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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


吳佳娉 Unknown Date (has links)

盧那察爾斯基之藝術思想探源 / On the Origins of Anatoly Lunacharsky’s Thoughts about Art

吳岱融, Wu, Tai Jung Unknown Date (has links)
盧那察爾斯基(Anatoly Lunacharsky, 1875-1933)於1917-1929年間擔任蘇聯教育人民委員部(Narkompros)首任委員,在任期間發表了大量關於藝術的文章及報告,其在蘇聯藝術發展史中扮演極為重要的角色,然而他以藝術達到社會主義理想的主張與正統馬克思主義的經濟決定論十分不同,他相信群眾意識才是推動革命的必要條件。而他從在俄國十月革命之前就抱持這種想法,因此曾一度主張將宗教與社會主義結合,使革命意識成為一種宗教情感而深植人心,而這種想法受到被極度反對宗教的列寧的嚴厲批評,隨後這種想法才轉向以藝術來實現。 在盧那察爾斯基思想中可見到實證主義(Positivism)、費爾巴哈(Ludwig Feuerbach)宗教哲學、尼采(Friedrich Nietzsche)哲學與華格納(Richard Wagner)的色彩,這使盧那察爾斯基的藝術理論在眾多馬克思主義美學家中顯得獨樹一格,本論文主要透過盧那察爾斯基的著作,並加上中西學者對於盧那察爾斯基的研究,不以馬克思主義為中心來理解盧那察爾斯基的藝術思想,探討盧那察爾斯基對於藝術與革命的認知與實踐。 / Anatoly Lunacharsky(1875-1933) was the first Commissar of The People's Commissariat for Education(Narkompros) from 1917-1929. During his tenure, he published many articles and reports about the arts and played a very important role in the history of artistic development in the Soviet Union. However, his proposal to achieve the ideal of Socialism through the arts was very different from the orthodox economic determinism of Marxism. He believed that mass consciousness was a must to promote the revolution. He already held this idea long before the October Revolution in Russia. Thus, he once advocated combining religion and Socialism, making revolutionary consciousness into a religion deeply rooted in everyone’s mind. Nevertheless, this idea was severely criticized by Lenin, who was very opposed to religion. Afterward, Lunacharsky’s thoughts changed, turning instead to realize ideals through art. The influences of Positivism, Feuerbach’s philosophy of religion, Nietzsche’s philosophy and Wagner’s concept of art can be seen in Lunacharsky’s thought, making his views on art unique among Marxist aestheticians. In this paper, instead of understanding Lunacharsky’s theory of art in the context of Marxism, discussion will focus on Lunacharsky’s works and Chinese/Western scholars’ studies on Lunacharsky in order to learn more about Lunacharsky’s thoughts and practice of art and revolution.

共黨意識下之蘇聯電影發展(1917-1953) / The Development of Soviet Cinema Under Socialist Ideology (1917-1953)

蘇家玉, Su, Chia-Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文旨在探究列寧與史達林統治期間,蘇聯電影之濫觴與發展。文中首先詳論蘇聯電影形成之時代背景與特殊使命,說明電影傳入俄國之初,正值布黨握權未久,民心浮動之際,列寧與史達林如何善用電影高可塑性及易於大量複製之特色,進行政策宣導與掃盲教育,不僅積極為共黨樹立領導威信,更塑造政權繼承之合法性。 1917年十月革命之後,蘇聯共黨首重電影工業之管理,從1919年列寧將電影工業收歸國有起,至1953年史達林去世為止,蘇聯電影機構與管理階層不斷改組,權力集中。與其他各國娛樂商業影片相較,蘇聯電影濃厚之政治色彩與實用功能,風格自異。 蘇聯電影在歷經戰時共產主義、新經濟政策、社會主義寫實主義、二次世界大戰等不同階段的政策洗禮後,除呈現一系列歌功頌德的樣板影片外,亦在重重監檢制度與狹窄創作空間下迸發令人驚嘆的藝術成就,如庫列雪夫、愛森斯坦、普多夫金、杜甫仁科等大師的電影蒙太奇理論,又如他們結合政治現實與藝術理想之社會寫實創作。蘇聯電影不僅成功整合政治宣傳,鼓舞民心士氣,更於拍攝技巧和視覺美學上,創造出彌足珍貴的藝術語言,為本論文提供豐富且堅實之藝術佐證。 / This dissertation mainly discussed the development of Soviet Cinema under Soviet Socialist ideology during Lenin & Stalin period from 1917 to 1953. First came into its historical background and special mission: cinema came into Russia in early 20th century while Revolutionaries just grabbed power, Lenin and Stalin wisely used the characteristics of high plasticity and massive reproduction in films to propagandize their political policy and to educate the overwhelmingly illiterate peasant masses. Not only did Soviet Cinema build reputation for Soviet Communists, it also helped to legalize the regime of Bolsheviks. After the 1917 Revolution, Bolsheviks first pay their attention to the management of film industry. From 1919 Lenin took over the whole Soviet film industry and made it nationalized to 1953 Stalin passed away, Soviet film department had been gone through process of constant reshuffles and power centralization. To compare with the entertaining and commercial film industry in other countries, Soviet Cinema is unique for its strong political color as well as its pronounced pragmatic function. After baptizing itself through the policy changes during the different political Stages in Wartime Communism, New Economic Policy, Socialist Realism, plus Second World War, in addition to a series of complimentary stereotype films, Soviet Cinema, under layer upon layer censorship and cramped creative room, still spurted its astonishing artistic achievements to the world: the Montage film theory developed by Kuleshev, Eisenstien, Pudovkin and Dovzhenko, the masterpieces of social and realistic creation which demonstrate sophisticate combination of political reality and artistic idealism. Soviet cinema played a successful role in integrating the political propaganda with encouraging the massed; furthermore, it also create the precious artistic languages in the shooting skills and visual aesthetics, all these apply the rich and profound artistic evidences for this dissertation.

蘇聯文化政策之研究-蘇維埃意識形態的體與用 / A Study on Cultural Policy of the USSR: The Substance and Function of Soviet Ideology

楊天豪, Yang, Tien Hao Unknown Date (has links)
在擴大對「蘇聯文化」研究的基礎上,本論文探討蘇聯的文化政治與政策施作,其終極目標乃透過命名的權力來建構文化的社會主體性,也即「蘇維埃人」這樣的歷史共同體。為求例證之多樣性,本論文綜合了文化研究與歷史研究途徑,以文本分析和文獻分析作為研究方法,並將指涉的文化政策範圍縮限於文學與藝術領域,以及對文化公共財,如圖書館、博物館、劇院的擴充。 對布爾什維克而言,爭取文化霸權就是建構並傳播蘇維埃意識形態,透過意識形態國家機器,即藝文團體、報刊媒體等來體現,繼而將個人建構為主體,製造出一批批本應如此的「形象」。因此,蘇維埃意識形態始終驅動著蘇聯文化政策的開展。配合主政之領導人,國家對政策的指導可簡化為「文化革命─社會主義寫實主義─公開性」的歷程,並對應由逐漸緊縮到開放的程度。其中,由列寧發起的文化革命可謂蘇聯文化政策的承先啟後階段,尚且容許藝文團體的多元發展。進入史達林時期後,所推出的社會主義寫實主義既是一種創作風格,也是政策的依歸。從寫作到編曲,從繪畫到電影,它為蘇聯的文藝創作設置理論與框架,並成為作品能否公開展演及獲得國家獎勵的唯一標準。至於戈巴契夫的公開性則帶來蘇維埃意識形態更為人性化的修正與文化政策的轉折。 另一方面,本論文透過觀照經蘇維埃化所產生之新蘇維埃人的日常生活片斷,概括蘇維埃文化的若干特徵,點出其指導大眾邁向由官方營造之理想人生的規訓功能,繼而探究蘇聯社會中不同身分的互動,析論政策造成的後續影響。藉由對精英、婦女與青年等文化研究關鍵面向的討論,可以發現蘇聯文化政策的差別待遇模式,以及未將文化納入政策考量的若干失誤。

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