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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


黃文鉅, Huang, Wun-Jyu Unknown Date (has links)
本文深入分析了夏宇、零雨、鴻鴻的記憶/失憶書寫,以及三位詩人間的結盟系譜關係。藉由三位詩人的案例考察,除了可以反芻後現代性之於詩的嶄新思索,同時也釐清了某些在歷史進程中被過度障蔽的「真實」。   在選擇性的記憶,和創造性的遺忘之間,詩人究竟如何透過各種光怪陸離、出神入化的技藝,涉入歷史、真理及謊言的罅隙,考掘記憶的「真實」,將是本文至關重要的核心。本文分別深入夏宇、零雨、鴻鴻的文本之中,詳細論述三人各自的創作本色,並總結歸納出記憶的技藝,彷彿剝洋蔥般,層疊褪盡,直抵記憶。   夏宇透過喧嘩炫眼的效果聲東擊西、魚目混珠。詩是密碼,是秘密通訊的猜謎,同時更是夏宇祭以媚惑,保全記憶的障眼法。在不斷絕版改版、剪字譯字的大膽舉止背後,除了試探字/詩此一古老文明技藝的延展性,索性要求神聖斂首,縱容抒情傳統潰堤,並拿現代推翻現代,以現在開墾現在。縱然大而殘破的記憶魅靈,頻頻召喚著亡羊補牢的殘念,但詩,永遠將會是抒情主體年老色衰緬懷流年之際,最最奮不顧身、在所不惜的背叛。   零雨不斷逆溯著父系血脈的城鄉國族,企圖在古典衰朽前夕的曦光中,俯瞰未來的黑暗。即便到最後,一切吉光片羽的記憶,終將朝不保夕分崩離析,成為虛無的供物。零雨甚且義無反顧自囚,淪成箱女,在劫難逃。記憶的旅途,瞬息風雲變色,代際成無盡的流亡,抒情主體退無可退,唯有嫁入黑暗,以明哲自保。而後來關於故鄉的一些計算,也悉數在記憶的陪葬中,成為預先寫給未來的訃文。     鴻鴻早年的詩,深具童話新編以及諧擬式的「突降」(bathos),究其目的,乃是為了穿越歷史的迷霧,揭穿記憶的啞謎,致使舊日傷痕的遺緒湧出破口,讓抒情主體利用各式技藝長驅直入。詩,作為一種生活方式的起承轉合,到後來,愈是表面宣告事不關己,愈是無可迴避地錯肩迎擊;最終,不得不演變成巨大的炸彈反撲。反抗詩學的建立,除了象徵鴻鴻創作意圖的斷裂,同時更是推己及人的革命體現。此舉在當今歷史結痂、戰爭遍野的現世,真可謂深具微言大義。   記憶之為記憶,正來自於失憶的驚心動魄。遂而,在一次又一次剝開記憶洋蔥的片刻,忍不住鼻酸淚流……那正是詩人最誠實的自剖。自剖的過程裏,我們或可尋找到,詩人在後半輩子所能給予(自己和他人的),最慈悲的原諒。


徐雨霞 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討國中技藝教育學程學生生活壓力和及因應行為的現況及其間的相關。 本研究係以台北縣國中技藝教育學程學生421人為研究對象,以問卷調查法,分別自17所國中收集所需資料。經以平均數、標準差、差異t考驗、單因子變異國中數分析、薛費事後比較、皮爾遜積差相關、等統計方法進行分析。 結果發現: (一)國中技藝教育學程學生的整體生活壓力並不是很高,可說是偏低。 (二)不同背景之國中技藝教育學程學生的生活壓力確有差異存在。 (三)國中技藝教育學程學生面對壓力時採用因應行為的情形偏高。 (四)不同背景之國中技藝教育學程學生生活壓力的因應行為確有差異存在。 (五)國中技藝教育學程學生生活壓力與因應行為間具顯著正相關。 (六)國中技藝教育學程學生與一般學生的生活壓力及面對壓力時 採用之因應行為有顯著差異。 關健字:國中技藝教育學程、生活壓力、因應行為 / The purpose of this research on investigation is to analyze the relationship with skill-education course students life stress and coping behavior in junior high school. Research data were derived from the basis of questionnaires. The subjects included 421 students drawn from skill-education course classes in 17 junior high schools in Taipei County. The data were analyzed with frequency distribution mean, standard deviation, one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), Scheffe’s Rule of Post Hoc Tests, Pearson’s correlation statistics method etc.. After data being analyzed, the main findings can be concluded as following: 1. Life stress to skill-education course students in junior high school is not so high. 2. In life stress , there are significant differences among skill-education course students and normal program students in junior high school.. 3. When facing to the stress, most of the skill-education course students adopted coping behavior highly. 4. In coping behavior, there are significant differences among different background skill-education course students in junior high school. 5. Skill-education course students in junior high school are positively related with life stress and coping behavior. 6. When facing to the stress, there are significant differences in life stress and coping behaviors between skill-education course students and normal program students in junior high school. Keywords: skill-education course of the junior high school, life stress , coping behavior.

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