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校長領導風格、教師創意生活經驗、教學創新行為與學校效能之關係林珈夙 Unknown Date (has links)
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新北市國民小學小型學校校長領導風格與教師投入學校行銷之相關研究 / A Study on the Relationship between Principals' Leadership Style and Teachers' Participation in School-marketing at New Taipei City Public Small-scale Elementary Schools吳秉樺 Unknown Date (has links)
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臺北縣市國民中學知識管理、校長領導風格與教師專業成長關係之研究王金龍 Unknown Date (has links)
摘 要
本研究主要在探討臺北縣市公立國民中學知識管理、校長領導風格與教師專業成長的關係。為達成研究目的,首先進行領導風格(Leadership Styles)、知識管理(Knowledge Management)及教師專業成長(Teachers' Professional Growth)的相關文件分析,選用符合本研究的調查問卷,進行施測。隨後依學校類別屬於大型、中型或小型,採分層叢集隨機取樣之方式,抽取臺北縣市公立國民中學教師626人進行問卷調查,問卷回收率為83.23%,剔除無效樣本81人,有效樣本人數為440人。研究資料使用SPSS for Windows 10.0版進行統計分析。依研究目的,除了做描述性統計之外,並依調查樣本背景之不同,進行t考驗及單因子變異數分析(one-way ANOVA),考驗不同背景變項之差異情形,並以Scheffé進行事後比較;另以典型相關(canonical correlation)、皮爾遜積差相關(Pearson product-moment correlation)及逐步多元回歸分析(stepwise multiple regression analysis)等統計方法,瞭解校長領導風格、學校知識管理與教師專業成長各層面間的相關及預測情形。綜合文獻分析、問卷調查之統計考驗分析,本研究獲得以下結論:
關鍵字:校長領導風格、知識管理、教師專業成長 / The study of teachers' professional growth,knowledge management and leadership styles of junior high school principals
This study aimed to the correlations among three factors,i.e. teachers' professional growth,knowledge management and leadership styles of junior high school principals in Taipei city and county.In order to achieve the objective of this study,the methods of literature review about the correlated themes were first adopted,and then this study proceeded to make the questionnarie survey.
Afterward,all the schools were divided into large,middle,and small classes to do the cluster sampling.The survey subjects included teachers from junior high school in Taipei city and county,namely 626 teachers were sampled in a random way.The rate of the retrieval was 83.23% and the valid samples were 440 copies,exclusive of the ineffective samples.The research data acquired was anaiyzed by SPSS for Windows 10.0 version based on the research purpose.The statistic procedures included the means,standard deviation and one-way ANOVA,examining variances in different variables.Scheffé method was used for post-comparison to examine the interrelations among the subject groups.Besides,canonical correlation,Pearson product-moment correlation & stepwise multiple regression analysis were applied in the research to comprehend interrelations as well as predictions among the three aspects of leadership styles of principals,knowledge management in schooling and teachers' professional growth.According to the integrated analysis,which was from the adoption of research methodologies of literature review .And the conclusions were as follows:
1.The factor of “culture”and“tacit knowledge” were considered in the issue of knowledge management of junior high school in Taipei city and county;and for the topic of“transformational leadership of principals of junior high schools”,the factor of “inspired intelligence”was commonly employed;for the topic of“transactional leadership of principals junior high schools”,the “management by exception ”was generally used;With regard to the teachers' professional growth,the “professional knowledge”and“export knowledge” were paid much close attention to.
2.The consciousness of the survey subjects differed greatly in some part of backgrounds from one another.
3.There were remarkable interrelations between “leadership styles of principals”and “knowledge management in schooling”.
4.The strong interrelation among the ”knowledge management in schooling”,“leadership styles of principals”and“teachers' professional growth”occurred obviously.
5.The cumulative variance of knowledge management to “teachers' professional growth”was about 82.6%,and the “ knowledge center“held strongest predictable effects.
6.The cumulative variance of leadership styles of principals to “teachers' professional growth”was about 80.9%,and the “management by exception “held strongest predictable effects.
According to the conclusions of this study,the further suggestions were provided to the department of educational administration,principals of junior high school and schools for reference and different views about the ”knowledge management”,“leadership styles of principals”and“teachers' professional growth” .
keywords:knowledge management,leadership styles of junior high school principals,and teachers' professional growth
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學校組織變革中校長領導風格與教師抗拒變革關係之研究—以台北縣市與基隆市國民中小學為例呂志崗, Lu ,Chi-gan Unknown Date (has links)
四、對後續研究的建議:(一)研究對象上,後續研究或可從擴大抽樣範圍著手,以提高研究結果的適用性;(二)研究方法上,後續研究亦可從質化研究的領域著手,對學校組織變革進行實際觀察與瞭解,以歸結教師抗拒變革的成因與內涵,並謀求化解之道。 / The study focuses on the relation among school organizational change, principal's leadership style and teacher's resistance to change. Purposes of this research are as follow:
I. To realize principals' leadership styles in elementary and junior high schools.
II. To realize how teachers resist change in elementary and junior high schools.
III. To study the relation between principal's leadership style and teacher's resistance to change in elementary and junior high schools.
IV. To study how principal leadership styles relate to teacher's resistance to change.
The inventory of "Questionnaire of the Relation between Principal's Leadership Style and Teacher's Resistance to Change" was sent to 760 teachers in elementary and junior high schools in Taipei County, Taipei City and Keelung City and 541 valid questionnaires were returned. Statistical methods such as t-test, one-way ANOVA, product-moment correlation and stepwise regression with forward selection were adapted to data analysis.
Major findings include the following:
I. The relation between teacher's background and one's sense of principal transformational leadership are as follow.
A. There is difference for teachers to sense principal's transformational leadership style in terms of sex, school position, elementary and junior high schools and their sense to organizational change.
B. There is no difference among teachers in terms of age, academic background, work experience and school scale.
II. The relation between teacher's background and one's sense of principal transactional leadership include the following.
A. There is difference for teachers to sense principal's transactional leadership style in terms of sex, school position, elementary and junior high schools, and their sense to organizational change.
B. There is no difference among teachers in terms of age, academic background, work experience and school scale.
III. The relation between teacher's background and one's acceptance of change
are below.
A. There is difference in terms of school position, elementary and junior high schools and one's sense of organizational change.
B. There is no difference in terms of sex, age, academic background, work experience and school scale.
IV. The relation among teacher's sense of principal's leadership style, teacher's
sense of organizational change and one's acceptance of organizational change are
the following.
A. There is difference between teacher's sense and acceptance of principal's transformational leadership style.
B. There is difference between teacher's sense and acceptance of principal's transactional leadership style.
C. There is difference between teacher's sense and acceptance of organizational change.
V. There is difference among teacher's acceptance of principal's transformational leadership style, principal's transactional leadership style and one's sense of organizational change.
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臺北市國民中學校長領導風格、教師知識管理與學校效能關係之研究柯景煌 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討臺北市國民中學校長領導風格、教師知識管理與學校效能之關係。採用問卷調查法進行研究,以97學年度臺北市公立國民中學教師為研究對象,各校依班級數多寡,選取8至16位教師進行問卷調查,總計發出問卷750份,回收問卷663份,問卷回收率88.4%,有效樣本620份。所得資料輸入電腦後,以SPSS for Windows 12.0版統計套裝軟體進行統計分析。採用平均數、標準差、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、Pearson積差相關分析、多元逐步迴歸分析等統計方法加以處理,獲致如下之結論:
(二)、推動學校教師知識管理,營造知識分享的學校文化,以提昇學校效能 / The purpose of this research is to explore the relationship among principals’ leadership style, teachers’ knowledge management and the school effectiveness of the municipal junior high schools in Taipei. The research was conducted through questionnaire survey. The participants were the teachers in Taipei municipal junior high schools in academic year 2009. 8 to 16 teachers were selected from each school according to the class number of the schools. 750 questionnaires were issued, and a total of 663 questionnaires were collected from all the target schools, with the rate of retrieval, 88.4%. 620 copies were valid samples. The research data acquired was processed by SPSS for Windows 10.0 version and analyzed with average mean, standard deviation, independent sample t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson’s product-moment correlation coefficient, and multiple regression analysis. Based on the results, the following conclusions were reached:
1.In Taipei municipal junior high schools, principals’ transformational leadership pays more attention to the “vision” field; while principals’ transactional leadership emphasizes more on the “interference management” field. Besides, “knowledge acquisition” and “knowledge innovation” are more valued among the knowledge management conducted by the teachers. In the aspect of school effectiveness, “community relationship” and “student achievements” are more emphasized.
2.In Taipei municipal junior high schools, principals’ leadership styles are verified with the influence of teachers’ gender, seniority, position, school scale, and school history. Teachers’ knowledge management is verified with the influence of teachers’ gender, age, education background, seniority, position, and school history. And the school effectiveness is verified with the influence of teachers’ gender, age, seniority, position, school scale, and school history.
3.The better principals’ leadership style is, the better teachers’ knowledge management is. The better teachers’ knowledge management is, the better school effectiveness is.
4.“Encouragement” is the best way to enhance the predictions of principals’ leadership style on school effectiveness.
5.“”Knowledge acquisition” is the best way to enhance the predictions of teachers’ knowledge management on school effectiveness.
According to the findings, some suggestions were made:
1. Suggestions for education and administration institutes
1) Strengthen principals’ professional development and leadership.
2) Integrate courses about transformational leadership into principal preparation curriculum.
3) Arrange more workshops or seminars about knowledge management for teachers and upgrade teachers’ knowledge management ability.
2. Suggestions for principals
1) Develop principals’ transformational leadership and thus improve school effectiveness.
2) Make use of less authority but more profession and enthusiasm on school leading.
3. Suggestions for teachers
1) Enhance the communication among teachers; increase opportunities to share and exchange educational knowledge.
2) Be active in participating in seminars or workshops, listen to good advice, and upgrade teachers’ professional knowledge.
4. Suggestions for schools
1) Construct hardware facilities, design correlated curriculum, and offer the circumstances which are helpful for teachers’ knowledge management.
2) Promote teachers’ knowledge management, build a knowledge-sharing atmosphere at school, and thus enhance school effectiveness.
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校長領導風格與校園危機管理之研究─以基隆市高級中等學校為例 / A study on relationships between high school principals' leadership and crisis management in Keelung city魯和鳳, Lu, Ho-Feng Unknown Date (has links)
Scheff'e事後比較、 Pearson's積差相關、多元逐步迴歸分析等統計方法進行資料分析。並依正式問卷調查的結果,歸納相關的問題,設計並確定訪談大綱,做為訪談的依據,實地訪談2位校長,以釐清及延續問卷調查之結果,並藉由整理訪談文字資料、編碼歸類整理,綜合問卷調查與訪談資料,進行研究結果的分析與討論。研究結論如下:
最後依據研究結果與結論,提出具體建議,以作為教育行政機關、高級中等學校校長、相關行政人員以及未來研究的參考。 / This study aims to investigate the current development of principals’ leadership style and crisis management in Keelung high schools and to analyze the differences in teachers personal variables、teachers’ crisis management and school environmental variables. concerning principals’ leadership style and crisis management. Finally, it explores the relationship between principals’ leadership style and crisis management.
This study employs the research method of questionnaire surveys and semi structured interviews. There were two survey tools used in the study, including Principals’ Leadership Style Questionnaire and Crisis Management Questionnaire. Three hundred and thirty subjects are randomly selected from eleven high schools in Keelung city. A total of 272 questionnaires was returned. Out of those, 82.4% was valid (272 out of 330). Valid sample data was analyzed and processed using the methods of description statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA. Scheff’e posteriority comparison, Pearson's product-moment correlation and stepwise multiple regressions. The frame of the interview questions was designed according to the findings from the questionnaire. Two principals, were interviewed to clarify and extend the findings of the survey. Then. the data retrieved from questionnaires and interviews were compiled, categorized, synthesized and analyzed. Following is the summary of the study:
1. The current development of principals’ leadership style and the crisis management in high schools are both above the average.
2. There is no significant difference in teachers’ experiences of principals’ leadership style in terms of gender, seniority and educational background; and, there is no significant difference in teachers recognition about crisis management in terms of teachers gender, seniority, educational background.
3. Teacher to act as director in schools give better recognition in principals’ leadership style; and, teacher to act as director in schools give better recognition in the crisis management.
4. There is no significant difference in teachers’ experiences about crisis management in terms of crisis study, crisis experience, and crisis management team background.
5. There is no significant difference in both principals’ leadership style and crisis management to teachers from schools of different scales.
6. There are significant differences in both principals’ leadership style and crisis management to teachers from schools of different history.
7. It shows significant positive correlation between principals’ leadership style and crisis management.
8. Principals’ leadership style demonstrates the predictability of crisis management in high schools in Keelung city.
This study is finalized at proposing practical suggestions based on the findings
and conclusions to educational administration authorities, high principals, the director of schools and faculty for further study and reference.
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