訊息的注意力處理歷程,並釐清在實驗中加入誘發社交焦慮情緒程序對高社交焦慮者的注意力處理是否造成影響。由於過往研究對高社交焦慮者對社會威脅訊息的注意力處理意見分歧,學者們分別提出過度警覺-逃避假設與過度警覺-難以轉移假設,兩假設皆有相關理論與研究支持,本研究企圖檢驗這兩個假設的合理性。   本研究篩選出高社交焦慮組30人與低社交焦慮組30人參與實驗,受試者在接受所分派的情緒誘發程序後,進行以生氣臉與嫌惡臉所組成的威脅臉為實驗刺激的點偵測作業,以評估個體對威脅的注意力。   研究結果發現,接受社交威脅誘發程序的高社交焦慮者對社會威脅訊息的注意力處理,傾向為過度警覺-逃避假設的歷程,對威脅產生警覺後,便逃避對威脅的處理;而接受中性情緒誘發程序的高社交焦慮者對社會威脅訊息的注意力處理,傾向為過度警覺-難以轉移假設的歷程,對威脅產生警覺後,便無法將注意力自威脅轉移。   高社交焦慮者對社會威脅訊息,有明顯的注意力偏誤,且此偏誤會隨個體所處的情境與接觸威脅的時間而有所變化。由於這些偏誤扮演著維持個體的社交焦慮的重要角色,故在釐清高社交焦慮者在不同情境下對威脅的注意力處理後,有助於選擇適當的治療策略,協助高社交焦慮者因應環境中的威脅。 / The purpose of the present study was to utilize the dot-probe task to investigate the attention processing for social threat in high social anxiety, and to know what under conditions of social threat influence. Owing to the conflicts of the past studies, there are hypervigilance-avoidance hypothesis and hypervigilance-difficult to disengagement hypothesis for the attention processing. This study attempt tests the rationality of the two hypotheses. Performance on a face-probe task was assessed in high (n=30) and low (n=30) social anxiety. After participants were assigned the mood induction procedure randomly, they were presented the task. The results revealed that under conditions of social threat high social anxiety are at first vigilant of threat faces, and avoid them. And under conditions of neutral high social anxiety are at first vigilant of threat faces, and difficult to disengage them. These results suggest that the attention bias for social threat in high social anxiety would be changed by the context and how long the individual face the threat. Know that the attention processing for social threat in the different context in high social anxiety would help the psychologists to choice the applicable therapy for high social anxiety.

社交焦慮者的解釋性偏誤改善療效探討 / The intervention effect of interpretative bias modification in social anxious individuals

賴怡臻, Lai, Yi Jen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的主要目的有二:其一,驗證經過修改後的「句詞關聯作業」此一實驗派典,是否可以成為一套能有效區辨高、低社交焦慮者解釋性認知偏誤的測量工具。其二,驗證以「句詞關聯作業」作為解釋性認知偏誤修正工具時,是否能夠有效且持續地改善高社交焦慮者不適應的解釋性偏誤情形與社交焦慮症狀。為達到上述兩個研究目的,分為研究一與研究二進行。研究一選取86名高社交焦慮與59名低社交焦慮之非臨床大學校內學生,施予社交焦慮與情緒相關量表、句詞關聯作業以及解釋性偏誤相關問卷。研究一的結果顯示,相較於低社交焦慮者,高社交焦慮者同時具有較高程度的威脅解釋偏誤,以及較低程度的非威脅解釋偏誤。當執行組內比較時,則進一步發現並非高社交焦慮者具備某種解釋性的偏誤,反而是低社交焦慮者的解釋傾向展現出某些特殊性。此外,藉由相關分析,發現解釋性偏誤的在線與離線歷程、威脅與非威脅解釋偏誤之間具有緊密關聯,而句詞關聯作業與其他相關的測量工具彼此具備聚斂性。研究二邀請研究一之80名高社交焦慮者繼續參與實驗,隨機分派為改善訓練組與中性訓練組。受試者根據所屬組別接受相對應的訓練程序,為期四週共八次。訓練結束後再度施予社交焦慮與情緒相關量表、句詞關聯作業以及解釋性偏誤相關問卷,並於一個月後進行追蹤評估。研究二的結果顯示,改善訓練程序的確可有效地降低高社交焦慮者的威脅解釋偏誤,並且提升其非威脅解釋偏誤。細究此療效之所以發生的機制,主要在於促使高社交焦慮者形成與低社交焦慮者相似的解釋偏誤特性。然而,在降低社交焦慮症狀上,本研究並未看見明顯效果,內文將對此非預期結果進行討論。總體而言,針對社交焦慮者的解釋性偏誤情形,「句詞關聯作業」的確具備成為輔助性評估與介入工具之潛力。 / The purpose of the present study was twofold. First, it aimed to examine if the modified paradigm, sentence word association paradigm (SWAP), can differentiate interpretation between high and low social anxious individuals. Second, it tried to investigate the effects of interpretational training, using the training version of SWAP as cognitive bias modification program, in modifying interpretative bias and in reducing social anxiety symptoms in high social anxious individuals. In study 1, a total of 86 high social anxious and 59 low social anxious participants completed seven questionnaires and SWAP. The results showed that high social anxious individuals had greater threat interpretative bias and smaller benign interpretative bias compared to low social anxious individuals. Further, it was important to note that when comparing within group, actually not high but low social anxious individuals showed some special interpretation patterns. In addition, the statistics revealed significant correlations between on-line and off-line data, threat and benign interpretative bias. The current study also had found the consistency between SWAP and questionnaires measurements. In study 2, eighty high social anxious participants from study 1 were assigned randomly into modification training and neutral control group. All participants completed eight interpretaional training sessions delivered over four weeks (twice a week). Participants were also required to complete postassessments and follow-up assessments. The results indicated that the modification training program successfully increased the benign interpretative bias and decreased the threat interpretative bias, compared to the neutral control condition. When exploring the training mechanism, the current study discovered that modification training program helped high social anxious individuals gain the same interpretation patterns as low social anxious individuals had. However, the modification training program didn’t reduce social anxiety symptoms in high social anxious individuals. This unexpected finding were discussed. In conclusion, SWAP may have clinical utility when applied as assessment and intervention.

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