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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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醫療產業大量客製化研究—醫療服務與醫療生技 / A Study of Mass Customization in the Medical Sector – Medical Service and Biomedical

蔡正雄, Tsai, Cheng Hsiung Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以大量客製化的方式,在兼顧成本及客製化的雙重需求下,歸納出醫療產業可採取九種大量客製化模式,平衡醫療供需及促進醫療創新。如:〝共享〞─相同的元件,可以被橫跨使用在不同的產品,達到範疇經濟。〝替換〞─不同的元件可以使用在相同的基礎元件上。〝裁切〞─元件可以依客戶的需求做裁減。〝混搭〞─混搭不同的元件形成一個獨特的產品。〝平台化〞─建立一個標準架構,使其可以承載不同的元件。〝介面化〞─允許不同的元件做任意的組合。〝移除〞─移除指定元素,進而產生客製化的產品或服務。〝置入〞─依顧客的需求對於既有的標準產品或服務,進行置入。〝取代〞以置入的方式取代另一被移除元素。 此外,本研究涵蓋非醫療產業(硬體、軟體及服務業)與醫療產業(醫療服務及醫療生技)的跨產業分析比較,一方面可得知醫療服務及醫療生技如何進行大量客製化,另一方面借鏡觀形,了解醫療服務及醫療生技仍有待改進的地方。 最後,為了方便企業找出適合的大量客製化模式,本研究共整理醫療服務及醫療生技的12種大量客製化應用方式,而且這十二種應用方式,並非互相排斥,可混合運用於企業的營運模式之中。

我國醫療糾紛處理及醫療事故補償法發展之光與影 / A Study on the Issues of Medical Disputes and Medical Incident Compensation Draft in Taiwan

吳若儒 Unknown Date (has links)
在快速成長的全球國際醫療產業中,我國醫療服務水準執全球牛耳,多項醫療技術的先進,聞名國際,在舉世前200大醫院中,我國就佔了14家,僅次於美國及德國,排名全球第三,凸顯我國醫療實力。然而醫療技術與世界醫療菁英國齊頭並進的同時,我國醫療醫病環境卻逐漸在衰敗。學者過去對全台醫師做的實證研究,遇到醫療糾紛以司法程序解決的比例在民國84年時為15.7%,至94年時則升高至23.1%,反映採司法途徑解決醫療糾紛的比例日漸增加的狀況。礙於我國法律制度的制度規定下,病家對於醫療行為與損害間的因果關係及醫師的過失負有舉證責任,由於病患並非醫療專業,即便現今病歷之取得相當方便,仍會面臨無法舉證而敗訴。醫療處置過程之還原及釐清疏失與否亟需專業之鑑定意見,依據衛生福利部醫事審議委員會醫事鑑定作業要點,該鑑定小組僅接受司法與檢察單位之委託,一般病家無法自行委託,現行刑事訴訟程序,可由檢察官蒐集證據以免除自己蒐集證據之負擔,並以刑事訴訟程序追加民事損害賠償的機制藉此節省訴訟費用,上述等等理由,造成我國現在以刑逼民之現象氾濫。 我國醫療糾紛處理相關法案經冗長提案及醫法雙方討論過程,歷經政黨輪替與版本修正,至民國101年行政院提出政院版「醫療糾紛處理與醫療事故補償法草案」,該法具備兩大核心制度,一為以關懷、強化協商機制為主的調解先行制度,二則為不責難精神為宗旨的無過失補償制度,以期能免於動輒進入訴訟進程並達簡化醫療糾紛處理之目標。然該法在103年進入立法院二讀,卻遭到國內醫療從業人員的集體反對,最終未能達陣。 103年送進立法院會討論之行政院版醫糾法草案立法精神可嘉,但深究其處理機制仍有研議之空間,考量醫療行為的特殊性,一部專屬於處理醫療糾紛機制的法案有其必要性。本研究採文獻探討與比較研究法,蒐集並彙整本研究主題相關之文獻如國內外期刊、學術著作、論文、官方統計資料、新聞報導、相關判決、立法或修法草案。歸納、整理、分析並比較其在實務面運作之結果與我國現行法制作比較,再以臨床角度分析該草案,最後以醫療人員角度提出幾點建議:一、非告訴乃論之刑事醫療爭議案件亦應強制調解;二、創建分層調解機制,分流調解案件以加速調解作業的實質效率;三、重劃醫療事故補償金財源,回歸疾病無差別之本質,採全民徵收;四、推行就醫人醫療意外險與醫療平安險,強化損害填補機制;五、透過修正刑事政策,在非告訴乃論醫療糾紛案件中,有條件限制公訴機關及法院之司法裁量權。在符合法理精神下亦達醫界之期待,以期透過該醫療糾紛專法處理機制弭平醫病對立達到一次性解決紛爭之目的!

1842年至1937年間政府醫療政策與西醫體制在香港的發展 = Medical policies and the development of Western medical system in Hong Kong, 1842-1937

羅婉嫻, 01 January 2003 (has links)
No description available.

生技醫療服務公司之成長策略分析 – 以佳醫集團為例

陳達元, Eric Chen Unknown Date (has links)
生技醫療服務公司之成長策略分析 – 以佳醫集團為例 / ABSTRACT Taiwan government in March of 2009 announced that six emerging industries have been specially selected for intensive development. They were biotechnology, medical care, green energy, quality agriculture, cultural creative and tourism. ”Biotechnology Takeoff Package” was firstly launched on March 26. This package is expected to bring Taiwan’s biotechnology and medical service environment to international standards, and rapidly making it “trillion dollar industry.” However, resource is limited. Compared to other technology advanced countries such as America and Japan, Taiwan owns less population, smaller size economy and rather limited nature resources. How should Taiwan develop its specially selected industries? What would be the best strategy for Companies interested in entering these selected industries? The aim of this study is to explore the growth strategy of medical services related companies and to conclude with some useful suggestions for Companies interested in entering biotechnology and medical service industry. This paper uses a case to observe the growth path of medical service industry. The author collected the data relating to the case company from its annual reports and various periodicals, and then applied theories of growth aiming to conclude the successful strategies made by the company. The current study chooses the largest dialysis treatment services company in Taiwan, the Excelsior Health Care Group, as the case study subject. During its twenty-one-year development history, the Group has been growing through vertical and horizontal integration and entering joint ventures with diversified businesses, such as cosmetics medicine, long-term health care, pharmaceutical logistics services and various clinical services such as dental and eye clinical services. The growth strategy of the group can be decrypted in the models of “Resource Based View”, “Core Competence Theory” and “The Boston Matrix.” This research concludes that the company has made several successful strategies including (1) using financial leverage to gain sufficient funding to sustain its investment in new businesses, (2) basing its original core competence and development related to other core competencies, (3) extensively entering into joint ventures with partners when exploring new business.


鄭惠中 Unknown Date (has links)
一般都市垃圾焚化廠在民營化的過程中,面臨了收費制度設計上的困難,及其收費對象不明確等問題,而無法落實污染者付費觀念下之收費制,達成受益原則的公平,將其所產生的外部成本內部化。經由理論的探討得知,在補助款與使用者付費制之下,可解決外部性問題。依此理論為基礎,能滿足受益付費原則收費制的判準,我們發現有害事業廢棄物中的感染性醫療廢棄物之清理,大致符合其要求。就感染性醫療廢棄物而言,醫療機構是該廢棄物的產源,自該負擔其所造成污染的清理費用,因此,感染性醫療廢棄物的產生者與貿際負擔費用者對象明確,符合污染者付費觀念下受益原則的公平,適足以將外部成本內部化。 在民營廢棄物清理業者已有足量的處理能力之下,環保機關決定回歸法令嚴格要求醫療廢棄物的清理,將多年對社會產生的外部成本予以消除。 由於醫療廢棄物清理收費的對象明確,故本文探討感染性醫療廢棄物清理之民營業者在費率上的訂定,藉此提供一般都市垃圾焚化爐在民營化過程中之參考。吾人試圖探討感染性醫療廢棄物清理費率訂定上,醫療院所與民營清運機構雙方爭議的來源,根據這些原因,調整醫療廢棄物清運系統與處理中心之固定設備及變動成本之數字,試算出合理的費率在每公斤20元至45元之間,其主要決定因素在處理容量(包括全量運轉及期初運轉)與廠商預期報酬率。吾人亦指出欲得試算之較低費率,未來可能的配合措施為: 一、區域聯合清除體系的成立:合作社。 二、醫療廢棄物清理廠商間的合併。 三、政府方面的輔導,達成技術本土化目標。

跨國醫療器材廠商在台灣市場之新產品導入行銷策略-以外商S公司之人工關節墊片導入專案為例 / Marketing strategy of new product launch in Taiwan medical device industry:A case study based on artificial joint inserts of S company

楊有策 Unknown Date (has links)

醫療儀器服務公司:Medi-S創業計畫 / Business plan of a medical instrument service company: Medi-S

張耿華, Chang, Miguel Unknown Date (has links)
醫療儀器服務公司:Medi-S創業計畫 / In northern Taiwan region (Taipei city, new Taipei city, Keelung, E-lan, Hualian, TaoYuan, Hsin-Chu), there are 50 hospitals with 60 Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) systems, 200 Computed Tomography (CT) imaging systems, 700 Ultrasounds imagine systems, 250 Flow cytometers and 70 Chemistry analyzers. The manpower required to maintain or repair those instruments is high, and the shortage of manpower is a common problem for medical instrument companies. According to a medical instrument manager, it is estimated 30% shortage on manpower in medical instrument service industry. Manpower shortage will cause engineers long over-time and slow response to customer inquiry. Some clinical labs run 24-hour a day and some instruments, like Computed Tomography (CT) imaging system, is operated in emergency room (ER). The business plan is to provide an alternative manpower resource at a competitive price for medical instrument companies. We will offer major two major services: 1.Installation/Relocation 2.Service Contract service and three value-added services including call center service, customer summary report and parts management service to distinguish us from competitors. The business plan targets to provide service on five medical instruments: Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) system, Computed Tomography (CT) system, Ultrasound imaging system, Flow Cytometer and Chemistry analyzer. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) system, Computed Tomography (CT) system and Ultrasound imagining system are medical imagining system and used to diagnose cancers or examine internal body organ structures. Flow cytometers and Chemistry instruments are used to analyze body fluid like blood or urine to determine a disease. The founders in this business plan are five experienced engineers with wealth of knowledge and skills on those instruments. The average medical device growth rate from 2005 to 2010 is 5.91% annually, according to Ministry of Economics. We further interview three service managers from leading medical instrument companies; they project the growth rate of their own products are around 10% in average. The future demand for manpower is growing, and Medi-S is a great option for service managers. Service managers in those instrument companies are our primary customers. Medical instrument service is carried out by manufactures; they outsource some heavy-duty works such as installation or relocation to a third party. In terms of our target instruments, we found there is one competitor: E-company in CT product line, they also provide manpower service for GE Taiwan. To avoid competition on price, we will promote our value-added service to attract attentions from customers. The company, Medi-S, in this business plan will be formed after Chinese lunar New Year in 2012. According to financial projection, Medi-S will have a positive net income on the second year.

歐洲人所見的日本疾病與醫療 / The Cognition of Disease and Medical Treatment in Japan for Europeans

李明芬 Unknown Date (has links)
日本的醫療深受朝鮮、中國所影響,也可說支撐日本從桃山時代到江戶時代時代的醫療是中國的漢醫學。然而漢醫學又可分為李朱醫學、古醫方兩派別。李朱醫學講究「養生」,用藥方面採用溫補慢慢調養的方式。而古醫方著重「對症下藥」,針對病人的症狀,採用適合的藥方。李朱醫學約盛行於17世紀,而後約於18世紀古醫方抬頭。但李朱醫學並未因此而消失,兩種醫學學派呈現並存而行的樣貌。隨後西方醫學的導入,西方醫學在16世紀隨葡萄牙人的到來傳入南蠻醫學,但大都為切開傷口及包紮患部的簡單小手術。而後鎖國體制下的江戶時代,由荷蘭人導入的蘭醫學也為日本人所受容。直到19世紀明治維新期西方挾船堅砲利來到日本,幕府大量攝入西方醫學及文明,也因此漢方醫學逐漸被西方醫學所取代。日本文化特色就是大量吸收外來知識然後內化為自己獨特的文化。這樣的文化精神在醫學上也可見其蹤跡。  本論文以來日的四位歐洲人為中心,依序為15世紀路易斯•弗洛伊斯(葡萄牙語:Luís Fróis)、17世紀的檢夫爾(Kaempfer)、18世紀的菲利普•弗蘭茲•馮•西博爾德(Philipp Franz von Siebold)以及19世紀的龐貝(Johannes Lijdius Catharinus Pompe van Meerdervoort),由於這四人來日本的時間可劃分日本的醫療變遷,從弗洛伊斯開始的咒術及祈禱方式的治病方式開始,檢夫爾來日看見日本的李朱醫學,西博爾德來日看見的古醫方以及幕末來日的龐貝,他們所見到的日本醫療狀況大不相同。其中,他們對於日本的針灸、溫泉療法及精神療法(如向神明祈禱以達到治病的效果)各持有不同的態度。藉由他們的出身背景、因應當時的國際情勢以及西方思想的變遷來分析他們對於日本醫療的看法,不僅可達到理解當時的日本醫療觀,亦可了解當時社會風俗的樣貌。

利益與服務的雙向拉扯:宜蘭縣醫療資源發展研究 / Tug-of-war between earnings and charity: developmental research of medical resources in Yilan County

張雅涵, Chang, Ya Han Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以宜蘭縣人口數據以及醫院、診所與藥局的資料,試圖瞭解宜蘭縣醫療資源分佈的狀況,並利用GIS統計地圖的方式呈現。 研究結果中發現,宜蘭縣內醫療資源的分配尚維持在配合舊有的⼈口分佈上,資源分配的狀況並未配合⼈口分佈的改變,以至於如冬山鄉、五結鄉人口數緩慢上升,但相應的醫療機構如診所、藥局並沒有隨之增加。醫療資源的分佈雖然過度集中於宜蘭市與羅東鎮,但透過政府的力量,偏鄉地區如大同鄉、南澳鄉仍存在少數的診所、藥局。若將宜蘭縣的醫療資源分佈搭配人口數據來看,不管是所有年齡層,或針對老年人口,各村里間差距並不大。另外,又以醫療生態系統來看,診所或藥局或朝向醫院集中,形成一以醫院為中心的醫療生態體系。 醫療需求對於人類來說,是增加存活機會、延長壽命的一大要素,人類健康的程度、壽命的長短也與其所擁有的醫療資源多寡有關,醫療需求對於人類俱有一定的重要性;因此,在醫療資源發展愈趨充沛下,更應該審慎評估醫療資源分配的狀況。


陳浩長, 01 January 2006 (has links)
No description available.

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