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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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晚婚女性之擇偶偏好與婚姻態度 / Preference in spouse selection and marriage attitude of late-married females

李慧玲 Unknown Date (has links)
「婚姻」自古以來即為我國重要的傳統禮俗與人生大事,然而近年來隨著社會型態的轉變,生活型態與價值觀念丕變,晚婚或不婚成為人生規劃的另一種抉擇。由於晚婚、甚至不婚的人口急遽增加,在人口結構上已造成少子化、高齡化之現象,對於政治、經濟、社會以及勞動力等各個層面,亦隨之衍生出不同程度的問題,與國家未來的發展更是息息相關,因此該議題值得探究。本研究旨在探討晚婚女性目前的狀態,對於擇偶偏好及婚姻態度的認知、觀點,企圖瞭解形成晚婚的深層因素,並提出建議以供相關人員參考。   本研究採質性研究之深度訪談法。研究對象總數共計10人,均為30歲(含)以上且未曾有過法律婚約關係,且居住於台北市、新北市及桃園縣之女性。經分析訪談資料後,所得研究發現綜述如下:   一、普遍認為晚婚是現代社會的趨勢,女性在面臨求學進修、工     作發展與婚姻之生涯抉擇時,選擇把婚姻排在後面的順位。   二、生活與交友範圍狹隘,以及已逾適婚年齡則為目前主要面臨     的擇偶困境。   三、選擇婚配對象的首要條件為個人條件,其中涵括外貌、身體     特徵、人格特質等條件;其次依序為能力條件及情感取向。   四、在婚姻認知方面,傾向認為婚姻是人生必經的階段;就婚姻     感受方面,同時呈現正向與負向兩種截然不同的態度;在婚     姻意向方面,傾向於嚮往進入婚姻。另,父母為離婚狀態的     晚婚女性,其婚姻態度各面向均呈現負向的看法。   本研究根據研究發現,提出以下建議:   一、建議晚婚女性應積極參與活動,培養個人興趣,充實自我,     使生活有所變化,並拓展人際關係,增加認識異性的機會。   二、及早釐清自我的想法,積極規劃人生的道路,擇偶條件應以     務實的角度,適度調整自我的標準。   三、應建立正確的性別角色觀念,跳脫傳統加諸於女性的要求,     正視現代女性所扮演的多重角色。   四、建議社會應傳達正確的婚姻教育,重新確立婚姻的意義與功     能,以正向思考面對婚姻中值得學習之處。 / Marriage has since ever been an important traditional custom and a major life event in Chinese culture. However, with social transformation in recent years, life style and sense of value have been dramatically altered. Late marriage or non marriage becomes another option for life planning, causing rapid growth in late-married or non-married population as well as low birth rate and aging society in demographics. It also derives political, economic, social and manpower problems to different extents, which is closely related with national development. Therefore, the issue is worth researching and this study is to discuss current status of late-married females and to learn underlying factors in late marriage from their preference in spouse selection and cognition or perspective on marriage attitude. Suggestions are also proposed for reference of related personnel. In-depth interview of qualitative research is adopted in this study. Research subjects are 10 in total. All of them are females above 30 years old, have never been married by law definition and live in Taipei City, New Taipei City or Taoyuan County. After interview data are analyzed, findings discovered are summarized as follows: 1.It is commonly regarded that late marriage is the trend of modern society. Facing the choice between advanced studies, career development and marriage life, females place marriage to the last. 2.Life and friends are limited. Passing ideal marriage age is currently the major predicament in spouse selection. 3.The priority of spouse selection is personal criteria, including appearance, physical features and characteristics, followed by capabilities and emotional orientation. 4.In marriage cognition, marriage is considered a necessary path in life. In marriage experience, there are two sheerly different attitudes – positive and negative views both appear. In inclination to marriage, it is prone to stepping into marriage. On the other hand, late-married females whose parents are divorced have negative perspectives on every attitude towards marriage . Suggestions based on findings discovered are proposed in the following: 1.It is advised that late-married females should avidly participate in activities, develop interests and fulfil selves to make changes in life as well as expand personal relationship to increase chance of meeting male counterparts. 2.Clarify self ideas at an earlier date and constructively plan life paths. Criteria for spouse selection should be based on a practical perspective and personal standard should be appropriately adjusted.  3.Concept of gender role should be correctly established. Multiple roles played by modern females should be respected with traditional requirement imposed on women lifted. 4.It is advised that the society should convey proper marriage education and reassure the value and function of marriage to have a positive view on what is worth learning in marriage.

單身男女之擇偶條件與婚姻態度之研究—以台北縣市軍公教人員為例 / The Study of ideal relationship and marital attitude of singles on the subject of public service in Taipei city and Taipei county

朱鴻鈞, Chu, Hung Chun Unknown Date (has links)
傳統社會中,大都存在著「男大當婚,女大當嫁」的基本價值規範,然而隨著近年來婚姻型態展現出多元複雜的風貌,有些人不再期待婚姻、不再依賴家庭,而選擇過單身生活或是延遲進入婚姻,由此造成單身人口增多的晚婚現象,此現象對於整體社會將造成何種衝擊,自是值得我們關心的課題,因此該議題值得探究。 因此,本研究旨在探討男女的單身成因、單身生活狀態、理想伴侶的條件和對於婚姻的看法。在方法上,採深入訪談法,以台北縣市軍公教之5位男性、7位女性為訪談對象。研究發現:形成單身的原因很少是單一的因素所造成,而係非常多個因素所聚合而成的結果。本研究綜合歸納這些原因為內在、外在二大因素:內在因素方面主要以「結婚對象難尋」為單身男女維持單身的主要成因;外在因素方面為「力不足以成家」,其中又以考量「經濟因素」為單身的主要成因。在12位受訪的單身男女當中,他們生活狀態,則以有交往對象或是性伴侶者的伴侶型態居多,而自願長期單身的「獨身主義者」則佔少數。 在擇偶條件方面,男性偏好「顧家」和「身體健康」的女性;女性則偏好「感覺」和「工作能力強」的男性。 在婚姻觀方面,單身男女整體的婚姻態度以抱持負面看法者居多,他們認為人生其實「不一定要結婚」,也「不會期待婚姻」、「不嚮往婚姻」。進一步分開性別來看,男性認為相處到老不容易,女性則是認為自己最為可靠;不過對於婚姻的評價,則男女均持較為正面的態度,認為「有婚姻總是好的」。 最後,依據本研究發現提出幾項建議,包括:(一)確立人生目標;(二)建立正確的兩性相處價值觀;(三)肯定自己存在的價值;(四)學習人際溝通與情感的表達;(五)尊重多元的婚姻觀念;(六)積極拓展人際關係網絡;(七)培養健全的性觀念;(八)充實精神生活的內涵。 / In traditional society, there exists more about the fundamental value norm "When the married men and women, when the marriage." But in recent years, marriage patterns show a complex multi-style, some people no longer look forward to marriage and depend on the family instead of choosing a single life or delaying their marriage. This result makes the single population increasing of later marriage. This phenomenon making what impact for the whole community is worth our caring about the subject. This subject is worthy of inquiry. Therefore, this study was about investigating the causes of single men and women, single life, ideal partner’condition and the views of marriage. In the method, I adopt in-depth interviews to the Taipei city and county of the five men and seven women who’s job are teachers, soldiers or government workers as the interview object. Study found that: a single reason is rarely caused by a single factor instead of many factors polymerization from the results. The study comprehensive summed up these reasons for the internal and external two major factors: internal factors are mainly to " hard to find a marry person " for single man and woman remain single. And major cause of external factors is "can not keep the families", which consider "economic factors" as the main causes of single.In 12 single men and women respondents, there are contacts or sexual partners who form the majority partner, and voluntary long-term "singles”accounted for a minority in their living conditions. Spouse Choosing in terms of male preference is about "housekeeping" and "health" of women; women prefer "feeling" and "strong capacity" of men. In thinking about marriage, there are more of single men and women who hold negative views to the marriage. They think that life actually "do not necessarily have to marry" and "not looking forward to marriage," and "not long for marriage." Further separation of gender, men think that live to old age is not easy. For women, they think that they are the most reliable to themselves, but for the evaluation of the marriage, both men and women have a more positive attitude, saying that "marriage is always good." Finally, based on this study, I made several recommendations which include: (a) establish life goals, (2) to establish the correct values of gender relations, (3) affirmed the value of their existence; (d) learn interpersonal communication and emotional expression; (5) respect for the diverse concepts of marriage, (6) Actively expand interpersonal networks; (7) develop a correct sex concept (8) enrich the connotation of spiritual life.

晚婚女性公務員婚姻觀與擇偶偏好之研究 / A study of marital values and mate-selection preferences of female civil servants who get married late

吳如茵, Wu,ju ying Unknown Date (has links)
近年,臺灣社會晚婚人口急速攀升,導致單身人口增加,進而造成了生育少子化、人口高齡化等人口結構面的影響外,在其他政治、經濟、社會、勞動力等各方面,也衍生不同程度的問題,晚婚現象不只是男女兩性的問題。因此,此課題值得深究。本研究旨在探究晚婚、未婚及單身等現象是否亦反映在收入穩定的女性公務員上,期望藉由窺探晚婚女性公務員婚姻觀及擇偶偏好之樣貌,企圖瞭解真正形成晚婚的深層因素,並提供許多晚婚女性公務員,做為對自我認識之參考。 本研究採質性研究之深度訪談法。研究對象總數共計10人,均為30歲(含)以上迄今仍未曾有過法律婚約關係及婚姻經驗、且現仍服務於政府各機關之女性公務員。經分析訪談資料後,所得研究發現綜述如下: 一、對婚姻的必要性多抱持正面看法,普遍認為晚婚是一種趨勢,表示35歲以 後才算晚婚,並抱持著隨緣等待的消極態度。而30歲代表著步入人生另一 個階段,對未來的不確定感也會因此加深。 二、期望中的理想婚姻樣貌係夫妻共組小家庭、經濟無虞,彼此是對等、分享 的關係。在家務分擔上各自負責擅長部分,並能視實際工作狀況相互協 調。 三、生活圈狹隘及已逾適婚年齡為目前最主要遭遇的擇偶困境。此外,對性有 高度自主性,普遍能接受與男友有婚前性行為。 四、交往經驗中對方家人的態度及預期婚後與公婆相處的壓力,都是主要考量 是否進ㄧ步交往或步入婚姻的要素。 五、晚婚女性公務員在選擇其婚配對象時,最看重心靈層面的情感條件,在意 雙方的溝通狀況及親密感。 本研究根據研究發現,提出以下建議: 一、建議晚婚女性公務員應積極參與活動,培養個人興趣,拓展生活及增廣自 身見聞,主動發展話題。並應建立正向信念,親友經驗做為參考之用。 二、釐清自我需求,設定適合、務實的擇偶條件,及早規劃人生道路、積極拓 展人際。 三、應建立正確的婚姻教育及觀念,重新確立婚姻的意義及重要性,培養獨立 自主的生活能力及擔當精神。 四、建議機關單位可多舉辦跨機關、跨科室之聯誼活動,提供多元交友管道, 拓展認識異性之機會。 / In recent years, the number of people getting married late in Taiwan has been rising rapidly. It leads to the increases of single people, which results in further demographic structure changes such as fewer newborns and aging populations. It also causes different problems in other social aspects such as politics, economy, society and labor force. The phenomenon of people getting married late isn’t just a gender problem. Therefore, this subject is worthy of inquiry. This study is about investigating if the phenomenon of people getting married late and single makes an impact on the female civil servants, who have steady incomes. In this study, I try to understand the profound reasons that cause female civil servants to get married late by observing their marital values and mate-selection preferences. This study will serve as a reference to them that might help them to understand themselves better. This study is conducted in a qualitative research methodology through in-depth interviews with 10 female civil servants, who are over 30-year-old and never have marriage relationships. After analyzing their interview data, this study finds as blew: 1. They all feel positive about the necessity of marriage. However, they also think that it’s a trend to get married late, which is over 35-year-old. And they keep passive attitudes toward marriage. Being 30-year-old means step into another stage of life to them, and it will deepen the feeling of uncertainty for the future. 2. The ideal marriage is a nuclear family. The couple are financially free, and having an equal and sharing relationship. They share household chores which coordinate with their works. 3. Narrowness of life circle and being over marriageable age are the main obstacles for them to find partners. In addition, they value sexual autonomy and premarital sex is acceptable to most of them. 4. The attitude of their partner’s family members and the foreseeable pressure of getting along with their parents-in-law after getting married are the main considerations whether they should have a relationship or get married. 5. When it comes to mate-selection, the emotional aspect is the most important condition for those female civil servants who get married late. They care about how they communicate with their mates and the close feeling between them. Based on this study, I made several recommendations as below: 1. For female civil servants who get married late, I suggest that they should be more positive in activities, expand their life and experiences and find conversation topics actively. Establish positive faith and learn from the experiences of relatives and friends. 2. Define their own needs and pragmatic conditions for their future partners.Make a plan for life earlier and expand interpersonal relationships actively. 3. Establish correct ideas about marriage. Re-establish the meaning and importance of marriage. And cultivate an independent life ability and responsible attitude. 4. I recommend the government agencies to hold more gatherings cross organizations and offices. They will provide civil servants multi-dimensional channels to make friends and expand opportunities to know friends of opposite sex.

金融人員婚姻觀與晚婚因素一以F銀行為例 / Financial People's Outlook on Marriage and Factors Leading To Their Late Marriage:As Exemplified by F Bank

陳珮瑜 Unknown Date (has links)
晚婚人口的增加,影響所及最顯著的就是生育率的降低。所以晚婚現象不單單只是男女兩性的問題,也衍生出人口結構面及政府社會福利與相關政策制定等的問題。而晚婚現象也充斥著各行各業,以國內金融業為例,金融業的員工往往以女性為大宗,而在男性寥寥可數的工作環境下,容易造成金融業女性想要內銷不易;再加上工作時間過長、工作壓力大,不容易自然認識到異性,若又不積極向外打開社交圈,單身的狀態更是難以突破,因此為一項值得深究的課題。 本研究採取質化研究的半結構式訪談法,訪問了12名已達30歲(含)以上而尚處於未婚狀態的女性金融從業人員,旨在探究晚婚女性金融人員的擇偶條件與婚姻態度,企圖統整出影響她們晚婚的因素。經分析訪談資料後,所得研究重要發現如下述: 一、結婚之必要性鬆動。婚姻是一種緣分,而結婚最重要的前提就是是否能尋得一位「值得託付終身的對象」,如果結婚沒有單身好,那麼就更沒有結婚的必要了! 反而認為女孩子經濟獨立比較重要。 二、不一定只有結婚才算是盡子女的責任,不婚有時反而有更多的時間可以陪伴家人,進而孝順自己的父母親,為自己的原生家庭盡一份力量,讓父母們能夠放寬心,也是另一種盡子女的責任,而且長輩也不希望子女是為了結婚而結婚。 三、結婚也不一定要生小孩。生不生小孩應該是要在夫妻雙方都有穩定的經濟基礎及規劃下,再來慎重考慮之後做決定,此也正可呼應為何現在我國的生育率如此低落。 四、不婚不等於晚年會孤獨。人本來就是孤獨的,有時候結婚有伴也不見得就比較不孤獨,況且可以排解孤獨的方式也有很多種,每個人都會變老,最重要的應該是要培養出自己的興趣。 五、工作環境、壓力多多少少對晚婚都有點影響。尤其是現今金融業面對國際化以及同行競爭,處在此種競爭激烈的工作環境下,工作壓力大、工時長,往往下班時就已經疲累到不行,假日時間可能又必須得準備證照考試來努力充實自己,有時忙到可能都沒有時間找對象,或者好好去經營一段感情,也會擔心有了家庭小孩後,該如何在工作跟家庭間做一個權衡。 六、而這些晚婚女性金融人員仍未結婚最主要的原因還是尚未找到一位「值得託付終身的對象」,在未找到合適的人之前,採取不要勉強自己,寧缺勿濫的態度。而且年紀越大,經歷過的事情越多,越能夠瞭解婚姻的現實面,對於結婚也就越沒有了衝動。 本研究並根據研究發現,提出以下建議: 一、如果有結婚的意願及打算,就應該要積極準備,拓展人際關係,不要為自己設限,能夠多元交友,不要再只是消極的隨緣等候緣分的到來。 二、釐清自己真正的需求,設定務實、適合自己的擇偶條件,而非執著於某些三高等的外在條件。 三、建議相關單位可多舉辦聯誼活動,提供多元交友管道,拓展認識異性之機會。 / The number of people getting married late has been increasing, and the most significant impact is the reduction in fertility. The phenomenon of people getting married late isn’t just a gender problem, but also causes different problems in demographic structure and government social welfare policy. And the phenomenon of late marriage filled various walks of life, for example in the domestic financial industry many of its employees are women but few men. Its long working hours and pressure cause women more difficult to find their ideal person. Therefore, this subject is worthy of inquiry. This study uses the qualitative methodology of semi structured interviews, to interview twelve female financial people who are over 30-year-old and unmarried. In this study I try to integrate the reasons that cause female financial people to get married late by observing their mate-selection preferences and marital values. After analyzing their interview data, the results of the research show the following key points: 1.The most important prerequisite to get married is to find an ideal person. If getting married is not better than single, then the marriage is no more necessary! 2.Marriage is not only being regarded as filial piety anymore. Unmarried people can have more time to accompany with their family and their elders hope their children do not marry just to marry. 3.Getting married doesn’t have to have children. A decision to having children should be at a stable economic base and after careful consideration. This is also why our fertility rate is so low. 4.Not married doesn’t mean you will be lonely when you are old. Everyone will get older, the most important thing is you should cultivate your own interests. 5.Working environment and pressure have little influence on the late marriage. Especially the financial sector now faces the international competition. Such a competitive environment, work pressure, and long working hours make them not have time to find their ideal person or to manage a relationship. 6.And the main reason that female financial people getting married late is not found an ideal person and they don’t want to force themselves. This study also offers the following suggestions: 1.Make a plan for life earlier and expand interpersonal relationships actively. Don’t set limits for yourself and keep passive attitudes toward marriage. 2.Define their own needs and pragmatic conditions for their future partners. 3.I recommend the coherent units to hold more gatherings cross organizations. Provide civil servants multi-dimensional channels to make friends and expand opportunities to know friends of opposite sex.


陳佳穎, Chen,Chia-ying Unknown Date (has links)
日常生活中,人們是如何挑選結婚對象的?隨著時代的演進,在現代社會中,婚姻配對已由傳統的「媒妁之言」轉變為「自由戀愛」的結合方式。不過,「自由戀愛」並非等同於完全的自由選擇或隨機配對,人們由於其特定的地位背景條件,是在一個特定的「候選對象群」中擇定配偶。本研究修正過去擇偶研究中「單一指標觀」的侷限,改採用「多重指標觀」來檢視人們的擇偶行為,主張個人之行為會遵循「理性選擇」原則,依據「多重指標」的擇偶條件,在候選對象群中進行「連續性搜尋」,歷經一番「挑三揀四」,篩選若干對象後,方能覓得伴侶。 本研究的目的,即是透過電腦模擬(simulation)的方式,以人們挑選伴侶時常用的五種偏好類型—一試定終身型、專挑極品型、面面俱顧型、差別偏好型、截長補短型做為基礎架構,分別模擬在婚姻市場中人們為了「覓得良緣」,所可能採取的不同挑選伴侶策略及搜尋結果,分析重點鎖定在以下兩點:一是持不同擇偶偏好類型的人,能夠成功覓得良緣的機會;以及若能成功覓得良緣,所需篩選的對象數量為何。此外,面對同樣一個婚姻市場,個人因其對「市場價格範圍」的掌握與否,也會發展出兩種不同類型的擇偶策略:經驗法則與門檻法則,本研究亦針對這兩種策略分別進行模擬分析。研究最後並為後續研究可行之方向,提出幾點建議,例如:與實證資料相互比對、與其他如婚姻品質、婚姻滿意度等之相關主題結合、進一步將「時間面向」納入模型結構等。 關鍵字:擇偶、連續性搜尋、婚姻配對、理性選擇、電腦模擬、婚姻市場 / How do people pick their “another half” in their daily life? People now have more and more freedom in choosing their spouses, unlike the situation before when arranged marriage was the main stream. However, choosing spouses freely doesn’t mean that they are free to choose whomever they like or they are matched randomly. People tend to select their spouses within a pool in which the “candidates” share similar backgrounds with them. In this study, people’s mate selecting process, previously analyzed with single indicator, is now examined with multiple indicators. This study suggests that people, who intent to find mates, would follow the rational choice principle, go through a sequential “picking and choosing” process with multiple spouse-choosing criteria, and find their spouses in the “candidate pool” finally. The purpose of this study is to explore the mate-selecting strategies and results with the technique of computer simulation, based on five principles of mate-selection preference people usually have. The five principles are 1) the immediately matching type, 2) the choosing for the best only type, 3) the deliberate type, 4) the individual diversity-admiring type, and 5) the compensatory type. The focuses of the analysis are twofold. Firstly, it looks into the chance of successfully finding a mate by people with different preference. Secondly, it tries to find out the number of “candidates” which are sifted out before people can make a final decision. Besides, although in the same marriage market, individuals tend to develop two types of searching strategies—rule of experience and rule of threshold—that depends on their grasp of the “range of the market price.” This study conducts simulation of the two rules. Moreover, the study also indicates some potential issues for following researches, for example, comparing the research outcomes with empirical data, combining topics such as the quality or satisfaction of marriage, and incorporating the “time” element in the simulation model. Keywords: mate-selection (or mate-searching), sequential searching process, assortative marriage, rational choice, computer simulation, marriage market

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