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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Cagliari, Diane Carla 23 September 2016 (has links)
Language teaching has several possibilities for support since there has been a wide variety of technologies present in the virtual learning environments. This study aims to provide participating students of Clube de Relações Internacionais Garança, in the Military School, a way to produce, collaboratively, texts in English that allow greater interaction, learning and autonomy during the development of the group activities. By using Educational Technology Network, it is possible to reach the needs of collaborative writing of students within the context in which they live. It is an action research, as this methodology produces an understanding of the school environment as it is considered emancipatory. Besides, it may produce changes in the pedagogical practices in the classroom. The product of this study is an infographic of How to Use GoogleDocs to improve collaborative writing. It was possible to identify that students are open to new experience of using technology in order to improve the writing process. Using an online tool as a mechanism to challenge students to write collaboratively enabled the rising of knowledge. Collaborative writing is not widely used in English classes, but the tool has proved to be a possibility of instigating the students to participate in the writing of his colleagues. / O ensino de línguas dispõe de inúmeras possibilidades de apoio, visto a grande variedade de tecnologias que acompanham os diversos ambientes de aprendizagem. O presente trabalho, realizado no Mestrado de Tecnologias Educacionais em Rede, na Linha de Pesquisa de Gestão de Tecnologias Educacionais em Rede, objetivou proporcionar aos alunos participantes do Clube de Relações Internacionais Garança, do Colégio Militar de Santa Maria, uma forma de produzir, colaborativamente, textos em língua inglesa que possibilitem maior interação, aprendizado e autonomia durante o desenvolvimento das atividades do grupo. Ao explorarmos a integração das tecnologias educacionais em rede, podemos atender às necessidades de produção colaborativa dos estudantes dentro do contexto em que estão inseridos. Trata-se de uma pesquisa-ação, visto que tal concepção produz uma compreensão do ambiente escolar por ser considerada emancipatória e que produz mudanças nas práticas pedagógicas. A presente pesquisa apresenta práticas implementadas com planos de alteração de outras já existentes, tendo como produto o Manual de utilização do GoogleDocs para a escrita colaborativa. Utilizar uma ferramenta online como mecanismo de desafiar os alunos a escreverem colaborativamente possibilitou a formação de conhecimento, por meio do recurso utilizado. A escrita colaborativa não é amplamente utilizada nas aulas de língua inglesa, mas a ferramenta mostrou-se como uma possibilidade de instigar os alunos a participarem da escrita dos colegas.


Marques, Eliandra Gomes 19 October 2015 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / We investigated the possibilities and limits of collaborative reading-writing mediated by Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) at the medium level polytechnic schools. In this sense, we developed a action-research with teachers of the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM), a coordinator of Portuguese idiom teaching, and students of the second and third years of a medium level polytechnic state school in São Francisco de Assis (RS). The study was driven during the second semester of 2014 and first semester of 2015. We adopted the methodological conception of action-research because our intention do not limit itself to discover or describe a pedagogical practice, but mostly to transform it through action-reflection-action cycles. We proposed collaborative reading-writing practices mediated by a Moodle wiki system, in the context of medium level teaching. These practices evidence the dialogical problem posing notion, and thus, they showed up as an innovative alternative to the teaching-learning process. Finally, we highlighted limits and possibilities which emerged from the concrete action, evidencing that the collaboration and the dialogical problem poser are essential for the reading-writing practice in Portuguese idiom. We also pointed that, beyond driving a digital literacy with the students, the pedagogical practices mediated by networked technologies enhanced new knowledge acquisition and production modes. / Investigamos as possibilidades e limites da leitura-escrita colaborativa mediada por AVEA no Ensino Médio Politécnico. Para isso, desenvolvemos um trabalho de pesquisa-ação colaborativamente com professoras pesquisadoras da UFSM, professora regente do componente curricular de Língua Portuguesa e estudantes de segundos e terceiros anos do Ensino Médio Politécnico de uma escola pública estadual, em São Francisco de Assis/RS, durante o segundo semestre de 2014 e primeiro semestre de 2015. Adotamos a concepção metodológica da pesquisa-ação, pois nossa intenção não se delimita apenas a compreender ou descrever a prática pedagógica, mas, sobretudo, tentar transformá-la, visto que estão implicados ciclos de ação-reflexão-ação. Propusemos práticas de leitura-escrita colaborativa mediadas pela wiki do Moodle no contexto do ensino médio, porque elas evidenciam a noção dialógico-problematizadora e, por isso, se mostraram uma alternativa inovadora ao processo de ensino-aprendizagem. Por fim, sinalizamos limites e possibilidades que emergiram da ação concreta, evidenciando que a colaboração e o diálogo-problematizador são essenciais para a leitura-escrita em língua portuguesa. Apontamos também que, além de incluir digitalmente os estudantes, práticas pedagógicas mediadas por tecnologias em rede potencializam novos modos de aquisição e produção de conhecimentos.


Gonçalves, Jair dos Santos 24 June 2015 (has links)
This research has the objective to carry out scientific studies, through which, we can reflect on interactive techno-aesthetic objects and the production thereof in order to explore their interdisciplinary possibilities for the area of music education within perspectives of Contemporary Art and Educational Technology Network. With empirical / qualitative, this research continues the investigations carried out by the Student Orchestra in a public school in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. Aiming at an interdisciplinary contribution between the areas of Visual Arts and Music, with mediation by the Information and Communication Network, seeks to provide reflections on music education mediated by ICT. Narratives of sound production proposals were developed by means of sound-musical interpretation activities, based on imagery resources for Visual Music Productions. The discussion of political, economic and conscientious use of the Internet, with the methodological procedures for the appraisal of musical scenes of daily life activities, it is also one of the purposes of this research. The final product of this research is the development of methodologies for teaching proposals in Interactive Music Education, with the development of Visual Music Scripts and a composition with Visual Music Interactive, using the musical style of Free Improvisation. / Esta pesquisa tem como escopo a realização de estudos científicos, através dos quais, se possa refletir sobre objetos tecno-estéticos interativos e a produção dos mesmos a fim de explorar suas possibilidades de interdisciplinaridade para a área de Educação Musical, dentro de perspectivas da Arte Contemporânea e das Tecnologias Educacionais em Rede. Com caráter empírico/qualitativo, esta pesquisa dá continuidade às investigações realizadas junto à Orquestra Estudantil de uma escola pública no estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Visando uma contribuição interdisciplinar entre as áreas de Artes Visuais e Música, com mediação através das Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação em Rede, busca-se proporcionar reflexões acerca da educação musical mediada pelas TIC. foram desenvolvidas propostas de produção de narrativas sonoras por meio de atividades de interpretação sonoro-musical, baseando-se em recursos imagéticos para as produções de Música Visual. A discussão de aspectos políticos e da utilização conscienciosa da Internet, tendo como procedimentos metodológicos atividades de apreciação de cenas musicais do cotidiano, também é uma das propostas desta pesquisa. O produto final desta pesquisa consiste na elaboração de metodologias para propostas didáticas em Educação Musical Interativa, com o desenvolvimento de Scripts de Música Visual e de uma composição com Música Visual Interativa, utilizando o estilo musical da Improvisação Livre.

Teams in virtuellen Unternehmen - Zusammenstellung, Kompetenzen, Technik

Malzahn, Nils, Urspruch, Thekla, Tünte, Markus, Hoppe, H. Ulrich January 2005 (has links)
Projekte im Kontext wissensintensiver Dienstleistungen, die in Netzwerken durchgeführt werden, zeichnen sich häufig durch eine heterogene Zusammensetzung bezüglich Qualifikation und Beschäftigungsform aus. Als Beteiligte eines Projektes werden hier der Auftraggeber, die Projektleitung, die Projektgruppe, ein Beratungs- und / oder Lenkungsausschuss sowie externe Berater angesehen. Vor dem Hintergrund, dass Projekte nicht nur als interne Projekte innerhalb eines Unternehmens durchgeführt werden, sondern auch als Projekte in Netzwerken, können Freelancer als Prototyp eines Mitarbeiters in Projektnetzwerken angesehen werden. Im Folgenden soll von Freelancern als Personen gesprochen werden, die mindestens einen Teil ihres Lebensunterhalts ohne Arbeitsvertrag verdienen und dabei keine eigenen Angestellten führen. Eine bestimmte Rechtsform, in der sie ihrer Erwerbstätigkeit nachgehen, muss nicht gegeben sein.

區域創新系統下數位遊戲產業技術與知識網絡研究 / Technology and Knowledge Networks of Digital Game Industry in Regional Innovation System

蔡佩純, TSAI ,PEI CHUAN Unknown Date (has links)
在創新系統中,產、學、研為新技術與知識積蓄的點,創新網絡中節點與節點之間的互動扮演重要的角色。區域內領導性廠商為了取得技術優勢,提供經費購買技術、引進技術等外部資源建立核心能力,在區域內形成產、學、研的技術聯盟組織,形塑區域特殊產業。各單位所交織形成的網絡動態為有助於區域創新活動的決定性因素。 透過這樣的角度來檢視台灣,本研究以區域創新系統的角度出發,觀察「數位遊戲」這項新興產業在技術與知識網絡中,行動者之間彼此的互動連結。將廠商、相關研究機構、產業公協會、人才培育機構、大專院校與育成中心視為區域創新網絡的驅動角色,透過問卷調查與社會學中的網絡分析工具,觀察網絡中技術與知識的互動關係。本研究的主要結論如下: ㄧ、由本研究實證結果發現,台灣北部區域所形塑遊戲產業產官學研合作所環繞的創新氛圍十分強烈。北部區域中,又以台北縣中和「遠東世紀廣場科技園區」與台北市「南港軟體工業園區」分別為遊戲產業高度密集聚點。 二、由於台灣數位遊戲產業各廠商之間的封閉性,各單位間技術與知識的互動關係偏低。廠商之間的網絡活動主要是以垂直性的關係為主,而非水平性的關係。廠商傾向倚賴國際之間網絡技術資源。 三、知識網絡中越是有能力的單位,越可能處於技術網絡的核心位置。也就是原本在遊戲產業中處於優勢地位的單位,基於資訊流通與知識傳遞方便的優勢,技術能力的掌握能力亦強,少數特定單位重複扮演技術與知識互動的重要角色。本研究從網絡結構中證實了技術與知識的高度關係。 四、技術網絡的連結模式呈現環環相扣的環狀結構,彼此交流與技術互動的相當頻繁與快速。知識網絡的星狀連結模式,具有明顯的核心單位,此類結構有利於知識的傳遞,處於散佈節點的單位居處特別重要的地位。 / In the innovation system, firms, schools and research institutes are new technology and knowledge storage places. The interactions between nodes play important roles in the innovation networks. In order to gain technology advantages, leading firms provide expenses to purchase and introduce technology to establish core ability. They form consortia with other firms, schools, and research institutes to build up regional specific industries in the regions. The dynamic network formed from the interaction of units is the main factor to facilitate regional innovative activities. This thesis is on the basis of Regional Innovation System (RIS) in Taiwan and takes “Digital Games” for example. Each actor interacts in the technology and knowledge networks in the RIS. Regarding firms, associate research institutes and industry associations as driving roles in the innovative networks, this thesis applies innovation networks surveys and the methodology of Social network analysis in Sociology to observe technology and knowledge interactions in the innovative networks. The major conclusions are as follows: First, “Far East Century Scientific Square” in Jhonghe City and “ Nan-Gang Software Industrial Park” in Taipei City are surrounded extremely strongly innovation milieu in the north of Taiwan. Secondly, owing to self-contained, digital games firms are deficient in interaction with each other. Activities in the networks are vertical relations almost, not horizontal ones. Firms tend to depending on international technology resources in the networks. The third, many competent actors basing on the advantage of information and knowledge transfer very quickly and conveniently in knowledge networks are located in the core of technology networks. A small number of firms repeatedly play the important role in technology and knowledge networks. From the network structure, this thesis proved technology and knowledge have a close relationship. Finally, technology networks display circular structures which exchange and transfer quite frequently and quickly; knowledge networks display star structure which have apparent core units and which are advantageous to transfer knowledge.

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