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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

瑜伽行派における種姓説の展開 ―初期瑜伽行派から中期瑜伽行派へ―

岡田, 英作 26 March 2018 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(文学) / 甲第20825号 / 文博第755号 / 新制||文||654(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院文学研究科文献文化学専攻 / (主査)教授 宮崎 泉, 教授 船山 徹, 教授 赤松 明彦, 教授 横地 優子 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Letters / Kyoto University / DGAM

論《俱舍論》及《成唯識論》的 見道理論差異及其原因 / On the Different of Path-Seeing (Darśana-mārga) Theories by Abhidharmakośakārikā and Cheng Weishi Lun

莫凱輝, Mo, Kai Hui Unknown Date (has links)
本文將就佛教修行五道中的見道進行討論。首先本文討論了有漏凡夫如何首次生起無漏法的問題:說一切有部傾向於主張無漏法可以由有漏法生起,而瑜伽行派則主張有漏法和無漏法異質,無漏法需要從無漏種生起。由於此種差異,雙方在種姓問題的態度也不盡相同。 本文接著指出:在見道位中,說一切有部所描述的見道狀態,傾向於有分別的見道。主要原因是,說一切有部認為見道相關的智皆為「見性」(推度性);迅速切換所緣和無分別的思維模式存在矛盾;瑜伽行派也認為說一切有部所述的見道屬於後得位。而瑜伽行派將見道分為了根本位及後得位,見道被分為了無分別及分別安立兩個階段。兩派在此問題的差異,主要來源於兩派對見道所觀真理的差異。 最後,說一切有部認為見道有十五心,瑜伽行派則認為有十六心。瑜伽行派從基礎上迥異於說一切有部,在將見道分化為根本及後得之後,說一切有部在見道為十五心或十六心的問題上的基礎已被瓦解。另外,說一切有部認為見所斷煩惱及修所斷煩惱的主要差別是兩者是否產生自「我執」,若是則為見所斷煩惱,若非則是修所斷煩惱。瑜伽行派則更注重煩惱現行及習氣的差異,若是現行則為見所斷煩惱,若是習氣則為修所斷煩惱。

《薄伽梵歌》研究 - 從karma與瑜伽之整彙看婆羅門思想的新樣貌

林子瑄, Lin ,Tzu- Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
《薄伽梵歌》是以婆羅門教為主、廣納與修改印度流行的宗教修行方式與觀念、且重新解釋吠陀傳統的新婆羅門教,此一「新」讓婆羅門教不再只是遵循吠陀傳統、以婆羅門為中心的宗教,而是以種姓制度內所有人為本、以專意向著Krsna為本、使凡人都能得到解脫的「印度教」。 文中將從《薄伽梵歌》的基本 – karma為始,首先瞭解《薄伽梵歌》中的karma為何,其次是《薄伽梵歌》不斷強調的dharma(種姓職責),第三是karma的細部分類 – guna,第四是《薄伽梵歌》將印度宗教修行方法統合至一的瑜伽。 從上可見得《薄伽梵歌》如何回應西元前七世紀到西元後三世紀婆羅門教面臨的問題,包括佛教與耆那教的產生、種姓制度的嚴峻與瓦解。 / Bhagavad Gita is based, in the main , on Brahmanism. However, as an important Hindu scripture, it synthesizes yet remodifies the previous religious practices and thoughts. It is neo-Brahmanism in a sense that it reconstructs the Vedic tradition. However, the Gita does not totally succumb to the authority of the Veda and Brahmanic orthodoxy. On the one hand, it addresses to the general audience under caste system; on the other hand, it declares that any devotee of Krsna, irrespective of the position in caste system, has the chance to attain moksa. The first part of the thesis is on the meaning of karma in the Gita. The second part is on dharma, or rather svadharma. The third part is on the details classification of karma, that is , the idea of guna. The last part is on the encompassing idea of yoga in the Gita which embodies different yogin traditions. The above description also gives us an idea that from the 7th century BCE to the 3rd century AD Brahmanism faced many troubles within and without. Among others, the dissemination of Buddhism, Jainism and the rigor as well as possible disintegration of the caste system pose formidable challenges.

從吠陀神觀和獻祭理念的轉變談古奧義書中「梵」(bráhman)作為個人宗教追尋之終極目標的出現 / Discussion on the Emergence of bráhman in older Upaniṣads as the ultimate religious concern of individuals from the transformation of the idea about gods and sacrifice

邱珮琳, Chiou, Pei-Lin Unknown Date (has links)
千年以來,梵(bráhman)的概念和意涵就一直是印度宗教和哲學討論的重心,也一直是印度教徒個人宗教追尋的目標,在印度教內,儘管各教派彼此之間常在學說論理、儀式行動、或者神祇崇拜上有著很大的差異,但吾人若細究其精神底蘊,會發現,這些教派往往都是殊途而同歸於對一個宇宙統一體,或者說一個唯一精神,也就是抽象來說—梵這個概念原則的追求,然後由此對梵的認同與追求,才再接續開展出印度宗教與哲學的另一重要課題—解脫(mokṣa)。然而在印度宗教哲學發展上,這樣一種對梵這個抽象概念的追求卻似乎是一種人們對自然萬物、宇宙萬象抽象深思反省下的思想結晶,而與印度早期吠陀宗教中的那種向諸神獻祭,以求現世回報的宗教活動不同,因此這其中是否有發展上的關連,抑或兩者是各自獨立、甚至彼此競爭的發展? 在本論文中,筆者即試圖從儀式活動和神觀等方面,從歷史的縱度論述梵這個抽象概念其實原本即是源於吠陀宗教那種嚴格、繁瑣的獻祭儀式中。筆者認為,尤其在吠陀宗教由do ut des(我付出,為的是你付出)這一種獻祭理念轉型成do ut possis dare(我付出,所以你才有能力付出)這一種獻祭理念之後,在do ut possis dare這一種獻祭理念影響下,吠陀宗教更是從神觀和儀式活動等各方面,積極開展出梵這個抽象概念來。 / For thousands of years, the meaning of the word bráhman has been the heart of the discussion in Indian religion and philosophy. It also has been the ultimate concern of a Hinduist. Although there are always variations in theories, rituals and idols among different Hinduism sects, we found that when we carefully review the spirit of these variations, they are all related to the quest for the absolute essence of the universe. Further, bráhman is indeed the abstraction of it. Based on the recognition of bráhman and the chase of it, another significant subject of Indian religion and philosophy had developed, named liberation (mokṣa). In the history of Indian religion and philosophy, the will of seeking for the abstraction bráhman seems to result from human’s deep reflection on the universe. Nevertheless, the result of this reflection is totally different from the sacrifice for gods existing in earlier vedic period. Therefore, it is doubtful if bráhman comes from vedic sacrifice or if bráhman and vedic sacrifice develop separately and even compete with each other? In this paper, I want to state that according to the idea of ritual and god, the abstraction bráhman definitely develops from the complicated ritual process in vedic religion. I assume that after the vedic sacrificial idea transfers from do ut des to do ut possis dare, and then this do ut possis dare idea influenced the development of abstraction bráhman.

《解深密經•分別瑜伽品》止觀研究 ——以《圓測疏》為主要脈絡 / 《解深密經•分別瑜伽品》止觀研究 ——以《圓測疏》為主要脈絡

蕭鈺庭 Unknown Date (has links)
奢摩他,梵文「Śamatha」,譯為「止」;毘婆奢那,梵文「Vipaśyanā」,譯為「觀」。止能令心不亂,觀能思擇、判斷。藉由止、觀修行,最終能證得涅槃。此修行法淵遠流長,早自世尊時代即有之,後隨著佛教派系日益增多,對於止、觀修行法的理論漸有不同理解。本文將以唯識學經典《解深密經》為主要探討對象,藉由分析經中專門論述止、觀修行的〈分別瑜伽品〉,以幫助理解唯識一系是如何探討止、觀修行。 本文主要論述章節為:〈止、觀的關係〉、〈止、觀和合俱轉與所證得的果〉、〈真如、空與依他起性〉。〈止、觀的關係〉一章中,將對止、觀的定義與相關議題有所探討,藉由這些探討,以釐清止、觀為同或異?止、觀所緣與「心」的相分、見分關係為何?修行順序是什麼?〈止、觀和合俱轉與所證得的果〉一章中,探討了「心一境性」與「五位」等相關議題。〈真如、空與依他起性〉一章中,將從〈分別瑜伽品〉的立場,探討《解深密經》面對佛教與唯識學相關基礎理論時,其立場為何?

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