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遺傳模式在匯率上分析與預測之應用 / Genetic Models and Its Application in Exchange Rates Analysis and Forecasting許毓云, Hsu, Yi-Yun Unknown Date (has links)
In time series analysis, we often find the trend of dynamic data changing with time. Using the traditional model fitting can't get a good explanation for dynamic data. Therefore, many scholars developed various methods for model construction. The major drawback with most of the methods is that personal viewpoint and experience in model selection are usually influenced in them. Therefore, this paper presents a new approach on genetic-based modeling for the nonlinear time series. The research is based on the concepts of evolution theory as well as natural selection. In order to find a leading model from the nonlinear time series, we make use of the evolution rule: survival of the fittest. Through the process of genetic evolution, the AIC (Akaike information criteria) is used as the adjust function, and the membership function of the best-fitted models are calculated as performance index of chromosome. Empirical example shows that the genetic model can give an efficient explanation in analyzing Taiwan exchange rates, especially when the structure change occurs.
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截取式自迴歸條件變異數分析法 / Trimmed ARCH(1) model廖本杰 Unknown Date (has links)
時間數列分析過程,常常發現其走勢,隨著時間過程而演變,應用傳統的線性模式來配適,往往很難獲得合適預測值。因此近幾年來,非線性時間數列結構性改變的研究越來越受到重視,也一直是時間數列及計量經濟學學者所熱衷的研究主題之一。本文利用模糊理論的觀念,以模糊炳找出配適ARCH模式數列之轉折區間,分別以轉折區問起始點及結束點作為截取點,去配適ARCH(1)模式,稱之為截取式自迴歸條件變異數分析法(Trimmed ARCH(1) model)。針對台幣對美元銀行間每日收盤匯率,分別以單變量ARIMA、ARCH(1)、Trtmmed ARCH(1)來建構模式,並做比較分析。比較結果發現,以轉折區間結束點作為截取點之Trimmed ARCH(1)模式,其預測值最為準確,大為改善了原來ARCH(1)模式之預測水準。 / In time series analysis, we often find the trend of which changing with time. Using the traditional model fitting can't get a good prediction. Hence the research of structure change of non-linear time series is attentive in recent years, and non-linear time series analysis is a research topic which the scholars of time series and econometrics are intent on. This article tries to use the theory of fuzzy ,to recognize the structure change period by the fuzzy classification, let the first point and the last point of the structure change period be the cute points, to fit ARCH(1) mod ie which we called the Trimmed ARCH(1) model. We use the data of the exchange rate between N.T dol liars and U.S dollars to compare the ARIMAwith ARCH(1) and Trimmed ARCH(1), the forcasting performance shows that Trimmed ARCH(1) model takes a better prediction result.
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遺傳模式在轉折區間判定上的應用 / The application of genetic models in change periods detection洪鵬凱 Unknown Date (has links)
近幾年來,非線性時間數列轉折點的研究愈來愈受到重視,學者們也提出許多關於轉折點的偵測及檢定方法。若考慮實際資料走勢轉變的情形,“轉折區間”的概念更可以解釋結構改變的現象。但文獻中對於如何找尋時間數列結構改變之轉折區間的研究並不多。本文擬以時間數列統計模式及模糊學理論的角度來研究,並結合遺傳演算的規則而提出主導模式的概念,來架構出時間數列遺傳模式,再藉由轉折區間決策法則來找出數列的轉折區間。其中,我們以統計模式為遺傳演化過程中的染色體,而以候選模式之隸屬度函數為衡量染色體適應能力的指標。最後,我們舉出臺灣股價收盤指數之實例,分別以我們所提出的方法及其他方法找出數列的轉折區間及轉折點,並做比較。 / For recent years, the research of change point in nonlinear time series has been considered to be more and more important. Scholars have proposed a lot of detecting and testing methods about change points.If considering the trend of real situation, the concept of change period will show the phenomena of structure change.But there are not many researches about how to find change period in time series.My paper is based on the points of time series models and fuzzy theory.Besides,it combines the rules of genetic algorithm and provides the concepts of leading model to construct time seriep genetic model and to find out change period by decision rule.ln this paper, we use time series statistical models as chromosome in procedure of genetic evolution, and we also use membership function of selected models as pereformance: index of chromosome.Finally, the empirical application about change periods and change points detecting by our method and other's for Taiwan stock closing prices is demonstrated and make a comparision with these results.
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遺傳演算法在門檻自迴歸模式(d,r)值估計的應用 / The Application of Genetic Algorithms in Parameters (d,r) Estimation of Threshold Autoregressions張新發, Chang, Sin Fa Unknown Date (has links)
近幾年來,非線性時間數列分析有快速的發展。其中的門檻自迴歸模式(SETAR),以具有許多線性ARIMA模式所不能配適的特性而受到重視。但是,自1978年Tong建立SETAR模式以來,門檻參數估計的問題一直是SETAR模式在發展應用上的一個瓶頸。本文將探討以實數編碼遺傳演算法,結合統計學上的模式選取準則,建構SETAR模式門檻與延遲參數估計程序的可行性。並從這個基礎上,進一步地研究較精確的門檻參數估計法。 / Non-linear time series analysis has rapidly developed in recent years. Self-exciting threshold autoregression(SETAR) model of non-linear time series models is attentive, because it has some characters which linear ARIMA model fail to fit. But, It has not yet been applied widely because the question of estimation of threshold parameter limits its development and application since Tong proposed SETAR model in 1978. In this paper, we will study the feasibility which constructs a procedure of estimation of SETAR's threshod and delay parameters with real-coded genetic algorithm and statistical criterion of model selection, and develop a more precise estimation of threshold parameter in the basis.
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類神經網路之應用-黃金期貨預測 / The application of neural network - forecasting gold future鐘正良, Chung, Chen Liang Unknown Date (has links)
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遺傳演算法在非線性時間數列結構改變之分析與應用 / Using Genetic Algorithms to Search for the Structure Change of Non-linear Time Series阮正治, Juan, Cheng Chi Unknown Date (has links)
近幾年來,非線性時間數列分析一直是時間數列及計量經濟學者所熱衷的研究主題之一,而非線性時間數列結構改變的研究也越來越受到重視。其中的門檻自迴歸模式,雖具有線性模式所不能配適的特性,但模式建構的問題,一直是其在發展應用上的瓶頸。本研究擬以門檻自迴歸模式建構的流程並結合遺傳演算法的最佳化搜尋技術,架構出時間數列遺傳演算法,藉此演算法則及程序,全域性地搜尋最佳的門檻自迴歸模式。 / Non-linear time series analysis is a research topic which the schalors of time series and econometrics are intent on, and the research of structure change of non-linear time series is attentive. Threshold autoregressive model (TAR model) of non-linear time series has some characters which linear model fail to fit while the problem of how to find an appropriate threshold value is still attracted many researchers attention. In this paper, we present about searching the parameters for a TAR model by genetic algorithms.
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類神經網路與結構性時間數列之比較與研究 / The comparison and reaserch between artifical neural network and structural time series陳振鈞, Chen, Jenn Jiun Unknown Date (has links)
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模糊時間數列的屬性預測 / Qualitive Forecasting for Fuzzy Time Series林玉鈞 Unknown Date (has links)
本文嘗試以模糊理論的觀念,應用到時間數列分析上。研究重點包括模糊關係、模糊規則庫和模糊時間數列模式建構與預測等。我們首先給定模糊時間數列模式的概念與一些重要性質。接著提出模糊規則庫的定義,以及模式建構的流程,並以模糊關係方程式的推導,提出模糊時間數列模式建構方法。最後,利用提出的方法,對台灣地區加權股票指數建立模糊時間數列模式,並對未來進行預測,且考慮以平均預測準確度來做預測效果之比較。這對於財務金融的未來走勢分析將深具意義。 / The paper has attempted to apply the concept of fuzzy method on the analysis of time series. This reserch is also to include fuzzy relation, fuzzy rule base, fuzzy time series model constructed and forecasting. First, we'll define the concept of fuzzy time series model and some important properties. Next, the definition of fuzzy rule base will also be put forward, along with procedure of model constructed, the formation of fuzzy relation polynomial, and the methods to construct fuzzy time series model. At last, with the above methods, we'll build up fuzzy time series model on Taiwan Weighted Index and predict future trend while examine the predictive results with average forecasting accuracy. This shall carry profund signifigornce on the analysis of future trend in terms of financialism.
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時間數列模式建立分析應用之研究朱建萍, ZHU, JIAN-PING Unknown Date (has links)
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時間數列分析中控制設計之研究李朝元, Li, Zhao-Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
第一章 導論:說明控制設計之目的,理想控制設計的條件,及本文的結構。
第二章 自我迴歸移動平均隨機模式:說明模式的理論基礎,性質,應用及模式的建
第三章 動態系統隨機模式:說明模式的性質,建立,及應用。
第四章 控制設計:分為前饋控制、回饋控制,及一般損失函數的控制。
第五章 結論:說明本文所採用方法的利弊。
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