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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


陳石城, CHEN, SHI-CHENG Unknown Date (has links)
科技的進步對市場一項很重要的影響是:產品創新的加速。影響產品創新成敗的因素 很多,本文僅就創新擴散的觀點,試圖經由行銷溝通的努力來助長創新性產品擴散的 速度和成功的機會,並以雷射唱盤為例,加以說明。本文各章按資訊流程的先後排定 順序: 第一章導論:包括研究動機與目的;研究架構;研究方法;雷射唱盤開發的經過和功 能;雷射唱盤在台灣的市場現況。 第二章創新性產品之擴散現象;創新性產品的定義及分類,雷射唱盤的歸類;且般溝 通模式及創新採用過程,後者對創新擴散現象、各類採用者的特質、產品認知的特性 與意見領袖的功能加以探討。 第三章衡量工具:介紹兩種衡量創新性的方法;四種衡量意見領袖的方法;一個溝通 資訊搜集流程模式,以之做為策略設計之參考。 第四章研究問卷之設計:說明問卷設計的大意及資料分析的架構。 第五章資料處理––消費行為之比較分析:資料分析之結果。 第六章溝通策略:由前章比較分析之結果賦予策略上的含意。包括目標聽眾的選擇、 溝通目標的設定、溝通媒體的選擇及溝通訊息的製定。 第七章結論與建議:評估研究的結果、研究限制及未來研究改進的重點。


廖元禎 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究始於對創新採用相關文獻的探討,加以對目前網際網路發展的觀察、文獻書籍的研讀,以及研究者長期實際使用網路與參與虛擬社群的經驗,發現在目前創新研究及社群研究領域中,仍有諸多值得探討的議題,因而促成本研究研究動機,並希望達成以下目的: 1.瞭解虛擬社群採用者在採用時的動機、採用後的影響、以及影響他們採用的相關的個人特質、心理特質等,提供學術及行銷上的參考 2.整理國內外相關創新採用文獻,並歸納出適合本研究使用的模式 3.結合『虛擬社群』與『創新採用』,提供新的思考角度 4.針對所有類型的虛擬社群同時進行研究,作為後續研究的參考 5.編訂所需要的量表 為達成以上目的,本研究自文獻中整理出影響虛擬社群創新採用的因素可能來自於『產品』、『情境』等因素,因而以此三者作為獨立變數,並在三因素之中選擇部份變數進行衡量。其次,以『特定領域創新性』做為個人因素與創新採用之間的中介變數,產品因素或情境因素對特定領域創新性的影響則不在本研究探討範圍之內。相依變數則將整個採用階段如理論架構所提到的,劃分為『動機』、『態度』、『採用』、『影響』,分別設計量表衡量之。 本研究主要採取問卷調查的方式進行,透過三個階段:開放式問卷與經驗訪談、前測問卷、正式問卷,對本研究量表進行修訂。在正式問卷部份,以便利抽樣方式,回收有效樣本410份,男女比率平均,年齡則集中在19到30歲之間,職業以學生為主,佔了近八成,多數受者學歷為專科大學以上,其中具有工科背景者佔27%。 經分析後,本研究主要研究結果如下: 1.網路創新性不僅反映在相關知識上、也反映在連續頻次、活動投入程度、資訊蒐集方式等行為上。網路創新性高的採用者往往是網路上的重度投入者,他們擁有中上程度的網路或電腦相關知識,在各社群中游走,積極參與討論、活動,同時也自設網或首頁。 2.不同類型的社群提供了各種不同的活動模式,也吸引了不同動機的使用者。其中,BBS、E-mail List的使用者較WWW的使用者有較強的社交聯絡動機,同時也有較多提供資源的行為,這也反映在BBS與E-mail List使用者對社群的信任、歸屬與參與程度上 3.人口統計變數方面,年齡、職業與學歷在整個社群採用上的差異最為顯著;個人特質部份,電腦與網路的相關知識較低者,新奇流行、社交聯動機較強;行為特質部份,以『自有網站或首頁』這項行為特質在社群採用上所達到的差異最為明顯;心理特質方面,三項心理特質與社群採用動機、行為等等之間相關性多在0.2以下,實際應用的價值不高。 4.資訊交流仍是成員最主要的採用動機,其次便是社交與尋求歸屬的動機。從態度與影響來看,成員對其所採用社群的信任、歸屬、瞭解程度皆高,而所受到的影響則是多元的。

產品類型與新奇屬性類型之產品不一致性對產品再認和態度的影響-以消費者創新性為調節變項 / The effects of incongruity of product type and novel attributes type on product recognition and product attitude: Using consumer innovativeness as a moderator

蘇相穎, Su, Cathy Unknown Date (has links)
市場上新奇的產品層出不窮,廠商想盡辦法要對產品添加新奇的屬性來達到差異化,但是真正能夠藉由添加新奇屬性在市場上找到利基的廠商卻是少之又少。問題是否出在消費者在面對與既有基模不一致的新產品時,無法理解和吸收資訊?上述現象引發了研究者的興趣。本研究藉由操弄不同類型的產品和新奇屬性,觀察其所產生的產品不一致性對於消費者的產品再認和產品態度有何影響;同時也探討消費者本身的人格特質-消費者創新性,會不會影響消費者對產品的態度。 以往研究均認為增加產品不一致性可以提高消費者對於產品的回憶和再認,但本研究卻發現,提高產品的不一致性並無法讓人留下較為深刻的印象,因此產品不一致性與再認之間的關係可能仍有待後續研究做進一步的釐清。另外,雖然產品類型和新奇屬性類型無法產生交互作用,並藉由提升產品不一致性來影響產品態度,但是「產品類型」在影響產品不一致性且進而提升產品態度上的確是扮演著重要的角色。其中「功能性商品」不管是搭配上何種類型的新奇屬性,產品態度都顯著高於「享樂性商品」與新奇屬性的搭配。由此可知,如果廠商想要在市場上推出新奇的產品,選擇功能性的商品來切入可能比較有利,而且在操弄產品不一致性時也必須要格外小心,雖然新奇的屬性可以提升消費者對產品的評價,但是新奇性同時也會增加產品的不一致性,一旦產品不一致性過高,反而會造成消費者對於產品的負面觀感。 / There are numerous novel products in the market; consequently marketers have been fighting their way to achieve product differentiation by adding novel attributes to the products, yet it is still rare to see marketers that can actually discover niche by adding novel attributes to products. Does the problem lies in how consumers percept and absorb the information of advertisements? The phenomenon above arouses my curiosity to delve into the relation between product incongruity and consumer evaluations. This study examines what influences product incongruity has on product recognition and product attitude by manipulating different types of products and novel attributes, and the moderating role of consumers’ personality is also examined to see whether consumer innovativeness have effects on product attitude or not. The past researches tend to believe that raising product incongruity is beneficial to enhancing product recall and product recognition. However, the result shows that raising product incongruity is of no help to leave deep impression in the products. Thus the relation between product incongruity and product recognition needs to be further clarified by future researches. Additionally, although product types and novel attributes do not interact to have effects on product incongruity and further boost product attitude, ‘product type’ indeed plays a crucial role on boosting product incongruity and enhancing product attitude. Not only product type leads to positive effects on the products, but consumers are apt to give more positive evaluations to utilitarian product than hedonic product, regardless of what novel attributes the products have. In that case, it seems to be more profitable to choose utilitarian products if marketers want to launch novel merchandise. In spite of the fact that adding novel attributes leads to positive product attitude, novelty also leads to more product incongruity that may undermine consumers’ attitude toward the product. The result seems to suggest that marketers have to be extraordinarily cautious when manipulating product incongruity.

創業競賽團隊的心理歷程分析:以FITI為例 / The analysis of psychological process of entrepreneurial teams in a business plan contest: the case study of FITI

廖偉玲 Unknown Date (has links)
過去研究創業成功的文獻很多,但少有研究探索創業團隊在競賽中的成功因素以及心理歷程,因此本研究以試圖以歷程的角度探究心理特質對創業團隊表現之影響。 創業家的創新性和創業成功有正向關聯,而創業的高失敗率及高工作量讓創業家長期處於高壓環境,是以抗壓性高的創業家容易脫穎而出;此外,創業家對壓力跟挫折的反應型態(例如反芻)也可能會影響創業績效。故本研究選擇創新性、壓力忍受及反芻(苦惱自責及深思反省)作為預測變項,企圖了解這些心理特質在創業競賽中的角色以及它們之間的關係。 本研究以自陳問卷蒐集資料,第一部分收集1557份線上問卷,得有效樣本1265份,結果發現創業者的創新性、壓力忍受及深思反省都顯著高於未創業者,苦惱自責則沒有差異。第二部分的研究對象為104年度「創新創業激勵計畫(From IP to IPO, FITI)」入圍初選的創業團隊(競賽初期),並重複測量成功晉級第二(競賽中期)及第三階段(競賽後期)之團隊。總計發出631份問卷,回收490份,回收率78%,共54組團隊。結果發現初期深思反省和中期苦惱自責能正向預測創業團隊是否晉級下一階段。重複測量入圍第三階段的團隊,發現競賽後期的壓力忍受顯著比競賽初期的高,競賽中期的苦惱自責顯著高於競賽初期。創業團隊的心理屬性中,初期深思反省及初期壓力忍受皆能正向預測初期及中期的創新性,中期壓力忍受能正向預測中期創新性,後期壓力忍受能正向預測後期創新性。此外,初期壓力忍受能完全中介初期深思反省與中期創新性之間的關係。 / Starting a business helps the country's economy and in recent years, there are various business plan contests held by the Taiwan's government and industries, wishing to encourage people to start business and help the starters to make their businesses more successful. Although there are many literatures that studied on successful start-up, there are not many studies really explored on the factors of succeed among different contests and entrepreneurial team members’ psychological processes during the contests. Therefore, in this study the researcher attempts to explore the impact brought by the psychological traits on the performance of entrepreneurial teams from the perspective of psychological process. There is a positive correlation between an entrepreneur's innovativeness and entrepreneurial success. The high failure rate and workload put an entrepreneur in an environment with high pressure for long period of time, and therefore only the entrepreneur with high stress tolerance will stand out. In addition, the way entrepreneurs respond to stress and frustration, such as rumination, will also have influence on the performance, so in this study, these psychological traits, such as innovativeness, stress tolerance and rumination (brooding rumination and reflective pondering rumination) as the predictor variables, in order to understand the role of these psychological traits in business plan contests and the relation among them. In the study, the researcher collected data by the approach of self-report questionnaires. Through the first part of collecting online questionnaires,the statistical survey was proceed with 1265 effective samples from 1557 questionnaires, and the results showed the entrepreneur’s traits such as innovativeness, stress tolerance and reflective pondering were significantly higher than non-entrepreneurs, and as to the trait of brooding, there is no difference. The participants in the second part are 54 entrepreneur teams attended 2015 FITI held by the Taiwan’s Ministry of Science and Technology. The results showed that, referring to the reflective pondering in the early stage and brooding in the middle stage can positively predict if the entrepreneurial teams could stay till the next stage. After repeatedly measuring the teams who successfully selected into the late stage, the researcher found that the stress tolerance they endured in the late stage of contest is significantly higher than the early stage of contest, and their brooding is significantly higher in the early stage than the middle stage of contest. Among the psychological traits of entrepreneurial teams, the reflective pondering and the stress tolerance in the early stage both can positively predict the innovativeness of early and middle stages, as the stress tolerance in the middle stage can positively predict the innovativeness in the middle stage, and the stress tolerance in the late stage can positively predict the innovativeness in the late stage. In addition, early stage stress tolerance can fully mediate the relation between early stage reflective pondering and middle stage innovativeness.


張家豪 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來GPS相關產品與各項應用蓬勃發展,當中又以GPS手持裝置最受人矚目,根據各項數據顯示,GPS手持裝置的出貨量近年來呈現高度的成長,GPS手持裝置產品與其相關應用無疑是當前最具前景的產業之一。然而目前有關GPS的研究多半偏向技術為主,鮮少有研究以消費者為焦點從事研究,因此本研究將朝這個方向出發,主要探討影響消費者GPS手持裝置採用意願的相關影響因素。 本研究以科技採用模型為主要的理論依據,在經過文獻探討後將影響因素分成個人因素、社會因素與科技因素三大類,並據此發產出相關研究架構。同時本研究採用研究調查法,以北部大專以上學生為主要抽樣對象,紙本問卷與網路問卷共回收有效問卷286份。在經過資料分析後,發現個人創新性、自我效能、知覺服務可獲得性、社會影響各會以不同方式影響消費者GPS手持裝置行為採用意願。本研究並據此對實務與後續研究提出相關建議。

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