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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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在虛擬平台上的網站流量發展策略 / The strategies of web traffic development on virtual platform

何至元, Ho, Tzu Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
近年來因網際網路盛行,各行各業皆面臨了全球國際化的競爭,於是虛擬平台的經營便成為大家努力的方向,如何提高虛擬平台的網路流量已成為平台經營者所重視的議題。 拜網際網路應用的成熟,不動產業雖然很傳統,但也不得不開始運用網際網路提供服務,並且這些服務越來越多元化,提供物件資訊、透過討論區討論物件內容、讓經紀人以社群方式存在,在平台上提共買賣不動產的相關知識,消費者可透過平台買賣物件,尋找物件。故研究如何增加虛擬平台的流量,將是未來平台經營者在提升平台品質上有效的方法。本研究將提出影響網站流量策略的研究架構,根據Alexa網站提供覆蓋數(Reach)與頁面瀏覽數(Pageview),以五個不動產個案公司的網站流量進行分析。 本研究流量分析的架構如下:首先就文獻資料了解影響網站流量的因素,對照個案公司在這些影響網站流量的因素上的表現,進而了解何種因素是確實影響網站流量。 經分析結果顯示,目前為了使網站流量表現良好,各家個案公司,都會使用搜尋引擎、關鍵字、SEO操作等工具,所以在工具上各家個案公司表現差異不大,惟廣告行銷的投入,對整體網站流量實際上才是重要的影響,另外,許多專家或者是文獻,認為免費的商業模式是網際網路平台經營時重要的方式,但研究發現卻是平台業者收取一點費用是客戶可以接受的,平台的內容與服務,實際會提升虛擬平台的網站流量;經分析顯示,外部網站結盟有助於提升虛擬平台網站流量,希望藉由本研究的分析結果提供給不動產虛擬平台經營者在網站流量策略上的參考建議。 / In the internet era, the most significant issue for platform operators is how to design and manage the virtual platform to increase the web traffic flow. The diversity of online services that offer information and discussion through Internet forum allows real estate agents to provide product knowledge through different kinds of virtual community. Consumers can search, purchase and sell real estate items through these virtual platforms. Consequently, virtual service providers endeavor to enhance platform operation and service quality to attract visitors. This research proposes a research framework to investigate determinants of web traffic. Based on literature review and related researches this study analyzed the causes and effects of web traffic. A few traffic-affecting factors were identified. These factors include: content management, marketing strategies, promotion strategies, and business models. Next, five different types of web sites in the real estates industry in Taiwan were selected for multiple case studies. The cross case analysis revealed that all companies have applied search engine, keywords, and SEO (xxx) to enhance users’ access to the web sites. The impact of technology use and system functionality on users’ intention to participate is of no great concern. However, the advertising effort seems to be the key determinant for boosting website traffic. Further, although several researches consider free-of-charge as a winning business model the analysis results reveal that well-managed contents can bring in customers who are willing to pay for the services. The results also demonstrate that external alliance of websites can assist the growth of the traffic flow on a virtual platform. Since Internet is widely used these decades, various industries have been occurred the global competitions. The most significant issues for platform operators are how to conduct virtual platform well and how to increase web flow rate of virtual platform. The mature usage of Internet initiates the real estate industry to offer services through Internet. The diversity of online services that offer information and discussion through Internet forum allow real estate agents to provide real estate related knowledge through community websites. Consumers can also search, purchase and sell real estate items through the virtual platform. Consequently, the research of how to increase virtual platform flow will enhance platform operators efficiently advance service quality of platforms. This research proposes a research framework to investigate what determinants effect web traffic strategy and analyze web traffic of five real estate companies by collecting Reach and Pageview from Alexa website. The Framework of this research is as follows. First, we analyze the causes and effects of web traffic based on literature. Next, we compare the effects of web traffic among selected cases to recognize which determinants influence web traffic. The analytical results reveal that all companies use search engine, keywords, and SEO to enhance the performance of web traffic. The difference of all tools among cases is insignificant. However, the advertising effort is the key determinant for whole website traffic. In addition, many researchers and literature consider free is the major business model for platform operators. Nevertheless, this research discovers the consumers accept for charging few fees and the content and service of the platform increase the traffic. The results also demonstrate that external alliance of websites assists the increment of traffic for virtual platform. Finally, this study aims to provide strategic suggestions to companies in virtual estimate industry.

尋找閱聽人—網際網路閱聽人調查方法及其相關問題之探討 / Looking For Audiences:Inquiry into the Internet Audiences Research Methods and Related Questions

高玉芳, Kao, Yu-Fang Unknown Date (has links)
隨著時代背景的轉變與傳播科技的進步,閱聽人調查研究發展出各種的質化與量化的調查方法,以因應不同研究的需求。 根據許多的研究報告顯示:網路使用人口的持續增加,電子商務與網路廣告大幅成長,網際網路已經成為另一個重要的傳播管道與行銷通路。有鑑於網路兼具媒體,行銷與線上交易的功能,網路閱聽人的角色相形重要。究竟目前在網際網路上如何調查閱聽人?閱聽人的資料如何被使用?會不會侵犯個人隱私權?由於網際網路無遠弗屆與匿名的特質,使得網路閱聽人的身份錯綜複雜難以辨認。但是,這個新媒體的出現,也使得閱聽人的調查又多了一些新的辨識方法。 有關網際網路閱聽人調查方法的文獻不多,因此,本研究採取文獻分析並與業界進行深度訪談,包括內容、入口網站、網站行銷公司、測量軟體公司、學者專家以及台灣四家市調公司相關人員等,將目前網際網路閱聽人的調查方法分別就各種方法的適用性與優缺點逐一分析;經由文獻蒐集與深度訪談,調查國內目前四家網路市調公司的現況,瞭解各家網際網路調查所使用的方法;並針對際網際網路調查方法目前所遇到的爭議點與相關問題,包括網路隱私權的問題、廣告流量計算的爭議、現階段是否該進行流量稽核、日誌檔分析與第三者調查的差異等問題提出探討,最後並提出美國FAST對產業界的調查方法與稽核改良的建議。 研究結果發現:網際網路閱聽人調查方法有(1)頻寬流量的調查(2)網站日誌檔的分析(3)網路廣告效果的調查(4)第三者的固定樣本調查(5)電腦問卷調查(6)ISP用戶數統計調查方法等六種。其中網站日誌檔的分析屬於媒體端的調查;網路廣告效果的調查屬於廣告端的調查;第三者的固定樣本調查屬於閱聽人端的調查。研究中並將台灣最近成立的四家網路市調公司的調查方法詳細分析與比較。 在網路調查上,最引起爭議的就是隱私權的問題,歐美各國逐漸重視網際網路上個人隱私權的保護,並提出許多保護政策,國內對隱私權保護的措施還有許多問題待解決,相較於國外,國內對隱私權的保護並不重視。由於網際網路的跨國性,在政策與法規上未來可能也必須注意國外政策的發展。其次,廣告效果計量因廣告主、媒體網站、聯播中心三方所處的位置不同,往往獲得不同的調查數據因而引起的爭議,研究中並探討影響調查數據的因素。由於對網站自我報告的流量數據不信任,業者紛紛提出稽核的建議。研究者認為稽核應由第三單位的非營利機構來執行,稽核應有階段性的任務,現階段適合從調標準與調查單位的制定著手,以期網路調查有共通的基準可比較。最後,本研究提出FAST對網路媒體測量方法的建議,包括八點測量方法的原則、對測量方法未來的建議以及對稽核原則的建議等,以供產業界及後續研究者參考。

應用Google Analytics於網站流量及 Web2.0社群網站績效表現之關聯性分析 / Utilizing google analytics to study the relationship between operating indexes and the development of Web 2.0 social websites

許嘉文, Hsu, Chia Wen Unknown Date (has links)
網際網路的發展讓人們的生活起了變化,Web2.0的概念更是增加了人們對網際網路的依賴性,我們成為網路內容的生產者、我們在社交網站上發表、追縱朋友的動態,以及取得全球世界各地的資訊。在這無限的虛擬空間中隱含的巨大商機,讓各大企業紛紛而至,因而加速了Web2.0社群網站的發展,維持與增加網站流量更是成為社群網站生存的關鍵與重要的績效指標。但社群網站該如何從流量指標之變化來評斷社群網站之績效呢?這是令我們最好奇之處。 藉由Google Analytics提供的流量分析工具,本研究蒐集了台灣四間社群網站1-3年間的流量資訊進行分析,考量蒐集之資訊具時間序列性質特性,本研究首先採用移動視窗法重新進行資料的整理,並據此概念應用在後續的統計分析。此外,本就以指數加權平均法及多元迴歸分析進行流量異常值之偵測,最後,對照各網站重大事件里程碑並與各網站業主進行一對一深訪。故本研究實際上包含質、量化之分析結果。 本篇研究四間個案網站為例,並依網站創造的服務與使用者互動情形流量將其區分為社交互動型與資訊交換型網站,並歸納其在網站流量指標上不同特徵表現及各自可參考之績效評估指標。同時,本研究採用多元迴歸分析做為社群網站績效評估模型,並企圖建構一績效評估分析流程期以做為後續研究者針對網站流量相關研究之參考。 / The development of Internet makes a great influence on human society and the development of Web2.0 enhances human’s dependence on the internet and becomes a channel of social connections. Currently, most contents of the Internet are generated by common users who could retrieve information through the entire network and trace their friends’ actions over the Social Network Sites (SNSs).Owing to the potential business opportunities on the internet, companies try to enter the market causing the prosperities of SNSs. Maintaining or even increasing traffic flows become a critical issue for SNSs to survive in the competitive market. However, how to evaluate the performance of SNSs based on traffic flow indices remains unsolved.This study collected Google Analytics data for 1-3 years from four SNSs’, respectively.Consider the time series charactics, this study applied “Moving Windows“ to organize the data for further statistical analysis.In addition, Exponentially Weighted Moving Average and Multiple Regression Analysis were used to detect the abnormal traffic flows. Finally, these abnormal records were compared with the important events and one-on-one interviewings with the SNSs operators were conducted. The results of this study are based on qualitative and quentitative analysis. This research studiesd four SNSs that were categorized into information-oriented and interaction-oriented services based on their services and users’ interaction. The SNSs at different categories behaved differently following certain characteristics defined previously.A performance evaluation process was developed as a reference for further studies.

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