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所稅對已婚婦女勞動供給的影響--大家庭與小家庭之比較分析陳吒忠, Chen, Zun-Zhong Unknown Date (has links)
,作為分析比較的基礎;在計量方法上,我們先利用J. HECKMAN的二階段分析法,將
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已婚婦女綜合壓力量表之編製及就業與否、家庭型態、生命週期與壓力之關係張介貞, ZHANG, JIE-ZHEN Unknown Date (has links)
受試為台北地區366 名已婚婦女,調查工具為自行編製的已婚婦女綜合壓力量表,將
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都市與城鎮已婚婦女生活型態與罐頭食品購買行為之研究 : 臺北市與臺南縣新營市之實例研究蔡三村, CAI, SAN-CHUN Unknown Date (has links)
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已婚職業婦女之民營化認知與家庭、工作生活意識之研究------以電信機構為例張琤紫 Unknown Date (has links)
1. 年齡不同,僅在親子關係及家事負荷達到極顯著的差異。
2. 教育程度不同,僅在家事負荷及家事分工達到顯著的差異。
3. 服務部門不同,僅在親子關係達到顯著的差異。
4. 服務年資不同,在親子關係及家事負荷達到極顯著的差異,而在夫妻相處達到顯著的差異。
5. 職位或資位不同,僅在家事分工達到相當顯著的差異。
6. 每月薪資不同,在親子關係、家事負荷、家事分工達到相當顯著的差異,在親屬關係達顯著的差異,但在其他因素中並未達到顯著的差異。
1. 年齡不同,在工作升遷、工作壓力達到極顯著的差異,在工作成就感及彈性工作達到相當顯著差異水準。
2. 教育程度不同,在工作壓力、薪資福利達到相當顯著差異水準,在工作成就感達到顯著的差異,同事情誼達到極顯著的差異。
3. 服務部門不同,在工作壓力達到極顯著的差異,而在薪資福利及同事情誼達到顯著的差異。
4. 服務年資不同,在工作升遷、工作成就感、休閒實現及彈性工作達顯著的差異,而在工作壓力達到極顯著的差異。
5. 職位或資位不同,在工作升遷達到顯著的差異,在薪資福利達到相當顯著差異水準,而在同事情誼達到極顯著的差異。
6. 每月薪資不同,在工作升遷達到顯著差異,在工作成就感及薪資福利達相當顯著差異水準,而在同事情誼達極顯著差異。
1. 年齡不同,在環境適應達相當顯著差異水準,而在保障福利及升遷發展達極顯著差異。
2. 教育程度不同,僅在環境適應及升遷發展達相當顯著差異水準。
3. 服務部門不同,僅在改制衝擊達到顯著的差異。
4. 服務年資不同,在競爭力及保障福利達極顯著差異,而在升遷發展達顯著的差異。
5. 職位或資位不同,僅在競爭力、改制衝擊及保障福利達到顯著的差異。
6. 每月薪資不同,在競爭力達相當顯著差異水準,而在保障福利及升遷發展達到極顯著的差異。
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女性經理人成功典範之探討--已婚者與單身者的迷思 / The female executives' psychological adaptation process of getting balance between work and family lives-some myths about the married and single ones.蘇鈺婷, Yu-ting Su Unknown Date (has links)
1. 已婚受訪者積極主動、勇於面對和解決問題的人格特質,對於其工作與家庭生活的適應具有決定性的影響,且處於不同的家庭發展階段,其適應的狀況也不同,無法單純以「資源有限假說」或「資源擴張假說」來解釋。
2. 已婚女性受訪者的家庭與工作生活是處於同一個系統當中,彼此會相互影響、扶持。
3. 無論結婚與否,受訪者都或多或少能從家庭中獲得社會支持,如單身者因為與父母同住,所以能得到原生家庭的支持。
4. 單身受訪者因為沒有婚姻的負擔,所以初期對工作的承諾感和企圖心很高,往往因過度投入工作而忽略了其他生活面向的平衡發展。
5. 對於本研究的受訪者而言,結婚與否對其目前的自我評價並無影響。
第一章 研究動機 ……………………………….1
第二章 文獻探討…………………………………5
第一節 工作生活的適應 ……………………7
一、 學習男性典範……………………7
二、 高階女性主管的適應……………9
第二節 家庭生活的適應 ………………12
一、已婚者 …………………………12
1. 資源有限假說 ……………13
2. 資源擴張假說 ……………17
二、單身者 ………………………19
第三節 女性主管的生涯曲線 …………22
第三章 研究問題 ……………………………27
第四章 研究方法 ………………………………28
第五章 結果與討論 …………………………36
第一節 女性經理人的工作歷程 ……36
第二節 已婚女性經理人的家庭生活歷程 51
第三節 單身女性經理人的生活 ……66
第四節 女性經理人的生涯特徵 ………74
第六章 結論 …………………………………81
第七章 研究限制與建議 …………………85
參考文獻 ……………………………………87
附錄二:訪談大綱 / Managers are often stereotyped as a man’s job in the public eye. Thus, female managers usually have to conceal their feminine characteristics and imitate their male colleagues’ behaviors in order to fit in the existing managerial culture. This may cause high pressure for them and make them lose their flexibility and energy. At the same time, married female managers are expected to be good wives and mothers. As for single females, although they can devote all their efforts to their work, the social support they have is less than married female managers. Many negative impressions are put upon them, such as people regarding them as too ambitious to be good women. To sum up, female managers are faced with many difficulties both in their work and family lives. This study would focus on how they deal with their demanding lives and how they evaluate themselves under traditional value system of our society.
Four female executives- two of them are married, and the others are single- were interviewed in depth. Due to high pressures in the working environment, all four interviewees reported they tried to act like men in the beginning of being managers. Two of them (one is married, and the other is single) had a very difficult period in their careers. They felt extremely tired and anxious all the time. They were irritated because they were so worried about their performance that they became burnt out. Fortunately, they both left their work temporary and found ways of releasing the pressures so that they could get rid of the ‘ burn out’ syndromes and promote their quality of lives.
The married interviewees’ life qualities depended on which family stages they were in. When the interviewees’ children were very young, they needed to spend lots of time and energy on being mothers. They reported that they were exhausted then, and could not handle so many requirements of different roles at the same time. But as their children grew up, the load of being mothers decreased. Meanwhile, as a manager for several years, they learned many problem-solving skills in their jobs, so they could take active strategies to solve the problems in their families. They felt they could manage these roles well now. It was also reported that the married interviewees’ family and work lives interacted with each other. Their work experiences could diffuse into their family lives. What they learned from the families could also help them deal with business.
Different from the married interviewees, the single female managers mainly concentrated on their works. They still lived with their original family so they could get support from their parents and siblings. But they indeed got involved in their work too much that they started to ignore other aspects of their lives. One interviewee discovered that she was completely sensible and could not feel the emotions in her mind. She lost her feelings due to putting on professional mask for a long time. The other felt really unhappy in her thirties because of exhaustion. Now they both try to enrich their lives with things other than work.
The four interviewees were not satisfied with themselves before. However, after reflecting the meanings of their lives in the middle age, they gained new insights about themselves. They all said they were satisfied with themselves now, despite being married or single, and all believed they would be better in the future.
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女性軍訓教官親子關係與生活滿意之研究-以臺北市軍訓教官為例 / A study on parent-child relationships and satisfaction in life of female military instructors-focusing on those working with Taipei City government林石麟 Unknown Date (has links)
根據以上研究結果,提出具體建議如下:(一)推動軍訓教官師資合格化,降低工作不確定感;(二)拔擢優秀人才,提高工作滿意;(三)適度運用校內人力,營造合諧組織氣氛;(四)開設選修課程,提昇學生生活輔導成效;(五)提供協助幼兒托育,降低育兒情緒壓力;(六)加強女性軍訓教官之支持系統,減少家庭與工作的衝突;(七)重視親子溝通品質,維持良好的關係;(八)積極參與在職進修,增加工作成就感;(九)釐清善用替代角色,提升家庭幸福感;(十)積極生涯規劃,爭取自我實現。 / Due to their virile military status, female military education officers are required to obey orders as part of the profession; their assignments and burdens are never adjusted because of gender difference. Moreover, to meet expectations of school authorities and parents, military education officers in general have to assume roles that may not be specified in the system, thus increasing their daily work. Female officers, however, need to take more familial responsibilities. That is to say, they must face the pressure from work place as well as the pressure from family, caused by traditional expectations of female roles. It is, therefore, worthwhile to investigate the familial/parent-child relationship and life satisfaction of female military education officers.
This study adopts qualitative research method and interviews, in depth, 12 female military education officers working in schools supervised by Department of Education, Taipei City Government, who are married and raising children. After categorization and analyses, the findings are listed as follows:
I、 Discipline through authority—strict mother vs. kind father
Owing to the traditional training and requirements by profession, plus a busy schedule imposed upon life and work, married female officers mostly resort to authority and favors at the same time when disciplining children, thus appearing to be more demanding.
II、Prolonged working hours—familial life affected
With long office hours as in school dormitory management or on duty around the clock, female officers have to tackle pressure resulting from unpredictable role conflicts, which is comparatively intense for subjects’ families.
III、Family as focus—housework amassed
In actual life, the mother in a double-income family not only does most housework, but also plays a major part in bringing up children. This study discovers that “female as primary, male secondary” remains the prevalent model for housework sharing in subjects’ families.
IV、Transforming students—positive interaction encouraged
Most female military education officers applied to assignments in school settings because they identified themselves with “female teachers.” And their greatest sense of accomplishment comes from being liked by students, success in counseling, assisting students in solving problems or finding solutions to problems, and helping them get back to enjoying their student life.
V、Promotion opportunities—whatever turns up is accepted
According to this study, the interviewed female officers’ attitude toward future promotion may be summed up as “whatever turns up is accepted.” The juniors with few years of service and those not yet awarded the rank of major do not consider themselves hopefuls, which may indicate that most of them do not believe they stand a chance in promotion.
VI、Leisure is emphasized—relax at home
When off duty, most female officers stay at home and relax; some may participate in outdoor activities with children on holidays, and depending on financial circumstances, few may take a family trip overseas during winter or summer vacation. While the subjects show considerable leisure awareness, they display high conformity regarding leisure requirements.
Based on study findings, concrete suggestions are listed as follows: (1) military education officers are certified and legalized as regular teachers to reduce work instability (2) excellent personnel are promoted to guarantee job satisfaction (3) human resources from other departments are properly utilized to cultivate a harmonious working environment (4) relevant electives are offered to enhance student counseling (5) daycare is provided to reduce child-raising pressure (6) the support network for female military education officers is facilitated to minimize conflicts between family and work (7) quality of parent-child communication is emphasized to maintain good relationship (8) sign up for training in job to uplift sense of achievement (9) substitute roles are clearly defined and properly utilized to improve familial relations (10) career planning is strongly recommended for self-realization.
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女性員警之親子關係、角色期望及衝突之研究—以基隆市警察局為例 / A study of the parent-child relationships, role expectation ,and role conflict for Keelung policewomen陳風傑 Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:已婚女警、親子關係、多重角色、角色期望、角色衝突 / Police staff works round the clock and on a shift basis. Their jobs involve high risks, physical strength requirements, uncertainty and mobility. On a year-by-year basis, the National Police Agency is planning to lift the 10:1 quota for male and female recruitments. Increase in the number of female police staff, therefore, is foreseeable. In terms of human resources management, policewomen will play an increasingly important role in the industry. In the past, policewomen were normally assigned to minor tasks or less complicated office works. Now their roles are becoming versatile, having to fulfill different job requirements including shift works, patrolling, traffic conduction, roadside inspection, chasing criminals, combating guns and drugs, etc. They have to deal with a diversified and complicated environment for public security and to fulfill their family responsibilities at the same time. Are policewomen, therefore, facing role conflicts? Do they need role adjustments? These are all issues worthy of further exploration.
In this research, we adopted the In-Depth Interview approach, one of the Qualitative Research methodologies, and have interviewed 12 married policewomen with children, who are working for the Keelung City Police Bureau. The purpose is to achieve an in-depth understanding of the life of these policewomen; the parental relationship, role expectation and role conflicts; as well as various problems they encountered. We also tried to understand the approaches they took to achieve an effective work/family balance when dealing with their multiple roles. The results of the interview have been classified and analyzed, and are summarized below:
一、Parental Relationship and the Authority Teaching Style
Most of the interviewees are influenced by traditional concepts. Facing the pressure of double-income families, as well as lengthy and irregular working hours, they are forced to squeeze the time spent with their children. The interaction between parents and children, therefore, is reduced. Having to communicate with the kids within limited time and minimize undesired behaviors from the children, most of the interviewees adopt the authority teaching style. They set up rules and asked their children to follow.
二、Financial Considerations – The Key Reason for Selecting Police Jobs
For female police staff, one of the key reasons for joining the police force is financial considerations. Another reason is their adoration of the “manlike” nature of the police jobs and their positive image in combating crime and protecting justice.
三、 The Traditional Role as a Mother
In terms of their roles as a “mother” and a “wife”, the interviewees still could not free themselves from the traditional roles and obligations for the gender. They believed that they had unshirkable responsibilities to look after the family and educate the children. They have no choice but to sacrifice their own time to satisfy the need of their husbands and children.
四、 Childcare – a Heavy Load
The interviewees have spent tremendous time and energy in looking after and educating their preschool children. They felt physically overloaded. Sometimes they needed to bring the kids to offices so that they could, while working, look after the kids and help with their homework at the same time. The pressure would become worse if their husbands were unable to share the house chores. Some interviewees felt themselves “a candle burning at both ends”, having difficulties in adapting themselves to the situation.
五、Role Conflicts and the Need for Support
When facing a role conflict between family and work, the interviewees felt it most important to turn to a support system. For example, they would seek help from the elders in the family for help, or rely on the childcare services from the employers. Other methods for temporary relief are to talk with their husbands, families or friends, listening to music or join sport activities. These are all effective strategies for the interviewees. While striving for their career, policewomen are still required to remain family-focused and support all family activities, since family care is still reckoned as their ultimate goal of life.
Based on the results of this research, we wish to provide the following recommendations:
(1) For police agencies: We recommend to arrange parental/children activities, provide education on the roles of policewomen, enhance education on sexual equality; review and ensure reasonable working hours, provide childcare supports and build up a good rotation system for policewomen.
(2) For married policewomen: Provide social supports, improve communication within the family, develop time management skills, solicit external supports, improve resource management and ensure equality in the sharing of housework.
Key Words: Married Policewomen, Parental Relationship, Multiple Role, Role Expectation, Role Conflicts
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已婚女性調查官工作滿足與家人關係之研究 / A study on the job satisfaction and family relationship of married female investigation bureau agents黃奕維, Huang, I Wei Unknown Date (has links)
根據上述研究結論,本研究之建議如下:一、改革考評制度,鼓舞信心;二、透明升遷管道,重建信任;三、強化各項設施,安心工作;四、定期活動參訪,家人支持;五、貫徹倫理守則,行政中立。本研究後續研究方向為擴大研究範圍,及擴大研究對象,以期研究內容更加豐富完整。 / With the trend of gender mainstreaming in recent years, gender limitations have been removed from applicant qualification of many national exams. Since 1996, the year the limitation on the numbers of male and female applicants was removed from the applicant qualification of the Special Examination for Investigation Agents of the Ministry of Justice Investigation Bureau, the number of female agents in the Investigation Bureau has been increasing significantly. New opportunities and challenges have been injected into the Investigation Bureau where most agents were male. How do married female Investigation Bureau agents look after both their families and their work? Issues such as their job satisfaction and their relationships with their families are worthy to be further explored.
In this study, 10 experienced and representative married female Investigation Bureau agents were selected via purposive sampling as subjects for an in-depth interview. The interview contains 3 parts: the personal quality part, the job satisfaction part, and the family relationship part. The conclusions of this study are listed below:
1.High salaries and benefits offered by the Investigation Bureau help to increase job satisfaction.
2.Not being able to adapt to the workplace culture may influence colleagues’ job satisfaction.
3.Overconcern from a supervisor creates pressure and disturbance in an employee’s work and further influences employee’s job satisfaction and employee’s relationships with their families.
4.An objective performance evaluation system helps to increase employees’ job satisfaction and devotion to their work, leading them to the right direction at work.
5.Understanding and supports from families are the most important reasons behind married female Investigation Bureau agents being able to look after both their jobs and their families.
6.The special properties of the job make female Investigation Bureau agents more independent and confident.
7.As long as a couple can communicate with each other rationally and try to understand each other, no matter what their jobs are, they can build a wonderful husband-wife relationship.
According to the research findings, this study proposes the following suggestions:
1.Improve the performance evaluation system to develop a more comprehensive and fairer evaluation method.
2.Build open and fair channels for promotions.
3.Build various facilities (e.g. nursery rooms and lady’s rooms) for female employees to work without worries.
4.Hold all kinds of activities and invite employees’ families and friends so that they can understand more about the job content in the Investigation Bureau.
5.Carry out work ethics and administrative neutrality.
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所得稅申報制度變動對已婚婦女勞動供給之影響 / Effect on Married Woman's Labor Supply of Change in Individual Income Tax Filing Method in Taiwan吳君泰, Jun-Tai Wu Unknown Date (has links)
第二節 研究方法與資料的限制
在實證資料方面,因為本研究探討租稅改革對已婚婦女勞動供給的影響,所以我們利用租稅改革前後各兩年(78至80年)的人力運用調查資料(由行政院主計處於每年5月所舉辦)以估計已婚婦女勞動供給函數。在操作方法上,我們分成4部份,首先我們分別設算租稅改革前後的婦女稅後薪資,接著運用Heckman的二階段分析法,針對前述的實證資料作必須的調整,以克服所謂的樣本選擇偏誤問題(Heckman 1980),再來將經過上述調整後婦女的稅後薪資,配合相關的變數,針對已婚婦女的勞動供給,做一般性迴歸分析與勞動參與率的logit分析,並且檢定78、79年的已婚婦女勞動供給線性迴歸式是否有結構性變動,最後進行78、79兩年的交叉預測分析。
(一)、分開計稅的新制的確有增加已婚婦女的勞動工時與勞動參與率的政策效果。其中在勞動工時方面:年齡介於30到35歲、教育年限為18年、有1個未滿6歲子女、主要工作身份為自營作業者的已婚婦女對78年租稅改革(稅制由合併課稅變成分開課稅)的反應為最大(ΔW=6.699、eC=4.08、ΔLC=27.33),至於對78年租稅改革反應最小的則為年齡介於25到30歲、教育年限為6年、沒有未滿6歲的子女、主要工作身份為私人雇用的已婚婦女(ΔW=0.092、eC=0.46、ΔLC=0.042)。而對79年租稅改革(稅制由分開課稅變成合併課稅)之反應最大者為年齡介於25到30歲、教育年限16年、有3個未滿6歲子女、主要工作身份為私人雇用的已婚婦女(ΔW= -1.809、eC=1.66、ΔLC=-3)。至於稅改反應最小者則是年齡介於35到40歲、未受教育、無未滿6歲子女、主要工作身份為自營作業者的已婚婦女(ΔW= -0.007、eC=0.48、ΔLC=-0.003)。在勞動參與率方面:其中以年齡介於35到40歲、教育年限6年、有4個未滿6歲子女、主要工作身份為自營作業者的已婚婦女對78年租稅改改革的反應最大(勞動參與率由0.2936上升到0.6240,增加了33%)。而反應最小的,則大致是教育年限為18年、受雇於政府機關的已婚婦女,其勞動參與率幾乎不變。對79年租稅改改革反應最大的則是年齡介於30到35歲、教育年限6年、有4個未滿6歲子女、主要工作身份為私人雇用者的已婚婦女 (勞動參與率由0.6606下降到0.5682,減少了9%)。至於反應最小的,則與78年的結果大致相同,也是教育年限為18年、受雇於政府機關的已婚婦女。由於78年的平均邊際稅率大於79年的平均邊際稅率及78年的稅後工資邊際效果大於79年的稅後工資邊際效果可看出,一旦在78年適用會減輕稅負的新制時,它所造成的減稅效果是明顯大於79年的減稅效果。
(二)、但就政策效果的大小來看,此與Gustafsson (1992)的研究結果相比,卻是小巫見大巫,深究其原因,乃是瑞典採行的是已婚婦女獨立計算其所得稅負,而非我國僅允許薪資所得一項可分開計稅而已。因此,就提升我國已婚婦女勞動供給時數、勞動參與率的租稅工具來看,還有很大的發揮空間。
第一章 緒論…………………………1
第一節 研究動機與目的…………1
第二節 研究方法與資料的限制…1
第三節 本文分析架構……………2
第二章 相關文獻回顧………………4
第三章 理論模型與實證設定………17
第一節 理論模型…………………17
第二節 實證模式設定……………17
第四章 實證資料與結果說明………21
第一節 資料的說明與限制………21
第二節 實證結果說明……………26
第三節 交叉預測分析結果………37
第五章 結論與建議…………………55
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