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客戶驅動之廠商國際化策略 / Customer-driven internationalization strategies of suppliers

趙秋華, Chao, Chiu-hua Unknown Date (has links)
身為供應商,服務一個開始國際化的客戶是其企業成長的重要契機,為了因應客戶海外設廠,廠商面臨不得不跨出母國市場的壓力。臺灣過去是全球許多資訊產品的生產重鎮,但近年來許多廠商開始進行海外直接投資,將生產線移至亞洲(如中國大陸、越南等)、北美(墨西哥)或歐洲(捷克)等國家,臺灣的供應商開始感受到客戶外移的壓力,中心廠將生產基地外移,連帶促使其上游產業也陸續跟隨其客戶至一起至海外進行投資,在考量組織資源與客戶服務的天平上,供應商在此議題必須做出重要的抉擇。是該在當地設立完整價值活動的子公司,還是以出口方式來服務?是否存在其它折衷的策略選項?不跟隨客戶進行國際化,可能因無法維繫買賣關係而喪失該客戶,跟隨客戶國際化,又面臨到環境的不確定性及跨國營運的挑戰,企業需要尋求可以兼顧客戶關係與維持原有優勢的營運方式,同樣面臨客戶在海外設廠的情境,為何供應商在價值活動的國際化上會有不同的決策?對於製造業的供應商而言,營運活動之佈局尚未獲得完整解答,因此,本論文探討之研究問題包括:(一)當母國客戶在海外設立製造據點時,供應商的國際化跟隨策略為何?(二)當母國客戶在海外設立製造據點時,供應商價值活動的跟隨決策受到哪些因素的影響? 本研究以供應商為研究對象,與客戶接觸之價值活動為分析單位,針對研究問題一,透過個案研究,本研究探究國際化跟隨策略之內涵,發現「價值活動之地理位置」與「價值活動之決策權」為跟隨策略之兩個重要構面。針對研究問題二,透過問卷調查,本研究證實跟隨決策之影響因素:供應商對客戶的依賴關係會增加供應商決策權外移程度;供應商內部作業鑲嵌程度愈高時會促使廠商採取價值活動留在母國;客戶集權程度愈高時,供應商之價值活動與決策權均傾向留在母國;價值活動與客戶海外據點之知識與決策鑲嵌程度,會促使供應商將價值活動與決策權均移往地主國。 本研究從個案資料及組織間關係的依賴、同形及鑲嵌觀點等理論觀點,以供應商之主要客戶海外設廠為主要研究情境,探討供應商之國際化跟隨策略內涵與影響因素,並進行理論意義與實務意涵之討論。 / As a supplier, serving an international customer is a key opportunity of growth. Taiwan was a major manufacturing country of many electronic products in the world in the past. But in recent years, many firms, for cost or service concern, start to move their production lines to China, Vietnam, Mexico, Czech Republic, etc. The suppliers of these firms face pressures from customer migrations. By exporting to serve the customer in the host country, the buyer-seller relationship can not be well-kept. By Setting up a completed value activities subsidiary, the suppler face the uncertainties and challenges of cross-border operations. To or not to go, it’s an important decision the supplier must make. Furthermore, facing the same situation, customer’s FDI, why firms chose different strategies? This paper considers both inter and intro organizational interactions to discuss this issue. Two research questions are investigated. First, to quickly respond to the key customer’s demand in the host country, what is supplier’s customer-driven internationalization strategy? Second, what factors would affect supplier’s customer-driven internationalization strategy. In other words, this research aims to explore the influential factors abut a supplier’s internationalization strategies to service home customer’s demand in the host country. This study takes the view of a supplier, who faces the key customer set up manufacture unit in host country. In order to explore the issues, this study adopted two study researches. At first, this study took 7 case studies form 6 companies to confirm the decision dimensions of internationalization strategies. We found that the locations of activities and the degree of decision power are two important dimensions of supplier’s internationalization strategies. Secondly, according to survey results from 103 suppliers in Taiwan, the findings include below. (1) Positive relationship between suppliers’ dependency and decision power in the host country. (2) The higher internal-embeddedness of the activities, the higher possibilities the location of the activities would located in the home country. (3) Negative relationship between customer’s decision centrality and decision power in the host country. Also negative relationship between customer’s decision centrality and the possibility the location of the activity would located in the home country. (4) The higher external-embeddedness of the activity, the higher possibilities the location of the activity would located in the host country. Also positive relationship between external-embeddedness and decision power in the host country.


鍾佩真 Unknown Date (has links)
本文研究重點係企業併購法之資產收購與公司法第一八五條之爭議問題。首先對公司法第一八五條作性質上之認定,並論及公司法第一八五條本身要件之差異,及該條與企業併購法第二十七條之適用問題。其次,亦對事實合併原則加以討論,該原則之重點在於強調交易所產生之經濟效果,而非交易之名稱,當重大資產交易所產生之經濟效果已與合併之效果相同時,即應賦予股東相關之權利,而不能再以單純之資產買賣視之;至於資產收購與公司分割之比較而言,在法律設計日趨多元化與當事人以特約約定之情形下,資產收購與公司分割間之差距日漸縮小。 / 再,本文同時探討公司進行重大交易時決策權力之配置,先說明一般合併時之權力配置問題,復討論在特殊合併型態時公司決策權力配置之問題,另分析於公司讓與主要部分營業或財產時,美國法與我國法在公司內部決策權力配置之異同,並探討不同決策權力配置之設計所可能產生之優、缺點。復以主要部分營業或財產之認定標準為研究重心,在公司讓與主要部分之營業或財產時,通常引發之爭議即該交易究為單純之資產買賣,係公司一般日常業務,僅由公司董事會決定即可,或已構成資產收購而產生與合併類似之效果,故應賦予公司股東相當於合併時得主張之否決權與股份收買請求權?又因賦予股東相關之決議權與股份收買請求權,對公司而言,通常會增加合併之成本,例如召開股東會之相關費用,與股東行使股份收買請求權時應給付予股東之現金,將使公司現金流量縮減而可能產生失敗之結果,故公司多希望規避相關法規之程序,而不願意將該交易行為認定為合併,以減少現金支出,惟此種解釋雖能顧及公司經營之效率,卻對股東權益保障不足,使股東失去公平收回投資之機會,是本文期能透過美國與我國在相關實務見解與學說之綜合分析,產生一可資參考之認定標準。 / 最後,本文欲討論公司讓與主要部分之營業或財產後之法律效果,主要針對收購公司是否應承擔被收購公司債務之問題進行相關之分析與檢討,在交易相對人不同之認知下,公司若未遵循公司法第一八五條所進行之交易效力問題,簡言之,在公司從事公司法第一八五條之重大交易時,應如何劃定股東之權益維護與相對人之交易安全間之平衡點。

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