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新台幣與均一定價理論背離: 台幣實質與名目匯率差異的成因 / The New Taiwan Dollar against The Law of One Price - On the Causes of Taiwan’s Real/Nominal Exchange Rate Spread施安德, Springer, Andreas Unknown Date (has links)
台灣的國內生產毛額及薪資在過去十幾年來相當的穩定,但是生活水準卻仍然一直提升。這種矛盾現象來自於新台幣的名目跟實質匯率背離,在先進國家裡面是相當罕見的。本論文研究了台灣與國際經濟的整合、貨幣政策、政治局勢以及收支平衡帳等因素,並了解他們跟此矛盾之間的潛在因果關係。由於台灣未能充分參與最近一波的全球化浪潮,使得它的價格體系跟國際水準脫勾。而對外投資、外匯累積,以及傳統商業跟文化結構等因素,共同創造了現有獨特的低物價水準環境。為了防止這種長期的價格扭曲影響,台灣的國際政治情勢必須改善,或至少跟經濟行為能力分離。唯有如此,台灣的經濟情況才能恢復正常,讓實質跟名目匯率的差距縮小,(以美金計價的)名目國內生產總值和工資也才能成長。 / Taiwan’s GDP and wages have remained steady for more than a decade, though the living standard continued to rise. This paradox is induced by the New Taiwan Dollar’s nominal and real exchange rates diverging, an anomaly amongst advanced economies. Investigating ongoing international economic integration, Taiwan’s monetary policy, political situation, and balance of payments unveils the underlying causality. Taiwan could not participate in the most recent wave of globalisation, insulating its price level. In combination with outgoing investments, reserves accumulation, and its traditional business culture and structure, this has created an area of inimitable low prices. In order to prevent distortionary long-term effects, Taiwan’s political situation needs to either be resolved, or separated from its economic capacity to act. Only then can Taiwan’s economic situation normalise and the real/nominal exchange rate spread fade, which implies an increase in nominal GDP and wages (measured in USD).
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冷戰後中共與東協國家多邊外交安全關係研究張明倫, Chang , Ming-Luen Unknown Date (has links)
總之,多邊外交活動是當前東南亞地區各國活動的特色,而區域的安全機制的建立,已逐漸的發展與成熟中,未來東亞地區因所有大國的參與,將可能成為世局的焦點。 / The dissertation mainly focuses on the Post-Cold War era multilateral national diplomatic security relationship between China and ASEAN. Both China and ASEAN take the multilateral diplomatic activities as economic measures to proceed comprehensive cooperation and developments, then expand the fields of politics, military affairs and security, hence, multilateral diplomatic activities, Multilateralism and synthesized security are used as foundation to discuss the relationship of security of China and ASEAN.
Stepping into the 21st century, mainland China has accumulated its strength and has great influences on the situation of the world, the precautionary deployment measures taken due to doubts of the rising China from other main countries lead ASEAN actives lively in the eastern Asia region, therefore, the new viewpoint of security and diplomatic policy of good-neighborliness of China combine the system development of ASEAN to integrate mainland China and the eastern Asia region into one. With the growing strength of China, it tends to reconcile doubts of the world by the strategy plan of “ Base on Asia Pacific and stabilize the surroundings”. It tends to integrate the whole eastern Asia region by the concept of East Asian Community and take the leading role of the affairs in the region; on the other hand, ASEAN uses its organizations and operational systems to communicate and absorb from the other main countries in order to balance the relationship with them, each side has their own intention but with the same benefits.
In the intricate world, the close relationship between China and ASEAN originates from the theory of China threats and Asian values, since they are tainted with strong regional ideology, imperceptibly whether the main country or the regional strong power are both greatly stricken, therefore, the interaction between China and ASEAN is opportunity but also challenge which is moreover constrained by the main countries in the world and of the region in certain degree. Despite that, common consensus of peace and development of all countries in the world will make the whole eastern Asia region to continue the integration and development of security system under the appliance with all means.
To sum up, multilateral diplomatic activities are the characteristics of the national activities of eastern Asia countries and the establishment of the regional security system gradually develops and matures at the same time, in the future, for the participation of all other main countries in the world, eastern Asia region could possibly be the focus of the world.
Key word:multilateral diplomatic, synthesized security, the new viewpoint of security, East Asian Community, the theory of China threats.
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