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台灣中小企業創業行為之研究-台灣資訊軟體業個案研究 / A study on the entrepreneurial behavior of Taiwan's Small and Medium-sized firms - Case study method on a Taiwanese computer software firm魏順得, Wei, Shun Dern Unknown Date (has links)
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台灣文創產業之創業精神:以設計產業為例 / Entrepreneurship of cultural creative industry in Taiwan:The case study of design黃靜沂, Ng, Jing Yi Unknown Date (has links)
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組織創業精神傾向,市場導向以及組織學習類型對組織績效關係之探討張玉琳, Yu-Ling Chang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的變數主要包括組織創業精神傾向、市場導向、組織學習類型與組織績效等四大項。茲分述如下:1.組織創業精神傾向定義為:「組織接受企業家精神的程序、實務以及決策制訂的傾向,並經由組織對創新性、風險承擔以及預應能力的偏好而形成特徵」,以Covin and Slevin(1989)及Matsuno, Mentzer and Ozsomer(2002)的量表為參考依據。2.市場導向定義為:「組織全面性的蒐集目前與未來的市場情報,跨部門間的傳播該情報以及組織上下對該情報給予反應」,以修正後Jaworski and Kohli(1993)以及Matsuno, Mentzer and Ozsomer(2002)的MO量表為參考依據。3.組織學習類型依據Argyris and Schon(1978)及Gordon(1996)的看法區分為單圈學習與雙圈學習,並參酌McGill et al.(1992)、Haeckel and Nolan(1993)、Bennett and O’brien(1994)、O’Neil(1995)等學者對組織學習衡量與比較構面的看法,認為單圈學習與雙圈學習兩者的主要差別在於矯正對象以及矯正深度之不同,且其內涵則會透過文化、結構、行為以及資訊等四個構面來表現,至於問卷設計的方式則以Snow and Hrebiniak(1980)、McDaniel and Kolari(1987)、Dvir, Segev, and Shenhar(1993)、Matsuno and Mentzer(2000)以及Slater and Olson(2001)等學者在其相關研究中所採行之單純自我分類方法(Self-Typing)為參考,並進行業界深度訪談與兩次問卷前測以提高問卷信度與效度;每題組總分十分,並請答卷者於每題組之兩子題目分別給分。4. 組織績效包含相對市場佔有率的改變、投資報酬率、新產品成功等三大項目,其量表則分別參考彙整自Jaworski and Kohli(1993)、Slater and Naver(1995)、Baker and Sinkula(1999)、Matsuno, Mentzer and Ozsomer(2002)等學者之相關研究。
本研究透過SPSS 10.0之徑路分析(層級式多元迴歸)發現:1.當組織創業精神傾向透過市場導向的中介效果後,對組織績效反而具有顯著的正面影響,此發現與Matsuno, Mentzer and Ozsomer(2002)的實證結果一致。2.組織創業精神傾向甚至不必透過組織結構之調整(扁平化)便能對市場導向有直接顯著的正面影響,亦即組織創業精神與市場導向兩者之間所存在著一種直接關係。3.不論將樣本資料區分為單圈組織學習或雙圈組織學習,組織學習對組織績效都有顯著的正面影響,而組織學習類型在市場導向與組織績效之關係中所具備之中介效果,於單圈組織學習的樣本資料中更顯突出。4.在雙圈組織學習類型之修正後理論架構則顯示,市場導向與雙圈組織學習兩者之間具備不顯著但正向之關係。5.組織創業精神傾向會透過雙圈組織學習的中介效果而對組織績效產生顯著的正面影響。6.本研究結果支持黃俊英(1999)所提及組織學習在市場導向與組織績效之間扮演完全中介角色之發現。7.不論單雙圈組織學習樣本資料,對組織績效中之調適力子構面都有較顯著之影響。
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企業內部創業關鍵成功因素之個案探討 / A Case Study of the Key Success Factors of Intrapreneurship黃琮鈞 Unknown Date (has links)
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我國創業人才培育機制之研究胡建中, Hu, Chien-chung Unknown Date (has links)
一九八○年代以來,全球經濟隨著網路資訊的快速發展,生產管理決策模式產生明顯變化,也連帶影響勞資關係與勞動穩定度。勞動者面對產業結構變遷,就業衝擊遠甚過去。 近年來,國內投資環境的改變,使得企業外移情形不斷增加,造成勞動力的需求減少,更增加失業者求職的困難度。為了獲得經濟收入,部分失業者嘗試自行創業。
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政府創業教育政策與青年創業能力關係之研究 / A Study of the Relationship between the Government Entrepreneurial Education Policy and Youth Entrepreneurial Abilities陳愛珠, Chen, Ai Chu Unknown Date (has links)
三、政府組織面向:事權統一的政府執行單位,減少資源重置的活動舉辦,制訂原則性、方向性的創業教育政策。 / The policy options have three alternatives composed of schooling, administration resources and social resources, which are critical factors affecting entrepreneurial ability. Therefore, an entrepreneurial education simulation and evaluation model is presented, which is designed for the assessment of policy options aiming to achieve feasibility in entrepreneurial education. According to the higher education of the 21th century: prospective and action manifesto, to cultivate entrepreneurship skill and active attitude is the main mission for higher education organization. In this research we find the 11 factors, belonging to 3 constructs, influence entrepreneurial education quality. They are program content, disciplined teacher, foreign study or exchange student, entrepreneurial competition, practical training, related authority of entrepreneurship education, guidance of entrepreneurship incubation, NGO, incubation center and intermediate organization. The AHP is applied to determine the elements of entrepreneurship ability. The decision group members have 7 experts, 5 scholars and 5 directors whom to promote the entrepreneurial education has professional opinion. An application of questionnaire acquires viewpoints of the decision group on the promotion of entrepreneurship. In our research, the first priority alternative to promote the entrepreneurship education is social resource, and the second is to popularize incubation center.
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創業成功要素及創業模式之個案研究 / A Case Study of the Successful Factors and Models of Entrepreneurship黃佳鈴, Huang, Chia Ling Unknown Date (has links)
「創業者」是創業過程中最重要的關鍵元素,由創業者所引發的創業活動最為重要,可能是「創業者與機會」、「創業者與資源」或「機會與資源」,因當時所處環境因素的改變,產生對創業活動不同程度的影響。本研究藉由創業精神、動機、機會、資源、能力等創業要素以及創業模式之文獻探討,用以分析「吳寶春麥方店」之成功創業要素與成功創業模式之關聯。 / Cite Media Holding Group CEO Mr Fei-Peng Ho once said: “Entrepreneurship is the transformation of an individual from poor to wealthy; from the average Joe to the extraordinary, and from the inexperienced amateur to full capable professional. The entrepreneur steps forward with every stage of their business, continuously challenging themselves to the vertical limits in life and pushing themselves into the realm of personal success”
Entrepreneurs look forward to a career with freedoms and flexibilities, directed by a combination of motivating passion and the self-belief of “Live life to the fullest. Chase to dreams to reality”. To choose the road of entrepreneurship is to bravely chase the dream of self-created success. After winning the 2010 World Baker championship, Mr. Wu Pao Chun founded The “Wu Pao Chun Bakery Chain” with the ambitious plan to dominate the bakery industry. Mr. Wu was a motivated learner in business operation management. Mr. Wu built the foundations of his business knowledge from a variety of sources i.e. studying books on business management, adapting from real-life experiences and listening trusted mentors. Determined to become a successful entrepreneur, Mr. Wu transformed small stores into corporate level bakery chains through sustainable management.
In September 26, 2013, the Taiwan Ministry of Economic Affairs publicized the“ 2013 Official White Paper on SMEs in Taiwan”. According to the document, SMEs in Taiwan grew by 2.11% from 2011-2012. It was a record high, accounting for up to 70% of all enterprises. Among the sample, 83% of these enterprises were privately owned and/or operated. In recent years, the Taiwan Government has encouraged a policy focus on “Entrepreneurships to create Jobs”. With government support, many entrepreneurs have started businesses across the nation, creating unique products, identifying new customers, and creating company images across diverse range of industries.
Since the majority of these entrepreneurs are small-scale and low capital ventures, capital shortage and lack of competiveness was a common problem. Small scale operations allowed entrepreneurs to adapt quickly to changing business environments but the lack of capital funding and resources shortage caused many entrepreneurs to fail. Weak cash flow was the ultimate cause of closure in businesses.
Even with a small scale operation, the ability to identify opportunities is critical in developing and sensing new markets and ultimately, generating value. The entrepreneur themselves are the key contribution to the success of their businesses.
To becoming an entrepreneur is no easy task, in fact, very challenging. Entrepreneurs face challenging decisions throughout every stage of their business. Every entrepreneur has their own scale of operation, capital funding and knowledge background. Every decision the entrepreneur makes is critical for the survival of their business. Successful allocation of existing resources and/or finding new resources through business operations is the key to success which all entrepreneurs strive for in the SMEs sector.
The most important factors influencing a successful start-up business are the combination of keen-eyed entrepreneur, new opportunities in businesses, and adequate resources.
My study in entrepreneurship focuses on personal drive/motivation of the entrepreneur, identifying key business opportunities, allocation of resources and the compatibility of these three factors as the basic elements in a successful business model and analyst how these elements contributed to Wu Pao Chun Bakery’s entrepreneurial success and the overall success of Mr. Wu’s business model.
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關係鑲嵌性與子公司興業導向關係之研究 / The Relationship between Relational Embeddedness and Subsidiary’s Entrepreneurial Orientation蔡政安, Tsai, Cheng-An Unknown Date (has links)
最後,本研究依理論架構與實證發現,提出研究的理論貢獻、實務意涵及後續研究的建議,使未來研究能彌補理論發展或是實證研究的不足。 / Research on corporate entrepreneurship(CE) has grown rapidly over the past decades. Both scholars and practitioners remain interested in studying and better understanding CE(Ireland, Kuratko & Covins, 2002).CE has bees viewed as the driver of new business and economic growth within on-going enterprises as achieved through innovativeness, proactiveness, risk-taking(Miller, 1983; Covin & Slevin, 1989e), new business venturing (Burgelman, 1983b, Guth & Ginsberg, 1990; Zahra, 1995), self-renewal(Guth & Ginsberg, 1990; Zahra, 1995; Shama & Chrisma, 1999), opportunity pursuit(Stevenson & Jarillo, 1990; Shane & Vankataraman, 2000), etc. CE can be important not only for small and medium size enterprises but also for large corporation(Antocic & Hisrich, 2001).
The previous research mainly focused on the relationship between CE and firm performance and generated an study axial of entrepreneurship behavior model that used measures as the firm entrepreneurial orientation(Covin & Slevin, 1989, 1991; Zahra, 1996,1996; Lumpkin & Dess, 1996). Although this kind of research has come out with valuable theoretical concepts and rich empirical results, it till encounters the bottleneck of research. Some scholars suggested that CE research should be extended to international business activities or include the social network perspective(Zehra et. al. , 2003).
Approximately 15 years ago, research on networks emerged as an important new era of inquiring within the field of entrepreneurship, but published papers on journals were relatively few and mainly focused on the development and consequences of networks in the new venture creation process, or focused on small medium-sized firms(Hoang & Antocic, 2003). There was lack of the network perspective research on the established firm in the field of entrepreneurship.
This research extended entrepreneurship into international activities and conducted an empirical study on multinational enterprise’s subsidiaries with relational embeddedness of social network perspective. Through the literature review and case study, we generated a research framework and a set of hypothesis which described the relationships between relational embeddedness and subsidiary’s entrepreneurial orientation. We collected data and used statistical tool to verify the hypothesis. Besides, we conducted an exploratory analysis on some field of what hypotheses were not supported to further understand how relational embeddedness influence the entrepreneurial behavior in the subsidiaries of multinational enterprises.
This research finds that (1)there exists the inverse U shape relationship between the customer relational embeddedness and subsidiary’s entrepreneurial orientation, (2)there exists the inverse U shape relationship between the supplier relational embeddedness and subsidiary’s entrepreneurial orientation, (3)there exists no relationship between government relational embeddedness and subsidiary’s entrepreneurial orientation, (4)there exists the positive association between the mother-subsidiary relational embeddedness and subsidiary’s entrepreneurial orientation. This results imply that the important phenomenon of balance network or over embeddedness be exactly happen in the filed of subsidiary’s entrepreneurial behavior. Our study verified that over embeddedness will negatively influence the entrepreneurship of subsidiary, especially over embeddedness with customers or suppliers.
This research also searched the relationship between the environmental uncertainties and subsidiary’s entrepreneurial orientation. This result finds that (5) there exists positive association between the policy uncertainty and subsidiary’s entrepreneurial orientation, (6) there exists non-association between the industry uncertainty and subsidiary’s entrepreneurial orientation,(7) there exists positive association between the competitive uncertainty and subsidiary’s entrepreneurial orientation. This imply the subsidiary will advance his entrepreneurial behavior to overcome the environmental uncertainty or pursuit the business opportunities in the dynamic change.
Finally this research proposed the theoretical contribution, practitioner implications and further research suggestions
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社會企業經營模式之驗證與分析 / 無黃信傑, Huang, Hsin Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
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