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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


藍東昇 Unknown Date (has links)
兩兆雙星之液晶面板產業是台灣近期的明星產業。動輒上仟億的投資金額與高技術的進入門檻,卻常承擔著巨額的損失與價格下跌的憂慮。這麼龐大的產業,目前獲利卻相當微薄停止投資又無法延續競爭,原因是整體產業的供需平衡問題一直存在。 液晶面板的應用愈來愈多的新應用產生,也造成面板廠不斷的擴大新世代廠的投資。這需求與供給的平衡交叉點,不斷著因時間、價格在跟著變動著。原本有中、日、韓、三個國家數家面板供應商,到只剩少數指標性廠商還有擴廠的計劃。面板產業目前正處於寡佔競爭的市場局面,如經濟學的賽局理論來分析,這幾家激烈競爭的面板大廠所面臨挑戰,在於各家紛紛投資設廠而造成了供過於求、殺價競爭,產品價格快速下滑等惡性循環的結果。 本研究是就各家面板的現有產能及未來擴產計劃,並考慮到周邊上下游重要零主件,新產品應用及各家廠商市場面的佈局與開發,未來價格走勢,品牌優勢等來探討需求面和市場均衡與液晶週期性,並就新技術發展前景與整體競爭環境及策略發展探討面板業的未來。 台灣的面板產業所謂的面板五虎,從各家的財務獲利、資本支出,到之後的產能規劃與擴建計劃,已經明顯的成為兩個不同層級的競爭態勢與格局。面板產業的規模正在迅速擴張中,面板產業龍頭友達與奇美在公司規模、營收的表現上,已正式超越各家成為產業龍頭。因此本研究以這兩家面板大廠為代表,針對其發展沿革之策略進行分析與比較,以對映台灣面板廠的競爭策略與未來發展。 / The TFT LCD industry is the star business in Taiwan recently. With billions investment and high-tech entry barrier, however, this industry usually suffers huge loss and worries the price drop. So far, the profit rate of LCD is still limit but the new Fab investment can’t be stopped to lose competition in this giant field. The main reason is balance of supply-demand issue still existing in the whole TFT LCD industry. From demand point of view, there are more and more new applications in LCD products; on the other hand, LCD makers must keep investing new Fab in supply. The equilibrium of supply line and demand line has been varied by different timing and various price. The original TFT LCD manufacturers are from Japan, Koran, and Taiwan but only few companies have capability to extend production line. Now, the LCD industry is in the kind of competitive olig-monopolistic market. To analyzing by the game theory of economics, the severe competition among few LCD makers, who bear the critical challenge, have to face up to surplus, price war, and product devaluation due to unbalanced investment. This research is to study the current capacity and their new Fab outputs of all LCD makers as well as to consider vertical and key component sources. Meanwhile, the new application, marketing plan and strategy, future price trend, and brand competence can be reviewed from supply-demand, market equilibrium, and crystal cycling. Further, to study what is the LCD future according to the new strategy, technologic development and competitive environment. Taiwan TFT LCD makers have so-called “Five Tigers”. The LCD business is rapid growing. From each company financial profit, capital investment, capacity plan and new Fab investment, there are two main distinguished level and scale. The leading companies are AUO and CMO, no matter in economic scale, and revenue performance, which are on the top position. This report is also studied these two companies as benchmark to cross-check each company stage and compare each own strategy in order to reflect Taiwan TFT LCD industry and future.


余淑育 Unknown Date (has links)
摘要 有鑑於銀行產業是國家重要的戰略產業,是整個社會資金流通及資金分配的平台,是受到高度監理的行業。卻在近十年來,受到信用卡、現金卡違約風暴及金融海嘯的影響,使得銀行產值逐年下滑,相較其他鄰近國家的銀行競爭力薄弱。然而,伴隨著兩岸經貿往來頻繁、兩岸金融市場的開放,政府政策採取積極鼓勵開放的態度,對銀行產業帶來新的契機。由於資通訊科技的廣泛應用,消費者對銀行的金融服務有了新的期待,這將會對銀行產業產生新的衝擊。種種現象的發生,造成金融環境的動盪,對銀行產業的發展是利還是弊?銀行產業該如何因應?銀行客服中心面臨銀行轉型下的策略發展方向為何? 本研究從金融政策、國內外經濟情勢、科技環境及社會環境分析總體環境的形勢。再以麥可波特的五力分析,從既有競爭者競爭程度、新加入者的威脅、替代品的威脅、供應商議價能力及客戶議價能力,對銀行產業結構進行分析,瞭解該產業結構的競爭態勢。然後,以某個案銀行為例,進行探討其面對市場變化的挑戰,所採取的因應策略。同時,探討個案銀行客服中心在個案銀行轉型過程中的發展策略。 經過本研究分析後,瞭解台灣銀行產業競爭激烈,且各家銀行的競爭動態相互影響力大、產品或服務的同質性高。現行的總體環境及產業結構下,布局海外成為區域性銀行是各家銀行的發展策略目標之一。為達到此目標,壯大在台灣市場的占有率及強化銀行本身的獲利能力是策略的主軸。銀行客服中心為因應這轉型策略,必須重新定位,以創造利潤為主要策略,並發揮服務價值、營銷價值及戰略價值,以取得服務差異化的競爭優勢。

資通訊服務公司策略經營模式研究—以NEC公司為例 / Strategic business model of ICT servicescorporation-case study of NEC group corporation

邱炳煌, Chiu, Ping Huang Unknown Date (has links)
2008 年擁有158 年歷史的美國投資銀行,雷曼兄弟控股公司( Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. )的破產,掀起全球性的金融風暴,進而促使全球經濟同時性大衰退。 曾經是美國、甚至全球最大的企業的通用汽車也蒙受嚴重波及,而宣告破產重整。 百年歷史的GM 公司的倒閉,使得『企業規模越大,越不會倒閉』的傳統觀念破滅 了!根據統計,一般企業的壽命,約在30 年,而世界上仍有許多維繫超過百年甚至 更久遠的企業。促使那些擁有百年歷史的企業,永續經營特質是什麼? 回顧1990 年,普拉哈(C.K. Prahalad) 和蓋瑞‧哈默爾 (Gary Hamel) 於「哈佛商 業評論」上發表了企業核心競爭力(Core Competence)模型的論文以及唐納.薩 爾 (Donald N. Sull) (2003) 在「成功不墜」所闡述企業永續經營模型。還有,日本 京都大學經濟學研究所的末松千尋教授於2002 年提出京都企業經營模式研究論 述。三者構成本論文研究的理論模型基礎架構。藉由NEC 的個案,以質化個案研究 的方式,對照這個模型架構,探討NEC 公司永續經營的特質,印證本理論架構基礎 的實用性與完整性。研究成果將可提供國內企業,邁向國際化、全球化、永續經營 上策略思考之參考。 本研究從NEC 個案中獲得企業永續經營準則、永續成功經營模式為: 一、 擬訂企業策略發展意圖,建構企業願景。 二、 藉由不斷創新,建構企業核心競爭能力。 三、 認識企業存在的意義,重視顧客滿意。 四、 建立開放平台,與供應商的水平分工。 五、 隨著經營環境變遷,勇於適時變革。 關鍵字:永續經營特質,企業核心競爭力,企業經營模式,成功經營模式 / A 158- year-old firm, the 4th largest investment bank in the USA, Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. announced its bankruptcy in 2008.Rapidly stirred up a global financial credit crisis and became to a worldwide economic recession concurrently. The ever being biggest company in the USA and even in the world, General Motors Corporation was engulfed seriously and finally also sank into bankruptcy protection by the economic recession. Even having hundred years history company like GM Corp. was forced to reorganize by bankruptcy protection. The traditional concept, 「The larger of the scale of a company the less possibilty of the company will collapse」,was ruined!According to some statistics a company can last for about 30 years for average. But there are still many firms lasting for more than hundred years in the world. What is sustainable managerial essence of those firms? Let us review their theses of core compentence of the corporation in the article of Harvard Business Review in 1990 by Mr. C.K. Prahalad and Mr. Gary Hamel. and the theses of company`s sustainable managerial model in the book of「Revival of the Fittest」in 2003 by Mr. Donald N. Sull. Also let us review the theses of 「Kyo-siki strategic business model」in 2002 by Mr. Chihiro Suematsu, Professor of Kyoto University Graduate School of Economics. These three above expounding form the basic model of theory of this research. By the case study of NEC Corporation, taking antithesis of these expounding, a case study of qualitative research oriented, tries to find sustainable managerial essence of NEC and to prove the practicality and the completeness of the basic model of theory of this research. The research thesis is trying to offer some strategic references to the company in Taiwan during creating its sustainable managerial essence for company on the way of internationalization and globalization of company. From this research of NEC case study it has found some conclusions about company`s sustainable managerial priceples or company`s sustainable successful business model as the followings: 1. Implementing strategic intents and setting up visions for the company. 2. Building core competencies for the company by constant innovations. 3. Realizing the meanings of company`s existence and taking customer satisfaction as the first priority. 4. Constructting an open platforms for business collateral integration with vendors and partners. 5. Being brave in timly transfoming for the company fitting changes of the business environment. Key Words:sustainable managerial essence,core competence,managerial model,sustainable successful business model

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