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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

政府推動產業聚落之成效評估-以南部生技醫療器材產業聚落發展計畫為例 / Evaluation of industrial cluster- case of subsidy regulations for bio-medical device industrial cluster establishment project at southern Taiwan science park

陳君翔 Unknown Date (has links)
產業聚落為國際科技發展潮流,在高科技產業發展中,產業聚落的發展將會對國家競爭力產生影響,因此產業園區的發展不僅要充分規劃建設良好的硬體基礎建設與軟體的協調使用,更重要是要對本身的發展目標有明確的意識與定位。 近年來由於人類生活素質逐漸提升,及球人口結構逐漸偏向老年化,健康管理與照護的需求與日俱增,再加上高齡化與健康照護相關議題的發燒,使得全球生技醫療器材產業成為炙手可熱的明星產業,也被視為我國政府積極推動的產業之一。而醫療器材產業為我國生技產業總營業額中所占比例最高者,本研究透過南部生技醫療器材產業聚落發展計畫為例,探討政府推動產業聚落發展之成效評估,及發展此計畫之延續型計畫之必要性。 本研究透過文獻探討及深度訪談方式,研究參與南部生技醫療器材產業聚落發展計畫中不同利害關係人觀點對於此計畫之成效評估。本研究以五項評估標準發展出十三項評估項目,透過訪談計畫制定者、計畫執行者及計畫參與者方式,探討以其觀點對於參與此計畫之想法及建議。研究發現本計畫執行至今,在基礎建設完整性、產學研合作方式及程度、技術轉移及產品上市過程順暢度、資訊交流滿意度、服務品質及效率、參與計畫滿意度、建立地區形象、創造國內外投資及創造競合的環境等項目,在各利害關係人間中取得正面共識,且認同彼此的目標及作法,成功達到本計畫執行之目的。但仍有人才培育計畫、下游產業鏈完整性、經費補助合宜性及提供有彈性的勞動力市場項目,尚未於本研究之利害關係人間取得正面共識,但此些項目本非一蹴可幾,需靠經驗累積及長期經營。另外,主要績效指標中有二項為計畫完成後三年之目標,包含創造就業人數及創造年產值項目,目前執行狀況與目標相差較大,但因目前投入廠商多處於草創階段,無論是用人或投資皆未達高峰,以致年產值相對未達高峰,後續將會陸續增加。 因此本研究評估,本計畫執行至今成效良好,若計畫可延續,未來再於產業聚落內做必要的投資,將可延伸本計畫所建立之基礎,使產業聚落更趨完善,精益求精。

PCB產業經營策略-以海外回台F股泰國A公司為例 / PCB industry management strategy-A company in Thailand

趙敏如 Unknown Date (has links)
供應商的群聚效果提供台灣印刷電路板產業在東華南相當多的優勢,但是近年來面對工資與環保成本上升,紅色供應鏈的崛起,台灣廠商遭受極大經營壓力。本文欲探討PCB供應鏈是否會繼續往低工資與低土地遷移。另外,本研究亦以A公司做個案分析探討,打破產業群聚的迷思,並非一定要在產業群聚裡,才能有經營績效。本研究在分析大陸及東南亞PCB產業的發現,韓國的通訊板目前正往越南慢慢形成一個新的PCB產業聚落,而汽車板目前在泰國慢慢形成一個汽車板聚落,PCB台商基於大陸市場崛起,正積極鎖定3C市場,並無遷移大陸現象。 本文建議A公司基於競合關係,應該與PCB大廠策略聯盟已取得穩定的轉單來源,同時為了搶奪汽車板與醫療儀器板,A公司的技術部門應該積極布局,業務部門則需打進入新汽車與醫療器材等供應鏈以拓展公司新的客源。


鄭居元, Cheng Chu-Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
摘要 台灣生物科技產業,近年來在政府大力推動下,投資金額、企業營收、就業率與新創公司數逐年成長。然而台灣生物科技水準與美歐日等先進國家相比,技術層次仍有待加強,而台灣生物科技產業發展,相較於美歐日等地區生物科技產業的蓬勃發展,仍屬於播種萌芽,逐漸起飛的階段。 台灣發展新興產業的關鍵因素:如人才、資金、技術等關鍵資源極為有限,因此若能藉由地理區域的集中,來凝聚上述有限的關鍵資源,或可加速台灣生物科技產業的發展。 本研究藉由實地參訪和個案研究;再輔以次級資料(公開文件)的蒐集、整理與分析,來探討生物科技產業聚落發展的關鍵因素。研究對象包括:美國的生物科技產業聚落(Philadelphia,New Haven,Boston,RTP、North Carolina)及歐洲瑞典的生物科技產業聚落(Stockholm / Uppsala,Gothenbrug,Malmo / Lund,Linkoping,Umea)等。 由於生物科技公司是生物科技產業聚落的構成主體,因此首先就企業經營管理的觀點,探討生物科技新創公司形成的關鍵因素;另就產業聚落發展的觀點,探討生物科技產業聚落發展的關鍵因素:如生產要素條件、相關與支援性產業、產業聚落的成長與回饋等;再探討生物科技產業聚落內,使得新事業源源不斷形成,產業聚落得以永續發展的機制;最後由先進國家生物科技產業聚落發展的經驗,對台灣地區發展生物科技產業聚落的政策意涵,提出相關建議。 經由本研究可以得到下列發現:生物科技新創公司最重要的生存方式,在於如何善用環境外部資源,來突破企業內部資源的有限性。而生物科技產業聚落不是無中生有,首先必須先存在大學及研究機構等專業化生產要素,才會設立科學園區或育成中心。大學及研究機構現有的研究領域,決定科學園區或育成中心的發展特色。生物科技公司是生物科技產業聚落的構成主體,而生物科技新創公司形成的機制(如種子基金的設置等)是產業聚落永續發展的驅動力量。種子基金、科學園區或育成中心分別為產業聚落發展重要的無形及有形的連結機制。 / Abstract The amount of investment, the revenues and the employment of firms, and the number of start-ups, within Taiwan biotechnology industry, promoted by the government, increased gradually. However, the level of biotechnology, compared with other developed countries, seems still a lot to be upgraded. Moreover, the biotechnology industry developed in Taiwan is still in the early stage. Therefore, the limited key resources such as talents, capital, technology, if can be concentrated in a specific region, then the emerging industry like biotechnology industry may be developed faster. The study is, use of the field and case study, and the secondary data collected, to explore the key success factors in the development of biotechnology industry clusters. The cases studied include American biotechnology industry clusters, like Philadelphia, New Haven, Boston, RTP-North Carolina, and Sweden biotechnology industry clusters, like Stockholm-Uppsala, Gothenbrug, Malmo-Lund, Linkoping, Umea. Because the biotechnology firms are the building blocks of biotechnology industry clusters, it is first to explore the key success factors of the formations of new ventures from the perspective of business administration. From the perspective of cluster development, it is to explore the key success factors of the formations of new clusters such as the production factors, the related and supporting industry, the growth and feedback of clusters. The mechanism about new ventures growing forever to sustain the clusters development is then explored. From the experiences of these developed countries in the clusters development, the study proposes some suggestions about the policy making on the biotechnology clusters development in Taiwan. From the study, there comes the following finding:The biotechnology ventures leverage the resources from the environment to overcome the limited resources within the firms. The biotechnology clusters can be happened nowhere. First, there will be existed some professional production factors such as universities and research institutes, then come the science-park and incubator. The universities and research institutes define the characteristics of the science-park and incubator. The mechanisms about the formation of new ventures such as the seed fund become the driving forces of biotechnology clusters. The seed fund or the science-park and incubator are the intangible or tangible linkage mechanisms about the formation of biotechnology clusters.

快速跟隨、產業聚落與社會鑲嵌:以台灣IC設計產業為例 / Fast Follower, Industrial Cluster, and Social Embeddedness: An Inquiry into IC Design Industry in Taiwan

曾聖文, Tseng, Sheng-Wen Unknown Date (has links)
台灣IC設計產業的技術並非是最尖端的,也不具有低人力成本與低價格的優勢,並且夾擠在先進的「創新領導型聚落」(例如:美國矽谷)與低成本優勢的「製造成本控制型聚落」(例如:中國大陸上海)之間發展。但台灣新竹的IC設計產業聚落卻仍能在知識快速流動的空間趨勢中,持續且擴大地理群聚效應,成為全球IC/半導體產業的重要節點。因此,本論文旨在回答以下的研究問題:在知識快速流動的空間趨勢中,為什麼台灣IC設計產業仍鑲嵌在台灣的經濟社會環境中持續群聚與成長? 本論文有以下主要研究結論:(一)IC設計廠商在台灣形成新竹與台北兩個產業聚落,新竹產業聚落包含「快速跟隨型」與「專業化型」兩種台灣IC設計廠商,台北則是「專業化型」廠商群聚。「快速跟隨型」IC設計廠商採取「次進市場」時間策略,「專業化型」IC設計廠商則以「市場區隔」時間策略切入產品生命週期;(二)新竹地區廠商的快速跟隨策略,由速度、彈性與成本控制的制度環境所支撐,其群聚效應與成長速度高於台北產業聚落;(三)本論文驗證了知識的快速流動空間,有助於地方空間的快速技術學習與產業群聚效應。 / Taiwan’s IC design industry, located mainly in the Taipei-Hsinchu corridor, has important status in the global value chain of the world semiconductor industry. Nevertheless, it neither has cutting edge technology nor has the lowest cost advantage; it is besieged between leading innovative cluster (eg. Silicon Valley) and catch-up cluster that is based on production cost (eg. Shanghai). Most significantly, it still continues to grow in the age in which place is said to be meaningless due to the tendency of space of flows. This study thus aims to answer the following question: why does IC design industry still continue to embed in and to grow in the northern part of Taiwan? My research findings can be summarized as follows. First of all, it is found that there are two major IC design clusters in the northern part of Taiwan: Hsinchu and Taipei. Secondly, it is found that firms in Hsinchu cluster have both “fast follower” and “specialist” characteristics, whereas IC design firms in Taipei has only “specialist” features. Fast follower firms adopt “second-to-market” strategy and specialist firms adopt “market-segmentation” strategy to enter the product market in the product-life-cycle. Thirdly, due to the fact that fast follower firms in Hsinchu are supported by institutionalized features that can sustain speed, flexibility, and cost-control which Taipei lacks, Hsinchu thus has better agglomeration effect and growth rate. Finally, this study concludes that current tendency of space of flows in which knowledge can be transmitted through space is contributive to Taiwan’s fast technological learning and clustering effect.

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