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貝氏方法在疾病地圖分析上之應用洪慈翊 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文的目的是希望透過貝氏模型的建構,以瞭解疾病在空間上的分佈狀態。我們先討論Poisson-Gamma模式(PG)、本質的常態條件自我相關模式(ICAR)、適當的常態條件自我相關模式(PCAR)等三種模式的貝氏架構,以期適切地描述出空間中的疾病發生率並據以繪製疾病地圖。接著,再介紹貝氏因子(Bayes Factor)以對這三種模式進行模式選取。本論文並以結核病資料進行實證分析,就各年齡層分別計算三種模式間的貝氏因子,以選出各年齡層的最適模式,並對該模式估計出的相對風險率繪製疾病地圖, 結果顯示各年齡層的最適空間模式不儘相同。
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歐洲人所見的日本疾病與醫療 / The Cognition of Disease and Medical Treatment in Japan for Europeans李明芬 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文以來日的四位歐洲人為中心,依序為15世紀路易斯•弗洛伊斯(葡萄牙語:Luís Fróis)、17世紀的檢夫爾(Kaempfer)、18世紀的菲利普•弗蘭茲•馮•西博爾德(Philipp Franz von Siebold)以及19世紀的龐貝(Johannes Lijdius Catharinus Pompe van Meerdervoort),由於這四人來日本的時間可劃分日本的醫療變遷,從弗洛伊斯開始的咒術及祈禱方式的治病方式開始,檢夫爾來日看見日本的李朱醫學,西博爾德來日看見的古醫方以及幕末來日的龐貝,他們所見到的日本醫療狀況大不相同。其中,他們對於日本的針灸、溫泉療法及精神療法(如向神明祈禱以達到治病的效果)各持有不同的態度。藉由他們的出身背景、因應當時的國際情勢以及西方思想的變遷來分析他們對於日本醫療的看法,不僅可達到理解當時的日本醫療觀,亦可了解當時社會風俗的樣貌。
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重大傷病醫療費用推估與健康生命表之建構劉明昌 Unknown Date (has links)
平均壽命因死亡率下降而延長以及主要死因轉變為中老年疾病或慢性病,尤其中老年疾病與慢性病必須長期治療且不易根治的特性,使得高齡化社會對於醫療保健的需求將逐漸上升。基於上述背景本文以全民健保資料庫重大傷病資料研究台灣地區在壽命延長以及死因轉變之下醫療需求以及疾病負荷,其中醫療需求研究是以保險精算的方式推估未來台灣地區醫療需求金額以及每人平均門診醫療費用成本;疾病負荷研究是以生命表的方式計算因疾病損失年數與健康餘命分別以死因除外的方式以及健康餘命佔平均餘命的比例分析死因轉變對於國民壽命與健康存活時間的影響。研究中發現醫療需求有以近似線性方式上升的可能,醫療費用成本也隨之逐漸上升,醫療費用的上升趨勢將形成商業醫療健康保險的挑戰;在壽命延長以及死因轉變之下因疾病損失年數有上升的趨勢,並且若中老年與慢性疾病發生率持續不變健康存活時間佔平均壽命的比例將逐漸下降。 / Abstract
The health care demand becomes larger and larger in the aging society result from the improvement of mortality and the geriatric and chronic diseases become major dead causes now. Under this circumstance, we aim to evaluate the future health care demand and the burden of disease in Taiwan by using critical illness and injury data among National Health Insurance database. In this research, we evaluate the future health care demand amount and outpatient expenditure per capita in Taiwan in actuarial way and evaluate the burden of disease by calculating the year lost due to disease and health life expectancy. According to research result, we argue that the demand of health care is increasing in almost linear way and the increase of health care cost becomes the important challenge to commercial health insurance. In additional, the year lost due to disease is increasing and the proportion of health life expectancy to life expectancy is decreasing result from life becomes longer and longer and the change of major dead causes.
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上呼吸道疾病的藥物交互作用連婉君 Unknown Date (has links)
在統計分析的部分,從各個不同的角度來探討上呼吸道疾病的藥物交互作用現象,包括病患的基本資料,如:性別、年齡…,就醫行為,如:就醫月份、就分,開藥行為,如:開藥日份、開藥品項;至於 資料採礦分析的部分,則是利用C5.0決策樹,來找出高危險群;最後,針對整體中最容易產生高危險交互作用的藥物組,對其藥效、藥物機轉…等做說明。 / Drug interactions, to a lesser extent, could cause side effects or reduce the drug efficiency, to a greater extent, is life-threatening or could lead to fatality. This issue deserves the attention from the medical personnel and us, the users. The prescription practice in Taiwan more often than not gives out relatively high doses of medications than those of the practice in North America. Consequently the risk of having drug interactions increases respectively. If we could bring the attention of the related party into this alarming situation with the supporting statistical numbers, then hopefully we could set off the stage for a better medical treatment in Taiwan.
We used the data from National Health Insurance database, selecting data only on the patients contracting respiratory system disease which sit for the largest portion in the database. We examine the data using statistical and data mining techniques in an attempt to extract the data on drug interactions and turn the number into useful information for the benefit of all related parties.
In light of the statistical analysis, we have in depth analysis of the drug interactions on medications used in upper respiratory tract from different perspective such as patient’s record which includes age, the frequency in seeing the physician, details on drug prescription. As for the analysis, data mining technique used is C5.0 decision tree in determining the group at risk for getting the side effects of drug interactions. Moreover, we also have summarized the list of drugs that have shown the tendency to induce drug interaction so that extra caution should be taken when administering these groups of medications.
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中醫藥慢性喉炎的研究進展王錦文, 01 January 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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影響人體免疫系統的穴位初探張凱旋, 01 January 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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皮膚衰老的中西醫病機及治療的文獻整理與研究李任時, 01 January 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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中醫藥治療癌症骨轉移的文獻研究梁國慶, 01 January 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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骨轉移癌的中醫藥治療文獻研究金鑫, 01 January 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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跟痛症內服中藥治療規律的文獻研究周志豪, 01 January 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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