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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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周步垚 Unknown Date (has links)
合縱連橫的網絡關係,是台灣中小型企業為主的生存方式;義氣、信任與創業精神更普遍出現於企業主身上,在台灣以網絡關係構成的生產協力體系中,呈現出的準時交期、低廉成本、與面對高度環境變動之能力,更是台灣競爭的優勢與生存的利基。 故本研究主要目的為試圖瞭解企業網絡動態變化之情形與各種影響因素,以及企業網絡對偶關係、企業所處之網絡結構、企業所處之外在環境中,三者兩兩互動之變化與各種影響關係。 第二章為文獻回顧,整理與回顧過去相關學者之看法。第一節,針對網絡之相關概念,定義本研究所使用之網絡關係(對偶關係)與網絡結構;第二節探討網絡型態形成之原因,瞭解在何種情況下會有網絡型態組織,與企業選擇各種型態網絡結構之利益所在;第三節則在瞭解各種不同的網絡交易內涵與各種不同的網絡型態;第四節在瞭解網絡結構與網絡關係過去學者衡量之方式;第五節則在於瞭解網絡關係產生變化之原因與各種影響因素,如網絡結構、外在環境等因素;第六節在說明企業之網絡策略型態。 第三章為研究方法,第一節本研究提出研究架構,參考Ring & Van de Ven與第二章之文獻整理發展出之研究架構;第二節說明研究架構中的研究變數;第三傑說明本研究之研究設計,使讀者對於本研究之如何獲得研究結論與資料蒐集之過程;第四節描述本研究之研究流程;第五節說明本研究之限制,提醒讀者本研究之結論的各種限制性。 第四章描述個案公司,第一節到第八節分別各為一家個案公司,透過其網絡關係之各種描繪,來說明企業網絡動態之變化情形與影響因素,第九節為個案之整理。 第五章為命題發展,將第四章之內容按照第三章之研究架構進行分析,並且參照過去學者們提出的理論,歸納出廠商的網絡變化過程,並說明齊備後理由與因素及各項涵義。 第六章第一節,藉由回答第一章研究目的中所提出的問題,彙整說明本研究的主要結論;第二節就本研究過程中,針對研究主題所發現之現象提出實務上之策略建議,期能對企業界的網路策略管理有所助益;第三節根據個人研究的心得與經驗,提出對研究對象及研究內容上的建議,以供後續相關研究參考。


呂明勳 Unknown Date (has links)
傳統產業區位理論主要在探討人類活動對空間之影響,其所著重者乃為經濟面之分析觀點,相較於傳統產業區位理論,網絡發展理論更加著重產業發展非經濟因素之探討以及網絡體系在空間結構中之建構與快速交流、互動,故近年來,產業網絡之研究受到台灣學術界的甚多重視,眾多研究指出,健全且緊密聯結的產業合作網絡,為台灣廠商國際競爭力的重要來源。而新竹科學工業園區與新竹工業區在政府政策的推動下,已引導出各自不同的產業群聚現象,並賦予其特有的任務與角色,尤其二工業(園)區距離僅約10公里,在空間上已具有鄰近性的特質,故本文主要是從廠商地理鄰近性的觀點,探討在新竹地域此一生產環境下,新竹科學工業園區與新竹工業區廠商之原料購買與產品銷售關係向外伸展的生產網絡,其地理空間結構分布情形,以及二者上下游廠商生產、研發合作網絡之連結關係,及其是否因地理鄰近性而產生影響。   本研究首先藉文獻回顧以瞭解產業生產網絡之特性與型態,以及地理集中現象對於產業群聚及廠商間的互動,具有之衝擊與影響;並針對新竹工業地域之發展情形、產業結構之轉變以及新竹科學工業園區、新竹工業區二大產業聚集地內各項重大產業之網絡連結情形作進一步之探討。再配合問卷調查方式,以得出二工業(園)區廠商生產、研發合作網絡之連結關係與區位選擇考量情形;最後運用二元羅吉特迴歸模式逐步篩選擷取出影響廠商選擇設廠於新竹科學工業園區及新竹工業區之重要變項,並進而分析論述地理鄰近性與生產、研發網絡二者之關係。 本研究實證分析結果如下:一、地理鄰近性與廠商區位之選擇有關;二、新竹科學工業園區呈現跨國界性的生產網絡關係,而新竹工業區則屬於跨區域性之生產網絡;三、新竹科學工業園區內廠商在上下游投入產出關係中是較為密切,這也正是其吸引六大產業廠商在此群聚之原因,同時促使產業群聚現象亦愈為顯著;四、地理空間的鄰近促使互動的限制隨著鄰近性的增加而減少,同時也增加了成員間溝通的速度,故在新竹工業地域產業群聚的環境下,地理的鄰近對新竹科學工業園區及新竹工業區廠商生產網絡之連結建立了更佳的平台;五、地理鄰近對工業(園)區廠商研發合作網絡之形構助益不大,而產業型態之不同,應是彼此合作網絡連結簿弱之主因。 最後建議政府在規劃整體工業(園)區環境時,尤應因應產業性質之不同,提供廠商資訊交流平台,以增進產業交流。同時應協助工業(園)區廠商建立垂直、水平或異業間研發合作網絡關係,俾使彼此互享生存資源並有效降低研發成本與風險,而新產品或技術創新之時間也得以縮短,相互合作進而提升產業競爭能力。此外,日後工業(園)區服務中心除了收取經費或場地租借外,亦應兼具訊息交流功能,並從生產鏈或價值鏈之觀點,尋覓適合之廠商進駐,以活化工業(園)區產業群聚效益,進而促進彼此生產或研發合作網絡連結關係。 / The industry location theory mainly discusses the impact of human activities on space from mainly the economic perspective. Compared with this conventional theory, the network development theory puts a stronger emphasis on the non-economic factors in industrial development and a network system’s construction, development, and interaction in a spatial structure. In recent years, much academic attention has been paid to the study of industrial networks in Taiwan. Many studies have pointed out that a firm and closely-linked network of industrial cooperation is the main source of international competitiveness for Taiwanese firms. Under the promotion of the government, industrial clusters have been created in Hsinchu Science Park and Hsinchu Industrial Park, with each cluster given a specific role and missions. As the two parks are only 10km away from each other, they can be said to have the characteristic of geographic proximity. Therefore, this study was aimed to investigate, from the perspective of geographic proximity, the geographic structure of the production network developed under the demand for raw materials and sales of products among the firms in the two parks. Besides, it further probed into the linkage in production and R&D among upstream/downstream firms in the two parks as well as the impact of geographic proximity on inter-firm cooperation.   Literature review was first conducted to understand the features and patterns of production networks and the impact of geographic concentration on industrial clustering and firm interactions. Geographic development, transformation of structure of industries in Hsinchu and the networks formed by major industries in the two parks were further investigated. Through a questionnaire survey, the linkages in production and R&D among firms in the two parks and factors considered in their location choice were explored. Finally, variables affecting firms’ location choice were progressively extracted using the binary logit model. Based on these variables, the relationship between geographic proximity and production and R&D networks were further analyzed. From this empirical analysis, the following results were obtained: (1) Geographic proximity is correlated with location choice of firms. (2) The production networks in the Hsinchu Science Park are cross-national, while those in Hsinchu Industrial Park are more cross-regional. (3) Upstream/downstream firms in Hsinchu Science Park have a closer input-output relationship, which is the main reason why firms across six industries cluster in this park and industrial clustering is becoming more significant. (4) Proximity in geographic space reduces constraints on firm interactions and facilitates communications among members. Thus, in Hsinchu where industries cluster, geographic proximity provides a better platform for firms in the both parks to establish production networks. (5) The positive effect of geographic proximity on the buildup of an R&D network among firms in the two parks is limited. Difference in industry patterns is probably the main cause of the weakness of their cooperation linkages. Finally, the following suggestions were proposed: In the planning of an industrial park, the government should provide a firm information exchange platform according to properties of each industry to facilitate industry exchange. Besides, efforts should be made to assist firms in the park to establish horizontal, vertical or cross-industry R&D networks, so that these firms can share resources of survival and effectively reduce R&D cost and risks. Besides, through cooperation, their new product development or technical innovation time can be shortened and their competitiveness can be enhanced. In the future, in addition to collection of funds or administration of lands, the park service center should also provide information exchange services. From the perspective of production chain or value chain, it can proactively seek suitable firms to move into the park. Thus, the effect of industrial clustering can be increased, and production or R&D network linkages among firms can be further strengthened.


謝宗學 Unknown Date (has links)


黃國水 Unknown Date (has links)
為了滿足顧客全產品的需求,另一方面,又必須使企業的運作具有最大的效率,網絡組織是近來備受討論的組織型式。在中國式的企業網絡中,人際網絡扮演相當重要的角色,企業與企業之間的運作,因為人情關係的介入,使得決策速度更快,彈性更高,因而形成台灣特有的企業網絡特性,使台灣的中小企業在外銷市場上擁有獨特的競爭力。而網路科技的興起,使企業網絡的特性產生改變,企業之間的運作變得更有效率,節省了許多不必要的成本,如單據的費用、人員的費用、以及減少錯誤發生等。 本研究屬探索性研究,主要在探討兩種不同運作基礎的企業網絡各具有何種特性,這兩種網絡體系分別是以人際網絡為基礎的企業網絡與以電腦網路為基礎的企業網絡。本研究從網絡文獻中擇取數個比較的構面,如網絡形成的基礎、網絡溝通、解決衝突的方法、成本以及效益等,對相關的企業網絡進行文獻整理與實際訪談,在上述的比較構面上一一進行比較,並試圖探討出在未來資訊社會下,何種特性的網絡體系更有前途,而得以在未來社會中存活。 經由理論與實務之觸發印證,本研究發現,以人際網絡為基礎的企業網絡與以電腦網路為基礎的企業網絡在許多構面上都具有相當的差異,在未來的社會下,兩者並無絕對的優點與缺點。人際網絡可以提供決策速度與彈性,而電腦網路則可以提供效率與成本節省,如何將這兩種網絡(網路)作有效的搭配,可視企業網絡的性質而定,如果企業與企業之間的運作較需求彈性,應變速度,可導入較多的人際網絡,而如果企業與企業之間的運作較需求效率,責任有明確歸屬的,可利用電腦網路來進行企業與企業之間的聯繫與溝通,因此,本研究認為,這兩種不同運作基礎的企業網絡,並無孰好孰劣的絕對判準,而是應視企業之間交易的特質來決定採用何種網絡(網路)來進行企業與企業之間的運作。

台灣企業網絡-由交易成本經濟學的觀點出發 / The Interorganizational Networks in Taiwan: From the Viewpoint of Transactional Cost Economy

簡岳佐, Chien, Yueh Tso Unknown Date (has links)
本研究嘗試從企業界中實際的現象切入,觀察並探討近年來相當熱門的研究課題─企業網絡。主要研究問題有:   1.是否存在不同類型的企業網絡?若存在,則不同的企業網絡應有何不同的競爭策略?   2.是否能為學術上企業網絡問題的研究,尋求一個簡單易用的架構?   3.身處企業網絡中的廠商,應如何制訂競爭策略?   4.對於台灣以企業網絡為主的競爭方式,政府在制訂政策時,應該有哪些特別考量?   選取作為研究對象的產業為台灣自行車產業、工具機產業,而主要研究結論如下:   1.企業網絡型態可依資產特殊性程度的不同,區分為資產特殊性程度較低的市場型網絡,與資產特殊性程度較高的組織型網絡。   2.市場型網絡體系的結構傾向於開放式;更換網絡成員的成本較低;中心廠傾向於讓協力廠自由發展;個別協力廠產生危機對中心廠衝擊較小;協力廠對中心廠的依賴程度較低。   3.組織型網絡體系的結構傾向於封閉式;更換網絡成員的成本較高;中心廠傾向於涉入協力廠的管理活動;個別協力廠產生危機對中心廠衝擊較大;協力廠對中心廠的依賴程度較高。   4.當客觀環境改變時,市場型網絡有轉變為組織型網絡的可能,而組織型網絡亦有轉變為市場型網絡的可能。   5.市場型網絡的策略是所謂的「同中求異」,而組織型網絡則是「異中求同」。   6.在從事產業升級的努力時,市場型網絡體系中傾向於由廠商個別做升級的努力,而組織型網絡體系則傾向於由中心廠與協力廠共同合作。


廖炯志 Unknown Date (has links)
節慶活動在人類社會不同階段的文化進程中扮演著重要的角色,隨著經濟發展及社會變遷,其型態及功能更趨多元,而公部門多扮演關鍵推動或執行的角色。因節慶活動的組織運作與網絡管理有別於傳統的政策執行,本研究即以2005台北燈節為觀察平台,欲探究公部門辦理節慶活動的組織結構及運作方式,並從網絡的形成過程中,瞭解行動者彼此的角色位置及參與活動的態度認知,同時也探討行動主體整合關係網絡的過程與結果。 根據研究目的,並經文獻探討、參與觀察及深度訪談的綜合分析,研究發現:在個案部分,活動組織係依階段動態組成,具有系統功能特質,其網絡係在不同認知及權力基礎的行動者間多向互動,並仰賴行動者間的合作信任關係形成,因此可說非正式結構具有實質影響性,而在網絡整合過程,核心行動者雖能善用諸多策略,惟整合結果各行動者對達成認知仍有差異;此外在理論部分,本研究以行動與結構調和觀點提供了網絡研究的若干價值,同時也提出了若干省思。研究最後在政策層面提出了短、中、長程的建議;而在執行層面則是對活動規劃、執行組織及網絡整合等提出相關建議。 / Festivals celebrations play a significant role when cultures evolve. With the change of economic and social development, their forms and functions are getting more diversified while government departments mainly take the role of promotion or execution. Unlike common policy administration, management of networks and organization operation in festivals celebrations are much different. So the research observes Taipei Lantern Festival 2005 to probe into the organization structure and its implementation when government departments dealt with festivals celebrations. And through the forming of network, we seek to understand the position of actors and their expectations of the activity and meanwhile study the course and result of integration of executive sectors. According to the research purpose, document study, observation and in depth interview, it concludes that in the case study, the dynamic activity changes as occasions arise and characteristic of organizationic functions. The network interacts between different sectors of diverse expectations and authorities and it leans on relationship and cooperation between sectors. The informal structure, so to speak, is influential. And during the integration of network, the sector in charge could employ strategies to get work done, but other sectors might expect differently toward the result. Theoretically the research, in terms of reconciliation of actions and structures, focuses on the network and provides also some reflections. At last it forwards short-term, mid-term, and long-term political suggestions. For the execution part, it offers some advice for activity planning, executive organization and integration of network as well.

中國大陸城市居民採納互聯網硏究 : 以杭州為例 = Internet adoption in urban China : the case of Hangzhou

金兼斌, 01 January 2002 (has links)
No description available.

區域創新系統下數位遊戲產業技術與知識網絡研究 / Technology and Knowledge Networks of Digital Game Industry in Regional Innovation System

蔡佩純, TSAI ,PEI CHUAN Unknown Date (has links)
在創新系統中,產、學、研為新技術與知識積蓄的點,創新網絡中節點與節點之間的互動扮演重要的角色。區域內領導性廠商為了取得技術優勢,提供經費購買技術、引進技術等外部資源建立核心能力,在區域內形成產、學、研的技術聯盟組織,形塑區域特殊產業。各單位所交織形成的網絡動態為有助於區域創新活動的決定性因素。 透過這樣的角度來檢視台灣,本研究以區域創新系統的角度出發,觀察「數位遊戲」這項新興產業在技術與知識網絡中,行動者之間彼此的互動連結。將廠商、相關研究機構、產業公協會、人才培育機構、大專院校與育成中心視為區域創新網絡的驅動角色,透過問卷調查與社會學中的網絡分析工具,觀察網絡中技術與知識的互動關係。本研究的主要結論如下: ㄧ、由本研究實證結果發現,台灣北部區域所形塑遊戲產業產官學研合作所環繞的創新氛圍十分強烈。北部區域中,又以台北縣中和「遠東世紀廣場科技園區」與台北市「南港軟體工業園區」分別為遊戲產業高度密集聚點。 二、由於台灣數位遊戲產業各廠商之間的封閉性,各單位間技術與知識的互動關係偏低。廠商之間的網絡活動主要是以垂直性的關係為主,而非水平性的關係。廠商傾向倚賴國際之間網絡技術資源。 三、知識網絡中越是有能力的單位,越可能處於技術網絡的核心位置。也就是原本在遊戲產業中處於優勢地位的單位,基於資訊流通與知識傳遞方便的優勢,技術能力的掌握能力亦強,少數特定單位重複扮演技術與知識互動的重要角色。本研究從網絡結構中證實了技術與知識的高度關係。 四、技術網絡的連結模式呈現環環相扣的環狀結構,彼此交流與技術互動的相當頻繁與快速。知識網絡的星狀連結模式,具有明顯的核心單位,此類結構有利於知識的傳遞,處於散佈節點的單位居處特別重要的地位。 / In the innovation system, firms, schools and research institutes are new technology and knowledge storage places. The interactions between nodes play important roles in the innovation networks. In order to gain technology advantages, leading firms provide expenses to purchase and introduce technology to establish core ability. They form consortia with other firms, schools, and research institutes to build up regional specific industries in the regions. The dynamic network formed from the interaction of units is the main factor to facilitate regional innovative activities. This thesis is on the basis of Regional Innovation System (RIS) in Taiwan and takes “Digital Games” for example. Each actor interacts in the technology and knowledge networks in the RIS. Regarding firms, associate research institutes and industry associations as driving roles in the innovative networks, this thesis applies innovation networks surveys and the methodology of Social network analysis in Sociology to observe technology and knowledge interactions in the innovative networks. The major conclusions are as follows: First, “Far East Century Scientific Square” in Jhonghe City and “ Nan-Gang Software Industrial Park” in Taipei City are surrounded extremely strongly innovation milieu in the north of Taiwan. Secondly, owing to self-contained, digital games firms are deficient in interaction with each other. Activities in the networks are vertical relations almost, not horizontal ones. Firms tend to depending on international technology resources in the networks. The third, many competent actors basing on the advantage of information and knowledge transfer very quickly and conveniently in knowledge networks are located in the core of technology networks. A small number of firms repeatedly play the important role in technology and knowledge networks. From the network structure, this thesis proved technology and knowledge have a close relationship. Finally, technology networks display circular structures which exchange and transfer quite frequently and quickly; knowledge networks display star structure which have apparent core units and which are advantageous to transfer knowledge.

區域技術知識網絡與創新之研究 / The study of the typology of regional technology knowledge network and innovation

許秋惠, Hsu,Chiu Hui Unknown Date (has links)
製藥產業是高度依賴研究發展之產業,因此技術知識網絡在製藥產業中相當活躍,製藥產業因技術的突破,又可分為傳統製藥與生技醫藥兩個分支。本研究旨在探討我國製藥產業技術知識網路與創新績效之關係,透過文獻之探討,以社會網絡理論之觀點切入,利用網絡分析工具UCINET計算出廠商網絡中心性,藉由網絡中心性的分析與評估,尋找出台灣地區製藥產業技術知識網絡中的關鍵行動者。並且以網絡中心性來衡量個別廠商網絡關係的強弱及區分網絡的型態,研究區域內與跨區域網絡對廠商創新成效之影響。 研究結果發現,生技醫藥廠商跨區域合作互動情形愈高,對於創新績效愈有顯著性差異;傳統製藥產業則不論是區域內的合作或是跨區域的合作,皆能帶給其創新的能力,另外,不同的合作關係亦會影響其創新績效之表現,區域內的網絡較著重於直接網絡所帶來的系統性知識,而跨區域的網絡則著重於間接網絡中多樣化的知識。 / As a knowledge intensive industry, pharmaceutical industry cultivates highly active networks among firms and relative actors. Because of technology revolution, Pharmaceutical is divided into two forms: traditional Pharmaceutical and Pharmaceutical biotechnology. This paper aims to advance our understanding of the technology knowledge and innovation capacity of the pharmaceutical industry in Taiwan. We begin by reviewing literatures regarding network and network position. Using the UCINET, a useful method to describe and measure firms’ centralities in a social network, we find out the key players in Taiwan Pharmaceutical industry and offers an emprical examination by examining the geography of technology knowledge associated with innovation in Taiwan Pharmaceutical industry. The empirical results indicate that there is a significant relationship between intra-regional knowledge and innovation performance in Pharmaceutical biotechnology industry, and both intra-regional knowledge and regional knowledge determine the innovation performance of the pharmaceutical industry. Furthermore, Results of this study indicate that a firm that occupies a central position in regional network of direct ties is more accessible to useful knowledge; in the other hand, firms can innovate successfully in intra-regional network both directly and indirectly.

企業集團全球網絡與在地治理模式研究以華碩集團為例 / Corporate group global network and localized business management model: Case study Asus.

王樂平 Unknown Date (has links)
過去對於台灣單一廠商朝向大型集中化的企業集團發展及其在地交易治理模式的現象較少涉及,本研究由網絡理論出發,扣連華碩集團作為研究場域,援引Håkanson企業全球擴張模式,企圖論證華碩企業集團化過程中,如何透過獨資或合資之進入模式,佈局全球在地網絡關係,進而運用Powell組織治理模式,探討企業集團在地網絡治理模式。有別於過去文獻單從政治經濟學詮釋企業集團介入不同產業時,強調國家角色的重要性;或者從經濟地理學探討單一產業之廠商全球佈局或跨界生產網絡建構與在地鑲嵌實證研究,期能補充過去文獻之不足。經研究後發現: 一、Håkanson於1979年所提出之企業集團全球擴張模式,無法適用於華碩全球網絡擴張模式。 經本研究分析,Håkanson所提出的企業集團全球擴張模式,無法適用於華碩企業集團的全球網絡擴張模式,就其原因,應與現今之企業集團受全球網絡接軌、資訊技術的進步、市場全球化、專業技術的研發及台灣中小企業的靈活性等因素影響。故本研究依華碩案例,整理出企業集團全球擴張模式的三階段,1.單一廠商及採用海外銷售代理商階段;2.滲透到個國內外市場階段;3.產生跨國產業的公司。 二、Powell的組織交易治理模式,可以解釋華碩企業集團全球網絡下各公司在地網絡治理行為。 Powell強調網絡是一個重要的組織交易治理模式,相關研究亦指出華人企業比較重視「網絡」,透過華碩企業集團案例分析,顯示研發活動受到確保關鍵技術的限制而採用層級型;在製造活動上,受到控制產品品質及降低成本的需求,初期會採用層級型,然後隨着產品多樣化而採用網絡層級型;行銷活動為了獲取最大的銷售利益,在單一技術多角化經營期間採用市場網絡型,隨着產品多樣化而採用市場型。 三、本研究所選擇的四個影響在地組織交易治理模式因素,僅有企業價值活動具解釋性。 透過企業發展階段、各公司設立時間、進入模式及企業價值活動等四個選擇因素的迴歸分析,發現各分、子公司所從事的企業價值活動對在地組織交易治理模式有顯著影響。 / There are few researches on how a Taiwanese single manufacturer developing into a hyper-centralized group and what its localized business and management model is. Hence this paper is employed the network theory to Asus as studied case and applied Håkanson’s Corporate Global Expansion Model for Asus’ group developing process to try to explain how employ solely or joint investment entering model to layout global localized network. Furthermore, employ Powell’s organization management model to explore corporate group’s local management network. This dissertation is different from most papers focus on the role of country when interpreting from political economy view that how corporate group enters various industry. It is also different from economic geography view to explore how one single manufacturer layout globally or across industry to setup and localize completely production. I hope the approach of this paper can fill the gap. Findings: 1. Håkanson’s Corporate Global Expansion Model submitted in 1979 can not be applied for Asus’ global network expansion model. The reason why Håkanson’s Corporate Global Expansion Model can not be applied for Asus’ global network expansion model is modern corporate group is highly influenced by global network, information technology, market globalized, and the development of professional skills, and the flexibility for Taiwanese middle and small companies. It can be concluded that there are three stages for the corporate group to expand globally based on case Asus. First is one single producer and oversea sales agent, the next step is penetrating to foreign market, and the third phase is one cross-country manufacturer is born. 2. Powell’s organization management model can explain how Asus’ individual company’s local managing behavior under the global umbrella of Asus Corporate Group. Powell emphasizes the network is a very important organization business management model. All the relative researches also point out that Chinese enterprises consider “network” more important than the others. Base on the stud of Asus, this paper indicates R & D development is restricted for protecting critical technology so as to employ ranking mode. As in production, by the request of controlling product quality and lowering down cost, at first, the ranking mode is required, then, along with product variety increasing, the network mode is employed. Marketing activity aims to maximize selling profit. Asus employs market network mode for a single technology with diversified managing phase while market mode for product variety situation. 3. Researching four chosen factors of influencing local organization business managing model, enterprise value activity only is explainable. Based on the regression analysis for four chosen factors as enterprise developing stages, the setup date of each subsidiary or branch office, entering models, and enterprise value activity, the enterprise value activity of each subsidiary or branch office does significant influence on local organization business managing model.

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