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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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羅芳怡 Unknown Date (has links)
多國公司進行優勢之跨國移轉時,有些母公司按照擬定的計畫為之,有些母公司則視地主國的需求而移轉相關資源。實務觀察發現,移轉優勢至國外時,有的公司成功,有的公司卻失敗,其原因為何?理論上,多國公司在國外營運時,傾向將母公司優勢移轉到子公司,以克服外國公司之不利生存性,有些母公司優勢可順利地移轉到子公司,然而有些優勢則否,乃因優勢具有地區限定的特性。因此,由於資源在跨國移轉時會面對某些障礙,使得優勢的跨國使用可能受限,本研究的重心為如何在新的地理空間發揮原有的優勢。 本研究共分三個子研究進行,分別為 1.以探索性個案研究之個案提出命題,探討地區限定優勢之因素與轉化方式。 2.依據個案所提出之造成優勢地區限定三大成因,以實證資料驗證其對母公司優勢地區限定程度之影響。 3.探討地區限定優勢成因對多國公司策略之影響。 首先,個案主要探究造成地區限定優勢之因素,與多國公司降低優勢地區限定程度的方法。個案研究發現:(1)影響優勢地區限定程度因素主要可分成環境、組織及優勢等三個層次;(2) 多國公司可針對不同造成優勢地區限定之因素,分別透過轉化的方式 (例如:選擇相似環境之國家投資、將相關的週邊環境整體移動、與組織次系統脫勾、將次系統整體移動或切割優勢等方式),降低優勢地區限定程度,以利跨國移轉;(3)不同造成地區限定優勢之因素搭配不同之轉化方式,可降低優勢地區限定程度。為加速優勢的跨國移轉,本研究對實務界的建議為加強非地區限定優勢之建立、將地區限定優勢轉化為非地區限定優勢,以及建立優勢管理制度。 第二個研究探討地區限定優勢之成因。依循量表發展過程,發展出衡量地區限定優勢成因之衡量指標11題,分別代表三個構念:環境鑲嵌、組織鑲嵌與優勢特性,經修訂後成為施測問卷。問卷調查有效樣本為多國公司中154位熟悉海外投資業務之中高階主管,經探索性與驗證性因素分析,通過各種信度與效度測試後,確立衡量指標。接續驗證成因構面與地區限定優勢之關聯,實證結果亦顯示此三構面對優勢之地區限定程度,均有正向影響。因此,此三因素為地區限定優勢之成因。 第三個研究主要探討造成地區限定優勢因素與多國公司策略之關係,驗證造成優勢地區限定之成因,對多國公司進行國際拓展、國際策略與優勢移轉之影響。問卷調查有效樣本為多國公司中158位熟悉海外投資業務之中高階主管,統計分析結果發現,環境鑲嵌造成之優勢地區限定程度高,會使得多國公司傾向採用分權結構;組織鑲嵌造成之優勢地區限定程度高,會使得多國公司傾向採用全球策略、降低國外子公司股權、並造成優勢移轉至子公司時間拉長;優勢特性造成之優勢地區限定程度高,會使得多國公司國際化深度較淺、傾向選擇文化距離小的國家投資、優勢移轉至子公司時間拉長、與優勢移轉至子公司程度降低。

社團參與、政黨鑲嵌與政治行為之變遷─以台灣社會變遷調查為資料分析 / the changes of civic engagement, embeddedness of political parties and political behaviors─an example of the Taiwan Social Change Surveys

林亞鋒, Lin, Ya Feng Unknown Date (has links)
社團參與在當代社會早已成為非常重要的議題,不論是西方還是台灣學界都有許多相關的研究。不同於西方社團參與的形式,台灣距離政治民主化只有短短的數十年,社團參與在過去威權統治以及現在民主開放的影響下,產生了複雜的運作機制。一方面,政治上的開放使得社團參與遭遇的限制大幅減少,各式各樣社團呈現蓬勃發展的趨勢,目的性的結社成為了最重要的社團參與形式;另一方面傳統文化下的擬式血源性社團並沒有因為威權體制崩解而失去活力,在地方選舉中依舊保有關鍵的地位。 為了探究台灣解嚴後社團參與的獨特意義,以及民主化之後是否又面臨什麼樣的改變?本文以參與社團所形成的網絡結構作為分析方法,從社團和政黨的網絡鑲嵌性以及社團網絡的社會資本效果,嘗試找出社團網絡的結構及變遷。 透過研究本文呈現了幾個重要發現:首先,研究結果指出台灣社團參與沒有欣欣向榮的發展,在參與者的比例有下降的趨勢,而且教育程度並無顯著提高,反駁了先前的研究;其次,在1992、1997以及2002年三次調查中,政黨和社團的鑲嵌性變化不大,大致上國民黨是強烈鑲嵌在社團網絡之中,反之民進黨則一直處於邊陲的地位,政黨輪替並沒有造成太大的改變;第三,草根性社團仍是台灣很重要的社會力基礎,其成員參與其他社團的比例相當高,不過受限於成員特殊性的影響,使得連結性有不少的侷限;最後,社團網絡確實會有社會資本的效果,不論是從連結能力還是不同結構位置的社團都被證實,但是在台灣這樣的社會資本卻是帶有選擇性的,整體上參與社團的人確實會比較傾向投給泛藍的陣營。 / Civic engagement in modern societies has been an important academic issue, both in Western countries and Taiwan. Unlike that in the Western societies, the civic engagement in Taiwan has a more complex operating mechanism in that authoritarian ruling in the past and democratization of Taiwan in the recent decades have a joint effect on the associations. On the one hand, because democratization greatly reduced the constraints on civic engagement, all kinds of associations have become prosperous and goal-oriented associations become the most important form of civic engagement. On the other hand, under the influence of traditional culture, primary associations still keep their power even with the collapse of authoritarian regime; they still play a key role in the local elections. This thesis analyzes the network structure formed by associations to understand the special meaning of civic engagement in Taiwan after the abolition of martial laws and the changes the network may encounter after the democratization. It looks at three investigations of Social Change Survey in 1992, 1997, and 2002 to find the structure and change from the network embeddedness of associations and political parties and from the effects of social capital obtained by association network. This thesis presents the following important findings: First, the associations in Taiwan are not as prosperous as mentioned in previous research. The data show that the proportion of participants among Taiwanese civilians decreases and the educational degree of the members does not significantly increase. Second, in the three surveys, the embeddedness of political parties and associations does not show obvious change. Generally speaking, KMT still strongly embed in association network, while DPP remains isolated from the network. The shift of political power does not cause strong effects. Third, the grassroots associations still are important basis of social forces, having a high ratio of members joining other associations. However, because of specialties of their members, the capacity of the grassroots associations is limited. Finally, association network has its effects on accumulating social capital, which can be shown by the capacity of association network and by the structural locations of different associations. However, such social capital in Taiwan is selective. Generally speaking, people who join the associations tend to support the pan-blue parties.

地方治理與系絡連結:以桃園市兩蔣文化園區為例 / Local Governance and Contextual Linkage:A Case Study of the Culture Resort of the Chiangs in Taoyuan City

梁依婷, Liang, Yi Ting Unknown Date (has links)
承載著國共兩岸之間的紛擾與記憶的兩蔣文化園區,歷經了戒嚴時期(1945年-1987年)、解嚴後的民主化、去蔣化的風波及後續的重啟再生,已從原先專為蔣氏服務的行館到現今為大眾所觀賞的景點,文化園區的發展脈絡見證由傳統由上而下的直接「統治」到多元參與的地方「治理」的過程。值得關注的是,文化園區的發展並非僅有政府、私部門及市民社會之間的互動,亦會受到外在政治系絡的影響。在園區的發展過程中,行動者之間的協力主要是以「信任」關係作為互動的基礎。同時,對於兩蔣文化是否具有一定的「共識」也是影響園區的鞏固及未來的發展。職是之故,本研究以治理理論作為主軸,藉由兩蔣文化園區的歷史發展軌跡,描繪出從統治到治理的過程,而根源於在地的兩蔣文化園區,應以地方治理模式進行理解其中各個行動者:公部門、私部門、地方團體及市民社會如何一同經營兩蔣文化園區,並輔以「鑲嵌理論」作為底蘊,探究園區的形成與治理互動關係。 / The Culture Resort of the Chiangs carried the troubles and memories of KMT and Communist Party of China between the two straits, going through the period of the martial law (1945-1987), democratization after martial law, de-Chiang-ization and subsequently restarting. Originally, the Chiangs’ Park designed for the Chiang’s family, now it becomes a public attraction; meanwhile, it reveals from the traditional top-down direct “government” to a pluralistic participation “governance” of the process. It is noteworthy that the development of the Culture Resort of the Chiangs has an interaction between the government, private sector and civil society. Besides, the political context affected the Chiangs’ Park in the development process. The “trust” relationship between each actor is the basic element for collaboration.At the same time; the certain “consensus” of the Chiangs plays an important role of consolidation and future development of the park.Therefore, this study uses governance theory as a spindle, with the historical trend of the Culture Resort of the Chiangs, depicting the process from government to governance. Addtonally, the Chiangs’ Park rooted in Daxi, I use local governance theory to analyze the various actors: the public sector, private sector, local communities and civil society in the operation of the Culture Resort of the Chiangs; finally, I use “embeddedness theory” as the foundation, to explore the park's formatiom and interaction relationships.

山地鄉的平地客家人—以新竹縣尖石鄉前山地區客家住民之經濟活動為核心之研究 / Non-Indigenous Hakka People in the Indigenous Township—A Study of Economic Activities of Hakka Residents in the Front-Mountain Area of Jianshi Township, Hsinchu County

羅文君 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以新竹縣尖石鄉前山地區的旮旯牌與尖石兩個客家聚落的經濟活動為研究範疇,藉由史料爬梳與深度訪談建構兩個移居聚落的形成過程、產業類型及社會關係網絡的樣貌,細緻地討論兩者的經濟活動如何運作,並於原鄉經濟發展的不同階段中扮演角色;同時,運用鑲嵌理論討論經濟活動與社會關係如何交織互動。本研究有三個主要的研究發現:一、在平地人無法輕易取得原鄉土地所有權的情況下,地權狀態與地理區位對於移居聚落的經濟活動與社會關係形塑具有決定性影響;二、不同時期出現的平地人聚落處在原鄉經濟發展的不同位階上,從早期作為泰雅族人的佃農與第一線山林資源採伐的勞動者,轉變為平地商品與山林產物交換的中介者;三、Polanyi與Granovetter對於經濟與社會鑲嵌的討論,提供本文不同的觀察尺度來解釋兩聚落中出現的不同鑲嵌型態;此外,本研究以兩個聚落雜貨店交換行為為例,指出經濟活動的「鑲嵌標的」,以及作為「交換媒介的物品特質」皆可成為觀察鑲嵌性質的指標。整體而言,本文突破以原(被剝削者)漢(剝削者)的二元架構來解釋原鄉中經濟關係的討論模式,並對鑲嵌理論的實際運用提出新的思考方向。 / This study focuses on the economic activities of Ga La Pai Community and Jian Shi Community in the front-mountain area of Jianshi Township, Hsinchu County. Adopting the methods of literature review and in-depth interview, this study retraces the history of the forming of these two communities, explores the industries and social relationships within, reveals how their economic activities operated, and the roles they played in different development stages of this region. Base on the concept of embeddedness, this study also discusses the role of social relations in economic activities. There are three main findings in this study. First, the land tenure and location of settlement area have significant impacts on the residents’ economic activities and social relations. Second, non-indigenous settlement are in different stratums of indigenous economy in different periods. They were at once peasants of Tayal people and workers of forest logging, but later they transformed into agents for the exchanges of forest products and commodities from urban area. Third, the different concerns of embeddedness from Karl Polanyi and Mark Granovetter provide multiple scales of view to approach several types of embeddedness occurred in each community. Besides, the comparison of exchange systems between two grocery shops respectively from Ga La Pai Community and Jian Shi Community points out that both of “the subject of embeddedness” and “the nature of medium for exchange” can be the indexes reflecting the characteristics of embeddedness. In general, this study makes a breakthrough in elaborating the roles of non-indigenous in indigenous economy other than the “Han-Chinese (exploiter)/ indigenous people (exploited)” dichotomy. Furthermore, this study makes additional remarks to the concept of embeddedness after practice case studies.

決策的社會鑲嵌性及其影響:台灣中醫及牙醫健保總額支付委員會決策機制之分析 / The social embeddedness of the decision-making and its influence: The analysis of the decision-making mechanisms in the Chinese medical and dental global budget payment committees in Taiwan

王光旭, Wang, Guang Xu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的焦點主要圍繞在兩大主軸:社會鑲嵌性與決策,探討在行動者間社會網絡的關係結構下,決策的影響力與決策行為的社會性。換言之,本研究認為決策並非僅是理性的產物,更多的時候,反而是理性與非理性因素交互作用的結果。也就是說,決策必然鑲嵌在決策者間的社會網絡關係結構,任何的決策都無可避免的必須考量到決策者間的關係型態所造成的限制。本研究使用牙醫與中醫總額支付委員會作為研究的個案,除了讓社會網絡與決策網絡的邊界更清楚,更符合研究校度之外,也希望能夠進一步透過兩個案的分析,一方面透過社會網絡分析瞭解兩支付委員會可能的權力分佈與結構,二方面分析影響決策權力分佈與決策產出的關係機制為何,並藉此來驗證決策的社會鑲嵌性此一概念。 本研究使用事務討論、信任支持、法規諮詢與資源交換四個社會關係網絡來測量行動者在決策過程中的社會關係,並用以驗證決策者的決策影響力與決策的一致性是否鑲嵌在這四個網絡的結構當中。本研究透過社會網絡的問卷蒐集了牙醫支委會18筆與中醫支委會21筆資料(N=56),並透量化社會網絡分析方法中的集中性指數、派系、網絡密度、區截模型與縮影矩陣、MDS分析與QAP的相關與迴歸分析等分析工具,從個體、小團體層次、與總體的結構層次,分析牙醫與中醫支委會的行動者在網絡中的關係型態與位置角色。此外,更透過上述分析中所獲得的集中性指數的分析結果當作自變項,並放入迴歸模型之中,藉以驗證是否對集體決策產出的觀感造成影響。 總的來說,本研究可歸納以下研究結論:一、在牙醫與中醫支付委員會的個案中,委員決策的影響力與決策行為,確實都受到四個社會網絡結構的影響,驗證了決策的社會鑲嵌性此一觀點;二、無論從個體、小團體或總體結構的分析層次,得到的分析結果都很類似,具有決策影響力並與其他行動者有密切的社會關係的行動者,在牙醫支委會有牙醫全聯會的H11, H16與健保局的A2,但中醫支委會的部分,就沒有健保局的代表,反而僅有中醫全聯會代表,顯見在牙醫部門當中,權力的分佈屬於公、私部門間二元的機制,但中醫的部分僅有集中在中區中醫師;三、委員的出席確實會受到委員個人政策影響力與資源交換網絡的顯著影響,顯示個人政策影響力愈大,與其他委員資源交換關係愈頻繁的委員,參與會議的意願較高;四、從影響集體決策產出觀感的因素來說,事務討論關係與在事務討論網絡的派系重疊程度對集體決策產出的觀感有顯著且正面的影響,個人的決策影響力與年資反而有負面且顯著的影響。 本研究大的貢獻,一驗證了決策的社會鑲嵌性此一觀點,決策必須將社會關係變項考量,二是在公共行政領域中第一本以系統化的方式使用社會網絡分析工具的論文,非但具有示範性的作用,也跨越了過去公共行政網絡研究過於喻象的分析缺陷。根據分析結果,本研究提出以下四點政策建議:一、中醫支委會的健保局代表應當夠積極的與中醫全聯會的代表建立溝通的關係,以構築決策影響力的社會基礎;二、委員會中若不具決策影響力,又在社會關係上沒有跟其他行動者互動,則應考慮其存在的實質意義;三、由於年資長短對決策觀感會有負面影響,健保局應更積極的與年資較久的委員溝通請益,瞭解他們為何會對委員會的運作績效有負面的想法,藉以強化委員會的功能;四、加強委員之間的總額事務討論的交換意見的關係,有助於集體決策的產出。 / Decision making is a collective activity rather than an individual option. In literature, collective action can be symbolized as a network. The concept of network has emerged as an intellectual centrepiece in the field of public administration and the speedy development of social network analysis has facilitated “network research” to go beyond only a metaphor. However, most previous decision theories based on the concept of rationality have not seriously considered a network’s impact on the policy process. This research attempts to verify the causal relationship between social embeddedness and decision-making by examining how policy elites’ personal interactions shape individuals’ decision-making behaviour, influential power and the collective decision performance. This research focuses on the result of the mutual influence between rational and non-rational factors. Two cases (the Dental and Chinese Medicine Global Budget Payment Committees) are discussed by applying quantitative social network analysis in order to systemically expand the current understanding of the power distribution and its influential factors in these two decision making committees in Taiwan’s National Health Insurance domain. In regard to methodology, four participants’ social networks were designed not only to examine the social relationship between these committee members but also to analyse the phenomenon of social embeddedness in these two cases. There are totally 39 successful respondents (apx. 80% response rate, N=56) and these raw data were analysed by the indicators such as network centrality index, cliques, network density, block model, image matrix, MDS and QAP correlation, hierarchical regression in order to answer the research questions. Furthermore, this research is based on three analytical levels in social network analysis: “individual relationship”, “small group” and “global structure”, and not only explores the connection, power exercise and decision-making behaviour between these committee members but also analyses their role and position through the perspective of global network structure. The research verifies the hypothesis “decision-making is embeddeded in the structure of the actors’ interconnected social relationships” and utilizes the quantitative social network analytical method systematically to let network study go beyond a metaphor in the research field of public administration. I conclude that the distribution of the decision-making power and behaviour are both influenced by the committees’ social networks. Furthermore, the power distribution in the dental committee is two cores between the dental association and the BNHI, but the committee of Chinese Medicine is just one core of the Chinese Medicine association. With regard to attendance network as the independent variable, two factors significantly and positively influence the committee members’ attendance network: “decision-making influential network” and “resource exchange network”. Finally, the factors of “the NHI affair discussion network” and “the affair discussion clique centrality degree” have positive statistical significance but relatively the factors of “personal decision making influence” and “seniority” have negative statistical significance on the interviewees’ perception of the collective policy outcome.

客戶驅動之廠商國際化策略 / Customer-driven internationalization strategies of suppliers

趙秋華, Chao, Chiu-hua Unknown Date (has links)
身為供應商,服務一個開始國際化的客戶是其企業成長的重要契機,為了因應客戶海外設廠,廠商面臨不得不跨出母國市場的壓力。臺灣過去是全球許多資訊產品的生產重鎮,但近年來許多廠商開始進行海外直接投資,將生產線移至亞洲(如中國大陸、越南等)、北美(墨西哥)或歐洲(捷克)等國家,臺灣的供應商開始感受到客戶外移的壓力,中心廠將生產基地外移,連帶促使其上游產業也陸續跟隨其客戶至一起至海外進行投資,在考量組織資源與客戶服務的天平上,供應商在此議題必須做出重要的抉擇。是該在當地設立完整價值活動的子公司,還是以出口方式來服務?是否存在其它折衷的策略選項?不跟隨客戶進行國際化,可能因無法維繫買賣關係而喪失該客戶,跟隨客戶國際化,又面臨到環境的不確定性及跨國營運的挑戰,企業需要尋求可以兼顧客戶關係與維持原有優勢的營運方式,同樣面臨客戶在海外設廠的情境,為何供應商在價值活動的國際化上會有不同的決策?對於製造業的供應商而言,營運活動之佈局尚未獲得完整解答,因此,本論文探討之研究問題包括:(一)當母國客戶在海外設立製造據點時,供應商的國際化跟隨策略為何?(二)當母國客戶在海外設立製造據點時,供應商價值活動的跟隨決策受到哪些因素的影響? 本研究以供應商為研究對象,與客戶接觸之價值活動為分析單位,針對研究問題一,透過個案研究,本研究探究國際化跟隨策略之內涵,發現「價值活動之地理位置」與「價值活動之決策權」為跟隨策略之兩個重要構面。針對研究問題二,透過問卷調查,本研究證實跟隨決策之影響因素:供應商對客戶的依賴關係會增加供應商決策權外移程度;供應商內部作業鑲嵌程度愈高時會促使廠商採取價值活動留在母國;客戶集權程度愈高時,供應商之價值活動與決策權均傾向留在母國;價值活動與客戶海外據點之知識與決策鑲嵌程度,會促使供應商將價值活動與決策權均移往地主國。 本研究從個案資料及組織間關係的依賴、同形及鑲嵌觀點等理論觀點,以供應商之主要客戶海外設廠為主要研究情境,探討供應商之國際化跟隨策略內涵與影響因素,並進行理論意義與實務意涵之討論。 / As a supplier, serving an international customer is a key opportunity of growth. Taiwan was a major manufacturing country of many electronic products in the world in the past. But in recent years, many firms, for cost or service concern, start to move their production lines to China, Vietnam, Mexico, Czech Republic, etc. The suppliers of these firms face pressures from customer migrations. By exporting to serve the customer in the host country, the buyer-seller relationship can not be well-kept. By Setting up a completed value activities subsidiary, the suppler face the uncertainties and challenges of cross-border operations. To or not to go, it’s an important decision the supplier must make. Furthermore, facing the same situation, customer’s FDI, why firms chose different strategies? This paper considers both inter and intro organizational interactions to discuss this issue. Two research questions are investigated. First, to quickly respond to the key customer’s demand in the host country, what is supplier’s customer-driven internationalization strategy? Second, what factors would affect supplier’s customer-driven internationalization strategy. In other words, this research aims to explore the influential factors abut a supplier’s internationalization strategies to service home customer’s demand in the host country. This study takes the view of a supplier, who faces the key customer set up manufacture unit in host country. In order to explore the issues, this study adopted two study researches. At first, this study took 7 case studies form 6 companies to confirm the decision dimensions of internationalization strategies. We found that the locations of activities and the degree of decision power are two important dimensions of supplier’s internationalization strategies. Secondly, according to survey results from 103 suppliers in Taiwan, the findings include below. (1) Positive relationship between suppliers’ dependency and decision power in the host country. (2) The higher internal-embeddedness of the activities, the higher possibilities the location of the activities would located in the home country. (3) Negative relationship between customer’s decision centrality and decision power in the host country. Also negative relationship between customer’s decision centrality and the possibility the location of the activity would located in the home country. (4) The higher external-embeddedness of the activity, the higher possibilities the location of the activity would located in the host country. Also positive relationship between external-embeddedness and decision power in the host country.

關係鑲嵌性與子公司興業導向關係之研究 / The Relationship between Relational Embeddedness and Subsidiary’s Entrepreneurial Orientation

蔡政安, Tsai, Cheng-An Unknown Date (has links)
創業精神的研究對象概可分為新創企業及已奠基廠商,本研究是關注已奠基廠商的創業行為研究,稱為公司興業精神研究。此研究的主軸是興業精神行為模式,此模式是以興業導向衡量公司興業精神,主要在探討公司興業精神與廠商績效的關聯,過去二十多年來在許多學者的努力下已有豐碩的理論發展與實證成果。然此類研究也遇到發展瓶頸,因而學者建議此類研究應往國際化活動或是結合社會網絡觀點發展。 本研究是以興業精神行為模式為基礎,結合社會網絡觀點中的關係鑲嵌性概念,經由文獻回顧歸納出影響多國企業子公司興業精神的關係鑲嵌性包括母子公司間公司鑲嵌性、顧客關係鑲嵌性、供應商關係鑲嵌性及政府單位關係鑲嵌性,探討不同關係鑲嵌性與多國企業子公司興業導向的關聯。 經由個案訪談及問卷調查方法,對台灣企業在大陸子公司的230位經理人進行調查,以統計方法檢定各項假說,並再對未符合預期的假說進行較深入探索性分析,研究結果發現:(1)多國企業子公司興業導向與顧客關係鑲嵌性有導U字型關聯,(2)多國企業子公司興業導向與供應商關係鑲嵌性有導U字型關聯,(3)多國企業子公司興業導向與政府單位關係鑲嵌性無關聯,(4)多國企業子公司興業導向與母子公司間關係鑲嵌性有正向關聯。此結果顯示在社會網絡理論中的重要觀點:「平衡網絡」或是「過度鑲嵌」,會在多國企業子公司的興業精神中發生,換言之,本研究證實與顧客或供應商過度鑲嵌時,會不利於子公司興業精神行為。 本研究同時也探討環境中的政策不確定性、產業不確定性及競爭不確定性與子公司興業導向的關聯,研究結果顯示:(5)多國企業子公司興業導向與政策不確定性有正向關聯,(6)多國企業子公司興業導向與產業不確定性無關聯,(7)多國企業子公司興業導向與競爭不確定性有正向關聯。研究結果顯示:在面對政策上的不確定或是競爭上的不確定時,多國企業子公司會發揮更高的興業精神來因應此環境下的變動。 最後,本研究依理論架構與實證發現,提出研究的理論貢獻、實務意涵及後續研究的建議,使未來研究能彌補理論發展或是實證研究的不足。 / Research on corporate entrepreneurship(CE) has grown rapidly over the past decades. Both scholars and practitioners remain interested in studying and better understanding CE(Ireland, Kuratko & Covins, 2002).CE has bees viewed as the driver of new business and economic growth within on-going enterprises as achieved through innovativeness, proactiveness, risk-taking(Miller, 1983; Covin & Slevin, 1989e), new business venturing (Burgelman, 1983b, Guth & Ginsberg, 1990; Zahra, 1995), self-renewal(Guth & Ginsberg, 1990; Zahra, 1995; Shama & Chrisma, 1999), opportunity pursuit(Stevenson & Jarillo, 1990; Shane & Vankataraman, 2000), etc. CE can be important not only for small and medium size enterprises but also for large corporation(Antocic & Hisrich, 2001). The previous research mainly focused on the relationship between CE and firm performance and generated an study axial of entrepreneurship behavior model that used measures as the firm entrepreneurial orientation(Covin & Slevin, 1989, 1991; Zahra, 1996,1996; Lumpkin & Dess, 1996). Although this kind of research has come out with valuable theoretical concepts and rich empirical results, it till encounters the bottleneck of research. Some scholars suggested that CE research should be extended to international business activities or include the social network perspective(Zehra et. al. , 2003). Approximately 15 years ago, research on networks emerged as an important new era of inquiring within the field of entrepreneurship, but published papers on journals were relatively few and mainly focused on the development and consequences of networks in the new venture creation process, or focused on small medium-sized firms(Hoang & Antocic, 2003). There was lack of the network perspective research on the established firm in the field of entrepreneurship. This research extended entrepreneurship into international activities and conducted an empirical study on multinational enterprise’s subsidiaries with relational embeddedness of social network perspective. Through the literature review and case study, we generated a research framework and a set of hypothesis which described the relationships between relational embeddedness and subsidiary’s entrepreneurial orientation. We collected data and used statistical tool to verify the hypothesis. Besides, we conducted an exploratory analysis on some field of what hypotheses were not supported to further understand how relational embeddedness influence the entrepreneurial behavior in the subsidiaries of multinational enterprises. This research finds that (1)there exists the inverse U shape relationship between the customer relational embeddedness and subsidiary’s entrepreneurial orientation, (2)there exists the inverse U shape relationship between the supplier relational embeddedness and subsidiary’s entrepreneurial orientation, (3)there exists no relationship between government relational embeddedness and subsidiary’s entrepreneurial orientation, (4)there exists the positive association between the mother-subsidiary relational embeddedness and subsidiary’s entrepreneurial orientation. This results imply that the important phenomenon of balance network or over embeddedness be exactly happen in the filed of subsidiary’s entrepreneurial behavior. Our study verified that over embeddedness will negatively influence the entrepreneurship of subsidiary, especially over embeddedness with customers or suppliers. This research also searched the relationship between the environmental uncertainties and subsidiary’s entrepreneurial orientation. This result finds that (5) there exists positive association between the policy uncertainty and subsidiary’s entrepreneurial orientation, (6) there exists non-association between the industry uncertainty and subsidiary’s entrepreneurial orientation,(7) there exists positive association between the competitive uncertainty and subsidiary’s entrepreneurial orientation. This imply the subsidiary will advance his entrepreneurial behavior to overcome the environmental uncertainty or pursuit the business opportunities in the dynamic change. Finally this research proposed the theoretical contribution, practitioner implications and further research suggestions

快速跟隨、產業聚落與社會鑲嵌:以台灣IC設計產業為例 / Fast Follower, Industrial Cluster, and Social Embeddedness: An Inquiry into IC Design Industry in Taiwan

曾聖文, Tseng, Sheng-Wen Unknown Date (has links)
台灣IC設計產業的技術並非是最尖端的,也不具有低人力成本與低價格的優勢,並且夾擠在先進的「創新領導型聚落」(例如:美國矽谷)與低成本優勢的「製造成本控制型聚落」(例如:中國大陸上海)之間發展。但台灣新竹的IC設計產業聚落卻仍能在知識快速流動的空間趨勢中,持續且擴大地理群聚效應,成為全球IC/半導體產業的重要節點。因此,本論文旨在回答以下的研究問題:在知識快速流動的空間趨勢中,為什麼台灣IC設計產業仍鑲嵌在台灣的經濟社會環境中持續群聚與成長? 本論文有以下主要研究結論:(一)IC設計廠商在台灣形成新竹與台北兩個產業聚落,新竹產業聚落包含「快速跟隨型」與「專業化型」兩種台灣IC設計廠商,台北則是「專業化型」廠商群聚。「快速跟隨型」IC設計廠商採取「次進市場」時間策略,「專業化型」IC設計廠商則以「市場區隔」時間策略切入產品生命週期;(二)新竹地區廠商的快速跟隨策略,由速度、彈性與成本控制的制度環境所支撐,其群聚效應與成長速度高於台北產業聚落;(三)本論文驗證了知識的快速流動空間,有助於地方空間的快速技術學習與產業群聚效應。 / Taiwan’s IC design industry, located mainly in the Taipei-Hsinchu corridor, has important status in the global value chain of the world semiconductor industry. Nevertheless, it neither has cutting edge technology nor has the lowest cost advantage; it is besieged between leading innovative cluster (eg. Silicon Valley) and catch-up cluster that is based on production cost (eg. Shanghai). Most significantly, it still continues to grow in the age in which place is said to be meaningless due to the tendency of space of flows. This study thus aims to answer the following question: why does IC design industry still continue to embed in and to grow in the northern part of Taiwan? My research findings can be summarized as follows. First of all, it is found that there are two major IC design clusters in the northern part of Taiwan: Hsinchu and Taipei. Secondly, it is found that firms in Hsinchu cluster have both “fast follower” and “specialist” characteristics, whereas IC design firms in Taipei has only “specialist” features. Fast follower firms adopt “second-to-market” strategy and specialist firms adopt “market-segmentation” strategy to enter the product market in the product-life-cycle. Thirdly, due to the fact that fast follower firms in Hsinchu are supported by institutionalized features that can sustain speed, flexibility, and cost-control which Taipei lacks, Hsinchu thus has better agglomeration effect and growth rate. Finally, this study concludes that current tendency of space of flows in which knowledge can be transmitted through space is contributive to Taiwan’s fast technological learning and clustering effect.

從杜斯妥也夫斯基小說《卡拉馬助夫兄弟》看其宗教思想表現形式的特點 / Osobennosti vyrazheniya religioznyx idei v romane F.M. Dostoevskii «Brat'ya Karamazovy»

林冠廷, Ling,Kuan Ting Unknown Date (has links)
從杜斯妥也夫斯基小說《卡拉馬助夫兄弟》 看其宗教思想表現形式的特點 指導教授:瓦列格夫博士 研究生:林冠廷 論文提要 「上帝是否存在?」這個問題,一直都是困擾且折磨杜斯妥也夫斯基的問題,作家窮盡一生都在探討它。在小說《卡拉馬助夫兄弟》中,杜斯妥也夫斯基再一次更深入的探討這個問題,並藉由小說中的人物展開了豐富的思想辯論。卡拉馬助夫的家庭史,實際上就是俄國社會的一個縮影,小說主角人物對待信仰的態度及看法,可以被視為俄國社會上各種不同類型之人的代表。透過小說各種角色面對信仰問題時所表現的態度與處理方式,杜斯妥也夫斯基利用對話理論使他們各自闡述各自的思想並透過辯論來探討「創造者與被造者」——「神與人」的關係。在本論文當中,我們藉著探討小說人物們對信仰的態度與上下文來分析杜斯妥也夫斯基在宗教思想表達形式上的特點,並嘗試理解他的中心思想。本論文將小說人物分成三個群組來探討:一、卡拉馬助夫的家庭成員;二、東正教神職人員;三、天真信仰的代表者,如:虔信的婦人們、小信的女士與駑鈍的老僕人等的信仰觀。藉著討論以上三個群組人物的語言特性,行為舉止和其思想上的變化,再加上小說部分片段採用了鑲嵌式短篇小說的手法,作家營造了一個多聲部的作品,不僅使小說本身的思想更加豐富,也增加了他的被討論與可看性。因此,本論文將藉由探討小說《卡拉馬助夫兄弟》中各種人物角色的信仰觀來理解杜斯妥也夫斯基深邃複雜又充滿矛盾的宗教思想。 關鍵字:宗教思想, 對話理論, 文本語意結構,上下文,語言特性,鑲嵌式短篇小說,鄉土主義


王世杰 Unknown Date (has links)
國民黨執政期間國家社會關係為上對下威權統治關係,而後威權時期台灣國家社會關係最突出的現象為社會自主性的提昇,國家社會關係轉變為平行合作伙伴關係,經濟自由化促進政治民主化,表面上「民意」成為台灣政經發展的主要推動力量,但支持台灣後威權時期民主政治發展之多元制度卻仍付之闕如,促使台灣發生類似民主民粹化現象。高漲的民意反噬民主政治賴以建立的根基—多元化民主,政治一元化論述撕裂了民主社會應有的基本共識與互信,並造成國家認同問題,筆者認為,民主民粹化現象使後威權時期台灣國家社會關係反而回到國家社會衝突對抗關係,多元與互補性認同是撫癒此種社會裂痕的主要關鍵。而缺乏制度性安排是造成此種緊張關係的主要原因,國家社會鑲嵌性不足,聯帶影響台灣整體國家能力。 後威權時期台灣所臨的困境主要在於如何以制度性安排重建國家社會鑲嵌性,社會需求、想法能循正常制度管道完全供輸至公部門,而公部門在制定重大政策時能同時整合私部門的需求與想法,但切忌以國家基礎建設能力為祭品,讓行政官僚體系無法發揮應有的效能,不僅社會鑲嵌性出現問題,也使貧富差距加大,造成社會不穩定。 台灣正處於政經轉型階段,如何以正面適切的回應解決來自全球化的挑戰,是政府和民間社會必需共同面對的問題,制度若無法成為民主政治的主要屏障,則民主化不必然保證多元社會的出現。

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