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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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高所得份額趨勢探討-分量迴歸下結構性改變之應用 / Trends in top income shares-structural changes in regression quantiles

賴沂良 Unknown Date (has links)
本文使用Qu(2008)以及Oka and Qu(2011)分量迴歸下結構性改變檢定分析20世紀與二次世界大戰戰後不同區域與國家之高所得份額趨勢變化。不同以往一般結構性改變檢定,加入分量迴歸的概念研究一國家之高所得份額趨勢改變是否來自中高分量。不同區域的實證扣除考慮多個分量下沒有偵測出結構性改變的區域外,有一半支持高所得份額趨勢改變來自中高分量;戰後不同國家扣除考慮多個分量下沒有偵測出結構性改變的國家外,除了美國其餘國家都支持高所得份額趨勢改變來自中高分量。


邱素芬 Unknown Date (has links)
我國於2006年1月11日修正公布證券交易法,正式引進獨立董事及審計委員會制度。國內設置獨立董事制度時間尚短,正處於持續探索與完善的階段。不僅各界學者對此改革有不同看法,其實行效果亦有待檢驗。對於國內獨立董事制度未來將會如何發展,是否能夠發揮監督力量,仍有待觀察。   本研究以2001年至2005年之上市公司為研究對象,透過t檢定與迴歸模型分析我國獨立董事制度與監督績效之關係;檢視法令賦予獨立董事之職責是否確能發揮,並探討主管機關於2002年起積極鼓勵公司設置獨立董事是否對公司監督機制造成結構性改變。實證結果發現,獨立董事對公司重大事項能發揮監督功能,惟監督績效未如預期明顯,需有強化監督之必要;此外,公司監督機制於該制度實施前後存在結構性改變,此改變於制度實施當年度最顯著,之後隨著制度開始實施而逐漸縮小改變差距。 / The newly amended Securities and Exchange Law has stipulated the set up of independent directors and audit committee on January 11, 2006 in Taiwan. The set up of the system is only for a short time and continues to explore with the implementation. There are different views on the reform, and the efficiency has to be tested. The future development and oversight function of independent directors are needed to observe. This study examines the relationship of independent directors and monitoring effectiveness by using a sample of listed companies from 2001 to 2005. Whether the responsibilities under the Act are executed, and if there are structural changes because authorities encourage the initial public offerings set up independent directors since 2002. The results show that independent directors can play a major oversight function on major company matters, but monitoring effectiveness is not significant as expected and needs to strengthen it. In addition, there are structural changes before and after the implementation of policies, and it is most significant in 2002, after gradually smaller with time.

結構性改變ARIMA模式的建立與應用 / Structural Change ARIMA Modeling and Application

曾淑惠, Tseng, Shuhui Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,非線性時間數列分析是一個快速發展的課題,其中最為人所矚目 的是門檻模式。從過去許多文獻得知,一個簡單門檻模式對於某些型態時 間數列的描述,如結構性改變的行為趨勢,比一般線性ARMA模式更能解釋 實際情況。在本篇論文中,我們將討論有關門檻模式及結構性改變分析的 問題。對於模式的建立,我們提出一個轉型期的觀念,替代傳統尋求一個 轉捩點的方法,進而提出一個結構性改變ARIMA模式有效建立的程序。最 後,我們以台灣出生率當作應用分析的範例,並且利用建立的結構性改變 ARIMA模式,及其他傳統門檻TAR模式,傳統線性分析方法等進行預測分析 及比較。 / Non-linear time series analysis is a rapidly developing subject in recent years. One of special families of non-linear models is threshold model. Many literatures have shown that even simple threshold model can describe certain types of time series, such as structural change behavior, more faithful than using linear ARMA models. In this paper, we discuss some problems about the threshold model and structural change analysis. Instead of finding the change point, we present the change period concepts on the model- building. An efficient algorithem on constructing the structure change ARIMA models is proposed. Finally, we demonstrate an example about the birth rate of Taiwan, and the comparison of forecasting performance for the structure change ARIMA model with alternative models are also made.

以隨時間改變向量自我回歸模型分析--台灣與國際股市間的市場效率程度 / Time varying VAR model -- Degree of market efficiency between Taiwan and International stock market

游書豪 Unknown Date (has links)
本文有別於傳統效率性的計算方式,改採用 Ito Regression 估計單一市場的效率程度。實證結果發現,在各個單一市場皆看到市場呈現無效率的狀態,因此再用 VAR 的架構檢驗多國市場間的效率程度,結論明顯指出組合市場比單一市場還來的有效率,但同時考慮多個市場的有效率性必須在嚴謹的挑選市場下才能達到效率市場的目標。

經濟成長與經濟波動的關係-分量迴歸法之應用 / Economic Growth and Volatility - A Quantile Regression Approach

陳筱婷 Unknown Date (has links)
本文利用分量迴歸方法探討經濟成長和經濟波動間的關係,使用亞洲10個主要經濟體的實質GDP季資料來進行分析。從實證結果發現,大部分國家在大多數分量下產出波動對實質GDP成長率有正向影響,唯有在某些國家當經濟成長率低時產出波動對經濟成長會有負面影響。另外,進一步考慮了產出波動結構性改變因素之後,基本上仍然不會改變波動性對經濟成長率的影響,產出波動變數同樣在大多數國家的大部分分量對GDP成長率有顯著影響,其中高所得國家在高低分量皆為正相關;中低所得國家在低分量下為負相關,高分量下為正相關。此結果顯示,即使在同一個國家資料中,經濟波動的影響也會隨著經濟成長率的高低而有所不同;此外,因為不同國家有不同所得水準,所受到的正、反向影響也會不一樣。 / This thesis employs the quantile regression model to investigate the link between economic growth and its volatility, using quarterly real GDP data for ten main Asian economies. Our empirical results show that the output growth volatility positively affects real GDP growth rate at most quantiles for most nations. Only when some countries are at a period of low economic growth, does output volatility negatively affect economic growth. In addition, after considering possible structural breaks in the GDP growth volatility, the relation between volatility and output growth rate stays qualitatively the same. That is, the output volatility still has significant impact on real GDP growth rate at most quantiles for most nations. For high income countries, volatility and economic growth are positively correlated at higher and lower quantiles; while for low and middle income countries, these two factors are negatively correlated at lower quantiles, and positively correlated at higher quantiles. Our empirical evidence indicates that even in the same country, the impact of volatility varies according to the country’s economic growth rate. Besides, due to different income levels, the volatility impact on economic growth rate will differ in different countries.

台灣股市時間序列特性與市場干預效果 / Time-series properties in Taiwan's equity index and market intervention effectiveness

莊金維, Chuang, Jing-Wei Unknown Date (has links)
本文使用 1981 年 1 月 5 日至 1997 年 5 月 31 日台灣加權股價指數以及交易股數的資料探討台灣股市的時間序列特性,並且針對政府對股市的干預政策檢定政策干預的有效性。本文採用的實證方法包含 Augmented Dickey-Fuller(ADF)單根檢定,Perron 結構性改變檢定, ARCH 效果檢定,干預分析(Intervention Analysis)以及 Granger 因果關係檢定。實證檢定的結果如下: 1、在單根檢定方面,股價指數、交易股數和股價指數變異數三個時間序列都是一階穩定序列。 2、在 Parron 結構性改變檢定方面,股價指數、交易股數和股價指數變異數三個時間序列在 1990 年 5 月到 10 月之間曾經發生明顯的結構性改變。 3、在 ARCH 效果檢定方面,股價指數和交易股數二個時間序列的殘差項都有 ARCH(1)效果存在,而股價指數變異數的殘差項不存在 ARCH(1)效果。 4、在干預分析方面,穩定基金對股價指數的干預效果不顯著。 在漲跌幅限制方面,漲跌幅限制的變動對股價指數、交易股數及股價指數變異數的干預效果都不明顯。 在證卷交易稅稅率改變的干預分析方面,證卷交易稅稅率改變對交易股數和股價指數變異數沒有影響,但是證交稅稅率變動和股價指數呈現正向的關係。 5、在 Granger 因果關係檢定方面,本研究發現漲跌幅限制改變和股價指數漲跌二者互為因果,但是股價指數對漲跌幅的影響較大。 在證卷交易稅稅率改變與股市的因果關係方面,本研究發現股價指數的漲跌是證交稅稅率改變之因,顯示主管機關的證交稅稅率政策是受股市的市場狀況所左右。 / In this paper, I examine the effectiveness of official intervention in Taiwan's equity market. I consider the security transaction tax, price limit and stabilization funds as examples. The nonstationarity and structural changes of equity index time-series process were first detected and detrended. The Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity (ARCH) model is employed to examine the intervention effectiveness, since it allows for a formal test of changes in the index mean level, index conditional variance or both, in response to the changes of security transaction tax and price limit. The results implies that policy authority adjusted security transaction tax and price limit in accordance to the change of equity index level. I also find that the imposition of security transaction tax and price limit have no significant effect on reducing the equity index volatility.

非線性時間數列模糊轉捩區間之確認 / Fuzzy change period identification for the nonlinear time series

李玉如, Lee, Alice Unknown Date (has links)
對於一個具有結構性改變性質的非線性時間數列,通常很難判斷何處為轉 捩點,或者何處為所謂的轉型期。雖然長久以來已有不少偵查轉捩點的方 法被提出,但是對於轉捩區間以及對於一些語言性的時間數列資料問題( 例如:景氣指標的紅綠燈時間數列),都很少被提出來。本論文中,我們 首先引用Zadeh於1965年提出來的模糊理論的觀念來介紹糢糊時間數列( FTS)。進而定義出在□水準下的模糊點(FP)和模糊轉捩區間(FCP), 並且證明了一些有用的性質。最後再以台灣地區出生率資料為例,說明□ 水準的模糊轉捩區間的判定方法,並列出了詳細的執行步驟。實驗結果更 證明出我們的模糊檢驗法非常具有實用性及有效性。 / As far as structural change of a non-linear time series is concerned, it is hard to tell when the change point or the fuzzy change period occurs. Though many methods are used for the task of detecting, most of them primarily deal with the case of change point, and few examine the problem of fuzzy change period and linguistic time series ( for example, the index of prosperity represented by red or green light ). In this article, we adopt the theory of fuzzy which is proposed by Zedeh ( 1965 ) to introduce the concept of fuzzy time series ( FTS ). Furthermore, we define the □level of fuzzy point (FP) as well as fuzzy change period (FCP), and prove some useful properties. Finally we explain the method we proposed in detecting the □level of fuzzy change period in terms of the data of Taiwan birth rate and provide step-by-step procedures. Experimental results show that the proposed method of fuzzy detecting is available and practical in detecting the □level of fuzzy change period.

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