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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

應用剖面技術實作資料庫存取應用之偵錯工具 / Design and implementation of an aspect-based debugging tool for database applications

張妏瑛, Chang, Wen Ying Unknown Date (has links)
對於不同團隊協同開發大型的應用程式,常會面臨應用程式自行處理例外事件而未正確回報用戶之執行結果與無法得知封閉式類別庫內部詳細呼叫流程,導致偵錯不易的困擾。有鑒於此,本研究將實作一個工具,利用Aspect-Oriented Programming(AOP)特性,將AspectJ織入JDBC驅動程式並賦予存取紀錄儲存之功能,既可免除應用程式本身未針對資料庫儲存存取紀錄的問題,直接儲存所有存取紀錄,亦不影響資料庫操作,更可以分辦造成錯誤發生的程式以釐清問題,有效幫助偵錯。此工具適用於任何使用JDBC介面去存取資料庫管理系統(DBMS)之JAVA應用程式,它能在不影響應用程式的情況下客製化儲存應用程式透過JDBC驅動程式連結資料庫管理系統(DBMS)的存取紀錄,並利用存取紀錄進行分析並複製存取行為,以提供更豐富的資訊進一步協助偵錯。 / When using a large database application which is jointly designed by different teams, the administrators are often confronted with a problem that the application handles the exception spontaneously and often fails to report back the result of user’s execution. Therefore, the administrator can’t be informed of the details of the calling flow in case of exceptions. This will make it not only difficult to find which part of the application goes wrong, but also hard to fix. To resolve this problem, this thesis designs and implements an aspect-based debugging tool for such database applications. The key idea behind the tool is that, instead of adapting the large application for logging database access activities, we target at the JDBC driver and make JDBC driver capable of saving access log. This tool works for any JAVA applications that use JDBC interface to access database. Without any modification to the user-level application, this tool can save the access log obtained by application which use JDBC driver to connect the database, and the administrator can customize the access log. By analyzing the access records and duplicating the access behavior, this tool provides more information to further assist in application debugging.

Emden-Fowler方程式之研究 / A Study of Emden-Fowler Equation

陳隆暉 Unknown Date (has links)

創新生意模式 – 案例分析 LINE / New Business Models of Innovation – Case study of LINE

李儒婷, Lee, Sabrina Unknown Date (has links)
創新生意模式 – 案例分析 LINE / As more people around the world start using smartphones, instant-messaging apps are emerging not only as an alternative to conventional mobile text-messaging, but also as a social network that could replace some of the roles played by Facebook Twitter and others. One of the fastest-growing messaging apps in the world is LINE, developed and operated by Tokyo-based LINE Corp. Just over the past year, LINE has seen the number of its users surge nearly fourfold to more than 500 million. In this paper, we will discuss the reason why LINE become so popular, and how is it new business model work. The main reason LINE become so successful is that LINE grasp the essential needs of users and it also look deeply insight the market. Each function LINE had was not innovative at that time, just like games, photo-sharing, and a Facebook-like home page and timeline, however a lot of people would find it convenient if one app can let them experience many different things, then it combine all the function to become a successful LINE. It also created a new way to communicate for boring text message. It create its virtual stickers often featuring cute and quirky cartoon characters that people can send as messages which change users communicate behavior to use stickers instead of text. By these cute character it also create new business model. The company’s revenue comes from the sales of virtual stickers as well as virtual items sold in games. Also generate with game title, which design with LINE character. The app also makes money by charging businesses that use official Line accounts to distribute promotional messages. In the future, LINE's ambition is to becoming a broader platform for social network and entertainment. The communication app category is crowded and competitive; therefore the company has to create its irreplaceable value to stand stable in this number one position.

旅遊手機應用程式創業計畫 / Business Plan of Travel Planner App

張殷綺, Chang, Iris Unknown Date (has links)
旅遊手機應用程式創業計畫 / This is a business plan of travel planning app that will be launched bilingual, Mandarin and English, focusing on its first target market—Taiwan. The world travel market had a total contribution of GPD over 9.5% in 2013, as for Taiwan the travel market GDP contribution had reached 5.3% in the same year. According to World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC), the travel market will continue the growth at 4% year by year. As for Taiwan, estimation of travel market will increase 3.6% until 2020. The mobile device has dominated the market since 2012 when smartphone/tablet market share was 70% against 30% of desktop/portable PC and will continue a 15% growth until 2017, according to IDC report. Current major mobile app categories are gaming, social medial and messaging apps. Mobile travel app market share is still low. Considering more tendency that travelers rely on mobile technology and the growing travel market, this report will discuss and find a strong competing position for the travel planning app startup. From finding the right segment, targeting the real stakeholder and position its value proposition. This report will also so cover how it make revenue to be real and a forecast until year 2020. Keywords: Mobile travel, Taiwan travel, Travel app, Mobile app), Travel market

應用剖面樣板於模型驅動開發之研究 / A Study on Realizing Model-Driven Development using Aspect Templates

楊世睿, Yang, Sir-Jur Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,模型驅動的軟體開發方式已在軟體開發社群引起廣泛的討論與研究。知名的物件管理組織並提出模型驅動架構來推廣這種新的軟體開發方式。一般使用模型驅動架構觀念的開發方法多著重在模型交換、模型變更及產生程式碼的精準度,但對於應用樣板程式在產生程式的使用上卻很少有特別的規範,故本研究選擇樣板程式的應用進行探討。在模型建構方面,我們依循一般將業務性及非業務性的模型分開設計及管理的方式,以方便系統開發人員在設計模型時,可以專注於業務性的功能設計,非業務性的功能便可依系統的需求選擇特定的組合;但在程式碼產生部分,本研究則應用剖面導向程式設計中的織入方式來產生程式碼。我們以Orr, Doug所製作的原型程式為基礎,建立一個應用剖面樣板於模型驅動開發的流程,並且以一個應用實例及使用工具來闡明整體導入的過程及運用價值。經由這樣的實例,可以讓系統開發者感受應用剖面樣板於模型驅動開發所帶來的方便及效率的提昇。 / Recently, model-driven software development has attracted great attention from the software development community. The Object Management Group (OMG) has also proposed the so-called Model-Driven Architecture (MDA) to promote it. As far as we know, most system development approaches using the MDA concept emphasize on model exchange, model change and degree of preciseness on code generation and do not discuss much about the usage of templates for code generation. Therefore, this research proposes to study the code generation part of MDA using templates. Like other MDA-based approaches, our development process also design and manage functional models and non-functional models separately, allowing system developers to focus on functional models design and to easily choose existing functions for non-functional models by requirements. What makes our approach different is we add an attachment model which facilitates the code generation steps by using the weaving mechanism found in aspect-oriented programming (AOP). In this study, we elaborate the attachment model proposed by Orr, Doug and propose an example of model-driven development process using it for code generation. Moreover, we utilize the prototype of Orr, Doug’s to create a complete example which re-engineers an existing application by replacing its system platform and extending its business functions using this process.

具會談概念的網路應用程式記錄工具 / Session-aware logging utility for web applications

周彥江, Chou, Yann Jiang Unknown Date (has links)
目前許多網路應用程式(web application),遵循三層式開發架構,並藉由「會談」(session)營造出具有狀態機制的環境。雖然會談能將流程串起,其重要性無庸置疑,卻因分層的關係,造成想要在任一記錄點上,取得會談資訊的困難。 本研究的目的,即在嘗試以「剖面導向程式設計」(Aspect-Oriented Programming)為基礎,希望能打造一個簡單易用的工具,將「記錄」(log)這種非功能性,屬於橫切面考量的需求,暫時排除在開發階段外,到事後再以挑選的方式,更輕鬆地加入或修改。更重要的是,將會談資訊中的使用者帳號,或可資識別的序號,內嵌在每行記錄裏,因此稱為「具會談概念的記錄」。讓記錄內容的設計者,不需再為了如何封裝、傳遞、拆解而浪費時間。因為記錄與系統開發是獨立的,即使上線後,臨時性的記錄修改需求,也不至於對既有的穩定與效能,造成重大影響,或不可復原的災難性結果。 / Logging is an important part to application development for purposes such as debugging and auditing. While there are many good frameworks and utilities for assisting logging in application development, it is still not an easy task for the logging action to provide enough information for those purposes. Specifically, the user account information in particular or the session information in general is not easy to obtain when we perform logging for a designated backend operation such as database query. The reasons are twofold. Firstly, applications do not use user accounts, but have their own accounts to access database. Secondly, the three-tiered structure of an application makes it difficult to thread the user accounts to the backend for logging. This thesis presents an aspect-based utility for Java-based Web applications that enables developer to generate customizable logs with session information, including user accounts. Our tool employs two aspects: one predefined aspect for collecting session information and the other is generic one for producing user-defined logs at designated application points. Specifically, the tool takes a wizard-based approach that guides the user to customize the second aspect for its own target points in a user-friendly manner.

建構可重用與細緻化的剖面導向存取控管框架 / Building a Reusable and Fine-grained Aspect-Oriented Access Control Framework

黃植懋, Huang , Chih-Mao Unknown Date (has links)
隨著網路應用的發達與普及,應用系統的安全防護非常重要,但是要將安全方防護方面的設計與製作做好,卻不容易。因為與安全相關的程式碼必須嵌入到應用系統的各個模組中去執行,具有橫跨(cross-cutting)的特性。在設計時,若不加以區分,仍然以一般的物件或是函式模組來將其模組化的話,往往造成系統中反覆出現類似的程式碼以及不同需求的程式碼夾雜不清的現象,當系統愈趨複雜時,這些問題就愈顯嚴重,結果導致系統不易維護且錯誤頻仍。 最近興起的剖面導向程式設計(Aspect-Oriented Programming)基於關注分離的原則(Separation of Concerns),針對像安全這類橫跨性的需求,倡議在原有的物件或函式模組外,另以剖面(aspect)作為這些橫跨性需求的模組單位,以大幅改善應用系統的模組性。近兩三年來,這方面的發展迅速,各種支援方面導向的程式語言與相關工具相繼推出,美國全錄公司柏拉圖實驗室發展的AspectJ語言就是一個具代表性的成果。本論文以剖面導向的原則,以AspectJ及JBossAOP為主要工具,針對Web應用程式在認證與存取控管方面的安全需求,設計與製作一套具重用性且可處理資料內容相關、細緻層級的存取控管框架。 / Access control is a system-wide concern that has both a generic nature and an application dependent characteristic. It is generic as many functions must be protected with restricted access, yet the rule to grant a request is highly dependent on the application state. Hence it is common to see the code for implementing access control scattered over the system and tangled with the functional code, making the system difficult to maintain. This thesis addresses this issue for Web applications by presenting a practical access control framework based on aspect-oriented programming (AOP). Our approach accommodates a wide range of access control requirements of different granularity. AOP supports the modular implementation of access control while still enables the code to get a hold of the application state. Moreover, framework technology offers a balanced view between reuse and customization. As a result, our framework is able to enforce fine-grained access control for Web applications in a highly adaptable manner.


黃景輝 Unknown Date (has links)
整數規劃問題乃是線型規劃問題的特殊形態,其作用在於解決線型規劃中假定變數為可分的限制,並提出系統的方法,使變數之值能夠由分數逐步變成整數。唯有關整數規劃之理論,散見於各種線型規劃之書中,大多語焉不詳,不易見其全貌,另以解整數規劃問題所需之複雜計算,數倍於線型規劃者,故易於使人畏難止步,使研究整數規劃之應用無法推展。筆者有鑒於此,特撰「整數規劃之程式設計及其應用於企業管理之研究」一文,希冀能闡明整數規劃之性質反提供處理計算之工具。 本文分六章。第一章說明整數規劃的概念及應用電子計算機的必要。第二章說明用Gomory限制條件和分枝設界法各如何解決整數規劃問題。第三章列舉整數規劃應用之場合,並附以簡例與模型以資說明。第四章說明Gauss-Jordan消去法如何可推廣於解決線型規劃問題並提出程式設計。第五章介紹對偶簡體法並提出程式設計。由於整數規劃如採用Gomory限制條件之方法,可籠統的列式如右:線規劃+限制條件+對偶簡體法。故第六章便是綜合第四、五兩章之程式而完成解純整數及混合整數規劃問題的程式設計。 本文承魏師應澤博士細心披閱並指正錯誤,又蒙溫師新徽博士,剴切指導程式設計,使本文能如期完成。謹在此致最高敬謝之意。


凃雅珍 Unknown Date (has links)
風水為流傳數千年的中國古老學問,雖然有些人認為風水具有迷信的色彩,但從生活周遭四處可見風水對於人民生活的影響,舉凡選日、取名、占卜及擇地而居等。隨著報章雜誌的發達,風水之學已經流傳到世界各地。另外,由於風水所跨及領域相當廣泛,近年來國內外各學門學者紛紛投入風水的相關研究,其中包含了建築學、人類學、民族學、及社會學等。 然而,關於嫌惡風水對於房價影響的研究一直很少,尤其是嫌惡風水對於不同房價房屋的影響更加鮮少,因此本文採用台灣某民營銀行所提供之西元2002年2月至2007年6月間台灣本島二十一個縣市房屋之實際交易價格為研究範圍,探討嫌惡風水對於房價的影響。由於一般最小平方法迴歸模型只能探究嫌惡風水對房屋價格「平均」的影響,我們引進Koenker and Bassett於1978年所提出的分量迴歸模型,進一步探討嫌惡風水對於房價的影響是否會隨著房屋價位而不同。 本研究主要研究發現包括: (一) 在最小平方法模型中,除了路衝對房價的負影響不顯著異於0外,其餘的嫌惡風水設施都顯著地降低房價;而折價最多的為鄰近棺木店、殯儀館或墳墓,這些喪葬相關設施及場所會使房價平均減少8.26%。 (二) 透過分量迴歸更清楚地顯示,隨著房價的分量增加,鄰近高架橋、廟宇或神壇的房子之折價幅度會顯著地增加;而位居四樓嫌惡風水對房價的影響,並不會隨著房價的而有所差別,亦即不管購屋能力高低的消費者,所有民眾對於位居四樓的厭惡程度相同。

使 Eclipse 平台具備遠端外掛程式功能之研究 / Enhance Eclipse platform with remote plug-ins

林庭瑋 Unknown Date (has links)
Eclipse 是目前最廣受歡迎的軟體工具整合平台,其可擴充的架構,允許第三方撰寫名為 Plug-in 的擴充套件將既有的或是新開發的工具程式整合至此平台。然而隨著 Eclipse 的普及以及可用工具套件的增加,衍生的困擾則是幾乎每一套 Eclipse 平台都會裝載過多的工具。雖然 Eclipse 的架構提供了諸如 Plug-in 的延遲載入(Lazy-Loading)、快速裝載與更新等功能,讓 Eclipse 平台具有相當高度的可延展性(Scalability),但整體效能還是會因為裝載過多的工具程式而下滑。 為了解決上述問題,本研究提出一套名為 Remote Plug-in 的解決方案,允許使用者或是廠商將原生(Native)或非原生的工具發布到遠端站台,並透過本研究提供的開發工具快速產生包裝程式,讓標的工具能以 Web Services 的型式發布到站台上供使用者叫用。另一方面,需要使用這些工具服務的 Eclipse 平台則可以透過本研究提供的輔助 Plug-in 提供之功能,直接叫用這些工具服務,效果則有如使用安裝於相同電腦的 Plug-in 一樣。 此作法除了能降低 Plug-in 的安裝數量,進而改善 Eclipse 平台的整體效能外,也能減少許多不常使用工具的裝卸。此外,Remote Plug-in 架構的其他優點在於讓用戶得以使用在其平台無法安裝執行的工具程式,軟體商亦可經由發布 Remote Plug-in 加強對軟體的記錄控管。 / Since its inception in 2001, Eclipse has quickly become the most popular platform for software development, partly thanks to its extensible architecture, which allows third parties to easily integrate their software tools into the platform in the form of plug-ins. As the quick increase and abundance of free or cheap Eclipse plug-ins available to the public, coming up also is the problem that most users install too many plug-ins than tolerable in a platform. Although the designers of Eclipse have develped mechanisms such as Lazy-Loading [42], and quick installation and update subsystem to make Eclipse scalable, the overall performance is inevitably degraded for the installation of too many plug-ins. In order to overcome this problem, we propose in this thesis a method called remote plug-ins which can enable the distribution and sharing of plug-ins in remote sites. Users or ISVs (independent software vendors) can deploy their tools on remote sites and use the tool we have developed to wrap them as web services accepting requests from Eclipse platforms. On the other hand, users needing services of remote plug-ins could install in their local Eclipse the proxy plug-in which we developed for requesting services of remote plug-ins. With the help of the proxy, remote plug-ins can be invoked as if they were local ones. By moving unnecessary plug-ins outside of local Eclipse installation, not only can our method improve the overall performance of the platform, but it can also diminish the waste of time on tedious installation and uninstallation of plug-ins which are seldom used. Other advantages of our method include the feasibility of invoking remote plug-ins which are either hard or unable to be installed in local Eclipse, as well as more complete control of vendors to client's access to their tools deployed as remote plug-ins.

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