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臺北市兒童醫療需求的實證研究方曉娟, FANG, XIAO-JUAN Unknown Date (has links)
本文理論部份是延用Becker(1965)家計生產函數的觀念,使用的資料為中央研究院經濟研究所謝啟瑞老師所做的問卷調查資料台北市國民中小學學生及其父母為主要對象。本文取其中的前兩部份:學生與其母親的資料,有效樣本共計1313份。實證方法是用Heckman(1979) 的兩階段估計法,來驗證我們的預期。
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台灣醫療旅遊群聚 / Taiwan medical tourism cluster蔡少鳳, Choi, Sieu Fon Unknown Date (has links)
台灣醫療旅遊群聚 / Medical Tourism is an emerging phenomenon wherein patients travel across national borders to receive medical treatment. The medical tourism is recently one of the fastest-growing industries around the world, with healthcare tourism in Asia rising at more than 20% per year. It is estimated that this industry’s revenue will rise from about US$60 billion in 2006 to about US$100 billion worldwide by 2012. For the benefit of economic growth and the development of the medical industry, Taiwan where medical care can be delivered with high medical quality and technology at reasonable cost, wants a slice of this pie and endeavors to become a global medical tourism hub.
.Aim of this thesis is to provide a descriptive and analytical overview of Taiwan medical tourism cluster and its potential for growth in the global medical tourism. The cluster and Porter’s diamond analysis of Taiwan medical tourism clarifies that successful development of healthcare and tourism clusters, individually and jointly, is crucial to gain competitive advantage in Asia.
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台灣醫療旅遊的發展 / The Development of Medical Tourism in Taiwan顏筱芸 Unknown Date (has links)
臺灣醫療旅遊主要著重於中國大陸。本論文在於分析台灣政府對中國大陸的醫療旅遊產業之醫療旅遊的政策,其優、缺點的調查。 / Medical tourism in Taiwan is manly focus on Mainland China. This study aims to analyze the government polices for managing medical tourism through the Mainland China medical tourists. Its strengths and weaknesses investigation in regards to Taiwan’s governance. The conclusions come out that medical tourism creates a surplus of doctors which benefits healthcare in Taiwan; it benefits the private run hospitals or medical centers; it strives the preexisting tourism infrastructures’ improvement and help to deal with those ill-equipped hospitals to make better condition; moreover, it shows a friendly country to share their high quality medical service to other counties; and it also improves the relations across the Taiwan Strait.
The result of this paper gives an overall suggestions to Taiwan’s government that the government should emphasize real gains and benefits (both economic and political) from the development of the domestic medical tourism industry; the government should relax restrictions about surgery staying days and restrict the hospital’s investment from Taiwan to Mainland China; the government should abolish the provision medical tourism fee and do more involvement to promote the especially lesser-known hospitals; the government should integration of efforts to market medical tourism; the government should do its best to manage the development of medical tourism and the domestic healthcare system; the government should encourage the public hospitals’ participation in medical tourism industry and negotiate with Mainland China for medical tourism issues. Thus, the integration and investment are the most important priority for Taiwan’s medical tourism development.
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醫療諮詢公司之營運計畫 / Business Plan For A Medical Consulting Company梁斯愷, Liang, Sze Kai Unknown Date (has links)
醫療諮詢公司之營運計畫 / None
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醫療傷害保險:藉由保險機制達到醫師與病人雙贏的制度安排陳嘉輝 Unknown Date (has links)
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醫療糾紛中民事過失之認定—論「醫療水準」與「醫療常規」蔡佩玲 Unknown Date (has links)
我國民事侵權行為之「過失」概念,向來學者均未有深入闡釋,其等雖均認為民事法與刑事法的規範目的有異,卻仍往往援引刑法第14條過失的定義加以適用。在民事侵權行為「過失」概念欠缺其應有的獨立內涵之情形下,法院實務上的操作更因此勝敗兩異,喧騰一時的玻璃娃娃案 即為一例。而民事侵權行為「過失」概念不明確,不僅在一般的侵權行為案件中,造成法院實務操作困難,在專業的醫療訴訟中,也出現了法官嘗試用不明確的「過失」概念去決定一個陌生的專業領域有無過失的不適當。
本文所要討論的是關於法院能否審酌「醫療常規」合理性的問題,在美國法的發展上,有著名的Helling v. Carey案,法院以醫師所遵行的醫療常規對於該案原告的保護並不足夠,認為被告醫師主張已經遵行醫療常規而無過失,並不可採,Helling案之後法院一度有支持Helling Rule的判決實務,但是後續發展卻都一面倒地採取與Helling Rule不同的看法,甚至有指出Helling案的法院嘗試去審酌醫療常規是相當不可採的作法;而在我國法上,也出現了相對應的」台安醫院維他命事件,被告醫師也同樣以其已經遵行醫療常規的作法主張其並無過失,但對於醫療常規是否可採,法院在來來回回七個審級間也如同美國法的發展上有一度地掙扎,本案雖未確定,但在更二審即最末次事實審時,法院明確地指出醫師依其經驗與專業知識以及醫療常規的作法而行為,對於不可預見的風險並不負過失責任。
本文以為Helling Rule雖然在美國判例法的討論上都是指稱醫師不能以其已遵行醫療常規主張其行為並無過失,但是從Helling案的個案事實觀察,可以發現Helling案的法院其實並非真正去審酌醫療常規的合理性,相反地,Helling案法院主要指摘的是醫師在病患將近十年的看診期間,均未善盡其應有的注意義務,為病患作進一步的檢查,只一昧地以醫療常規的作法為病患診療,但經過十年的期間,病患之病症均未有改善,任何一般人都會警覺到常規的作法已不適用,醫師未盡注意義務顯然,應認為有過失。也就是Helling案的法院是針對其個案的情況闡述法院固應尊重醫療常規,但是醫療常規在適用上仍應依個案不同情形有所考量。我國的台安醫院維他命事件,也是我國法院對於應尊重醫療常規的表示。
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醫療糾紛之理論與實證研究 / An empirical study on the medical disputes劉惠芝, Liu, Hui Chih Unknown Date (has links)
最後,本文就最高法院民事案件,分別從醫療糾紛判決背景資料之「年度」、「醫療機構層級」、「科別」、「上訴人」與「上訴結果」,以及醫療糾紛審判實務,如「醫療過失」、「因果關係的認定」、「民事責任請求權基礎及舉證責任之分配情況」、「告知義務」、「醫療鑑定在醫療糾紛應用」,進行實證分析,並依實證數據成果,提出「醫療科別屬性與醫療糾紛案件量多寡密切攸關」、「法院對於醫師在個案是否盡注意義務,應以理性醫師之注意標準綜合評價」、「針對醫療訴訟特性,適度分配醫病雙方之舉證責任」、「宜建立醫療傷害補償基金制度」、「醫事人員確切履行告知說明義務」、「健全現行病歷表之相關問題」、「關於醫療糾紛鑑定實務」暨「透過消保法填補醫療(院)組織疏失之責任」等八項結論及建議,以供實務與學術研究者未來對於醫療糾紛訴訟案件研析時之參考。 / Recently, legal cases concerning medical dispute have a tendency to increase gradually. This article tries to explore different viewpoints between practice and academic theory by empirical analysis and then briefly indicates some of my humble views. Before doing the empirical analysis, this article will briefly introduce the related literatures and theories. Firstly, explains related concepts between medical behavior and medical dispute to define the liability that doctor and medical institution should bear because of their medical behaviors. Then, discuss the basis and connotation of the civil liability for medical malpractice from the substantive law viewpoint, such as the liability for medical contract, medical tort liability, the implementation of the Consumer Protection Law and the Medical Care Act and the causality from the medical malpractice etc. Secondly, this article will discuss the basic principles of allocation of burden of proof for civil medical dispute from the procedural law viewpoint and in the same time, briefly analyze and research that whether it is appropriate to adopt the allocation of burden of proof for medical malpractice from American and German law in our own practice. Furthermore, respecting the fact that for judges to make their decisions in particular medical dispute cases, they always have to send action materials to professional medical institutes for identification, thus, this article also wants to explain the current situation of implementation of our medical identification system, and points out the problems of current medical dispute identification system accordingly.
Lastly, this article will proceed empirical analysis according to the Year, Levels of the medical institutions, Divisions, Appellant, Result of Appeal from the background of the verdicts of the civil medical dispute cases awarded by the Supreme Court and according to the medical malpractice, the determination of the causality, the condition of basis of civil title of claiming and allocation of burden of proof, obligation of informing, medical identification in the medical dispute from the medical dispute trial practice. Base upon these results, this article indicates eight conclusions and suggestions for reference for the active participants and academic researchers in future medical dispute lawsuits: the attribution of the medical care division and the number of the medical dispute cases are closely related, court should do omnibus assessment using the standard of due diligence as a rational doctor to determine whether a doctor fulfill his duty of care in a specific case, with the particularity of medical actions in mind, appropriately allocate the burden of proof between doctor and patient, it is better to establish the compensation foundation system for medical damage, medical personnel should literally perform their obligation of informing, to refine the problems of current medical record, things concerning medical dispute identification practice and using the Consumer Protection Act to fill the vacancy that caused by the negligence of the medical institutions.
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醫師對影響醫療檢驗資源有效使用因素之看法-以桃園縣執業醫師為例 / A study of influencing factors related to efficient use of medical exanimation resources: the perspective of certified medical doctors in Taoyuan County, Taiwan劉麗文 Unknown Date (has links)
研究資料與方法:以文獻回顧法、問卷調查法、深度訪談法蒐集資料及驗證資料;研究過程分三個階段進行,第一階段為背景資料與文獻資料的蒐集,瞭解醫療檢驗資源使用現況與問題,並透過訪談實務界菁英驗證文獻與補充資料不足;第二階段依文獻分析與彙整內容設計問卷與訪談大綱;第三階段將回收的問卷編碼、整理後以Excel/2003版與SPSS for window12.0版套裝軟體進行資料分析;深度訪談資料透過內容分析法予以歸納整理分析。獲得研究答案,達成研究目的。
研究結果與建議:量化研究部分,本研究共分送488份問卷,回收318份,回收率為65.1%。並以卡方檢定樣本與母群體並無差異,可代表母群體。質化研究部分,深度訪談三位年資10年以上實務界菁英,建構本研究實務上的概念。歸納研究結果:醫療檢驗資源有效使用的關鍵影響因素有「醫療風險」、「病人就醫行為」與「照護之連續性」3項。根據研究結果,為有效使用醫療檢驗資源,必需減少醫療風險、規範病人就醫行為與進行照護流程改造。 / Background:The purpose of this research is to find out the influencing factors related to the usage of resources for medical examinations under the Taiwanese National Health Insurance (NHI). From the practical point of view, this research focuses on, the first, defining the efficient use of medical test and then finding out the critical factors effecting the efficient usage from medial practitioners’ viewpoints in Taoyuan County, Taiwan. It is expected to provide advisory values to improve the global budget system of NHI.
Research Questions:
1.What are the factors influencing doctors to utilize medical examination efficiently?
2.What are the certified medical doctors of Taoyuan County thinking about these factors?
3.Concerning the above factors, do there exist systematic differences among medical doctors from different hospitals, rank of medical doctors and fields of profession?
Methods: In this study, author utilizes literature review, questionnaires, and in-depth interview. The survey was divided into three stages. First, related information was collected to clarify the problems of medical examination usage in present situation from both interviewing medical practitioners and literature review. In the 2nd stage, a general questionnaire was designed to administrate to selected medical doctors in Taoyuan County in mid-2008. The last stage was data coding and analyzing by using Excel/2003 and SPSS for Windows. The return rate was 65% (318/488) and there is no difference between population and sample after consistency test.
Results and Suggestions The results show that the key factors of efficient medical examination usage are medical risk-aversion of doctors, clinical shopping of patients, and the need to medical care continuity. These exist a greater viewpoint differences between different level of hospital than different ranks or specialties of doctors. These results will lead the author to suggest that the Bureau of NHI needs to promote adequate mediation mechanism to reduce medical risk, to promote inter-hospital patient information sharing system, and to improve the logistic of continuity care.
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醫療糾紛之風險管理策略及其法律問題之探討王瑄, Wang, Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
美國賓州主要採行的醫療糾紛風險分散機制,乃要求醫師投保責任保險和加入醫療照護普及和減少錯誤基金(MCARE Fund)。該基金係做為保險金不足時的第二道防線,亦即當醫療糾紛發生時,先由保險人支付保險金,當賠償金額超過保險金時,再由MCARE Fund來支付。如此將可保障被害人之完整受償權,也減輕保險人之負擔。再者,賓州開放金融市場,使醫師有較多種風險分散工具可供選擇,例如風險自留團體。除了事後的填補外,賓州也致力於事前損害的防止,以病人安全通報網路,強制蒐集並整理發生的醫療傷害事件,供醫師做未來之借鏡。而賓州所採行的提出許可證書制度,更有效減少了醫療糾紛的訴訟量,減少醫病雙方在訴訟中所耗費的時間和費用。
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論醫院醫療服務之民事責任 / The civil liability of hospital黃宥慈 Unknown Date (has links)
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