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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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莊毅冠 Unknown Date (has links)
基於生存權的保障,國家應提供人民生活扶助與醫療救助等給付。全民健保施行後,大法官釋字四七二號揭示對於無力繳納保費者,國家應予適當救助,不得逕行拒絕給付。遂開啟一連串對經濟弱勢者的保費協助措施,輔以相關醫療補助辦法的補助。惟我國領有醫療補助的人口比例甚低。 以美國醫療救助為例,自一九六五年建立Medicaid制度後,發展自今已有超過百分之十五的人口領有醫療救助,其制度強調實質醫療需求的內涵。在美國採開放式醫療市場的情況下,Medicaid對於貧者所提供的醫療服務更形重要。 相對於我國縣(市)醫療補助辦法對於社會救助法規定之過度限縮,是否有違母法,深值檢討。此外,我國亦應放寬對收入戶的認定,並修正醫療補助的資格與內容,以提供更多實質醫療需求者的醫療保障。

醫療行為之法律責任與保險之研究 / A Study of Medical Malpractice and Professional Liability Insurance

陳麗芬, Chen Lee-fen Unknown Date (has links)
國立政治大學風險管理與保險研究所八十七學年度第二學期碩士論文「醫療行為之法律責任與保險之研究」,旨在探討醫事人員執行醫療業務所生之責任與保險之相關問題。全文共分十章,約十六萬字,由研究生陳麗芬所撰,各章內容簡述如下: 第一章 緒論:隨著高等教育普及並醫學資訊發達,醫療糾紛可預期的有增無減,本章即說明本論文之研究動機、目的、所採行的方法及研究範圍。 第二章 醫療行為與醫療業務:醫療行為之意義為貫穿論文的重要概念,須就主管機關衛生署之見解與學理上加以定義。瞭解醫療行為定義後,須加以分類以適應不同醫療人員之業務範圍,並用以區別類似醫療行為之不同。最後論定不當醫療行為之內涵。 第三章 醫療行為實施者及其業務範圍:醫學科技分工精細,一件重大醫療行為往往需由整個醫療團隊合作始竟全功,故須區分醫療人員之身分與其法定業務,以明權責所在。本章另一重點為藥師、藥物、與藥害救濟的介紹,及醫師使用藥物治療時應盡之注意。 第四章 醫療契約:醫療契約之法律性質並非單純委任、承攬、或僱傭,而係非典型之混合契約。醫療契約當事人之身分,就病患的精神狀態與醫師之地位不同可組合成數種情形,並非絕對以病患或醫師為契約當事人。確定醫療契約之性質後,方能確認醫病雙方依契約所應盡之義務與所享之權利,並因此衍生出債務不履行之責任。 第五章 醫療契約之債務不履行:醫療債務不履行以不完全給付為最多,通常更因加害給付而致病患傷亡。欲要求醫師負債務不履行責任,除因醫師本身之故意過失外,醫療院所就醫療人員之故意過失要負同一責任。除故意過失之一般歸責原則外,消費者保護法創立無過失責任主義,至於是否適用於醫療服務爭議仍大。 第六章 醫療侵權行為:侵權行為之七要件,在醫師侵權責任領域同樣適用,但內容則不同。因病患同意而阻卻違法、疫學因果關係、醫師之監督過失、特異體質、醫療慣行及醫療團隊之共同侵權等為重點。 第七章 醫師業務責任保險市場概況:就我國目前狀況及英國、美國、日本的市場狀況說明。 第八章 醫師業務責任保險單之研究:首先認識醫師業務責任風險為何,是否為可保風險,然後再就保單條款重點部分加以研討,互相參照國內保單範本與業者實際出售之保單及美國保單,評析其間優缺點。主要有承保範圍、因果關係、除外不保、被保險人、責任限額、自負額、Claim Made Basis 及Occurrence Basis、索賠通知、擔保與先決條件、保險人之棄權與禁止抗辯、防禦義務、仲裁與強制調解、及第三人直接請求權等。 第九章 除保險外之其他避險方式:計有自己保險與專屬保險、相互保險(保險合作社)、行政上補償制度。 第十章 結論與建議:分別就醫學部分、法律部分、保險部分就所知提出結論並建議,希冀建構一個更和諧的醫療環境。 略 / 略

個人住院醫療保險相關法律問題之研究 / A study of the legal issues related to the individual hospitalization insurance

彭幸鳴, Pong, Shing-Ming Unknown Date (has links)
本文計約十二萬餘言,計分六章: 第一章「緒論」 分析轉嫁醫療費用風險之需求趨勢,及自近數年間商業健康保險市場之營業情形說明本篇論文研究之動機、及其方法、範圍,且指明本文之目的在凸顯單一險種中因契約約定內容之不同,而將產生適用法律原則、規範之歧異,故於各項議題之探討時,若陷於介紹及區辨各種健康保險上之紊雜,恐將以繁害簡而表意不明,是而有限定其範圍於商業保險中之個人住院醫療保險之必要,至其他健康保險所涵括之險種,如其性質住院醫療保險相當者,非不可援相同法理而比擬之,以之彰明本文擇題之旨。 第二章「住院醫療保險之涵義」 說明住院醫療保險之涵義,闡述該險種之意義及在各種保險分類上之定位,作為探討各類型契約適用法律規範之基礎。 第三章「住院醫療保險之承保範圍」 自現行住院醫療保險契約內容分析其承保範圍,以瞭解其保險事故、保險責任期間等相關問題。 第四章「保險人之給付類型」 自我國及歐美各國有關住院醫療保險商品之補償方式,分析該險種之各種給付類型及略述其優劣,並預為我國未來醫療保險之發展追及歐美先進國家潮流時,猶得區辨其相關法律規範。 第五章「要保人之據實說明義務」 就保險法上易於滋生消費者爭議之據實說明義務制度內涵逐項檢視其於住院醫療保險中適用之問題。 第六章「住院醫療保險之保險利益」 以保險利益之意義為軸,討論於各給付類型之住院醫療保險中,保險利益應存在之處,及其功能。 第七章「複保險」 複保險制度為禁止不當得利原則所衍生之法律規範之一,本章檢討該制度於各給付類型之住院醫療保險是否能發揮其功能,及該制度應如何調整,方能符合住院醫療保險之特性。 第八章「保險人之代位權」 保險人代位權之建立,得以使各利害關係人之權利義務關取得適當之平衡點,並使保險制度確實發揮其應有之功能;本章即探討保險人之代位權得是否適用於各類型之住院醫療保險、其取得要件及效力等。 第九章「結論與建議」 歸納本文之結論及建議,期以對我國住院醫療保險之發展,提供拋磚引玉之效。

苦口良藥或致命毒藥: 臺灣醫療旅遊正當性之論述分析 / Bitter Pill or Fatal Poison: A Discourse Analysis of the Competition for Legitimacy of Medical Tourism in Taiwan

王嘉瑩, Wang, Chia Ying Unknown Date (has links)
台灣發展醫療旅遊/國際醫療服務一直備受爭議。本研究主要以意見場域為基礎,深度訪談與次級資料的論述分析為方法,探看台灣發展醫療旅遊的過程中,相關行動者以何種論述策略正當化自身持具之立場、其中又反映了何種為行動者視為當然之預設;進而找尋各方溝通之可能性。 依照「與國際醫療服務有關的政府主要推動計畫時程」和「論辯的主要議題」兩者,本研究將所探看的發展時間分為三時期,分別為:(1)關於醫療服務國際化是否應該發展以及如何發展的討論;(2)行政院核定以公司化、專區化作為主要發展方向所引發的論辯;(3)國際醫療納入自由經濟示範區之後的實體專區發展模式所引發的論述競逐;進而歸納並分析共23種論述策略。進一步從存續的策略和消失的策略提出以下幾點命題:存續的策略彰顯出行動者在意見場域中爭奪正統地位的原則,分有「存在非營利本質的醫療」和「全民照護優先」兩者;消失的策略則意味著從意見推進至俗見的面向,分有「失敗案例不具評判國際醫療成效之效力」及「配套一次到位的不可能及其必要性」。 綜觀整體發展過程發現,國際醫療服務似仍深陷論述的泥淖中:在蘊含著各式各樣論述策略的整體發展過程中,各方雖有「存在非營利本質的醫療」和「全民照護優先」兩個共同的論辯原則,但仍存在不可達致共識的鴻溝;其中,反對發展者論述的「策略性」似不如支持發展者要多元。這樣的態勢究竟將走向收斂或發散,值得持續觀察;然而,持著「有自己的想法並尊重他人想法,同時適度修正自己的想法」此心態,當是在這「亂中有序」的態勢中達致溝通的有效前提。 / The development of medical tourism in Taiwan has been a controversial issue in recent years. Based on the concept of “field of opinion,” the thesis uses discourse analysis and interview as methods to analyze: (1) how the related actors justify themselves with diverse discourse strategies; (2) the presumptions which are underlying those justifications and taken for granted by the actors; (3) the possibility for those actors with different opinions to reach the stage of consensus.The thesis follows two principles to analyze the collected data. One is the time schedule of the related government projects; the other is the main foci in the whole development process. With the two principles, the whole development process is split into three periods: (1) the debate upon whether medical tourism should be promoted and how to promote it; (2) the debate upon the possibility of organizing hospitals in corporate form within a specific bounded area; (3) the debate upon if it is right to set up international medical centers in the “free economic pilot zones.” The thesis founds 23 discourse strategies that actors used to justify themselves in the whole development process. Furthermore, the author argues that the subsisting strategies represent the principles actors hold to compete for the orthodoxy in the field of opinion. In the thesis, the principles refer to “medical affairs as nonprofit” and “citizen first.” The disappearance of strategies then represents the doxa which used to be opinions. In this regard, the thesis founds that those failing government projects become unrelated to the effectiveness of medical tourism which is being promoted. While everyone knows that to have all supporting projects settled is impossible, forming the supporting projects once and for all is still necessary. All in all, the author argues that although “medical affairs as nonprofit” and “citizen first” are the two common principles between the supporters of medical tourism and their counterpart, to reach the stage of consensus, there is still a long way to go; the supporters seem to have more diverse strategies to confront their counterpart. After all, respecting each other and modifying one’s own opinion in progress might be the effective presumption to get settled in such a full-of-chaos-but-ordered condition.

中國大陸社會保障體制下的醫療保險改革 / Reform in health insurance under social security system in China

李嬌瑩 Unknown Date (has links)
一個國家要維持正常穩定的運作狀態,作全面性的有效管理,是立足於現代社會環境的必要條件。如何建立一個低風險、高水準的生活環境與社會保障(Social Security)體制,是現代社會中急切而且必要的措施。 在各項社會保障體制下,醫療保險的保障範圍最大、內容最繁複,且攸關人民健康與生命最密切,世界各國均非常重視。中共在建政之初,醫療制度由國家包攬,由於缺乏成本概念,加上管理制度不健全,造成許多醫藥資源浪費,使國家財政難以負擔。改革開放後,隨著經濟體制的轉軌,原有計劃經濟體制下的醫療保險已不合時宜,因而於1998年正式將以往之醫療保險做全新的變革,由於中國大陸地大人多,各地在醫療改革上的重點及進度不一,且實行上都未臻完善,然改革目標卻是一致的。為配合醫療保險制度的完善,中共政府除於1998年頒訂醫療保險改革措施外,複於2000年推出醫藥衛生體制改革措施與之配套,期能「在醫療保險制度改革中引入分擔機制;在醫藥衛生體制改革中引入競爭機制」。而於其醫療改革實施方式中,多處可見其參酌國外觀念與台灣全民健康保險之蹤影存在。 在連串的試點、擴充改革範圍的執行下,中國大陸一方面發展其既定之改革與配套措施,一方面也面臨許多執行上的瓶頸。然而無可否認的,隨著中國大陸加入WTO,外來醫療資源的進入,對中國大陸醫療相關產業與社會發展造成相當的刺激。中國大陸在躋身國際,走入全球化的腳步中,對於本身特殊條件造成的醫療改革缺點與障礙必須努力排除,否則其與世界的接軌,將因內部貧富不均等社會因素所造成的社會不穩定而功虧一簣。本論文在對中國大陸醫療改革措施的肯定與鼓勵之同時,亦針對轉軌中的改革政策及執行缺失提出檢討。 關鍵辭:社會保障、醫療保險、醫療改革、全民健康保險 / Overall and effective management is indispensable to a nation to assure sound and secure operation. How to set up a low risk, high level social security system is the very essential for the society today. Under all sorts of social security systems, medical insurance offers the largest coverage and most complicated contents. Such medical insurance is closely related to nationals' health and assurance of life. In People's Republic of China, the medical system was provided by the nation in package in the initial phase after it came into being. With lack in cost concept and unsound managerial systems, they have undergone critical waste in medical resources, leading to heavy burden to the nation. After People's Republic of China launched the reform and open-door policy, the economic systems have been restructured. The previous medical insurance system under planned economy no longer oriented itself to the trends. In 1998, therefore, it launched an overall reform. With vast territories and huge number of population, the medical reforms have been launched in varied highlights and paces, not satisfactorily though they have all aimed at the same objectives. The PRC government launched the medical reform in 1998 and further worked out the supporting package for the medical and health system reform in 2000 in an effort to "bring in sharing instrument in the medical insurance reform and bring in competition instrument in the medical & health system reform". In the medical reform, foreign concepts and the National Health Insurance launched in Taiwan have been significantly seen. In the series of tests and expansions. People's Republic of China has launched the established reform policies on the one hand and run into significant bottlenecks on the other. Undeniably, anyway, with foreign medical resources pouring in in the wake of the WTO admission, the business lines and society in China have undergone tremendous stimulation. In the pace of playing a pivotal role in the global village, China must try by all means to remove the stumbling blocks on the way of medical reform otherwise the significant gaps between the rich and the poor and such social problems must ruin the entire efforts. This thesis focuses on the reassessment on the shortcoming China has undergone in enforcement of the policies while approving the praiseworthy performance in the medical reform. Key words: Social security, medical insurance, medical reform, National Health Insurance

整合醫療政策與門診病患滿意度之研究-以澎湖離島兩家公立醫院整合為例 / A Study on the integrated medical policy and patient’s satisfaction: A Case study of two public hospitals in the Penghu Islands

陳鴻運, Chen, Hong Yun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要在探討離島兩家公立醫院,在政府醫療整合政策下合併是否真能妥善利用當地有限資源並提升當地之醫療品質與醫療滿意度。本研究以澎湖醫療大樓落成啟用引進三軍總醫院及署立澎湖醫院醫事人力作為時間點,蒐集整理醫院經營管理資料,比較醫療大樓使用前後,醫療資源利用情形,對於民眾關切之四項議題:(一)醫療整合政策與提升當地醫療品質的關係。(二)醫療整合政策與成本效益的關係。(三)醫療整合政策與組織管理的關係。(四)醫療整合政策與民眾滿意度的關係之探討,採以質性田野調查方式作深入剖析與辯證,另對醫療品質滿意度觀察部分,則以門診就醫病患為調查對象,與質性調查結果作交叉驗證,分析探討整體社會對醫療服務品質滿意度之觀感。試圖從不同層面與角度來詮釋、剖析醫療整合政策與民眾對醫療服務品質滿意度間有無存在背後深層的意義及潛在的社會意涵。 / 本研究發現(一)政府的整合醫療政策,目的是將離島有限的資源作有效的運用,在方向上是正確的。,醫療大樓要做到何種規模須視其未來的定位與所開的床位數而定,若要求持續提供一定品質的醫療服務,政府常態性的預算補助是必要的。(二)假日緊急醫療需求無法在地圓滿解決,是澎湖地區長期以來醫療服務主要的缺口,兩院整合後目前仍未能解決該問題,是造成澎湖整體社會對醫療品質觀感不若預其的原因。(三)病患與醫療專業人員對醫療品質的認知是有差距的,這代表醫、病雙方所能掌握的醫療品質資訊是不對稱的,病患不瞭解醫界對醫療品質的評核標準,只能用直接的感受來體驗,是造成雙方在衡量醫療服務品質時出現落差的原因。(四)在組織重整過程中,「同工同酬」問題因不同公務體制無法於第一時間解決,造成員工內心不滿與不安,亦是影響整體社會對醫療服務觀感不若預其的因素。(五)在基本人口特質中,軍人、家人同住多者及醫療服務使用率較高者,這三類群體對醫療服務品質的認知有較客觀的認定,應與其對醫療服務的體驗有較多之經驗有關。(六)以模擬醫事人力供需情境分析,澎湖地區並非是一個醫事人力不足或醫療資源缺乏的地區,而是在健保制度下形成醫療資源分配不均的問題。本研究建議健保醫療給付應配合政府公共政策才是解決離島醫療問題有效的方式。(七)離島醫療成本相當昂貴,以侷限的地域、不足的消費人口及健保總額支付制度限制下,要發展在地醫療或提升至區域級醫療服務品質宜審慎考慮,建議遠距醫療合作、空中轉診後送結合軍方穩定的醫療人力支援,可能仍是最佳解決問題的模式。 / The purpose of this study is to explore how two public hospitals on Penghu Island can really make good use of limited local resources to improve medical quality and patient’s satisfaction under nation wide integration of health care policy. This study adopts qualitative research and interview method on the following four items that are of great concerns to the local general public: (1) the relationship between the integrated medical policy and improvement of local medical quality (2) the relationship between the integrated medical policy and hospital performance (3) the relationship between the integrated medical policy and organizational management (4) the relationship between the integrated medical policy and patient’s satisfaction. As to the observation of client satisfaction of medical treatment, the targets are out-patients with analysis of their satisfaction with the medical services. This study also intends to interpret from different aspects and perspectives the real social meaning presented by the relationship between the integrated medical policy and client satisfaction. / This study has discovered the following: (1) The decision of the integrated medical policy with purpose of effectively deploying limited resources on off-shore islands is correct. However to what extent a medical building should provide its service is dependent on its hospital beds capacity and the definition of its role. Regular budgetary support from the government is necessary if stable quality of medical services is desired. (2) One of the main reason about people’s satisfaction with overall medical services provided on Penghu has not met the expectation is that there still did not provide a good resolution to the urgent medical support on Holiday after the integration of two hospitals medical resources. (3) There is a gap between professional medical services providers and patients in recognizing the quality of medical services. This means that the information obtained by both parties regarding the quality of medical services is asymmetric. Patients do not understand the criteria used to review the quality of medical services and as a result, they depend on very direct feeling or experience to make the judgment, thus causing the gap. (4) During the process of reorganization, the issue of “equal work with equal compensation” did not receive appropriate attention and was not resolved properly by different governmental bureaucratic systems which led to the fact that the quality of medical services is not as good as expected. (5) Three fundamental elements of population, military personnel, families with most of their members living together, and frequent users of medical services, have possessed more objective recognition of the quality of medical services due to their more sufficient experience in using medical services. (6) a simulated analysis of demand and supply of medical services has indicated that Penghu Island shall not be regarded a region lack of medical personnel or barren of medical resources. This study suggests that the compensation provided under the National Health Insurance System must go hand in hand with government public policies to provide an effective way to resolve medical problems on off-shore islands. (7) The cost of medical services on off-shore islands is high. Under the conditions of limited population in limited areas and the per-quota-compensation provided by the National Health Insurance System, we need to carefully consider how to develop or upgrade its quality level. It is, therefore, suggested that distant medical cooperation, aerial medical transport together with stable supply of medical personnel from the military provides probably the best model for resolution of the problems.

醫療糾紛的民事責任兼論醫療法第82條修法之芻議 / The civil liability of medical malpractice and current proposal on medical law article 82 reform

張孟源 Unknown Date (has links)
醫療糾紛的處理應以民法體系規範,亦即,醫療糾紛若從醫病關係之本質,係醫療契約規範下的行為,原則上應以私法領域為主。在我國成立民事過失責任方面,不外乎侵權行為損害賠償請求權,及債務不履行之損害賠償責任。茲有疑問者是,醫療糾紛中如有債務不履行與侵權行為損害賠償請求權損害賠償請求權競合時,適用上應如何處理。要之,如何選擇有效以及合理之醫療糾紛解決方法,首先正是要瞭解醫療糾紛發生時,醫師所應負有之民事責任範圍。 民法上債之關係建立在給付義務之內涵。給付,指債之關係上特定人間得請求的特定行為。除了主給付義務以外,債的關係尚有所謂附隨義務及不真正義務。主給付義務係指債之關係中固有、必備,用以決定債之關係、契約類型之基本義務。附隨給付義務係基於法律規定,當事人約定、或誠信原則與補充契約解釋而發生,具有輔助主給付義務的功能。醫療契約除了主要的醫療給付義務外,尚有一些重要的附隨義務,例如:說明義務、病例記載等,如果違反附隨義務,而侵害到病人的權益,不論是主給付或附隨義務之違反亦或有歸責事由,則依據不完全給付之規定,醫療機構或醫師均須負損害賠償責任。 按債務不履行責任之成立,以可歸責於債務人之事由為前提,如此亦適用於因契約所生之債務關係。所謂可歸責之事由,或謂係債務人在客觀違法之事實結果,應歸責於債務人主觀負擔之原因 。學理稱我國歸責事由係以故意或過失為原則,歸責事由之功能係在危險負擔之分配,亦即決定當事人在何種注意標準下,承擔風險。換言之,醫療契約間不完全給付及債務不履行損害賠償責任之前提,自以醫療契約間給付義務違反且有歸則事由;而其判斷之標準在民事責任上,主要係負擔善良管理人的注意義務。亦即,違反此注意義務,醫療機構或醫師亦對病患自應負債務不履行之損害賠償責任。 又次,按民法第184條因故意或過失,不法侵害病患的權利,發生損害,而侵權行為過失判斷,解釋上以抽象輕過失為準則。長期以來實務上則以抽象輕過失以善良管理人的注意義務為準,未盡此注意義務即認為有過失 。加害人之注意義務種類,在學說上可能為一般的預防損害發生的義務,或通知、照顧、警告等保護義務等 。實則,過失乃怠於注意的一種心理狀態 ,過失概念無論採取「應注意並能注意而不注意」或「怠於交易上所必要之注意」,均以行為人對受害人有注意義務為前提,且行為人違反對於受害人的注意義務,始構成過失責任。 因之, 民法上過失侵權行為係侵權行為法最重要的議題 。 然而,國內醫療糾紛訴訟的情形,往往是以刑事為主且附帶民事,在現行刑法過失犯的規範下,已經造成醫療生態規避風險的現象,尤其是高風險之科別乏人問津與防禦性的醫療行為。醫改會亦曾指出,以刑事附帶民事之訴訟除了時效問題外,亦將面臨民事判決受刑事判決影響之問題 。且當事人一開始對檢察官提出刑事告訴時,無法一針見血地提出疑點,一旦進入偵查階段後,告訴人對案情的發展只能被動的參與。故本文贊同醫療刑責明確化 ,其中關鍵點在於所謂「重大過失」之認定,國內法而言尚待實務案件累積,對於不同類型之醫療行為型態建構不同的類型之判斷標準,且亦須藉由公正、中立的醫療鑑定機關,使醫事人員不必擔心動輒得咎,並使罔顧人命者亦能獲得充分的刑事評價。 綜合言之,本文探討醫療事故之醫師民事責任,就是要釐清當發生醫療糾紛時,醫療機構應負擔那些醫療責任,除了保護當事人利益之契約責任,侵權行為責任外,更論及締約前之契約責任、契約保護第三人責任及附隨義務等。事實上,嚴格之醫療責任將產生醫病關係對立及防禦性醫療的負面效果,所以醫療損害賠償制度之改革必須考慮到兩者的利益都要平衡對待。對於相對人(病患)的權利保護亦不可忽略,並且盡量能減少不必要的醫療訴訟,不論是民事或刑事,以減少法院審理之負擔並合理分配醫療資源。 此外,直到目前醫療法第82條修法目前仍於立法院協商中,雖然醫療糾紛處理方式更是眾說紛紜。但本文對於未來醫療糾紛處理方式,「回歸民事、刑責明確」之大原則永遠抱持樂觀,更相信台灣社會將朝正面發展的趨勢、以創造醫病和諧與雙贏的願景仍然深具信心與期待。

大中華地區全科醫學制度回顧及其對澳門的啓示 / Review of primary health care system in regions of Greater China and its indication to Macao

鄭霆鋒 January 2010 (has links)
University of Macau / Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences


黃韻庭, Huang, Yun Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本文以貫時性的描述,探討日治時期(前)至今台灣哺育知識變遷。研究者根據官方對於母乳哺育率的調查資料以及田野研究,將台灣哺育型態分為三個時期:母乳哺育期(~1970)、配方奶粉哺育期(1971~1990)和混合哺育期(1991~)。本文企圖分析哺育型態的轉折,以社會學的角度,將哺育知識的變遷帶入歷史時空架構和社會文化脈絡之中詮釋,並突顯行動者的角色及位置,描繪行動者與結構之間互相形塑的樣態。   從歷史的意義考察,本研究發現哺育型態的轉變和產程的質變聯結在一起。傳統時期的哺育知識(或母職建構)與生命歷程密不可分,存在於女性的「私相授受」之中,與女性的生活經驗交織在一塊,本文以「母性互助系統」稱之。然而隨著醫院生產成為主流,在產後病房中,則是應用兒科醫學的科學知識作為哺育指導方針。定時定量的哺育知識與配方奶粉的瓶餵實作,成為此時期的主流哺育知識,形成歷史上前所未有的人工哺育時代。而在當今的混合哺育期,則由於母乳哺育訴求與固有產科結構之間的矛盾和衝突,引導出哺育者對「新哺育專家」的需求,並詳細介紹國際認證泌乳顧問(IBCLC)目前在台灣的發展和執業狀況。 / This study explores the historical process whereby knowledge and practice about infant feeding have changed in Taiwan from the Japan-ruled period to recent years. By analyzing how the transition occurred in patterns, it highlights the role of the cultural context within which the structure of feeding knowledge, along with construction of motherhood, has shaped and been shaped by social actors in different positions. Focusing on the historical significance, we find that feeding knowledge has varied with the qualitative transformation of the process of birth-giving. Traditional knowledge of feeding, is closely related to the course of life of females, and under the influence of the private life, interwoven with their life experience. As in-hospital birth-giving becomes the mainstream, the “medicalized” and therefore “scientific” parenting authorities serve as guidelines for feeding and nurturing. Nevertheless, the idea that mothers should breastfeed their children remains unchallenged nowadays. It brings about the conflict between appeals for breastfeeding practices and obstetrics structure. Under this trend, new expert systems in feeding teaching, such as International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC), emerge.

兒童醫療補助對醫療資源利用不均之影響 / The Impact of Children Subsidy Program on the Access and Utilization of Health Care among Young Children

程千慈, Cheng, Chien Tzu Unknown Date (has links)
為了「減輕家庭負擔,使3歲以下兒童獲得適切的健康照顧,促進其身心正常發展」,內政部兒童局自2002年起實施「三歲以下兒童醫療補助計畫」,並且已有研究證實此政策確實有效以免除部分負擔的方式降低兒童就醫門檻,增加兒童的醫療利用。然而,在我國面臨醫療資源分布不均與貧富差距逐漸擴大的同時,政策效果的分配是否公平有待商榷。由於兒童一旦滿三歲即不再受政策補助,本研究使用2004年至2009年健保資料庫中就醫年紀滿三歲前後二十週的兒童為樣本,依其居住地區與在固定居住地區下依其家庭所得條件分組,觀察各組兒童滿三歲前後醫療利用的變化並比較組間差別,使用RDD (regression discontinuity design) 分析政策在兒童滿三歲時造成的斷點是否顯著。 實證結果顯示,在依居住地區分組下,兒童滿三歲不受補助後,西醫門診以醫療資源不足區醫療利用的下降最為顯著;西醫急診以醫療資源過剩區醫療利用下降最為顯著,而不論西醫門診或西醫急診,皆以醫療資源不足區的價格彈性最大,其中西醫門診與急診間的替代關係對估計結果有一定的影響。在固定居住地區下依家庭所得條件分組下,各居住地區均以低所得組受政策效果較顯著,醫療資源不足區的低所得組以西醫門診政策效果最為顯著;過剩區的低所得組則以西醫急診政策效果最為顯著。兩種分組依據下的結果均顯示,醫療資源分布不均造成的低落醫療可近性無法以兒童醫療補助計畫消弭。

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