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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

中國文化軟實力之研究:以中國參與《世界遺產公約》為例 / The China’s Cultural Soft Power: A Study of China Participation in the World Heritage Convention

吳柏諺, Wu, Po Yen Unknown Date (has links)
自1990年代初期Joseph S. Nye提出「軟權力」的概念後,隨之促成相關應用研究如雨後春筍般湧現。尤其是在中國,「軟權力」遵循著其的發展脈絡逐漸被轉化與重構成為「文化軟實力」一詞,並服膺於國家的發展戰略與目標。同時間,世界遺產公約自1972年通過以來,至今已累積超過40年的發展歷程,其著眼於對世界各種具備「突出普遍性價值」的遺產類型之強調,以呼籲世界各國及全人類共同予以保護,被視為是當今國際社會中舉足輕重的一項國際制度。 本研究即是由以上兩方面歸納出欲探討之問題——了解中國參與世界遺產公約是否可被視為中國「文化軟實力」?以此,本研究的內容主要分成四個部分,首先,闡釋中國「文化軟實力」概念的發展意涵;其次,說明世界遺產公約的緣起內涵;再次,則是陳述中國參與世界遺產公約的內容成果;最後統合以上,連結文化軟實力與世界遺產,為本文問題意識提出明確解釋。本研究企圖經由上述四個部份的論述鋪陳,進一步增添並豐富無論是中國「文化軟實力」本身,抑或世界遺產公約的相關研究成果。

中國對拉美國家的文化軟實力研究:以孔子學院為例 / China's cultural soft power in Latin America: A case study of Confucius Institute

李珮儀, Lee, Peiyi Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,中國和拉美國家在政治、經貿和人文等各方面的關係越來越密切。為了增強中國的綜合國力、提升中國的國際地位並促進中拉關係持續發展,中國在拉美地區大力推廣孔子學院。本文透過研究孔子學院在拉美發展的情形,探討中拉關係的發展趨勢及中國對拉美國家的文化軟實力,發現中拉雙方的政治和經貿關係影響文化交流甚深,顯示中國希望其文化軟實力能和政治與經濟等硬實力相匹配。然而,儘管漢語熱確實在拉美地區升溫,拉美孔子學院在改善中國形象方面的成效卻不如預期。 / In recent years, China and Latin American countries have developed closer relations in various fields such as politics, economy and humanities. Through promoting Confucius Institute in Latin America, China seeks to improve its comprehensive national strength, enhance its international status and promote the sustainable development of Sino-Latin America relations. This thesis, through analyzing Confucius Institutes in Latin America, discussed the trend of China-Latin America relations and China’s cultural soft power in Latin American countries. It was found that the political and economic ties between China and Latin America have a profound impact on cultural exchanges because China attempts to make its cultural soft power match its hard power. However, despite the fact that the demand for Chinese language learning has indeed surged in Latin America, the improvement of China’s image in the region is less than expected.

中共文化軟實力外交之實踐-以中國文化中心為例 / The practice of cultural soft power in China-Taking China cultural center as an example

孫國祥, Sun, Kuohsiang Unknown Date (has links)
當全世界風起雲湧將目光投注中共自2004年開始建置之「孔子學院」佈局全球,甚至引發新一波中國「文化威脅論」之際,中共另一「軟實力」(Soft Power)卻正悄悄崛起,其受中共國家領導人重視程度較「孔子學院」有過之而無不及,定位與位階也遠遠高於「孔子學院」之上,那是直屬中國文化部之海外「中國文化中心」。   中共於海外設立「中國文化中心」是其整體文化「走出去」戰略實踐方案之一,具有因應國際背景與現實需求、提高國家文化地位、擴大對外影響力與軟實力、以及加深中西文明對話與認同的目的;而在海外設立文化中心是二戰之後全球主要強權國家普遍採用的文化「走出去」戰略,是其推廣本國文化、傳播思想價值、樹立國家形象的重要方式,也是提升國家軟實力重要平臺。   在中共30年傲人的經濟發展下,自江澤民於1988年在非洲模里西斯及貝寧設立海外「中國文化中心」開始,目前已在全球建成30個海外「中國文化中心」,預定在2020年達成建設50家的目標,確定從「經濟走出去」到「文化走出去」之戰略布局。近年來,隨著中國國際地位和影響力的迅速提升,海外「中國文化中心」的發展來到前所未有的機遇;惟全球設立家數與主要強權如法國、英國、德國等,仍有相當差距且分布不均,未來中共如何運用中國綜合國力及落實提高國家軟實力,明確制定宏觀總體戰略布局以展現全球文化「魅力攻勢」有其迫切性與挑戰性。 / When the world pays more attention to the Confucius Institute, which has been built by the Chinese Communist Party since 2004, even sparked a new wave of culture threat theory, the other soft power of the Chinese Communist Party is quietly rising. That is the Overseas China Cultural Center, which is affiliated with the Ministry of Culture of the People's Republic of China. It is not only highly valued by the leaders of the CCP than the Confucius Institute, but also has a much higher position and rank than the Confucius Institute.   The Overseas China Cultural Center is one of the practices of its comprehensive culture going out strategy by the Chinese Communist Party. It has the purpose of improving the national cultural status, expanding its influence and soft power in response to the international affairs and realistic needs, and deepening the dialogue and identity between Chinese and Western civilizations. The establishment of the Cultural Center abroad is a major policy of culture going out strategy between great powers around the world after World War II. It is an important approach to promote national culture, disseminate ideological value and establish a national image. It is also an important platform to enhance national soft power.   In the 30 years of economic development of the Chinese Communist Party, President Jiang Zemin has set up the first overseas China Cultural Center in the Republic of Mauritius and the Republic of Benin in 1988. So far, it has been built 30 Cultural Centers in the world. China Cultural Center is also scheduled to reach 50 targets by 2020. The layout of going out strategy was transitioned from economy to culture. In recent years, with the rapid advancement of China's international status and influence, the development of overseas China cultural center has come to unprecedented opportunities. However, there is still a considerable gap in the number of centers with great powers, such as France, the United Kingdom, and Germany, etc. How can the Chinese Communist Party employ its comprehensive national strength and implement the national soft power in the future, and it is urgent and challenging to formulate the overall strategic layout to demonstrate the global cultural charm offensive.

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