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獨立董事特性與權益市值高估-以台灣電子業上市公司為例 / Characteristics of independent director and overvalued equity:Evidence from listed electronic industry in Taiwan.吳柏勳 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以Jensen(2005)所提出權益市值高估所衍生出之代理問題假說為基礎,以2010至2011年台灣上市設有一席(含)以上獨立董事的電子產業公司為研究樣本,探討獨立董事之財會專業背景、平均任期與忙碌程度與權益市值高估之關聯性。實證結果發現:財會專業背景之獨立董事比例與權益市值高估情況呈負相關,顯示具備財會專業之獨立董事能抑制權益市值高估情形,但並未發現獨立董事平均任期與忙碌獨立董事比例與權益市值高估之關聯性。 / This study is based on the hypothesis of the agency costs of overvalued equity that Jensen (2005) proposed and examines the relation between overvalued equity and three characteristics of independent director. Three characteristics of independent director are financial or accounting expertise, average tenure and busy independent director. The sample of this study collected from listed electronic companies in Taiwan from 2010 to 2011.The empirical results are summarized as follows:
1.The higher percentage of independent director with financial or accounting expertise , more likely to restrain the extent of overvalued equity.
2.Average tenure of independent director and the percentage of busy independent director have no significant relation with the extent of overvalued equity.
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臺灣家族企業公司治理之法律問題—以獨立董事制度及接班計畫為核心 / Legal problems arising from family enterprises and corporate governance in Taiwan : focuses on the independent directors and the succession plans劉博因 Unknown Date (has links)
至於引進獨立董事制度是否可有效提升我國家族企業公司治理?按相較於英美兩國企業股權分散之情形,我國家族企業大多數屬於股權相對集中型態。根據2016台灣地區大型集團企業研究可知,台灣前100大集團的主要股東的控制性持股,全體集團主要股東平均持股比率為34.05%。另外,有實證研究顯示,在中華文化下一般人所重視之社會連結(social ties)特別會影響獨立董事之獨立性,且獨立董事傾向維持人際關係(relation) ,以和為貴不願積極監督董事會及管理階層。因此,家族企業引進獨立董事制度恐無預期功效。再者,學者研究結論認為:接班後企業價值平均蒸發了60%。而PwC調查全球家族企業,僅有15%家族企業有完整的接班計劃,43%家族企業甚至無接班計劃安排。我國則只有9%有接班計劃,明顯低於全球平均。
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從股權結構論獨立董事法制─以台灣上市公司股權結構實證研究為例 / A study of the relationship between the independent director system and the ownership structure : a case of listed companies in Taiwan許維貞, Hsu, Wei Chen Unknown Date (has links)
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強制性盈餘預測制度取消前後公司自願性財務預測行為之研究—從董事會結構觀點探討盧威利 Unknown Date (has links)
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審計公費與董事會成員的人格特徵: 以獨立董事的產業專長與職涯背景為例 / How do board member characteristics affect audit fee pricing? The role of independent directors’ financial expertise and career background練雅淯, Lien, Ya Yu Unknown Date (has links)
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經理人異動與董事會特性關聯性之研究陳慧玲 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究將總經理之異動分為自願性與非自願異動二種,主要探討董事會之特性與、控制股東與總經理發生非自願性異動間之關聯性,並且強調從董事會獨立性及最終控制者對董事會之控制力觀點,探討董事會解除總經理職務之決策行為。除此之外,本研究尚探討總經理異動後影響董事會選任繼任總經理之決策行為,主要從董事會之獨立性與異動前績效兩項觀點。研究樣本為民國八十八年至九十二年之台灣上市公司,探用Logit model來檢驗假說。
整體而言,績效是影響我國上市公司總經理發生非自願性異動的重要原因之一,除此之外,董事長兼任總經理之情形,讓董事長有能力去阻止他們被撤換,進而降低總經理非自願性的離職機率。由於我國上市公司特殊的股權結構,使得控制股東掌控了董事會並且積極參與公司經營,造成董事會流於形式,無形中降低了董事會的監督職能,而設置獨立董事是提高董事會職能發揮的重要機制之一,在本研究中,雖未發現獨立董事的設置對於董事會的監督職能之顯著助益,但發現設置獨立董事在決定繼任者方面,能提出專業建言,使得董事會選任繼任總經理能有更廣泛的人選,而非侷限於公司內部。 / This research CEO turnover will divide into voluntary turnover and non- voluntary turnover. This research discusses the relationship among corporate performance, characteristics of board of the directors, non- voluntary CEO turnover and controlling shareholders. This research emphasizes the board of directors independence and the controlling shareholders’ controlling force over the board of directors and discusses the board of directors’ policy-making behavior of firing CEO.In addition, this research also discusses how does the board of directors appoint succeed CEO.The sample consists of all public companies listed on Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation over the four-year period 2000-2003.According to previous studies, the characteristics of the board of directors are ownership structure and independence. This research also considerate the controlling shareholders.
This research provides evidence on the relationship between non- voluntary CEO turnover and corporate performance. The likelihood of non- voluntary CEO turnover is significantly negatively related to the pre-performance. Non- voluntary CEO turnover rate is low when the chairman of the board and CEO are the same person. In addition, this research provides evidence on the relationship between the board of directors independence and the characteristics of the succeed CEO.When the fraction of outside directors is high, the board of directors comparatively possibly appoints the outsider successor.
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台灣上市櫃公司自願性設置獨立董監事因素之研究郭學平 Unknown Date (has links)
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我國獨立董事制度與法令環境之關聯性研究邱素芬 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以2001年至2005年之上市公司為研究對象,透過t檢定與迴歸模型分析我國獨立董事制度與監督績效之關係;檢視法令賦予獨立董事之職責是否確能發揮,並探討主管機關於2002年起積極鼓勵公司設置獨立董事是否對公司監督機制造成結構性改變。實證結果發現,獨立董事對公司重大事項能發揮監督功能,惟監督績效未如預期明顯,需有強化監督之必要;此外,公司監督機制於該制度實施前後存在結構性改變,此改變於制度實施當年度最顯著,之後隨著制度開始實施而逐漸縮小改變差距。 / The newly amended Securities and Exchange Law has stipulated the set up of independent directors and audit committee on January 11, 2006 in Taiwan. The set up of the system is only for a short time and continues to explore with the implementation. There are different views on the reform, and the efficiency has to be tested. The future development and oversight function of independent directors are needed to observe.
This study examines the relationship of independent directors and monitoring effectiveness by using a sample of listed companies from 2001 to 2005. Whether the responsibilities under the Act are executed, and if there are structural changes because authorities encourage the initial public offerings set up independent directors since 2002. The results show that independent directors can play a major oversight function on major company matters, but monitoring effectiveness is not significant as expected and needs to strengthen it. In addition, there are structural changes before and after the implementation of policies, and it is most significant in 2002, after gradually smaller with time.
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審計委員會制度的檢視及實證分析— 以審計委員會的職權為中心 / The Establishment and Empirical Analysis of the Audit Committee System- Focusing on the duties of the Audit Committee蘇郁珊, Su,Yu Shan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採用朱德芳(2013,2014)關於審計委員會制度之研究理念與作法。邀請五位獨立董事做訪談並將訪談內容作整理分析,初步了解臺灣審計委員會實施概況。本研究發現:宜強化審計委員會的功能,以及調整雙軌制漸漸趨向單軌制。 / The Independent Director System was imported into Taiwan in 2002 and subsequently the audit committee system started in 2007. Public companies, brokerages, listed futures firms and securities firms were then required to establish an audit committee. This new regulation also applied to non-securities firms who has capital between NTD $10Bn and NTD $50Bn. It was stipulated that the changes must be implemented between 2015 and 2017. Furthermore, listed firms whose capital exceeds NTD $2Bn but less than NTD $10Bn must establish audit committees in the period 2017-2019. This thesis intends to review and analyze the implementation of these audit committees.
This study adopts concepts put forward by distinguished professor Te-Fang Chu (2013-2014) as well as uses the process she developed to verify the effectiveness of the legislation in the business world. We invited five independent directors to interview and helped us gain a surface-level understanding of the audit committee process.This analysis resulted in two specific recommendations. First, some functions within the audit committee must be strengthened. Second, the two-tier corporate governance system should be flattened to a single tier.
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銀行董事及重要職員責任保險與公司治理之研究李欽財 Unknown Date (has links)
推動銀行公司治理與風險管理過程中,透過董事及重要職員責任保險機制,適切地降低及分散董事(監察人)及重要職員之責任風險,保障渠之財產權,避免因執行職務遭受第三人或團體起訴而引起之財務損失。使具有專業學識經驗之人士,有意願參與銀行之經營團隊,成為董事或獨立董事、監察人或重要職員,且勇於獨立履行其職責,落實銀行依銀行業公司治理之六大原則:□遵循法令並健全內部管理;□保障股東權益;□強化董事會職能;□發揮監察人功能;□尊重利益相關者權益;□提升資訊透明度。以提升銀行之競爭力及銀行之價值,確保股東及投資人之權益。 / In the process of promoting corporate governance and risk management in the banking industry, through the mechanism of Directors and Officers liability insurance, the risk associated with liability of company directors, supervisors, and officers is appropriately reduced and spread, personal property is protected, and the financial loss arising from lawsuit brought by third party or class action lawsuits against them as a result of carrying out their duties is mitigated.
Experienced professionals, willing to join a bank’s management team as its directors or independent directors and supervisors or officers, and able to independently perform their duties, will best ensure the six principles of corporate governance for the banking industry are observed:
1. Comply with pertinent laws and regulations, and establish sound internal controls,
2. Protect shareholders rights and interests,
3. Strengthen the powers of the Board of Directors,
4. Fulfill the functions of supervisors,
5. Respect stakeholders’ rights and interests, and
6. Enhance information transparency.
Following these principles of corporate governance will not only enhance a bank’s industry competitive position and increase stock values of the bank, but ensure the protection of the rights and interests of shareholders and investors.
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