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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


陳家煜 Unknown Date (has links)

中國華大基因公司經營模式與成長策略個案分析 / A Case Study on the Business Model and Growth Strategy of BGI

郭瑞庭, Guo, Rey Ting Unknown Date (has links)
1970年代第一個能夠特異性剪切DNA分子的限制酶問世,開啟了快速基因操作的年代,加上二十世紀後電腦以及資訊科技的飛躍發展,持續帶動生物科技產業的進步,因此二十世紀可以說是生物科技開始大幅躍進的重要時期。   在近二十年以來,中國大力發展生物科技產業,做為一個新興市場,在中國生物科技公司成長歷程將可做為其它生技公司發展的借鏡,因此本研究除了搜集、分析中國重要的人才引進、人才獎勵政策、企業經營獎勵政策外,還運用個案研究方法,深入探討基因測序起家的華大基因公司在每個時期發展之策略,分析出完整的公司發展策略,以做為其它生技公司發展的參考。   1999年時,在華大基因創業初期,一開始先以參加國際人類基因組計劃,向中國政府爭取啟動的科研資金,初期並不以盈利為目的,當時也沒有一個確切的獲利方式,先以爭取政府的支持為首要目標,再來以增加國際、國內的知名度為輔,等待著機會的到來。華大基因在初期也加大文章發表的力度,尤其是在世界頂級的幾大生物類期刋:Cell、Nature和Science上,目前也持續不斷的在這幾個頂級期刊上發表研究成果,初期也成功的打造華大基因為世界上一流的研究機構與企業。   在2010年初,華大利用從銀行拿到的六億人民幣的貸款,從Illumina購買了128台的新一代測序儀Hiseq2000。隨著這批新設備的到來,2012年測序數據產出的能力已經占了全球一半以上,因此華大被外界稱為測序工廠或是測序界的富士康。隨著華大基因測序能力及知名度的提升,一些科學家及科研單位開始尋求合作,這也是華大基因第一個商業模式的產生。   在2013年時,華大收購了美國的基因測序儀公司CG (Complete Genomics) ,補全其缺失的上游環節。同時,它也開始與眾多的機構展開密切的合作。從前,華大主要是針對科研、醫藥上的基因測序。從醫療、科研機構獲得的收入雖然比較穩定,但是其發展潛力遠不如針對大眾人群的基因服務。人群在生育、健康、基礎科研、複雜疾病等方面都可以應用到基因測序服務方面。而且,隨著精準醫療的興起,民眾對個性化醫療服務的需求也越來越旺盛。   經由「五力分析」和「技術採用生命週期」分析,可以了解到華大基因從科學研究開始,先建立公司的品牌知名度,再轉入科研測序服務及科研合作收費的方向,之後再併購上游供應商,再往下游的終端消費市場,打通了整個產業鏈,掌握了在整個產業中更多的主動權及話語權。華大基因的發展策略,也提供了將來許多生技公司在中國發展時的參考。 / Since the first restriction enzyme which specifically cuts DNA came out in 1970s, the era of rapid DNA manipulation began. In addition, the development of computer science and information technology in the 20th century drives the progress of biotechnology industries. Thus, the 20th century is a critical time period of biotechnology development. In the past two decades, China has been emphasizing biotechnology industries. The development progress of biotechnology companies in China, one of the major emerging market countries, should be an important target of related studies. In this study, the information of talent import and rewards and enterprise rewards in China are collected and analyzed. Furthermore, the strategies of every stage of BGI, a company initially conducted DNA sequencing, are investigated. The study reveals the comprehensive development strategy of BGI which shall be a reference for other biotechnology companies. In 1999, BGI started as an unprofitable organization and applied start-up capital from China government with a proposal to join the international human genome project. Instead of a clear profit model, BGI aimed for official supports and international visibility in the beginning, waiting for an opportunity to come. Since then, BGI has set up efforts to publish research papers especially in high impact journals such as Cell, Nature, and Science. After years, BGI has become a first-class research institute and enterprise. Early 2010, BGI got a bank loan of 600 million RMB and bought 128 new generation sequencers Hiseq2000 from Illumina. With this new equipment, DNA sequencing output of the company reached over half of global amounts. Hence, BGI was called “sequencing factory” or “Foxconn of the sequencing industry”. As BGI’s ability and reputation rises, scientists and research institutes started to set up collaborations with the company, thereby began the initial business model of BGI. In 2013, BGI acquired a DNA sequencing company Complete Genomics (CG) in United States to fill-up the upstream vendor part. At the same time, BGI also expanded its collaborations with more institutions. Though incomes from medical and research institutions are relatively stable, the potentials of genome sequencing serving the whole human population is far more large for the company. In addition, the identification and demand toward individualized precision medicine vastly grow as precision medicine is widely accepted. With Porter Five Forces Analysis and Technology Adoption Life Cycle analysis, the business model of BGI is proposed. In the beginning, the company established brand awareness through basic scientific researches. Then, BGI turned to provide DNA sequencing and scientific research services. Afterward, the company acquired upstream vendor. Finally, BGI develops end consumer market and successfully integrates the entire industry chain, getting initiative and discourse power in the biotechnology industry. The development strategy of BGI shall provide a reference for other biotechnology companies that are aiming to develop in China.


陳信君 Unknown Date (has links)
21世紀公認影響人類生活的兩大科技,就是「資訊科技」與「生物科技」。能為生物科技分析出最佳競爭優勢、尋求利基的產業,便是商業智慧(business intelligence, BI)。 雖然生技業具有極高的附加價值,但也必須投入極高的研發成本。為了讓生技產品能獲取利潤,我們必須要在適當的時機推出適合消費者的產品;藉由資料採礦技術萃取大量的資訊、可以事先洞察預測消費者的潛在需求,並且幫忙分析生技產業可應用推廣的領域、採取的行銷方式以及道德倫理問題…等,這些都須仰賴商業智慧的力量;唯有以商業智慧為整合平台來發展生物科技,才能確保生技產業向未來前進的步伐走得穩當。 除了想了解生物科技目前的前景之外,也加上商業智慧(business intelligence, BI)的應用,希望藉由本研究可以在未來對於欲加入生物科技產業之公司尋找一些經營依歸,以期台灣能在邁入高科技產業時將順利無阻礙。 首先,先以三種資料採礦的分類法(決策樹、類神經及羅吉斯迴歸)來做比較,並決定最後使用那種分析方法。比較過後,決定運用決策樹方法建立出一般民眾的基本特性(性別、血型、年齡等)對於生物科技產業(基因改造食品、生物醫療科技、生技美容保養)的使用意願程度之決策樹模型。 最後,對三種生物科技產業各別做出宣傳策略。並對後續研究者提出一些建議。


徐德宇 Unknown Date (has links)
我國政府在近二十年大力推展生物技術產業,除了長期投入資金鼓勵國內學者從事研究發展之外,也持續進行產業技術升級與轉型等措施,並積極推動國內相關產業之投資與整合,促使生物技術加速發展。但目前對於生物科技之關注,多集中於技術層面與國家競爭力的探討,對於人力資源管理方面之文獻與相關研究,卻付之闕如。事實上,跟一般傳統高科技產業相比,生物科技產業對於人才方面不但重視,而且甚至可說人才是整個生技公司的命脈。故生物科技產業應如何獲得其所需求的人才,並施以適當的人力資源管理,即顯得格外重要。 本研究首先對有關人力資源管理和生物科技產業之定義與特質的各種國內外文獻、專家學者意見,作一分析、比較、整理。再參考高科技產業人力資源管理之特性,歸納出我國生物科技產業人力資源管理之特性。另外,探討勞動基準法對我國生物科技產業之人力資源管理是否造成影響,及有無適用上之問題。並以實證訪談的方式加以應證之。 透過次級資料的蒐集及深度訪談我國四家生物科技業者,並以此四家生物科技業者為個案分析對象,本研究認為我國生物科技產業人力資源管理之特性如下:1、重視教育訓練;2、強調因材施教;3、重視員工忠誠度;4、重視產學合作;5、重視人才的經歷;6、強調英語能力;7、業務人才需要高學歷;8、需對員工加以激勵;9、重視自主性管理等。


陳玫孜, Chen, Mei-Tzu Unknown Date (has links)
生物科技產業為台灣近幾年來相當重要的策略性產業,亦為政府輔導傳統產業升級的標的產業之一,對於現有的業者與企盼進入之業者,在市場需求持續成長的吸引下,本研究主要目的為利用個案公司之營運策略與規劃,提出相關建議,以作為有興趣業者的參考,同時俾利後續研究者進一步的深入探討。 本研究的主要架構係根據David A. Aaker的理論架構基礎來進行內在與外在分析,同時探討研擬策略規劃方向。整個研究架構分為四個階段:一、探討相關文獻,以作為研究的原則基礎。 二、進行內、外在分析,以界定外在環境中可能發生的機會與威脅,並界定該產業的關鍵成功因素,接著分析個案公司所擁有的優、劣勢。 三、綜合前述之分析,歸納出個案公司所面臨的問題。 四、提出可行的策略方向與目標,並擬定個案公司之競爭策略與營運策略。 研究分析結果呈現生物科技產業之關鍵成功因素為:擁有具國際競爭力的製造技術、具備創新研發的能力、具備國際行銷能力、擁有品牌形象。本研究建議個案公司採行市場擴張、產品擴張策略與多角化策略。而最佳的競爭策略方向是集中差異化策略,這是因為生物科技產業其持久的競爭優勢就是集中式的差異化,以創造公司在消費者心目中的獨特性。

我國生物技術行銷研究-以健康食品為例 / The marketing research of biotechnology in Taiwan--take health food as example

杜昌峰, Duh, Chang-Feng Unknown Date (has links)
本論文是以生物技術產業下之健康食品行銷研究為主題,研究結果主要供健康食品廠商參考之用。本研究以質化廠商訪談與量化消費者問卷兩方面之調查,最後對廠商提出關於健康食康食品之行銷策略建議。本研究主要建議如下: 一、目標對象策略 1.目標對象之設定應避免「所有的人」,須更為明確。 2.「年齡」之設定,可再往25歲以下之人推進。 3.可視本身產品特性,再決定「個體」或「群體」訴求。 4.應加強「重度使用者」之使用。 二、產品定位策略 應發展出適合本身產品之「心理圖象」。 三、定價策略 可以使用「價值導向競爭法」,以求取更大利潤。 四、通路策略 1.應以「專門性」、「單一性」之通路為主。 2.通路應考慮到「購買之便利性」。 五、推廣策略 1.品牌、廣告、包裝為消費者所重視,廠商應繼續維持努力。 2.依本研究調查結果,強化消費者所重視之「銷售人員特質」。 3.用公共關係或其他工具以突破法規中「廣告不得宣稱療效」。 4.促銷應謹慎為之,以免傷及品牌。 5.應加強廠商原先不甚重視之直效行銷,特別是諮詢服務一項。 六、其它 廠商應延聘專業經理人。 / This dissertation is the marketing research of Health Food, belonging to the biotechnology industry, and the research results are mainly for corporation's reference. Both qualitative research of corporation in-depth interview and quantitative research of consumer survey are taken to get the marketing strategy suggestions for health food corporations. The primary suggestions are as following: A. Target Audience Strategy 1. The settlement of TA is supposed to be more precise rather that “all people” 2. The settlement of “age” could be below 25. 3. The appeals of “individual” or “group” should be based on attributes. 4. Intensify the use of “Heavy Users”. B. Product Position Strategy Managers should exploit “mental image” suitable to the self-product's characters. C. Pricing Strategy Managers could exert “value-based pricing” to get more profits. D. Distribution Channel Strategy 1. The distribution channel should be based on the “specialized” and “single”. 2. The channel should consider “the convenience of purchasing”. E. Promotion Strategy 1. Brand, advertising and package are appreciated by consumers, and managers should keep on working hard these matters. 2. According to the research, managers should intensify the “salesman characters”, which is valued by consumers. 3. Managers should use PR or other promotion tools to avert “ don’t claim therapy effects” by the regulations. 4. Managers should be prudent about the sales promotion in case hurting the brand. 5. Direct marketing, which is not highly valued by managers before, is supposed to be intensified, especially counseling. F. Other Corporations should employ professional managers.


劉昱岑 Unknown Date (has links)
全球趨勢大師戴維斯(Stan Davis)曾預言說:「未來二十年將是生物科技的時代!」,也有人說:「二十一世紀是生物科技的世紀。」事實上過去幾年來,我國也將生物科技產業列為國家級重點發展科技之ㄧ,並投入相當大的金額輔助產業之發展,生物科技產業是技術與知識密集的產業,而知識是整個產業與企業發展最重要的元素,但由於生技產業在我國屬發展初期且創新能力尚嫌不足,因此,由技術知識本質來探討我國生物科技公司之創新行為便對產業會有所貢獻。 本研究主要採用文獻探討以及個案訪談作為主要的研究方法,先藉由文獻探討建立起論文整體之架構以及相關理論之說明定義所需探討之研究變項,之後再透過六間生技產業各領域之標竿企業的訪談加以實證。本研究所探討之創新行為是以Leonard-Barton之創新模式作為研究基礎,再以「技術知識特質」與「中小企業特質」來探索對創新行為之影響。而可得到以下初步之研究結論: 一、生技產業專案類型與中小企業特質之關係: 1.生物科技公司會因不同類型專案之開發目的與需求而追求技術自主性; 2.生物科技公司正式化程度會受法令與規範之影響; 3.生物科技公司會因不同類型專案專案人員自主性不同。 二、生技產業專案類型與技術知識特質之關係: 1.不同類型之生物科技公司,其技術知識特質亦不相同。 三、中小企業特質與創新行為之關係: 1.高度的技術自主程度,也會明顯提高組織對失敗之容忍度; 2.高度的技術自主程度,使得深奧技術知識變的容易溝通; 3.高度的正式化程度,使團隊很重視非正式的互動與交流; 4.高度的專案成員自主性,較鼓勵以摩擦性創造作為解決問題的方式。 四、技術知識特質與創新行為之關係: 1.技術知識內隱程度會影響共同解決問題時創造性摩擦的鼓勵以及解決問題的方式; 2.技術知識內隱程度並不會影響執行與整合新技術時使用者參與的程度; 3.技術知識內隱程度越低,越鼓勵實驗風氣; 4.技術知識內隱程度不同,外部學習的關鍵人物也不相同; 5.系統複雜程度越低,會降低專案團隊織成員異質性,問題解決方式傾向專業分工處理而非密集討論; 6.系統複雜程度會影響組織進行創新型試驗的意願; 7.系統複雜程度會影響組織進行知識吸收來源的廣泛程度; 8.路徑相依程度不同,會影響技術執行與整合的方式。


鄭居元, Cheng Chu-Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
摘要 台灣生物科技產業,近年來在政府大力推動下,投資金額、企業營收、就業率與新創公司數逐年成長。然而台灣生物科技水準與美歐日等先進國家相比,技術層次仍有待加強,而台灣生物科技產業發展,相較於美歐日等地區生物科技產業的蓬勃發展,仍屬於播種萌芽,逐漸起飛的階段。 台灣發展新興產業的關鍵因素:如人才、資金、技術等關鍵資源極為有限,因此若能藉由地理區域的集中,來凝聚上述有限的關鍵資源,或可加速台灣生物科技產業的發展。 本研究藉由實地參訪和個案研究;再輔以次級資料(公開文件)的蒐集、整理與分析,來探討生物科技產業聚落發展的關鍵因素。研究對象包括:美國的生物科技產業聚落(Philadelphia,New Haven,Boston,RTP、North Carolina)及歐洲瑞典的生物科技產業聚落(Stockholm / Uppsala,Gothenbrug,Malmo / Lund,Linkoping,Umea)等。 由於生物科技公司是生物科技產業聚落的構成主體,因此首先就企業經營管理的觀點,探討生物科技新創公司形成的關鍵因素;另就產業聚落發展的觀點,探討生物科技產業聚落發展的關鍵因素:如生產要素條件、相關與支援性產業、產業聚落的成長與回饋等;再探討生物科技產業聚落內,使得新事業源源不斷形成,產業聚落得以永續發展的機制;最後由先進國家生物科技產業聚落發展的經驗,對台灣地區發展生物科技產業聚落的政策意涵,提出相關建議。 經由本研究可以得到下列發現:生物科技新創公司最重要的生存方式,在於如何善用環境外部資源,來突破企業內部資源的有限性。而生物科技產業聚落不是無中生有,首先必須先存在大學及研究機構等專業化生產要素,才會設立科學園區或育成中心。大學及研究機構現有的研究領域,決定科學園區或育成中心的發展特色。生物科技公司是生物科技產業聚落的構成主體,而生物科技新創公司形成的機制(如種子基金的設置等)是產業聚落永續發展的驅動力量。種子基金、科學園區或育成中心分別為產業聚落發展重要的無形及有形的連結機制。 / Abstract The amount of investment, the revenues and the employment of firms, and the number of start-ups, within Taiwan biotechnology industry, promoted by the government, increased gradually. However, the level of biotechnology, compared with other developed countries, seems still a lot to be upgraded. Moreover, the biotechnology industry developed in Taiwan is still in the early stage. Therefore, the limited key resources such as talents, capital, technology, if can be concentrated in a specific region, then the emerging industry like biotechnology industry may be developed faster. The study is, use of the field and case study, and the secondary data collected, to explore the key success factors in the development of biotechnology industry clusters. The cases studied include American biotechnology industry clusters, like Philadelphia, New Haven, Boston, RTP-North Carolina, and Sweden biotechnology industry clusters, like Stockholm-Uppsala, Gothenbrug, Malmo-Lund, Linkoping, Umea. Because the biotechnology firms are the building blocks of biotechnology industry clusters, it is first to explore the key success factors of the formations of new ventures from the perspective of business administration. From the perspective of cluster development, it is to explore the key success factors of the formations of new clusters such as the production factors, the related and supporting industry, the growth and feedback of clusters. The mechanism about new ventures growing forever to sustain the clusters development is then explored. From the experiences of these developed countries in the clusters development, the study proposes some suggestions about the policy making on the biotechnology clusters development in Taiwan. From the study, there comes the following finding:The biotechnology ventures leverage the resources from the environment to overcome the limited resources within the firms. The biotechnology clusters can be happened nowhere. First, there will be existed some professional production factors such as universities and research institutes, then come the science-park and incubator. The universities and research institutes define the characteristics of the science-park and incubator. The mechanisms about the formation of new ventures such as the seed fund become the driving forces of biotechnology clusters. The seed fund or the science-park and incubator are the intangible or tangible linkage mechanisms about the formation of biotechnology clusters.

台灣生物科技公司經營效率之研究-資料包絡分析法之應用 / Operation Efficiency Analysis of Biotech Companies in Taiwan—Applications of Data Envelopment Analysis

盧冠嘉, Lu, Kwan-Jia Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以台灣8家生物科技公司為研究對象,探討公司於民國85年到88年之間的經營效率評估,比較孰優孰劣。本研究應用資料包絡分析法(data envelopment analysis, DEA)來計算相對效率值。投入要素包括:資本額、研發支出、員工人數,及員工素質共四項;產出項目則為公司營業額一項。研究中分別求解CCR效率和A&P效率,此外,亦將CCR效率進一步區分為純粹技術效率(BCC效率)與規模效率,除了效率值比較和衍生的相關討論外,還進行規模報酬分析、虛擬乘數分析、差額變數分析,與敏感度分析,最後則是獲利能力與經營效率之比較。 研究結果顯示,效率排名以杏輝表現最佳,其次依序為濟生、葡萄王、永日、永信、生達、中化、五鼎;依年度區分的平均效率值分析,可觀察到的共通現象,皆是從民國85年一路衰退到88年,顯示八家生技公司的營運效率在此期間總體表現不佳。整體來看,投入項目需縮減幅度最大者為員工素質,資本額次之。表示八家生技公司在此期間高素質人力的投入,並無產生相當的營收,原因可能是公司開發的產品未能符合市場的需求,因此,未來在開發新產品方面應加強結合行銷功能,才能充分滿足消費者或客戶的需求。此外,資本額投入過多,造成資源的浪費,也需要公司管理者加強成本的控管,以期達到資源有效分配。從獲利能力與經營效率之比較分析得知,經營效率高的公司大多獲利能力亦較高。 / Utilizing Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), this paper examines the relative efficiency of 8 companies over a period of 4 years in Taiwan biotech industry. The study has indicated how to use DEA to identify individual companies that are less efficient than other comparable units of output factors relative to input factors. These DEA models basing on the data of 1996-1999 provide CCR efficiency, and A&P efficiency. Furthermore, CCR efficiency is divided into pure technical efficiency (BCC efficiency) and scale efficiency. Besides the comparison of these efficiencies and the discussion about related content, the present study also performs scale analysis, multiplier analysis, slack analysis, and sensitivity analysis. Finally, the comparison of profitability and operating efficiency is conducted. The research shows that Sinphar Pharm. Corp. is ranked first in efficiency, and then Chi Sheng Chemical Corp., Grape King Corp., Yung Zip Chemical Corp., Yung Shin Pharm. Corp., Standard Chemical & Pharm. Corp., China Chemical & Pharm. Corp., and Apex Biotech Corp. in order. Average efficiency of these eight companies declined from 1996 to 1999. As a whole, the personnel Ability and Capital should be the first two input item that needs to be reduced. The comparison of profitability and operating efficiency indicates that most efficient companies can have good profitability.


黃昱虹 Unknown Date (has links)
在知識經濟時代中,經由知識的創造、傳遞與應用獲得創新、異質性的知識和技術,對於產業競爭力的提升具有關鍵影響力。而生物科技產業擁有知識密集、產學互動關係密切、重視創新研發活動的特性,亦與本研究關注知識創新活動相符。加上生物科技的發展,不僅是全球大力投入的新興高科技產業,同時也被定位成國家競爭力的新指標。 所以本文即以生物科技產業為對象,從創新系統脈絡所提及的地理鄰近性和網絡關係切入,透過因素分析及系統分析(SEM)方法分別建構出在生技產業中創新系統行動者--廠商、大學和研究機構的知識傳遞路徑模型。透過所建構出的知識傳遞路徑模型,觀察在廠商和學研機構的知識傳遞活動中,同時考量地理鄰近性與網絡因素前提下,兩者對於知識傳遞路徑的影響程度及其所產生直接或間接的影響、與彼此間的因果關係所形成影響路徑的先後順序,以及地理鄰近性和網絡關係間是否可能存有互補或替代關係。更進一步針對產學研三者間的知識傳遞連結關係進行整體性的結構分析。 研究結果發現: 1.知識傳遞路徑確實存在先後因果關係引發對知識取得直接或間接之影響。在廠商模型中只有廠商聚集直接影響知識取得;而學研機構模型中則是由廠商鄰近與產業網絡直接影響知識獲取。並且因為因果關係的存在而形成知識傳遞路徑的先後順序。 2.在兩個知識傳遞路徑模型中,大學與研究機構都扮演主導創新研發活動的重要角色。 3.在廠商模型中,地理鄰近性與網絡存有互補關係,學研機構模型中則否。 4.地理空間的聚集對於廠商和學研機構的知識取得都具有舉足輕重的地位。 / During the era of knowledge-based economy, acquirement of innovative and heterogeneous knowledge by knowledge and technology creating , transmitting and using has key influence to improvement of industry's competitiveness. Characteristics of Biotechnology industry, which conform to this research pays close attention to the knowledge innovation activity are knowledge -intensive , close interactions between industry – university and emphasizing innovative and research development .It is not merely a new developing Hi-Tech industry of global great input, but also the new index of national competitiveness at the same time . This thesis regards biotechnology industry as the research subject promptly, based on viewpoints of geographical proximity and networks to understand the relations between innovative actors -- firm, university and research institution -- and to construct out the route model of transmission through factor analysis and systematic analysis(SEM).According to route model , while observing in the activities of knowledge transmitting, find out the actors’ influence degree and exert a direct or indirect influence in the route model , and try to figure out geographical proximity may be complementary or substitute to the networks. Go still one step further to concern the structure analysis which among the firms, universities and research institutes. The result of study is found: 1.The causality of knowledge transmission exists positively in the route to cause direct or indirect influences on knowledge acquiring and form the priority order .Only it influences knowledge to be obtained directly that the firms gather in firm's model; geographical proximity and firm's network influencing knowledge acquisition directly while learning to university and research institution's model . 2.In both route model, the university and research institution all act as leading actor in innovative activities. 3.In firm's model, the geographical proximity has complementary relations with the network, which has opposite relation in university and research institution's model. 4.The gathering in the geographical space has a very important position in the process of knowledge acquiring to all innovative actors.

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