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西文社會科學「期刊自我引用」數據之分析比較研究 / A Comparative Analysis of Self-Citation Data between Western Journals of Social Sciences張美琪, Chang, Mei-Chi Unknown Date (has links)
採用Thomson Scientific公司所製作之2005年版SSCI的JCR資料庫社會科學學科期刊之引用數據,包括:刊載文章篇數、被引用次數、影響因素、即時引用指數、引用半衰期、被引用半衰期、同時法自我引用率及歷時法自我引用率等八項數據之各學科基本特性介紹,並利用皮爾森相關係數、費雪爾Z轉換、獨立樣本T檢定等統計方法進行分析。
2.而以學科來看的話,平均數最具有差異的為歷史學,其次為心理學。 / The purpose of this study is to explore the self-citation researches of western social sciences journals. According to the experts and scholars opinions, and from the classification of social sciences journals registered in SSCI database knowing that the disciplines which including anthropology (51records), business (101records), economics (173records), education (124records), history (54records), information science and library science (53records), law(99records), management (73records), politics (83records), psychology (423records), sociology and social work (146 records) etc.
This study adopts the citation data of Journal Citation Reports (JCR) on 2005. The citation data include articles, total cites, impact factor, immediacy index, citing half-life, cited half-life, synchronous self-citation rate, and diachronous self-citation rate. This research analyzes the journals'' basic characteristics and the characteristics of self-citation data on 2005
In this study, first, the correlation between each pair of citation data on the Pearson correlation tests. Second, the Fisher’s Z-Transform examination is used to examine the correlation coefficient variation of citation data. Third, the study focuses on independent-samples T test is used to ascertain whether there were equality and mean difference between the citation data in social sciences.
The results of this study revealed:
1. The distributions of basic data of each disciplines journals and the characteristic of the citation data.
(1)Most social sciences journals are quarterly, followed by bimonthly. The economics journals are the most diverse in issued numbers each year, and politics journals are the most extensive of the distribution scope each year.
(2)The most numbers of published articles of each journal are 20-29 articles, followed by 30-39 articles.
(3) The most numbers of citation frequency of each journal are 100-199 times, followed by 200-299 times.
(4)The impact factor is between 0.001 and 0.999 mostly. Among the journals which have the impact factor bigger than 2.
(5)The immediacy index is concentrated mostly in 0.001~0.099. However, the immediacy index bigger than 0.5 are law and psychology journals mostly.
(6)The mostly Citing half-life is focused on 10 to more than 10 year. Except for information science and library science journals concentrate in 5 years to 5.9 years, the law journals are focused on 7 to 7.9 years.
(7)In addition to the information science and library science and politics journals are in cited half-life, the rest journals are not aged easily and have the longer life cycle.
(8) The most numbers of synchronous self-citation rate of each journal are 1%-9.99%.
(9) The most numbers of diachronous self-citation rate of each journal are 1%-9.99%, followed by 10%-19.99%.
The synchronous self-citation rate for each discipline journals are similar; whereas diachronous self-citation rate are different
2. The correlation between self-citation rate and other citation data in journals of social sciences.
The highest correlations of journals citation data are between the synchronous self-citation rate and total cites, impact factor, and between diachronous self-citation rate and impact factor; but the correlation between self-citation rate and citing half-life is the minimum. However, there is no significant difference between diachronous self-citation rate and immediacy index.
3.The correlation coefficient variation of self-citation rate and other citation data in journals of social sciences.
There are six groups citation data in each discipline have significant difference in correlation coefficient included:
(1)Synchronous self-citation rate and published articles, total cites, impact factor and immediacy index.
(2) Diachronous self-citation rate and cited half-life.
(3) Synchronous self-citation rate and Diachronous self-citation rate.
4.The analysis of equality and mean difference between the citation data in social sciences disciplines journals.
(1)Citing half-life has the most significant differences. The second is impact factor. The third is total cites.
(2)The difference between history and other disciplines is the highest, psychology come next.
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電子資源館藏使用與滿意度研究-以臺北市立圖書館大直分館讀者為例 / Electronic resources collection use and satisfaction : Taipei Public Library Dazhi Branch readers case study王群雅, Wang, Chun Ya Unknown Date (has links)
設計公共圖書館電子資源館藏使用與滿意度問卷共 4 個構面 25 項指標,採用訪談法和問卷調查法以臺北市立圖書館大直分館讀者為研究調查對象,就其電子資源館藏使用和滿意度進行瞭解。
本研究的研究目的有三點:(一) 探討大直圖書館分館讀者對於電子資
源館藏的使用情形與電子資源服務滿意度。(二) 探討影響大直圖書館分館讀者對於電子資源館藏使用與電子資源服務滿意度的因素。(三) 探討大直圖書館分館讀者對於電子資源館藏認為有改善空間的項目,以及謀求改進的方法與策略。
本研究獲得以下結論:(一) 使用者對本館提供之電子資源館藏相關內
容與服務之重視度與滿意度有顯著差距(二) 使用者認為,在電子資源館藏容易查詢檢索以及使用的空間配備是否支援電子資源館藏使用是圖書館應改善的部分。(三) 研究發現不同個人背景變項例如:性別、年齡、教育程度對滿意度有不同的認知與感受,因此應針對使用者的差異處加以瞭解,關心使用者的看法與態度,讓使用者重視度與滿意度的差距能縮小。根據所獲得的研究結果,本研究提出幾點建議,提供質量足夠且多元種類的電子資源館藏供使用者取用;加強行動資訊服務軟硬體支援;加強數位閱覽環境空間規劃;持續進行電子資源館藏推廣活動;保持電子資源館藏使用與滿意度長期調查機制,以瞭解需求強化服務。 / With the advance of the Internet as well as the mobile devices, electronic
resources has become more and more popular. The acceptance rate of readers for
electronic resource archive might be increased in recent years yet there are still
many readers have never used such service in public library. It is crucial to
understand the use and need among users to offer electronic resource services in
public library more adequately. Research methods in the study includes literature
review, interview, and questionnaire survey. A four-dimension, 25-item
questionnaire was generated from the review of relevant studies to assessing the
electronic resources use and satisfaction of library users. The article aims to
explore the use of electronic resources archive and user satisfaction by readers
in Taipei Public Library, Dazhi Branch.
There are three purposes in this research: a) Exploring the use of electronic
resources archive and user satisfaction of the readers in Taipei Public Library,
Dazhi Branch; b) identifying factors affecting the using and user satisfaction of
readers in Taipei Public Library, Dazhi Branch; c) summarizing the feedbacks
from respondents in the study to propose the strategies for improvement on
electronic resources archive.
The results suggest: a) there are significant differences between the
perceived service importance and satisfaction of readers at Taipei Public Library,
Dazhi Branch; b) participants care about whether the electronic resource archive
is easy for inquiry and supporting space arrangement; c) participants from
different gender, age and education levels show significant distinctions between
the satisfaction of readers at Taipei Public Library, Dazhi Branch. Therefore
the library should take considerations for the differences among users to further
the understanding of their concerns.
Suggestions were proposed in accordance with the findings of this study.
The author believes, library may a) make sufficient and diversified variety of
electronic resources archive more available for users; b) improve both soft and
hardware supports for mobile information services; c) provide a friendlier digital
reading space; d) further promote the electronic resource archive; e) continue
investigating the use and satisfaction of electronic resource archive to understand
the need for enhanced services.
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