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台灣地區影音著作盜版率之研究 / The study of audio-visual works' piracy rate in Taiwan.邱奕傑, Chiu,Yi-Jye. Unknown Date (has links)
目前所有的影音盜版研究,多著重在計算盜版率,探討盜版因素,盜版行為的心理與法制問題,皆還尚未針對影音盜版率,建構出可供學者推論的盜版率機率分配,及其他相關的數量研究,因此,本研究的主要實証方向,乃根據2004年經濟部智慧財產局(intellectual property office ministry of economic affairs,R.O.C)委託政治大學之消費者調查資料,就音樂CD、影音VCD/DVD兩部分,針對筆者有興趣之變項(性別、年齡、有無上網下載等),(1)分別建構各自的混合分配並了解其分配間的差異與趨勢, (2)探討消費者對盜版行為的態度,(3)了解消費者對喜好的光碟所願付價格之差異,(4)建立盜版率分配的信賴帶,以及(5)針對現有的調查資料進行盜版辨別。
最後,就查緝盜版與維護智慧財產權兩方面,實證分析提供政府相關單位作為參考的依據,以求擬訂周詳且完善的措施來防範日益惡化的盜版問題。 / With the development of computer technology and widespread of internet, the piracy problem goes more serious. The piracy situation makes much influence not only on the rights of international oblige societies but also the growing of the intellectual properties in Taiwan. Moreover, it becomes the rock on the road of international commercial negotiations. Beyond the serious situation in the mean time, more researchers and relevant organizations on the island are trying to pay more attention to this important issue. This research intends to understand several questions: How is the actual situation on the piracy problem? Are there any objective evaluation ways? Are there any effective policies to prevent it from going deeper? These questions lead to this research.
In the meantime, most of Audio & Video piracy research emphasized only on calculating the piracy rate, or the reasons, or the relevant psychological and law problems, but few on piracy quantitative studies. Therefore the mainly intention of this research is based on the data from the IPO(Intellectual Property Office Ministry of Economic Affairs, ROC), which is executing by National Chengchi University. As for the two parts concerning music CD and visual VCD/DVD, and the variables those I am highly interested including gender, age, education level, downloading or not.
The empirical study results show as below: (1)The piracy rate distribution corresponds with the Mixed Model, that mean that it have been proportionally mixed two degenerate distribution (while X=0 and 100) with the Normal distribution. (2) On the facets of distribution differences and trends analysis, not only music CD and visual VCD/DVD, the results of the research by Mann-Whitney test and Kolmogorov-Smirnov two sample test both reveal the rising tendency of overall piracy rate. The generation of 20~29 years old is the mainly pirate group, moreover, higher education grades group does the more pirating behaviors, and lower income group intends more unauthorized copying conducts. Furthermore, along with the development of internet technology, the infringement behavior is more serious on the network connectors than the non-network downloaders. (3) Under surveying the opinions of consumers about the piracy, regardless of whether music or movies, the deviation is more serious on male than female, under 30-year-old than above, low educated than high, low income than high, pirate than non-pirate, downloaders than non-downloaders. The problem locates not only the lack of the concepts and recognition on the intellectual properties rights, but also the scarce of moral or legal limitations on the unauthorized rebuilding or downloading. But in the other curious facet, although the higher grade educated groups got more equitable standpoints on the piracy discussion, but evidenced depend upon the collected data they are also mainly the group who did the piracy behaviors more. (4) On the price range that a consumer would like to pay for, most of the pirate consumer tends to pay low price to buy the A/V goods, most of the non-pirating consumer group tends to pay general price to buy ones, and no significant difference of these two groups with high price, (5) On the facets of confidence bands on the whole music CD and visual VCD/DVD pirating rate, because of the specialties of pirating data- the higher frequency while the piracy rate values 0 and 100, so that the upper and lower bound reveals at 0 and 100. Futhermore, the confidence bands obtains from the population distribution function, therefore it’s suitable for the goodness-of-fit test. The results met the Kolmogorov-Smirnov one sample test. (6) On the data recognition facets, the logistic regression model of piracy is constructed in this research. Classification from the fitted logistic regression models, the results reveals 107 non-pirate are mis-judged to pirating behaviors, 186 pirating samples are neglected to non-pirate ones, the correct recognition rate goes high of 88 %.
Key Words:Piracy Rate, Mixture Models, Mann-Whitney, Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Logistic Regression Model, Nonparametric Statistics.
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血壓胺在記憶上所扮演的角色陳美如, CHEN, MEI-RU Unknown Date (has links)
胺有百分之八十以上含量分佈在背縫核(B 7)和腹縫核(B 8),而投射到前腦,
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短期利率模型的台灣實證--無母數法方惠蓉 Unknown Date (has links)
在現代資產定價的研究中,短期利率扮演一個很重要的角色。短期利率模型中最重要的一類是連續時間的擴散模型(continuous-time diffusion model)。這些模型有一個特性:假設已知利率的動態過程,亦即對利率模型的漂移項及擴散項作特定函數型態假設,而並無完整的經濟理論說明為何如此設定。我們知道不同的利率模型設定會推導出不同的商品評價公式,因此任意函數型態的模型一旦設定偏誤太大,勢必對評價公式的準確性造成很大的影響。有鑑於此,近幾年來利用無母數統計方法來估計利率模型的文獻與日具增。因為利用無母數統計方法可以減少對利率模型的任意設定。
基於對短期利率模型任意參數設定的懷疑,以及欲探究台灣短期利率的動態過程究竟為何種型態,因此本文以Stanton(1997)的無母數統計法利率模型,以台灣貨幣市場30天期的商業本票利率資料作實證分析。而為了更清楚了解無母數法利率模型的表現,本文亦採用CKLS (1992)所發展的估計方法,以一般化動差法(Generalized method of moment, GMM)估計九個有參數利率模型,將所得到結果與無母數法的利率模型比較。最後,我們利用估計出的無母數利率模型來建構利率期間結構,並與實際資料作比較。
本文實證結果發現,台灣短期利率的動態過程不管是漂移項或擴散項函數皆呈現非線性型態,且漂移項函數呈現負斜率的均數回歸(mean reverting)現象,而擴散項函數大致是隨利率水準愈大而其數值亦愈大。因此若以非線性、具有均數回歸且擴散項是遞增的函數式來設定利率模型的參數,應該較能刻劃台灣短期利率動態過程。另外,從有參數模型的實證結果發現,漂移項或擴散項函數,只要其中一項設定有誤,不僅會使該項的預測能力變差,亦連帶會影響另一項的預測能力,進而也會影響模型的整體表現。這意味著以無母數方法來估計利率模型有其必要性。最後,我們利用無母數法利率模型所估計的利率期間結構與實際的資料比較,發現估計結果還算不錯。
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網路圖書市場與傳統圖書市場定價行為之研究王亭享 Unknown Date (has links)
摘 要
最後,在策略群組分析法中發現19家書店可分為6個群組:節省開銷,專於本業型 (政大書城、上達書局、聯經出版社、今日書局、搜主義網路書店、三民網路書店及誠品網路書店)、圖書館結合百貨公司型 (誠品書店)、大規模經營型 (金石堂書店、新學友書局、博客來網路書店及新絲路網路書店);第四群小百貨公司型 (建宏書局、三民書局、摩爾書店、金石堂網路書店及華文網路書店);第五群致力服務型 (何嘉仁書店);第六群國際級圖書館型 (紀伊國屋書店)。
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