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單身男女之擇偶條件與婚姻態度之研究—以台北縣市軍公教人員為例 / The Study of ideal relationship and marital attitude of singles on the subject of public service in Taipei city and Taipei county朱鴻鈞, Chu, Hung Chun Unknown Date (has links)
最後,依據本研究發現提出幾項建議,包括:(一)確立人生目標;(二)建立正確的兩性相處價值觀;(三)肯定自己存在的價值;(四)學習人際溝通與情感的表達;(五)尊重多元的婚姻觀念;(六)積極拓展人際關係網絡;(七)培養健全的性觀念;(八)充實精神生活的內涵。 / In traditional society, there exists more about the fundamental value norm "When the married men and women, when the marriage." But in recent years, marriage patterns show a complex multi-style, some people no longer look forward to marriage and depend on the family instead of choosing a single life or delaying their marriage. This result makes the single population increasing of later marriage. This phenomenon making what impact for the whole community is worth our caring about the subject. This subject is worthy of inquiry.
Therefore, this study was about investigating the causes of single men
and women, single life, ideal partner’condition and the views of
marriage. In the method, I adopt in-depth interviews to the Taipei city
and county of the five men and seven women who’s job are teachers,
soldiers or government workers as the interview object. Study found that:
a single reason is rarely caused by a single factor instead of many factors
polymerization from the results. The study comprehensive summed up these
reasons for the internal and external two major factors: internal factors
are mainly to " hard to find a marry person " for single man and woman
remain single. And major cause of external factors is "can not keep the
families", which consider "economic factors" as the main causes of
single.In 12 single men and women respondents, there are contacts or
sexual partners who form the majority partner, and voluntary long-term
"singles”accounted for a minority in their living conditions.
Spouse Choosing in terms of male preference is about "housekeeping"
and "health" of women; women prefer "feeling" and "strong capacity" of men.
In thinking about marriage, there are more of single men and women who hold negative views to the marriage. They think that life actually "do not necessarily have to marry" and "not looking forward to marriage," and "not long for marriage." Further separation of gender, men think that live to old age is not easy. For women, they think that they are the most reliable to themselves, but for the evaluation of the marriage, both men and women have a more positive attitude, saying that "marriage is always good."
Finally, based on this study, I made several recommendations which include: (a) establish life goals, (2) to establish the correct values of gender relations, (3) affirmed the value of their existence; (d) learn interpersonal communication and emotional expression; (5) respect for the diverse concepts of marriage, (6) Actively expand interpersonal networks; (7) develop a correct sex concept (8) enrich the connotation of spiritual life.
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一個人的社會性-寂寞消費探討 / Single sociality-lonely consumption陳姿伶 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究針對此現象,以新竹地區三家星巴克的單身消費的顧客,以及內部員工為對象,探討關於一個人的消費型態。其研究發現長期一個人進入星巴克消費者的動機,不僅消費咖啡、環境,更是消費與夥伴之間的互動關係,而這種消費型態本文稱之為「寂寞消費」,此消費動機有別於過往購買物質性商品的模式,即商品的品質和價錢,其寂寞消費者的動機,更在乎場域之間彼此的「關係」,這群消費者多半來自於單身、親密關係較為缺乏的生活環境,以及喜愛與他人互動的性格,從這些現象可以得出,當未來人們趨於單身時,如何可以消費中同時獲得社會性滿足將會是新的商機。 / According to the statistics provided by the Interior ministry, the low-birth rate and single-family household rate have been a trend nowadays. Under such a circumstance, people’s values and consuming types are gradually changing.
Since 1960, the birth rate has started to decrease resulting from the implement of Family Project(家庭計畫) in Taiwan. Till 2010, the birth rate had fallen to 0.895 (Interior ministry 2010), which is the lowest birth rate in the world. It is noted that not only the trend of fewer children(少子化) but the increasing of single-family household (單人家戶) strike Taiwan society. Specifically, the rate of single-family household in Taiwan keeps increasing from 24% to 28.7% in 2001 and 2010, respectively. This phenomenon implies that there has been and will be a large group of people having no brothers, sisters or marriage relation in Taiwan. Such changes in social structure will affect the life experience for each single person and significantly change people’s consuming types.
In this thesis, in order to investigate the above-mentioned phenomenon, we took single consumers and staff of three STARBUCKS shops in Hsinchu as samples to explore the consuming type of a single person. It is found that a long-term consumer who is single consumes not merely coffee and environment but the interaction with staff in STARBUCKS. Such consuming type is called loneliness consuming in this study. Looking into the causes of loneliness consuming, the motivation behind such consuming is to establish relationship with people through places. It is observed that the lonely consumers in general like to interact with people but are single or from the environment with less close relationship. Accordingly, in the trend of more people being single, how to simultaneously satisfy the sociality in the behavior of consuming for consumers may yield new business opportunities.
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台灣社會晚婚現象之研究郭暁瀅 Unknown Date (has links)
一、 擴大研究取樣的範圍。擴充地域、教育程度、職業、收入等樣本蒐集上的豐富性,避免侷限於某一族群當中,可以對晚婚者有更加完全而充分的認識。
二、 增加研究資料內容的深度。除了利用問卷調查,可以廣博地瞭解晚婚者的想法,但若佐以質性的深度訪談,則可以增加深度上的認識,透過開放性的問題,才能更瞭解晚婚者的內心世界與真實想法。
三、 兩性樣本的均衡。過去,單身的研究多集中於女性,本研究雖加入男性的調查,然因年齡上的設限,樣本資料仍較女性少,因此,未來若有機會,可將樣本集中於男性,瞭解現今男性對婚姻所抱持的看法為何。
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愛在日落餘暉時—單身老年女性親密關係經驗之初探:本質、發展及影響因素 / Love in the Sunset of Life — Elementary study on the intimate relationships of single elderly women: the nature, the development, and the factor王佩倫 Unknown Date (has links)
三、從受訪者對自身親密關係的詮釋可知單身老年女性親密關係發展的影響因素有5:(1)「雙方的條件」透過共同性及自主性對單身老年女性的親密關係發展造成影響。(2)「前段婚姻的陰影」對親密關係的影響不一定導致她們不願再次擁有親密關係,而是讓她們認知到自己要如何為這樣的產物做好準備,找出新的親密關係定位。(3)「子女的態度」會影響關係如何而非影響關係有無,最終決定權還是在單身老年女性的手上。(4)「信仰的力量」是在親密關係不順遂時可影響她們的認知,使其能夠轉換念頭,改變看待關係的心態,故讓親密關係得以延續。(5)「社會的觀感」對單身老年女性的親密關係有既定框架,她們認知到框架,並且有勇氣及韌性獲得自身詮釋權以安然於親密關係中。 / The purpose of this study is to investigate the development of single elderly women’s intimate relationships after they became widows or got divorced. By exploring their self-experience, we can understand the way they interpret their intimate relationships and their feelings within these relationships. In this study, we view things from three dimensions —“the nature, the development, and the factor”—to inspect their life experience in these intimate relationships.
The methodology applied in this study was based on quantitative method, and data were collected by semi-structured in-depth interviews. Total 8 valid samples aged between 62 to 87 years old were gathered, among which there are 5 living in Taipei as well as 3 in Taoyuan, Taichung, and Miaoli separately.
Research results show as below:
1.Interviewers’ points of view on element, expression, and perception of their intimate relationship showed the nature of single elderly women’s intimate relationship: (1) “Careness, commonality, and appreciation” are the major elements that compose single elderly women’s intimate relationship. (2) “Being alone and lonely” as well as “being coupled and accompanied” are two reasons that why single elderly women would like to have a company again. Moreover, the ways to express their intimate relationships can be divided into actions of daily life and speech or behavior that imply love and sex. (3) “The romance of falling in love” and “the reality of getting on a life” as well as “the gratitude and loyalty of being friends” consist of the main sensation in single elderly women’s intimate relationship.
2.The process of interviewers’ relationships with their boyfriends, such as how it started, in what context it developed, and why to continue, showed that: (1) “Being motivated by others” and “the right opportunity” are the reasons to start the relationships. (2) “Autonomy” and “liberty” are the paths these relationships follow, according to which the boundaries can be placed so that the dilemma of being intimate or being independent can be coordinated. (3) “They worth it” and “looking on the bright side” are the basis to keep the relationship going; the former is the motivation to care and the latter is the wisdom to live in the present in their late in life.
3.Interviewers’ interpretations of self-experience in these relationships revealed that there are 5 factors that affect the development of those relationships: (1) “Conditions of both sides” affect these relationships through commonality and autonomy. (2) “Bad memory from previous marriage” does not necessarily make them not willing to have a relationship again, rather it causes them realize what preparation should they make for it and find out new definition of intimate relationship. (3) “The attitude of children” may affect how the relationship will be but can not decide whether the relationship will continue; the final call is held in the elderly women’s hands. (4) “The power of belief” can influence their recognition during their hard times and make them change their point of views on these relationships so as to keep these relationships on. (5) “The standpoint of the public” set single elderly women in certain conventional frames. Although these women recognize these frames, they have courage and toughness to gain self-interpretation to feel free from worry in these relationships.
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台灣單身都會女性主體分析---以《慾望城市》女性閱聽人為主余意 Unknown Date (has links)
現今的台灣單身女性主體正面臨一場震盪轉變,將她們問題化與歧視化的論述依然存在,不過隨著她們在人數和消費上展現的驚人實力,另一股為她們平反的嶄新論述儼然已經發酵。《慾望城市》在此時登台顯得格外特別,因為它彰顯的正是某種平反之聲,在台灣女性觀眾群中引發極大迴響。事實上,近來許多電視劇或電影都在呈現類似主題,大眾媒體不斷聲稱再現與代理這群女性的主體和感覺,卻看不到本地女性如何在自我經驗上發出聲音。本研究希望藉由她們對《慾望城市》以及對自我詮釋的相互對應下,描繪出這群獨特女性閱聽人的主體輪廓。 / Nowadays the subjectivity of Taiwanese single woman is in the change. Although the discrimination discourse that constrains woman still exists, a new discourse is developing due to the increasing number of single women and their astonishing consumption ability. The coincidence of Sex and the City being on TV in Taiwan at this time is quite extraordinary because the drama itself reveals the new discourse popular among Taiwanese woman audience. In fact, recently many TV dramas or movies around the world all focus on this subject. Mass media constantly claims that it shows and represents the subjectivity and feeling of this group of women, but the point is what Taiwanese women think based on their own experiences is unknown. Thus, this thesis tries to portray these women’s subjectivity by examining how their interpretation of Sex and the City correlates with the way they view themselves.
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女性經理人成功典範之探討--已婚者與單身者的迷思 / The female executives' psychological adaptation process of getting balance between work and family lives-some myths about the married and single ones.蘇鈺婷, Yu-ting Su Unknown Date (has links)
1. 已婚受訪者積極主動、勇於面對和解決問題的人格特質,對於其工作與家庭生活的適應具有決定性的影響,且處於不同的家庭發展階段,其適應的狀況也不同,無法單純以「資源有限假說」或「資源擴張假說」來解釋。
2. 已婚女性受訪者的家庭與工作生活是處於同一個系統當中,彼此會相互影響、扶持。
3. 無論結婚與否,受訪者都或多或少能從家庭中獲得社會支持,如單身者因為與父母同住,所以能得到原生家庭的支持。
4. 單身受訪者因為沒有婚姻的負擔,所以初期對工作的承諾感和企圖心很高,往往因過度投入工作而忽略了其他生活面向的平衡發展。
5. 對於本研究的受訪者而言,結婚與否對其目前的自我評價並無影響。
第一章 研究動機 ……………………………….1
第二章 文獻探討…………………………………5
第一節 工作生活的適應 ……………………7
一、 學習男性典範……………………7
二、 高階女性主管的適應……………9
第二節 家庭生活的適應 ………………12
一、已婚者 …………………………12
1. 資源有限假說 ……………13
2. 資源擴張假說 ……………17
二、單身者 ………………………19
第三節 女性主管的生涯曲線 …………22
第三章 研究問題 ……………………………27
第四章 研究方法 ………………………………28
第五章 結果與討論 …………………………36
第一節 女性經理人的工作歷程 ……36
第二節 已婚女性經理人的家庭生活歷程 51
第三節 單身女性經理人的生活 ……66
第四節 女性經理人的生涯特徵 ………74
第六章 結論 …………………………………81
第七章 研究限制與建議 …………………85
參考文獻 ……………………………………87
附錄二:訪談大綱 / Managers are often stereotyped as a man’s job in the public eye. Thus, female managers usually have to conceal their feminine characteristics and imitate their male colleagues’ behaviors in order to fit in the existing managerial culture. This may cause high pressure for them and make them lose their flexibility and energy. At the same time, married female managers are expected to be good wives and mothers. As for single females, although they can devote all their efforts to their work, the social support they have is less than married female managers. Many negative impressions are put upon them, such as people regarding them as too ambitious to be good women. To sum up, female managers are faced with many difficulties both in their work and family lives. This study would focus on how they deal with their demanding lives and how they evaluate themselves under traditional value system of our society.
Four female executives- two of them are married, and the others are single- were interviewed in depth. Due to high pressures in the working environment, all four interviewees reported they tried to act like men in the beginning of being managers. Two of them (one is married, and the other is single) had a very difficult period in their careers. They felt extremely tired and anxious all the time. They were irritated because they were so worried about their performance that they became burnt out. Fortunately, they both left their work temporary and found ways of releasing the pressures so that they could get rid of the ‘ burn out’ syndromes and promote their quality of lives.
The married interviewees’ life qualities depended on which family stages they were in. When the interviewees’ children were very young, they needed to spend lots of time and energy on being mothers. They reported that they were exhausted then, and could not handle so many requirements of different roles at the same time. But as their children grew up, the load of being mothers decreased. Meanwhile, as a manager for several years, they learned many problem-solving skills in their jobs, so they could take active strategies to solve the problems in their families. They felt they could manage these roles well now. It was also reported that the married interviewees’ family and work lives interacted with each other. Their work experiences could diffuse into their family lives. What they learned from the families could also help them deal with business.
Different from the married interviewees, the single female managers mainly concentrated on their works. They still lived with their original family so they could get support from their parents and siblings. But they indeed got involved in their work too much that they started to ignore other aspects of their lives. One interviewee discovered that she was completely sensible and could not feel the emotions in her mind. She lost her feelings due to putting on professional mask for a long time. The other felt really unhappy in her thirties because of exhaustion. Now they both try to enrich their lives with things other than work.
The four interviewees were not satisfied with themselves before. However, after reflecting the meanings of their lives in the middle age, they gained new insights about themselves. They all said they were satisfied with themselves now, despite being married or single, and all believed they would be better in the future.
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單身熟齡女性退休市場商機分析 / Business Opportunities in the Retirement Market of Single Mature Women李芸英, Li, Yun Ying Unknown Date (has links)
就實際需求面而言,可分成五大層面:健康美麗的緩老需求、安適終老的居住需求、經濟自主的理財需求、教育休閒的娛樂需求、及自我實現的價值需求。根據這五大需求,分別衍生出22項潛在商機,分屬醫療保健、智慧科技、居住交通、金融服務、生活支援及工作休閒等六大構面。 / The changing population structure caused by population aging and low fertility rate has created numerous opportunities for business targeting the elders, which also changes consumer behavior and values in the society. At the moment, the development of silver market mostly focuses on the elders today. However, the forty-to-sixty-year-olds who are going to be retiring in the next twenty years have higher educational background and economic power; moreover, they are more open-minded and have experienced the boost of modern technologies, which gives them much more different expectation for life in retirement than the elders today.
Also, the silver market is not homogeneous, and the niche market for single elder women has the brightest prospect. Nevertheless, there is barely any consumer research for the elder niche markets in Taiwan.
Therefore, this pioneer research targets at single mature females with high educational level, high income, and high qualifications. They are open-minded, financially independent, able to use their time freely, willing to invest in themselves; above all, they have strong consuming capacity. Through exploration of the expectation and demand of the target customers, the potential business opportunities can be uncovered.
The research starts with literature review, analyzing the current social data, the change of population structure, relevant theoretical models, and the current market conditions. Then it adopts the method of individual in-depth interview to understand the family condition, life style, and ideas about retirement of every interviewee. The result of the research shows that the interviewees could be divided into four clusters: the small happiness holders with introverted housebound disposition, the adventurers who stay mentally young and love to try something new, the fighters who care about the society and life quality, and the leaders who love luxuries and to control everything. The interviewees’ expectations of future have already overpassed the most fundamental levels of needs: physiological and safety needs, and are inclined to higher levels needs: social, self-esteem, and self-actualization needs.
There are five aspects regarding the practical demands: the ways to slow aging and keep health and beauty, a nice shelter to enjoy the comfortable retirement life, the finance-management to be financially independent, education and entertainment, and the chances of self-actualization. Twenty-two potential business opportunities can be derived from these demands, which respectively belong to the following six categories: medical and health care, intelligence technology, housing and transportation, financial service, living support, and work and entertainment.
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職場性別歧視相關法律問題之研究郭賢真 Unknown Date (has links)
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模糊資料分類與模式建構探討-以單身人口數及失業率為例 / A study on the fuzzy data classification and model construction - with case study on the population of singles versus unemployment rate游鈞毅, Yu,Chun Yi Unknown Date (has links)
資料分類的應用在時間數列的分析與預測過程相當重要。而模糊資料近年來更受到重視,其應用的範圍包含:財金、社會、生醫、電機等各個領域。本研究欲運用模糊資料分類法,對區間時間數列的轉折偵測與模式建構做一個深入探討。主要應用平均累加模糊熵(average of the sum of fuzzy entropies), 找出其結構性改變的區間。並針對區間型時間數列進行模式建構診斷與預測。最後我們以單身人口數與失業率為實列做一個詳細的探討。結果顯示,失業率對單身人口數有顯著的影響而孤鸞年的效應並不顯著。 / The application of data classifications in time series analysis and forecasting is rather important. The fuzzy data classification has received much attention recently. It can be applied on various fields such as finance, sociology, biomedicine, electrical engineering and so on. This study is to use the fuzzy data classification to perform an intensive research on the change periods detection and model construction of the interval time series. We use average of the sum of fuzzy entropies to find out interval of the structural changes. Focusing on the time series of intervals, we build a model and make prediction about it. At the end, based on the case study on the population of singles versus, we thoroughly discuss this topic. The result shows that the unemployment rate does significantly correlate with the population of singles, but the "widow's year" does not .
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