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應用TRIZ分析台灣空運業延長路上服務時間之研究 / Applying TRIZ in analyzing On-Road Service Extension for Air cargo in Taiwan林柏丞 Unknown Date (has links)
應用TRIZ分析台灣空運業延長路上服務時間之研究 / Innovation is the core for service industry. There are different phases for service innovation; it is an evolving to the end user; service extension is one kind of the innovation. However, the service innovation is difficult to be evaluated, which is intangible; it’s about the perception form the end users. Finding a practical way to scientifically describe or compare “perception”, “feeling”…etc becomes an interesting topic for studying.
The case we have is about the Service extension of Air cargo business. The issues for the service extension include: (1) how can the information technology support the service extension? (2) how is the cost effectiveness (3) how is the limitation and impact for the service extension? (4) how does the market feedback for the service extension?
The methodology we used is TRIZ, which is applied well in the hardware innovation. First, TRIZ is a systematical way to clarify the status quo of the operation system; the possible solution can be come out from TRIZ’s systematically analysis! In the last, TRIZ is also applied for the solution evaluating.
In this study, TRIZ’s Contradiction analysis is used for constructing and identifying the issues for the service extension; the 40 TRIZ principles is used for working out and evaluating the possible solutions.
Key word: Service innovation, Service Extension, Air cargo, Express, TRIZ Contradiction Analysis, TRIZ principles.
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應用剖面技術實作資料庫存取應用之偵錯工具 / Design and implementation of an aspect-based debugging tool for database applications張妏瑛, Chang, Wen Ying Unknown Date (has links)
對於不同團隊協同開發大型的應用程式,常會面臨應用程式自行處理例外事件而未正確回報用戶之執行結果與無法得知封閉式類別庫內部詳細呼叫流程,導致偵錯不易的困擾。有鑒於此,本研究將實作一個工具,利用Aspect-Oriented Programming(AOP)特性,將AspectJ織入JDBC驅動程式並賦予存取紀錄儲存之功能,既可免除應用程式本身未針對資料庫儲存存取紀錄的問題,直接儲存所有存取紀錄,亦不影響資料庫操作,更可以分辦造成錯誤發生的程式以釐清問題,有效幫助偵錯。此工具適用於任何使用JDBC介面去存取資料庫管理系統(DBMS)之JAVA應用程式,它能在不影響應用程式的情況下客製化儲存應用程式透過JDBC驅動程式連結資料庫管理系統(DBMS)的存取紀錄,並利用存取紀錄進行分析並複製存取行為,以提供更豐富的資訊進一步協助偵錯。 / When using a large database application which is jointly designed by different teams, the administrators are often confronted with a problem that the application handles the exception spontaneously and often fails to report back the result of user’s execution. Therefore, the administrator can’t be informed of the details of the calling flow in case of exceptions. This will make it not only difficult to find which part of the application goes wrong, but also hard to fix. To resolve this problem, this thesis designs and implements an aspect-based debugging tool for such database applications. The key idea behind the tool is that, instead of adapting the large application for logging database access activities, we target at the JDBC driver and make JDBC driver capable of saving access log. This tool works for any JAVA applications that use JDBC interface to access database. Without any modification to the user-level application, this tool can save the access log obtained by application which use JDBC driver to connect the database, and the administrator can customize the access log. By analyzing the access records and duplicating the access behavior, this tool provides more information to further assist in application debugging.
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差分方程式的振盪解 / Oscillatory Solutions of Difference Equations符聖珍, Fu, Sheng Zhen Unknown Date (has links)
本文主題是討論二階自伴隨線性方程式和離散型非線性波方程式的振盪行為,主要的工作在於找出使得該方程式所有非零解振盪的充份條件。 / The major topic in this thesis is that of oscillatory behaviors for difference equations, including self-adjoint second order linear equation and the discrete version of nonlinear wave equation. Our work is to give sufficient conditions such that every nontrivial solution of the equations oscillates.
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非線型時間數列的分類與認定 / Pattern Recognition and Classification in Nonlinear Time Series Analysis黃郁麟, Hwang, Yuh Lin Unknown Date (has links)
鑑於此,本文嘗試模擬5組非線性的時間數列資料,用平均值估計信賴區間之方法和模糊熵分類方法,以事前的觀點用我們所定義的分類標準客觀的來認定其結構轉變的區間。我們也舉出匯率的實際例子以我們所提出的方法加以探討認定,找出其高低匯率時期及轉型期。 / Traditionally, the analysis methods of pattern classification and recognition for time series generally apply to the stationary process. Tests for unit roots used to test whether the time series is stationary has always been looked upon by the statisticians econometrics. Because there have been much more research on the nonlinear time series in recent years, the tests for unit roots can't tell the features of time series and even result in the lost of robustness for the identification precision of the time series.
Because of this fact, this article tries to simulate four sets of nonlinear time series data, using both the method for estimating confidence interval based on the mean and the one for fuzzy classification to recognize the structure change period objectively with the classification standards we define in the perspective view. We also take the exchange rate as an example and recognize it using method to find out the high and low exchange period and it's structure change period.
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金融服務業資訊風險管理應用之探討 - 以某個案公司為例 / Information risk management in financial service industry - the case of financial service company郭孝文, Kuo, Gordon Unknown Date (has links)
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創新生意模式 – 案例分析 LINE / New Business Models of Innovation – Case study of LINE李儒婷, Lee, Sabrina Unknown Date (has links)
創新生意模式 – 案例分析 LINE / As more people around the world start using smartphones, instant-messaging apps are emerging not only as an alternative to conventional mobile text-messaging, but also as a social network that could replace some of the roles played by Facebook Twitter and others.
One of the fastest-growing messaging apps in the world is LINE, developed and operated by Tokyo-based LINE Corp. Just over the past year, LINE has seen the number of its users surge nearly fourfold to more than 500 million. In this paper, we will discuss the reason why LINE become so popular, and how is it new business model work. The main reason LINE become so successful is that LINE grasp the essential needs of users and it also look deeply insight the market. Each function LINE had was not innovative at that time, just like games, photo-sharing, and a Facebook-like home page and timeline, however a lot of people would find it convenient if one app can let them experience many different things, then it combine all the function to become a successful LINE. It also created a new way to communicate for boring text message. It create its virtual stickers often featuring cute and quirky cartoon characters that people can send as messages which change users communicate behavior to use stickers instead of text.
By these cute character it also create new business model. The company’s revenue comes from the sales of virtual stickers as well as virtual items sold in games. Also generate with game title, which design with LINE character. The app also makes money by charging businesses that use official Line accounts to distribute promotional messages. In the future, LINE's ambition is to becoming a broader platform for social network and entertainment. The communication app category is crowded and competitive; therefore the company has to create its irreplaceable value to stand stable in this number one position.
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旅遊手機應用程式創業計畫 / Business Plan of Travel Planner App張殷綺, Chang, Iris Unknown Date (has links)
旅遊手機應用程式創業計畫 / This is a business plan of travel planning app that will be launched bilingual, Mandarin and English, focusing on its first target market—Taiwan. The world travel market had a total contribution of GPD over 9.5% in 2013, as for Taiwan the travel market GDP contribution had reached 5.3% in the same year. According to World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC), the travel market will continue the growth at 4% year by year. As for Taiwan, estimation of travel market will increase 3.6% until 2020.
The mobile device has dominated the market since 2012 when smartphone/tablet market share was 70% against 30% of desktop/portable PC and will continue a 15% growth until 2017, according to IDC report. Current major mobile app categories are gaming, social medial and messaging apps. Mobile travel app market share is still low. Considering more tendency that travelers rely on mobile technology and the growing travel market, this report will discuss and find a strong competing position for the travel planning app startup. From finding the right segment, targeting the real stakeholder and position its value proposition. This report will also so cover how it make revenue to be real and a forecast until year 2020.
Keywords: Mobile travel, Taiwan travel, Travel app, Mobile app), Travel market
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NFC手機如何普及應用服務之研究 / The study of the popularization to the NFC phone and the application service賴秉宏 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究除了將分析目前國內外推動NFC服務以及手機之個案情形,如:Google Wallet、NTT DoCoMo之手機付款服務等之外,還將利用創新擴散理論中所提到易被接受之創新所具有之特性來分析NFC手機及其服務,以了解是否該創新是否具有相關特性,最後將依據探討結果提出建議。另外,本研究也將針對NFC服務之延伸應用,利用NFC手機所具有之特性進行發揮,並提出概念性之運用。最後,本研究將探討日後NFC手機及其服務推廣普及後,所產生之大量數據資料可如何分析應用等議題,使其發揮最大之效益。
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研究與應用 : 以行政院環保署應用委託研究成果為例 / Research and Utilization- A Case Study趙達瑜, Chao, Dar-Yu Unknown Date (has links)
目前「研究應用」領域中的理論,例如兩界論(two communities theory)知識特定理論(knowledge specific theory)、決策者限制理論(policy maker constraint theory)等,幾乎均為西方之產物,是否可以應用於我國,解釋我國行政機關應用研究成果的現象?即何種研究應用理論模式,最適合描述我國行政機關應用委託研究成果之情形?
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涵蓋原則及其在動態總體計量模型的應用潘國榮, Pan, Guo Rong Unknown Date (has links)
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