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李欣耀 Unknown Date (has links)
托克維爾(1805-1859)可說是近現代論述民主政治可能具有的優劣或利害後果之重要甚至是首位先驅。他深刻的認知到貴族社會結構已然改變,而隨之而來的民主社會乃是「勢所必至,天意使然」,任何人皆無法也不應當抵抗此種潮流,不過他也未對此趨勢感到自在如意,他明瞭民主的到來只是移去一些過往舊制度的弊病,但此新生社會亦會有其內在結構上之問題,若不加以解決或防治,同樣會對個人乃至人類文明之進步繁榮產生阻礙。所謂的重大弊病,對托克維爾來說,乃是民主社會及政治結構對人類自由以及德性實踐可能造成的傷害或阻礙,進而危及人類之幸福繁榮。托克維爾認為自由乃是眾善之首,一切人類追求的積極價值都需以自由的存在為前提,然而不幸的是,民主的社會卻很可能因為其結構上之趨向,使人們自願離自由而遠去,遺棄了獨立自由精神,蔑視個人權利之神聖性;並讓人們於財富的追逐中忘卻了群體以及個體的公共責任,在尚得的倫理下,淪入個人主義乃至利己主義之境地,以致在人際相互冷淡疏離之過程中,瓦解了對公共道德及人類尊嚴的信念,最後淪入到一種雖高度平等卻缺乏公共德性及自由保障之民主專制政體中。而破解防治之道,首先托克維爾認為須以漸進方式授予人們政治權利,讓人們在「正確理解的自利原則」的運用下,願意去關懷公共福祉,並在政治參與的潛移默化過程中,培養出社群成員間的凝聚感以及本能的愛國情操;其次應當設法澄化民情,在這方面托克維爾認為宗教、家庭與婦女、政治人物以及偶發之戰爭等因素扮演重要角色;再者在法政制度的設計上應因時地變化而做調整,但總應同時注重國家安全、個人自由以及公共精神的發揚三項原則;最後他寄望市民社會能夠蓬勃發展,人民能養成自發性的結社習慣,不事事依賴政府,讓強有力的市民社會作為抗衡公權力肆意妄為的後盾,不過市民社會能否勃發又與政治參與習慣之能否養成息息相關,故而我們可說政治參與精神能否培養得出,乃是托克維爾自由技藝成功與否的關鍵因素。文末筆者則對托克維爾自由思想的屬性及現代意義做一初步探討,認為托克維爾所提出的一些觀念對於我們仍有相當之啟發性,尤其與當代自由主義相較,托克維爾那種較相信特殊主義、群體主義、以及政治與道德的關連的思想,確實是值得我們再細細思量並加以踐履。 目錄 第一章 導論 ……………………………………………….…...1 第一節 本研究之基本說明………………………………………1 第二節 托克維爾的著述及思想背景……………………………4 第二章 自由的落腳:天意使然的民主………………………………..9 第一節 自由的追尋……………………………………………..10 第二節 從貴族到民主…………………………………………. 20 第三節 民主與自由的辯證……………………………………..32 第三章 民主專制與多數暴政………………………………………...41 第一節 人民主權與多數暴政…………………………………..41 第二節 中央集權與民主專制…………………………………. 49 第三節 國家職能與公民反抗…………………………………. 60 第四章 自由社會與德性公民…………………………………………69 第一節 個人發展與社群繁榮…………………………………..69 第二節 法政制度與民情風俗…………………………………..79 第三節 市民社會及政治參與…………………………………..95 第五章 托克維爾自由思想的當代意義………………………….….105 第一節 托克維爾自由思想之評估及定位……………………105 第二節 自由主義的另一種選擇………………………………114 第六章 結論…………………………………………………………..125 參考書目………………………………………………………………129

論托克維爾的政治思想─ 一個共和主義的詮釋

韋洪武 Unknown Date (has links)
在托克維爾政治思想中,民主一直是核心的議題,也引發大西洋兩岸知識界熱烈的爭論。直到今天,政治、學術、新聞等各界仍經常引用他的觀點。本文即就托克維爾有關民主體制的思想進行研究,並發現可分梳為民主社會一般傾向、民主社會潛在的腐化危機,及民主體制存續之道三個面向進行討論。而這三個相關的部分,更可就其內在邏輯整合而成共和主義研究途徑。 首先,在民主社會的特徵及其發展方面,托克維爾認為民主社會強調國民主權及身份平等,雖然使社會充滿活力;但也易於衝動,缺乏遠見,造成庸俗的中產階級政治。同時在資本主義及工業革命影響下,可能會形成個體主義,使得人際關係疏離,且對公共事務冷漠;也造成物質主義,只想追求物質享受。大多數勞工也會有異化現象,淪為工作的奴隸。不過,民主社會也會發展出諸如結社、地方自治等鍛鍊政治自由的機制,提供個體自主性及公民性格寬廣的公共領域。托克維爾並主張國家利用宗教、法律培養公民參與的熱情與美德。這種觀念下的國家對人生計劃並不中立,顯現共和主義多於自由主義的立場。 其次,在民主體制潛藏的腐化危機方面,托克維爾指出三種可能形式。一是因身份平等可能切斷封建社會原有的社會紐帶,使得個體孤立無援,必須服從統治的多數,終而導致一種多數專制─以一種社會一致性窒息個體的思想。二是因公民追求物質主義過甚,竟而完全退出公共領域,並召喚一種保護性權力,在民主自由的形式下,溫柔親切地奴役人民。此亦即民主專制。三是在民主革命初期或資本主義發達之後,必將出現中央集權。國家為解決工業社會複雜的問題,因應人民龐雜的需求,在多數授權下集中所有權力,破壞了政治自由得以維繫的各種機制。 第三,在民主體制的維繫方面,托克維爾的主張也充滿共和主義的色彩。例如,為使公民保持自由的技藝,他認為,公民應參與鄉鎮自治、結社(特別是政治結社)、陪審團。而在培養公共精神的美德方面,托克維爾強調宗教的重要性。藉由教條式信仰,宗教可培養公民認識「適當理解的自利原則」。而且,民主社會也有賴宗教提供一種道德與知識的權威。在這一方面,女性公民扮演了傳承與複製的重要角色,因而在托克維爾的民主思想中也占有一席之地。 本文最後提出國民主權、身份平等、公私領域、社會共識等四方面的引申討論,進一步分析托克維爾共和主義式的民主思想,對當前主流民主理論所能提供的貢獻。此外,也依個人見解評論其不足之處。 / Democracy has always been a core concept and a controversial issue in Tocqueville’s political thought at both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. Politicians, scholars as well as journalists still quote Tocqueville’s points at the present time. This thesis studies Tocqueville’s democratic thought, and analyzed it in three aspects: the general tendency of democratic societies, the potential danger of corruption in democratic societies, and the maintenance of democratic system. With the interlock between these aspects, this thesis integrated them into an approach of republicanism to Tocqueville’s democratic thought. For the first aspect, Tocqueville believed that with the emphasis on popular sovereignty and equality of condition, democratic societies will bring themselves diversified vitality. However, the societies will also be passionate and myopic, as the characteristics of mediocre bourgeois politics. Influenced by capitalism and industrial revolution, the prevailing individualism in democratic societies results in social alienation, public apathy and overwhelming materialism. Most workers will degrade into slaves of their works. On the other hand, democracy will promote associations, local self-governments which provide public spheres to practice autonomy and citizenship through the art of political freedom. Furthermore, Tocqueville requested the states to cultivate the passion and virtue of civic participation by means of religion and law. States under this requirement is not neutral toward citizens’ life plans, and seems more republican than liberal. For the second aspect, Tocqueville pointed out three possible forms of corruption from democratic societies: majority tyranny, democratic tyranny and centralization. First, majority tyranny results in extreme exploitation of equality of condition which cut off the original social bonds in feudal societies, hence isolate the individuals and render them totally helpless but to obey the ruling majority. Majority tyranny stifles citizen’s originality with social conformity. Secondly, mainly on account of materialism, citizens would escape into private life and material happiness, and moreover give away thoroughly public affairs to a tutelage power to enslave people gently within the liberal democratic form. That is democratic tyranny. Thirdly, centralization will present itself definitely, either during the early stage of democratic revolution or after capital economy is delivered. In order to solve the complicated problems in industrial societies, respond to a lot of diverse demands, the state concentrate all the power under the delegation of the majority, and destroy all kinds of mechanism which sustaining the art of political freedom. For the third aspect, Tocqueville offered republican solution to the maintenance of democratic system. He thought that citizens should take part in township self-governance, associations (especially political associations) and the jury. He also emphasized the importance of religion in teaching the virtue of public spirit, as well as cultivating the knowledge of “the principle self-interest properly understood” by dogmatic belief. In the same way, religion affords ethical and intellectual authority to democratic societies. In this regard, the female citizens play so important part of sustaining and reproducing these ethical and intellectual lessons that Tocqueville had to illuminate the role of women in his democratic thought. In addition to these interpretations, this thesis presents four related concepts for further discourse: popular sovereignty, equality of condition, public and private sphere and social consensus. Based on these discourses, the thesis evaluates the merit and deficiency of Tocqueville’s thought of republican democracy.

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