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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

創業競賽團隊發展歷程之研究 / The research of team development process in entrepreneurial competition

張誠新, Chang,Cheng Hsin Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,世界各地包括台灣出現的創業競賽風潮,讓學生透過競賽機制和誘因設計的方式來接受創業教育,使學生能深刻體驗創業過程的動態變化與多元知識的整合,而創業競賽在創業教育扮演的角色更不應僅止於事業計劃書的比賽,競賽過程中學生團隊所面對一連串任務難題和自行發展出的解決辦法,都應該是創業競賽所提供的教育課題,對於自發性參加競賽的學生團隊而言,團隊除了知識課題的做中學之外,更會碰到團隊運作課題上的爭執,團隊若於爭執上消耗過多的精力,將可能導致團隊最後解散放棄比賽或交差了事,造成學生團隊認為比賽沒有收穫和意義,這樣的現象更可以從每年報名創業競賽的隊數與事業計劃書實際繳件的差距觀察得出。 本研究以團隊發展理論的角度來探討學生團隊在參與創業競賽的歷程中是如何達成團隊發展並完成任務,何種因素會影響團隊發展。研究問題如下:影響創業競賽團隊在形成階段的因素為何?創業競賽團隊為何發生衝突?如何化解衝突?造成團隊最後能展現高效能表現的關鍵因素為何?以及對照過去團隊與團隊發展理論,創業競賽團隊特性與其團隊發展之異同為何? 最後,本研究的結論如下:創業競賽團隊在團隊發展形成上,受到有先前共事經驗的成員和抱持做中學態度團隊成員兩項因素影響;創業競賽團隊尋找技術時會因「下一個技術會更好」的心態、不存在技術的本位主義,或是對技術不甚瞭解等因素,不會產生激烈爭執,但團隊間的歧見最後會因時間壓力而妥協;而團隊進入事業模式討論的階段,會因團隊成員彼此意見不具權威性而發生衝突,隨後透過外部專家訪談獲得並累積團隊內的權威知識而化解爭執衝突;研究更進一步發現,輔導業師高度涉入團隊能避免團隊任務衝突的發生,但也容易減低團隊對於任務的認同感。研究最後發現,創業競賽團隊透過共同知識的累積,得以發展出相互支援之合作氣氛,而使團隊發展進入高效能表現的執行期。與過去團隊發展理論對照上,不同點在於創業競賽團隊的特性為短期臨時組成的生手團隊,透過外部專家的介入使得團隊得以渡過風暴期的團隊發展階段,與理論談到的透過內部領導相異,但也因此容易形成生手團隊外部的強人領導情形。

政府創業教育政策與青年創業能力關係之研究 / A Study of the Relationship between the Government Entrepreneurial Education Policy and Youth Entrepreneurial Abilities

陳愛珠, Chen, Ai Chu Unknown Date (has links)
繼文化知識證書、職業技能證書之後「創業教育」於1989年11月被聯合國教科文組織列為「第三本教育護照」。而1998年10月,聯合國教科文組織在巴黎首次召開的世界高等教育會議,大會宣言—《21世紀的高等教育:展望與行動宣言》中更指出:「為方便畢業生就業,高等教育應關心培養創業技能和主動精神;畢業生不再是求職者,首先將成為職業崗位的創造者。」而台灣身為世界經濟體系的一員,想要擁有更強大的經濟競爭力,更不能忽視培育具高行動力、創新能力之創業者的重要性。 本研究旨在探討如何建構一個適合台灣的創業教育推動機制,並以世界各國推動創業教育做法為借鏡,從有限的教育資源中找出優先投入的方案,以更有效的協助青年提升創業能力。 本論文採層級分析法(AHP)進行研究,從文獻資料中發現創業能力基本要素,以產官學界專家為研究對象,找出影響創業能力關鍵因素優先順序,提出政府制訂創業教育政策時可參考之建議。 經資料分析,獲致重要結論如下: 一、影響青年創業能力提升的關鍵因素共3大構面11項因素。 1、學校教育:課程內容、專業師資、跨國或跨校學習、創業競賽、企業實習。 2、政府組織:專責創業教育單位、創業育成輔導、政策性創業貸款。 3、社會資源:NGO、育成中心、中介組織。 二、經以AHP運算評比排序後發現社會資源構面列三大教育系統的第一優先,顯示專家學者認為就創業面而言社會資源的支援體系優先於政府單位及學校教育。 三、就學校教育構面而言,企業實習因素列為第一優先;政府組織構面則以政策性創業貸款優先;社會資源中育成中心的相對權重值最大。 依據結論,提出以下建議: 一、社會資源面向:營造有利於青年創業的社會氛圍,鼓勵青年提升創業興趣,進而勇於創業,並達到創業型社會的目標。優先考量從社會資源面的鼓勵措施或法規鬆綁,以充裕市場資金及增加專家對創業者的經驗傳承機會。 二、學校教育面向:將“企業實習”列為進修學分,培育與選拔專業師資。並將創業教育往下紮根,普及創業意識。 三、政府組織面向:事權統一的政府執行單位,減少資源重置的活動舉辦,制訂原則性、方向性的創業教育政策。 / The policy options have three alternatives composed of schooling, administration resources and social resources, which are critical factors affecting entrepreneurial ability. Therefore, an entrepreneurial education simulation and evaluation model is presented, which is designed for the assessment of policy options aiming to achieve feasibility in entrepreneurial education. According to the higher education of the 21th century: prospective and action manifesto, to cultivate entrepreneurship skill and active attitude is the main mission for higher education organization. In this research we find the 11 factors, belonging to 3 constructs, influence entrepreneurial education quality. They are program content, disciplined teacher, foreign study or exchange student, entrepreneurial competition, practical training, related authority of entrepreneurship education, guidance of entrepreneurship incubation, NGO, incubation center and intermediate organization. The AHP is applied to determine the elements of entrepreneurship ability. The decision group members have 7 experts, 5 scholars and 5 directors whom to promote the entrepreneurial education has professional opinion. An application of questionnaire acquires viewpoints of the decision group on the promotion of entrepreneurship. In our research, the first priority alternative to promote the entrepreneurship education is social resource, and the second is to popularize incubation center.


戴龍睿 Unknown Date (has links)
目前世界各地風起雲湧的創業競賽,不論是大學或民間單位主辦,都有規模逐漸變大,參加隊伍數量增多等趨勢。參賽的隊伍由某區域性大學擴展到該國所有大學,進而全球化。這一波大學生參加創業競賽的風潮,也帶動各知名大學逐漸重視創業研究,在創業課程的數量、種類、重要性也日趨增加。   在各國創業競賽風行之時,國內兩大創業競賽也已悄悄地邁入第四屆的比賽了,也算是漸入成熟的階段。本研究嘗試以參賽者主觀評鑑的角度來探討其對於參加創業競賽的學習效果。   因此不同的創業競賽模式、團隊背景、參賽動機甚至於團隊運作情形對於知識學習與能力提升的學習成效否有不同的影響?若是不同,又有哪些差異?這便是本研究欲探討的問題。   本研究採用結構式問卷輔以個案訪談來收集資料,主要研究對象為第三屆TIC100科技創新競賽與第三屆台灣工業銀行創業大賽之團隊成員。   經分析資料,研究發現如下:   1. 透過創業競賽的學習,確實可以學習到創業的知識與能力。   2. 透過創業課程的要求與輔助參加創業競賽,對於創業知識與能力的學習成效最佳。   3. 不同的創業競賽模式其對於知識學習、能力提升與整體學習成效無明顯差異。   4. 學習型導向創業競賽整體學習成效較實務型導向創業競賽佳。   5. 競賽參與動機對於知識學習、能力提升與整體學習成效有明顯正相關。   6. 不同的團隊背景其對於知識學習、能力提升與整體學習成效無明顯差異。   7. 團隊運作情形對於知識學習、能力提升與整體學習成效有明顯正相關。 / There are more and more entrepreneurial competitions held by universities or big famous companies years by years. The number of teams participating games grows rapidly and the region of some contest expands from within a college activity to a global one. With this popular activities, it also makes all famous universities and colleges pay much attention to entrepreneurial research and the quantity and variety of entrepreneurial courses have become increasingly important.   With foreign entrepreneurial competitions’ popular, the tow entrepreneurial competitions in Taiwan are also get into 4th . This study try to focus on entrepreneurial competitions’ learning effect.   Therefore, if there any different learning effect on entrepreneurial knowledge and skill between different competition model, team background, motivation, even if teamwork situation?   This study has adopted structural questionnaire and case study to collect data and information. The major study targets are the members of 3rd TIC100 Technology Innovation Competition and 3rd Industrial Bank of Taiwan Cross-Century Entrepreneur Competition.   After doing interview and analysis, it gets several conclusions in this investigation:   1. It indeed can learn about entrepreneurial knowledge and skill through entrepreneurial competition.   2. The learning effect on entrepreneurial knowledge and skill will be better by taking entrepreneurial course and participating in entrepreneurial competition.   3. There are not noticeable different on learning effect between different entrepreneurial competition model.   4. Learning-orientated entrepreneurial competition’s learning effect is better then practical-orientated entrepreneurial competition.   5. There are noticeable correlation between participating motivation and learning effect.   6. There are not noticeable different on learning effect between different team background.   7. There are noticeable correlation between teamwork situation and learning effect.

創業競賽團隊的心理歷程分析:以FITI為例 / The analysis of psychological process of entrepreneurial teams in a business plan contest: the case study of FITI

廖偉玲 Unknown Date (has links)
過去研究創業成功的文獻很多,但少有研究探索創業團隊在競賽中的成功因素以及心理歷程,因此本研究以試圖以歷程的角度探究心理特質對創業團隊表現之影響。 創業家的創新性和創業成功有正向關聯,而創業的高失敗率及高工作量讓創業家長期處於高壓環境,是以抗壓性高的創業家容易脫穎而出;此外,創業家對壓力跟挫折的反應型態(例如反芻)也可能會影響創業績效。故本研究選擇創新性、壓力忍受及反芻(苦惱自責及深思反省)作為預測變項,企圖了解這些心理特質在創業競賽中的角色以及它們之間的關係。 本研究以自陳問卷蒐集資料,第一部分收集1557份線上問卷,得有效樣本1265份,結果發現創業者的創新性、壓力忍受及深思反省都顯著高於未創業者,苦惱自責則沒有差異。第二部分的研究對象為104年度「創新創業激勵計畫(From IP to IPO, FITI)」入圍初選的創業團隊(競賽初期),並重複測量成功晉級第二(競賽中期)及第三階段(競賽後期)之團隊。總計發出631份問卷,回收490份,回收率78%,共54組團隊。結果發現初期深思反省和中期苦惱自責能正向預測創業團隊是否晉級下一階段。重複測量入圍第三階段的團隊,發現競賽後期的壓力忍受顯著比競賽初期的高,競賽中期的苦惱自責顯著高於競賽初期。創業團隊的心理屬性中,初期深思反省及初期壓力忍受皆能正向預測初期及中期的創新性,中期壓力忍受能正向預測中期創新性,後期壓力忍受能正向預測後期創新性。此外,初期壓力忍受能完全中介初期深思反省與中期創新性之間的關係。 / Starting a business helps the country's economy and in recent years, there are various business plan contests held by the Taiwan's government and industries, wishing to encourage people to start business and help the starters to make their businesses more successful. Although there are many literatures that studied on successful start-up, there are not many studies really explored on the factors of succeed among different contests and entrepreneurial team members’ psychological processes during the contests. Therefore, in this study the researcher attempts to explore the impact brought by the psychological traits on the performance of entrepreneurial teams from the perspective of psychological process. There is a positive correlation between an entrepreneur's innovativeness and entrepreneurial success. The high failure rate and workload put an entrepreneur in an environment with high pressure for long period of time, and therefore only the entrepreneur with high stress tolerance will stand out. In addition, the way entrepreneurs respond to stress and frustration, such as rumination, will also have influence on the performance, so in this study, these psychological traits, such as innovativeness, stress tolerance and rumination (brooding rumination and reflective pondering rumination) as the predictor variables, in order to understand the role of these psychological traits in business plan contests and the relation among them. In the study, the researcher collected data by the approach of self-report questionnaires. Through the first part of collecting online questionnaires,the statistical survey was proceed with 1265 effective samples from 1557 questionnaires, and the results showed the entrepreneur’s traits such as innovativeness, stress tolerance and reflective pondering were significantly higher than non-entrepreneurs, and as to the trait of brooding, there is no difference. The participants in the second part are 54 entrepreneur teams attended 2015 FITI held by the Taiwan’s Ministry of Science and Technology. The results showed that, referring to the reflective pondering in the early stage and brooding in the middle stage can positively predict if the entrepreneurial teams could stay till the next stage. After repeatedly measuring the teams who successfully selected into the late stage, the researcher found that the stress tolerance they endured in the late stage of contest is significantly higher than the early stage of contest, and their brooding is significantly higher in the early stage than the middle stage of contest. Among the psychological traits of entrepreneurial teams, the reflective pondering and the stress tolerance in the early stage both can positively predict the innovativeness of early and middle stages, as the stress tolerance in the middle stage can positively predict the innovativeness in the middle stage, and the stress tolerance in the late stage can positively predict the innovativeness in the late stage. In addition, early stage stress tolerance can fully mediate the relation between early stage reflective pondering and middle stage innovativeness.


吳君立 Unknown Date (has links)
第一個由政府主導的創業競賽-科技部創新創業激勵計畫始於2013年。邁入第三年,已舉辦了六個梯次。根據科技新報指出,截至2015年4月,其中真正走向新事業發展的僅有38間。因此,本研究欲瞄準獲得優勝的參賽團隊,研究其在創業的歷程中面臨到什麼樣的改變因素,使得參賽團隊改變其方向。 本研究採用個案研究的方式,從FITI計畫歷屆獲得前十名優勝隊伍中挑選出四組作為研究個案,並搭配Timmons Model中所提到的「機會」「團隊」、「資源」及「動態關係」,透過這些面向來探討個案後續新創企業發展的改變因素,及如何與此理論相呼應。 研究結果發現,參與FITI計畫的創業團隊,其後續改變最主要的兩大原因為對未來機會拿捏的不確定性及團隊之間的不協調性;參照Timmons Model,可以很清楚地界定出創業團隊後續改變的因素為何;創業者對「機會」的可控程度為Timmons Model尚未考慮進的因素。 另外,針對研究結果亦提出建議給予未來參賽隊伍,及如何給予FITI計畫政策上的建議。對於參賽團隊而言,一切的因素如合作模式、股權分配等都應在事前談妥。而針對FITI計畫亦提出評審機制、白皮書、技轉三點未來可改進之建議。 / The first entrepreneurial contest held by government was the From IP to IPO (FITI) in 2013. FITI contest had held over two years, nearly 160 entrepreneurial teams, but only 38 of them established companies. Thus, this study aims to explore the reasons why these winning entrepreneurial teams change after the FITI contest. With the method of case study used in this study, four of the top ten winning entrepreneurial teams from over the past years had been chosen as case studies. And by the support of “Opportunity”, “Teams”, “Resources” and “Dynamic Relationships” from Timmons Model, this study aims to explore the reasons why these entrepreneurial team’s changing reasons, also to see how it fits in Timmons Model, and how it interacts with each other. This study finds out that the entrepreneurial teams change because of two reasons, which is the uncertainty to opportunity and the incoherence between team members. Next, the changing reasons can be clearly defined by the use of Timmons Model. Lastly, how much of the controlling power the team held to the opportunity, is one of the factors that Timmons Model had not been considered yet. Last but not least, this study also gave suggestions to the entrepreneurial teams that wanted to attend to FITI contest that everything like division of work should be negotiated at the very first place. On the other hand, three suggestions are also given out to FITI.

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