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電視政論性談話節目的第三人效果研究 / The Third-person Effect of Political Call-in Programs吳倩慧, Wu, Chien-Hui Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討「電視政論性談話節目」的第三人效果。第三人效果假說指出,人們會傾向認為,媒介訊息對自己的影響較小,對他人的影響較大。當媒介訊息產生第三人效果認知時,會使人們採取對應行動,為保護自己或他人不受訊息的負面影響而支持限制媒介,因此本研究的主要目的,在探討一般人對電視政論性談話節目的認知與態度,是否存在第三人效果(third-person effect),以及第三人效果是否會導致人們支持限制電視政論性談話節目。
本研究的資料來自中央研究院2008 年台灣地區社會變遷調查計畫第五期第四次大眾傳播組的數據,這項研究共有1980 份有效問卷。資料分析顯示,電視政論性談話節目對台灣民眾會產生第三人效果,受訪民眾普遍認為電視政論性談話節目對於一般民眾產生的負面影響,大於對自己的負面影響。
其次,在電視政論性談話節目的社會需要性方面,受訪者認為社會越不需要電視政論性談話節目,第三人效果認知差距越大。對於政治的注意程度方面,研究結果發現,受訪者對政治注意程度較高,越傾向認為對自己和其他人的負面影響較大。同時,受訪者認為電視政論性談話節目的負面影響越大,也就越傾向支持對電視政論性談話節目進行限制;電視政論性談話節目「對自己的負面影響」、「對其他人的負面的影響」和第三人效果認知差距三變項,均是預測支持政府限制電視政論性談話節目的顯著變項。 / The research is about “third person effect” of political call-in program. The“third-person effect” hypothesis states that mass media have geater effect on others than on himself or herself. When “third person effect” occurs, people tend to protectthemselves or others from being influenced negatively by media, which lead them to favor the restriction of media. Therefore, the purpose of the research is to analyze the existence of “third- person effect” among general pereception and attitude toward television political call-in program and whether “third preson effect” would lead people to favor political call-in program.
In addition to the analysis of third person effect of political call-in program, demographic variable, desirability of TV political call-in program, political attentionand external political self-efficacy are all adopted to predict the third person effect of political call-in program. In the mean while, the result of third person effect is used topredict whether people favor the restriction of political call-in program.
The data of research comes from Academia Sinica, project of the Taiwan Social Change Survey, 2008 issue fifth, fourth time, section of mass communication. This
research includes 1980 valid samples. The result of data analysis indicates that TV political call-in programs have effects on interviewees generally believe that TV political program have greater negative effects on others than on themselves.
In addition, as to the desirability of TV political call-in program, interviewees think that less desirability of TV political call-in program lead to greater gap of the
perception toward third person effect. As for the political attention, the result indicates that the higher political attention of interviewee, the high tendency for people to think greater third person effect on others and themselves. Mean while, interviewees think that the greater negative influence of political call-in program, there is higher
tendency for them to favor the restriction of political call-in program. The influence of political call-in program on oneself, the others and third-person perception, the three significant variables are all favorable to the restriction of TV political call-in program.
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Thin-ideal images, self-esteem and the third-person effects何怡瑩, He, Yi Ying Unknown Date (has links)
The present study is the first in literature to empirically test how both two dimensions of self-esteem—self-respect and self-efficacy—moderate the third-person perception of thin-ideal images in the mass media. Respondents who were high in self-respect and who were high in self-efficacy in the study exhibited greater third-person perception of thin-ideal images. In addition, as self-respect/self-efficacy decreased, “perceived effects of thin-ideal images in the mass media on self” increased.
In addition, the study has expanded the scope of behavioral component of third-person effects. Past studies usually assume one behavior outcome for undesirable or negative media messages. The present study has proposed two behavioral outcomes, including image-related outcome and support for restrictions of ideal thinness, in regard to thin-ideal images in the mass media. Results of analyses showed that “perceived effects of thin-ideal images on self” was a more reliable predictor of image-related outcome and that “perceived effects of thin-ideal images on others” could better predict support for restrictions of ideal thinness in the mass media.
The findings of both predictors of behavioral outcomes also indicate that in relation to a media message, individuals might evaluate the media effects at different levels and hence engage in more than one cognitive process. Therefore, using third-person perception to predict behavior may not merely commit a methodological error, but also simplify the possible cognitive processes and fail to solicit accurate results.
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電視犯罪新聞的第三人效果研究王浩然 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的主要目的,在探討一般人對電視犯罪新聞的認知與態度,是否存在第三人效果(third-person effect),以及第三人效果是否會導致人們支持限制電視犯罪新聞。Davison在1983年提出的第三人效果假說指出,人們會傾向認為,媒介訊息對自己的影響比較小,對他人的影響比較大。當媒介訊息使人們產生第三人效果認知時,人們會採取對應行動,為了保護他人不受訊息的負面影響而支持限制媒介。本研究以問卷調查法,訪問大台北地區969位大學生,結果發現受訪大學生傾向認為,電視犯罪新聞對自己的負面影響比較小,對他人的負面影響比較大。其次,受訪大學生人認為電視犯罪新聞對他人的負面影響愈大,愈傾向支持限制電視犯罪新聞。
本研究較特別之處,是探討犯罪受害恐懼感(fear of crime)、第三人效果與支持限制電視犯罪新聞的關係。本研究發現,受訪大學生的犯罪受害恐懼感愈高,愈傾向認為電視犯罪新聞對他人有較大的負面影響,也愈支持限制電視犯罪新聞。
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競選廣告廣告效果研究:議題顯著性與候選人支持度間的關連黃世安, Huang Shih An Unknown Date (has links)
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影響閱聽人改革電視新聞意願與行動的調查研究三議傑 Unknown Date (has links)
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警政負面新聞第三人效果之研究 / The Third-Person Effect in Perception of the Impact of Negative Police News Media陳瑞南, Chen,Rwei-nan Unknown Date (has links)
對於警政議題涉入感方面,研究證實受訪者對警政新聞議題涉入愈高者,普遍認為對自己、一般警察、一般民眾愈會造成負面影響。本研究同時發現警察的職業認同感維持在中度以上,結果顯示職業認同感可以正面預測「對自己的影響」、「對一般警察的影響」、「對一般民眾的影響」三者,即警察的職業認同感愈高,愈傾向認為警政負面新聞的負面影響愈大。受訪者認為警政負面新聞的影響愈大,愈傾向支持媒介限制行動。總的來說,警政負面新聞「對自己的影響」、「對一般警察的影響」、「對一般民眾的影響」等變項,均是預測支持警政機關採取媒介限制行為的顯著變項。 / This thesis is the first study in Taiwan focusing on “negative police news”, attempting to apply the third person effect theory to study the possible impact of negative news coverage of police. This research furthermore investigates several variables, including demographic variables, issue involvement, social distance, and professional identification, and their influence on the perception of negative police news. A relationship of exposure of negative news and support of media regulation is analyzed at the same time.
A survey of 846 incumbent officers from twenty-three metropolitan police agencies in Taiwan was conducted. Results show that negative news coverage of police has both first and third person effects on police officers. Officers consider that effects of negative police news have stronger impact on themselves than on other officers. They generally consider that negative police news has more negative influence on the general public. From a viewpoint of social distance, an attitude formed through heterogeneity and uncertainty among different social groups, this study found that effects of exposure to negative police news upon perception of the effect on other officers were more limited than on the general public.
From the aspect of issue involvement, the more the officers were involved in negative news issues, the more they consider negative police news has negative effects upon themselves, other officers and the general public. This study also concluded that the higher the professional identification a police officer held, the more she/he tended to consider that negative police news had a stronger impact. We also found that there was a tendency that police officers were more likely to support media regulation. Effects upon oneself, effects upon other police officers, and effects upon the general public of negative news coverage of police, were all variables significantly predicting the support of media regulation.
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