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臺灣證券業經營效率之探討楊家豪 Unknown Date (has links)
我國自1991年後,證券商為擴大市場占有率,紛紛以購併策略來擴展營業據點;此外,近年來證券商業務朝多元化發展,過去文獻鮮少探討新金融商品業務對證券商經營效率之影響,加上網路交易之興起,改變投資人之交易習慣。究竟大型證券商比小型證券商具有較佳競爭力與經營效率?影響證券商經營效率之因素又有那些?值得進一步探究。本文以1998至2007年家專業經紀券商276個樣本及綜合券商310個樣本資料,第一階段利用資料包絡分析法分別評估專業經紀券商與綜合券商之技術效率值,第二階段利用Tobit迴歸模型探討可能造成專業經紀券商與綜合券商經營效率差異影響之因素。技術效率評估結果顯示:(一) 就專業經紀券商而言,低用人費率券商之技術效率、純粹技術效率優於高用人費率券商;(二)就綜合券商而言,具外國背景券商之技術效率、純粹技術效率優於上市櫃或具金控背景之券商。迴歸實證結果顯示:(一)股價指數對專業經紀券商與綜合券商之技術效率具正向顯著關係;(二)開辦網路下單對專業經紀券商與綜合券商之技術效率具負向顯著關係;(三)專業經紀券商之營業據點數與技術效率具負向顯著關係;(四)綜合券商之營業據點數與技術效率具正向顯著關係;(五)業務愈集中、業務風險愈高、具金控體系及上市櫃背景則對綜合券商之技術效率具負向顯著關係。
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設限與截斷資料Weibull模式之研究 / A Weibull-based proportional hazards model for arbitrarily censored and truncated data黃偉傑, Huang, Wei-Jie Unknown Date (has links)
成比例危險迴歸模式常被用於分析存活資料,Weibull模式更是其中惟一兼具加速失敗特性者。本論文將利用兩種分析方法,以研究任意設限及截斷資料的Weibull迴歸模式。第一種方法是利用最大概似估計法求算設限及截斷資料下的參數估計值(MLE),第二種方法則是對左設限及區間設限分別以所在區間之中點代入,稱其為中點估計法,再求算模式中的參數估計值(MDE)。並對此兩種估計方法進行比較。模擬結果顯示,相當地大樣本之下,最大概似估計法在許多情況均優於中點估計法;而在樣本少、危險率為平穩或接近平穩且區間設限比率約為0.5時,中點估計法是可被推薦的。而且,本論文亦提出對設限及截斷資料的Weibull模式之適合度檢驗程序。 / The proportional hazards regression model is most commonly used model for lifetime data. The Weibull model is the only parametric model which has both a proportional hazards representation and an accelerated failure-time representation. This paper studies the use of a Weibull-based proportional hazards regression model when any censored and truncated data are observed. Two alternative methods of analysis are considered. First, the maximum likelihood estimates(MLEs) of parameters are computed for the observed censoring and truncation pattern. Second, the estimates where midpoints are substituted for left- and interval-censored data(midpoint estimation, MDE)are computed. Then, MLEs are compared with MDEs. Simulation studies indicate that for relative large samples there are many instances when the MLE is superior to the MDE. For small samples where the hazard rate is flat or nearly so, and the percentage of interval-censored data is nearly half of samples, the MDE is adequate. Also, an evaluation of the adequacy of the Weibull model for any censored and truncated data is proposed.
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金控與非金控銀行經營績效影響因素之探討 / An Investigation of the Performance of Financial Holding and Non-Financial Holding Banks陳添智, Chen, Tien-Chih Unknown Date (has links)
我國自民國90年11月「金融控股公司法」制定公佈施行以來,已核准設立14家金融控股公司,初步完成建構金融跨業經營目標,然嶄新的金融控股公司型態是否能產生預期綜合效益,在金控公司成立屆滿3年之際,實有必要對其投資主體事業-「銀行」之經營績效進行實證瞭解。本論文以94年底45家本國銀行為研究對象,以金控公司成立前後各推3年為資料涵蓋期間,運用資料包絡分析法(data envelopment analysis,簡稱DEA)及Tobit截斷迴歸模型,分別從全體銀行及金控公司旗下銀行二大群組角度,探討金控公司成立對銀行經營績效的影響。
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台灣有線電視系統業者經營效率之探討 / A Study of Efficiency of Cable System Operators in Taiwan張美惠, chang , mei-hui Unknown Date (has links)
評估結果顯示,造成個別有線電視系統業者經營技術無效率的因素,主要歸咎於浪費資源所造成之無效率,而非因生產規模不適當所造成之無效率,迴歸結果發現,營業收入與技術效率間具正向關係,而頻道數、廣告密集度、經營區面積、集團化及業務集中度對技術效率間具負向關係。 / Based on the information of 2003 “The Broadcasting television paper of Government Information Office of Executive Yuan” and “Finance Statements of The Cable System Operators of Listed Companies and OTC Listed Companies from Market Observation Post System in Taiwan”, this study first uses DEA to assess technical efficiency of cable system operators, and then applies the Tobit censored regression technique to investigate the determinants of technical efficiency.
The efficiency-evaluating result shows that the main factor, which causes inefficient management, is an ineffective use of resource; an improper production scale has less impact on it. The regression result also shows that the revenue has a positive impact on technical efficiency, but the number of channels, Area, the density of advertisement, conglomeration, and business focus has negative impacts on technical efficiency.
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