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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


陳韻羽 Unknown Date (has links)
半導體產業發展至今共經歷三個階段的變革,從70年代電腦元件的標準化、80年代ASIC技術的出現一直到90年代系統單晶片的設計方式興起,SIP產業也因而崛起。SIP使得IC設計分工更加專業與精細,然而,不同類型的SIP供應商有不同的核心能力,一家SIP供應商不可能滿足顧客對於SIP的所有需求,因此,整個SIP產業供應鏈的分工與串接變得十分複雜,廠商間彼此競爭又合作的關係使得各公司必須隨時調整以尋求最合適的經營模式。而在這樣變化快速的市場環境中,進而突顯了企業實施競爭智慧的重要性,競爭智慧能幫助企業蒐集並分析產業環境的相關資訊進而提供即時的決策分析與建議,以提昇企業的競爭優。而SIP重複使用的特色雖促成了新興的交易模式,但這也造成了SIP交易過程中最大的問題即是產品與技術的價值難以衡量。 本研究之個案公司同時面對市場變動快速及議價能力不足等問題,經本研究藉由文獻蒐集分析及個案實際深入訪談後,調查結果發現SIP鑑價之資訊需求來自於影響SIP價值之因素,故本研究關注於SIP價值影響因素,探討其影響原因及理由為何,並利用交易策略競爭智慧系統架構的建置,幫助個案公司能由價值影響因素的觀點出發,即時將資訊分析處理成為交易決策之依據。 本研究設計之交易策略競爭智慧系統架構共分為三個子系統,由資訊蒐集子系統根據SIP價值影響因素分為五個模組,各模組由各種內部及外部情報源收集所需資料,並依據各因素進行分類匯整後存入企業內部資料倉儲,再利用各種鑑價分析方法由資料倉儲內取得所需資訊進行SIP的綜合評價,最後配合交易模式的選擇提供企業在發展交易策略的依據。 / Since the standardization of computer components in 1970s, ASIC technology of the 1980s to the rise of System-on-Chip design in 1990s, the semiconductor industry has experienced three stages of transformation. It created a new business industry – SIP business. Because of SIP, IC design becomes more professional and precise division of labor. However, each SIP provider has different competence, and one SIP provider can’t meet all the customer needs. Therefore, the SIP industry supply chain becomes very complex. Mutual competitions between manufacturers and cooperative relations force the companies to adjust their strategies at any time to find the most appropriate business model. Rapid changes in the market environment underscore the needs of Competitive Intelligence. CI can help the companies to collect and analyze information related to the environment, provides real-time analysis and decision-making recommendations to enhance the competitive advantages. Although the reuse of SIP leads to the development of new transaction models, but also causes the problems of measuring the value of products and technologies. This case faces the problems of rapid changing market and low bargaining power. After investigating by documents collection and case interview, we find that the information needs of SIP valuation is the effect factors of SIP value. So this research focuses on the effect factors of SIP value and the reasons, and helps this case use real time information processing as the base of transaction strategy by transaction strategy competitive intelligence system from the perspective of the effect factors of SIP value. The design of the transaction strategy competitive intelligence system structure can be divided into three subsystems. Data collecting subsystem gathers the internal and external information for SIP transaction strategy made from every data sources, and saves into the enterprise data warehouse base on the classification of the factors. Then engage the comprehensive evaluation of the SIP by using every kind of valuation methods. At last, combines with the choices of transaction models to provide the foundation of transaction strategies. Keyword: SIP, Effect Factor of SIP Value, Competitive Intelligence, Competitive Intelligence System


張維 Unknown Date (has links)
全球半導體產業歷經了三階段變革,產生了一個新興事業-SIP產業。SIP屬於知識經濟,交易過程所牽涉的內、外部資料相當龐大,僅憑決策主管過去的經驗或是本身的直覺是不夠的。因此當前產業界最需要的就是能將大量的資料進行即時的分析,幫助訂定最佳方案的決策方案,創造最大利益。 本論文基於個案公司矽智財交易模式決策支援的觀點,分析矽智財交易決策牽涉的內、外部資料類型;此外以商業智慧的角度來思考,將矽智財交易模式決策相關資料以資料倉儲架構的方式彙整起來,協助業者進行更進一步的分析及應用。經過研究者對個案公司交易模式的深入探究,本研究將影響SIP技術買賣評價以及交易模式決策之因素分成四大構面,每個構面亦由許多細項因素所組成,總數約四十項左右。接著,本研究整理個案公司「交易模式決策之資訊需求」將其分為四大維度,再依據「維度之資訊需求」細分成十個子維度,建立一雪花綱目(snowflake schema)結構的資料倉儲,提供各項決策事實量值。 本研究釐清了個案公司對SIP產品交易模式決策需求,並蒐集SIP產品交易流程,探討矽智財交易所需要的內部與外部資料類型,整合矽智財交易各個資訊系統資料庫,建構商業智慧所需的資料倉儲,作為個案公司進行交易模式決策及建立商業智慧的理論與實務基礎。希望透過商業智慧系統的建置,協助個案公司訂定最有利的交易決策。 / Global semiconductor industry has gone through three steps revolution; it created a new business industry – SIP business. SIP business belongs to Knowledge Economy; SIP transaction involves huge internal and external information. It’s insufficient if the transaction is based on previous experience and personal instinct. Therefore, the most important thing for SIP industry is to promptly analysis the huge data and help to setup the best strategy and create maximum benefits. Based on the studied company SIP transaction model, this thesis analysis the involved internal and external information for SIP transaction strategy made. In addition, using data warehouse from Business Intelligence perspective to compile SIP transaction strategy related information helps SIP companies do further analysis. Through the deep research of the studied company transaction mode, author divides the SIP technology value evaluation and transaction model into four directions. Each direction consists of many detailed factors, total are around forty factors. This research arranges the studied company’s transaction mode required information and divides into four dimensions, furthermore, according to the needs of each dimensions detailed breakdown to 10 sub-dimensions and establish a snowflake schema data warehouse structure, providing data for strategy making. This research verifies the studied company SIP transaction mode, collects SIP transaction flow, studies the SIP transaction needed internal and external data, integrates each Information data base of SIP transaction and construct Business Intelligence needed Data Warehouse , to become the theory and execution reference of the transaction mode and Business Intelligence establishment for the studied company. Hopefully, by use of the establishment of Business Intelligence could assist the studied company stipulate the most beneficial business model. Keyword: Silicon Intellectual Property, Business Intelligence, Data Warehouse

矽智財(SIP)交易之發展與制度規劃研究—以台灣IP Mall為例

施傑峰, Shih,Jey-Feng Unknown Date (has links)
隨著半導體製程技術的快速演進,以及電子產品往系統單晶片(SoC)趨勢發展,晶片設計生產力與製程技術間的落差日益擴大。設計重複使用(design reuse)逐漸成為縮短兩者差距之重要方法;若能靈活應用公司內部的設計重複使用或大量引用外來矽智財(SIP)完成晶片設計,將有效加速產品設計時程、縮短上市時間、節省設計成本並降低風險。 然而受限於資源、研發能力及SoC設計流程整合之複雜性,各公司無法自行開發所有需要的SIP,使得採用外部SIP並將其整合至設計專案中成為必要手段,並導致近幾年商品化SIP的交易市場開始蓬勃發展;但其中所牽涉之商業模式、授權方式與相關技術標準等議題卻相當複雜。 SIP交易之一大障礙來自於缺乏交易過程中所有必須的基礎建設與相關服務。為解決此問題,目前已出現一些中介機構,提供SIP供應商、SoC設計者必要的法律契約、IP保護、交易媒合及結清等服務,使其在交易流通與應用上能更加便利。我國亦於2003年開始推動國家矽導計畫,希望透過其IP Mall子計畫,建立完善的SIP匯集交易與推廣服務機制。 本研究從交易成本和統治結構觀點分析SIP的交易市場發展與衍生問題,並由交易流程中找出典型的商業模式與授權實務,繼而深入探討推廣SIP重複使用與促進交易流通之中介機構,為因應交易常見的問題與挑戰,在規劃交易運作制度、法律與整體交易體系之實際做法;就其擔任提供SIP交易相關活動支援的角色,提出實務上的制度規劃建議。 研究對象為台灣國家矽導計畫中所建立的IP Mall,分別是由創意電子和智原科技兩家公司擔負基礎建設工作,並選擇國外VCX及SIPAC兩家機構做為對照。透過次級文獻蒐集、專家訪談等方法得到主要發現如下: 1.極高的交易成本導致SIP交易困難。 2.SIP交易需配合以三邊統治為基礎之中介機構方能有效執行。 3.藉由建立SIP交易的機制及標準,將可大幅降低「交易成本以及資訊不對稱」所造成雙方損失。 4.兩家IP Mall在功能服務說明、SIP匯集、品質驗證、履約保證與風險管理之制度規劃有待加強。 5.台灣IP Mall的執行做法可朝Turnkey導向之營運模式發展。 6.台灣IP Mall的規劃及運作缺乏整體規劃、使用誘因和成效評估。 關鍵字:交易成本、統治結構、設計重複使用、矽智財、系統單晶片、矽導計畫、智財匯集服務(矽智財匯集平台/矽智財交易中心) / The rapid advance of semiconductor fabrication technologies and the trend towards system-on-chip (SoC) based electronic devices development has caused the worsening gap between silicon capacity and design productivity. “Design reuse” becomes a key strategy for SoC design gap improvement. Combining a selection of reusable silicon IP (SIP) and new designs significantly shortens the time required to create complex SoC products and reduces costs & risks. However, due to constrained resources, the lack of experience with technologies and the complexity in SoC design flow integration, companies do need to source SIPs from outside suppliers instead of developing all kinds of functionalities internally. In recent years there has been a rapid development in the commercial SIP market. Nevertheless, the issues involved in the business model, licensing practices, and related technical standards are also quite complicated. A key barrier to trading SIP may be the lack of all necessary infrastructure and related services within the transaction flow. To overcome this, there are emerging intermediary organizations to facilitate SIP transactions and applications by providing necessary legal contracting, IP protection, trading matching, settlement and service for SIP providers and SoC Integrators. Taiwan also launched National Si-Soft Project from 2003 with an attempt to establish an appropriate SIP trading, promotion and service mechanism under its IP Mall sub-project. From the view of transaction costs and governance structure, this study analyzes the development and derivative problems of SIP trading market and generalizes common business models and licensing practices during the SIP transaction process. Moreover, according to the general problems and challenges from SIP trading, the study thoroughly discusses practices of intermediaries in the planning of transaction operating mechanism, legal matters and overall trading environment. Finally, this study offers some suggestions in practical system planning based on the role of providing SIP trading support. The study takes Taiwan’s IP Malls as subjects, which were implemented by Global Unichip Corporation and Faraday Corporation respectively. We also choose overseas organizations like VCX from Scotland and SIPAC from Korea as a comparison. Based on the literature review and individual interview, we found the following facts: 1.Huge transaction costs result in SIP trading difficulties. 2.Intermediary organizations based on trilateral governance are essential to implementing SIP trading effectively. 3.Through the establishment of SIP trading systems and standards, the loss of both Buyers and Sellers results from transaction costs and information asymmetric can be reduced significantly. 4.Both Taiwan’s IP Malls need to enhance their system planning in the service & function introduction, SIP collection, SIP quality assurance, verification, guaranty of contract and risk management. 5.Taiwan’s IP Malls could take the turnkey-oriented business model based on their original design. 6.The planning and operation of Taiwan’s IP Malls lacks a holistic view, attractions for usage and performance evaluations. Key words: transaction cost, governance structure, design reuse, SIP (Silicon Intellectual Property), SoC (System-on-Chip), Si-Soft project, IP Mall


鄭天堯, Cheng, Tien Yao Unknown Date (has links)
摘要 經濟發展是我國生存重要基石,而撐起這基石的正是我國多年來所發展的電子產業,積體電路設計公司的成立讓我國電子產業由代工模式轉而產品設計與發展模式。基於全球化的商業環境,積體電路設計公司若要永續生存發展,除了從傳統組織內部努力外更需重視產業環境所帶來的影響。而半導體產業從1947年開始到現在近一世紀的歲月歷經三次主要變革,使得矽智財產業興起,而矽智財產業是對於我國的半導體產業而言是一項極為重要的轉機,所以我國成立「矽島計劃」而其中之一的計劃就是成立SIP MALL ,期望藉由SIP MALL 的成立來活絡矽智財交易以促進新的半導體產業商業價值,進而提升我國半導體的競爭力。然而我國積體電路設計產業習慣做”Me Too ”的產品,大部分的業界對於我國是否有矽智財公司的空間都是懷疑。當然SIP MALL 的成功與否和我國的矽智財產業存活並沒有關連。而現階段SIP MALL 之現況除了授權模式外,仍存在著技術整合、模擬驗證、資訊揭露及合約簽定等交易瓶頸待解決,但其存活機率是很大,這和我國兩大晶圓代工的策略有很大關連,而半導體產業演變到現在這態勢,兩大晶圓代工勢必成為IDM 式晶圓代工公司所以各自會去支持集團中的SIP MALL。而本文是探討我國矽智財產業如何經營才能存活,總體環境對我國矽智財技術交易平台產業,矽智財供應商的主要關鍵成功因 素包括「利基市場的選擇」、「技術研發能力」、「軟體系統的支援」以及「系統廠的支援」四項。我國的IDM 、積體電路設計、系統廠、、等應取得目前我國市佔有率高的系統 規格制定主導權, 以下游推動上游的創新設計,將系統廠Concept 透過系統單一晶片規格的方式,跟積體電路供應商合縱連橫發展系統單一晶片。而矽智財交易平台則必須在矽智財的認證、鑑價及智慧財產權的制度下設計良善的運作管理機制,以大陸廣大的內需市場為基礎,培養我國進入高障礙矽智財的領域。同時本文也提出在我國產業環境中以車用微控制器、顯示、省電、記憶體、、等矽智財是可以進入利基市場,並以SWOT 分析其優劣,這是本文對我國矽智財產業小小的貢獻。 關鍵字:SIP MALL (Silicon intellectual property MALL )、IDM (IC Design Manufacture )、矽智財(Silicon intellectual property )、系統單一晶片(System on chip )、 晶圓代工(Foundry )、SWOT(Strength、Weakness、Opportunity、Threat)、 積體電路(Integrated Circuit )、微控制器(Microcontroller ) / Abstract Economic development is very important foundation for our country surviving, and that propped up this foundation is exactly the electronic industry that our country has developed for many years, The establishment of the IC DESIGN HOUSE lets the electronic industry of our country transfer from OEM way to design and developed way. On the basis of the globalized business environment , if the IC DESIGN HOUSE should continue survival and development forever, not only pay attention to the influence brought of industry's environment but also that organize the inside from the tradition hard . the semiconductor industry meets three main evolutions since 1947, rising the SIP (Silicon Intelligently property ) industry, and the SIP is an extremely important favorable turn as to semiconductor industry of our country, So that our government establishs the project which name is “Silicon Island Project”, one of this project’s plan establishs the SIP MALL, expect to activate the trade of the SIP in order to promote new semiconductor industry's commercial value with the establishment of SIP MALL, and then improve the competitiveness of the semiconductor of our country. But IC DESIGN HOUSE of our country is used to doing "Me Too" products, most companies in our country suspect that SIP industry can survives in our country. The succeeding or not succeeding of SIP MALL is not relation with the SIP industry survive in our country, In Current stage, the SIP MALL in our country depends not only on the licensing model but also on technology integration, simulation & verification, the information disclosure, and contract service.SIP MALL it survives probability is very high because the tactics of two major foundries in our country have very great connection, and this situation till now that the semiconductor industry develops, two major foundries certainly will become IDM Foundry and will support one's own SIP MALL each. And this page discussion how SIP industry of probing into our country manage could survive , the overall environment, to SIP technological trade platform industry of our country, the choice including “niche market selection”,”core technology research and development ability” , “software company supporting” and four items of “the support of the system company”.The business value chains in our country such as IDM, IC DESIGN HOUSE and the system factory should take the lead in the specification of system standards in where R.O.C.’s industry has high market share, thus the SIP MALL may serve the purposes ofleveraging the system know how and successfully delivering the SOC products. To improve the SIP MALL operation, we also need to build up SIP identification, valuation and IPR management systems. In the meantime, it is also crucial to take advantage of emerging markets in China, as well as to create the territories of Star IP with killer applications. And this pager also indicate the car’s microcontroller, the showing device, saving the electricities , Menory device are niche market selection in our country’s SIP industry, and its is good and bad with SWOT analysis, It is this pager which is a little contribution to SIP’s industry of our country. Key Words:SIP MALL (Silicon intellectual property MALL )、SOC (System on chip )、 SIP (Silicon intellectual property )、IDM (IC Design Manufacture )、Foundry 、 SWOT(Strength、Weakness、Opportunity、Threat) 、IC (Integrated Circuit ) 、Microcontroller

企業經營模式與專利授權策略之探究─以矽智財供應商為例 / Relationship between Business Model and IP Licensing Strategy of SIP Providers

戴劭芩, Dai, Shao Chin Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,智慧財產議題在西方國家受到極大的重視,然而現在亞洲國家,如日本、韓國以及台灣也開始關注智慧財產權。智慧財產權對於創作人或發明人而言,能夠給予他們一段時間的壟斷或保護,使其取得一定的報酬;對於企業而言,智慧財產權訴訟能夠讓企業擁有持續性的競爭優勢,並保障其在某個市場區段的獲利。因此,小至個人、大至企業、國家,都會因為智慧財產權制度的發達而受益。 除此之外,智慧財產也開始以交易標之姿展現其價值,企業或是獨立專利權人授權其專利或是各項智慧財產以獲取利潤。即使智慧財產之交易日益興盛,但公開透明的交易市場卻遲遲未出現。顯然在智慧財產之商業環境的建構上我們依舊有所闕漏。為了活化無形資產之交易市場,我們必須要發展出一套關於授權策略之理論,才能更有效率地管理各式無形資產。 然而,在多數的文獻當中都將授權行為視為法律議題,而非商業考量。但事實上契約雖然是以法律形式存在,但背後之動機卻是出於企業之商業考量。若單純就法律觀點來探討此議題,恐會造成對於企業授權策略之研究之不足,因此本研究將從管理的觀點出發探討授權策略並釐清其與企業經營模式間之關係。 植基於此,本研究選擇了IC產業中11家績效良好的矽智財供應商作為研究標的,在該領域中授權交易已經行之有年且市場建構完備。並透過訪談相關實務界人士以及蒐集研究標的公司之年報、報章雜誌以及網站資訊等次級資料進行分析,得出目前矽智財供應商主要的經營模式共可分為四類,並逐一解析各種經營模式有何異同。除此之外,更擷取出授權策略之組成亦可分為四個元素,以及分析企業之經營考量如何影響到在各項元素上選擇。 / In decades, intellectual property has got a lot of attention in the Western world. Now Asian countries such as Japan, Korea and Taiwan start to pay attention to this issue. Intellectual property rights grant patentee the exclusive rights for a period to perform his innovations, which can reward himself. For enterprises, intellectual property litigation has become a tool to sustain competitive advantages, and protect the profitability. In this case, the whole society will gain benefit from the intellectual property. In addition, intellectual property has proved itself as an exchange object , firms or individual patentees licensed their patents or other intellectual property to get revenue. Although the transactions has been carries out more and more frequently, the open , transparent exchange market of intangible asset is still not rising. Obviously , we still have to make much effort on improving business environment. In order to active the intangible property market, we must develop the theory of licensing strategy to manage the intangible assets orderly. However, in most of literature, license has been considered as a legal issue, instead of a business one. Contract itself is legal terms, but in fact, licensing strategy origin from firm’s business consideration. So we need to research this issue form managerial perspective to gain more understanding about licensing strategy. On the basis, this study will discuss the issue from managerial perspective, and clarify the between patent licensing strategy and business model. This study selects 11 leading SIP providers as research object, which had built a well-developed licensing market. By interviewing practisers and collecting, analyzing targeted firm’s annual reports, newspapers, website information etc. , the consequence reveals that the business model of SIP providers can be divided into four categories, and figure out the difference between the four ones. In addition, this study extracts four elements that comprise licensing strategy, analyzing how business model affects licensing strategy.

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