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七夕詩之研究 ---- 以六朝至唐代為範圍吳淑杏 Unknown Date (has links)
有關六朝的七夕詩,本論文採自逯欽立《先秦漢魏南北朝詩》;唐詩方面,則採自清聖祖御定之《全唐詩》。經過前文之析論,筆者歸納若干重點如下:其一,關於七夕之起源:目前所知有:源於初七之陽會日、源於上古貙膢之祭、源於七月七日的歲時活動三種說法,筆者以為,此三種說法皆有它的可能性。其二,關於七夕成為節日之時代:目前所知有:形成於戰國、形成於漢朝、形成於晉朝三種說法。筆者以為,此節日或產生於漢,然產生於晉的可能性最高。其三,關於牛女神話的思想淵源:牽牛的化身,一般有「穀物神」與「河神」兩種說法,筆者以為,如果仔細研究先民的文化背景,則將牽牛視為「穀物神」之化身,似乎比「河神」之化身更妥當;織女的原始信仰,一般有「桑神」、「蠶神」、「織神衣之女子」、「漢水女神」四種說法。筆者據洪淑苓之說以為,「織神衣之女子」、「漢水女神」二種說法,應在織女成為星名以後才有的聯想,織女在形成星名之前的原始信仰,應為「桑神」或「蠶神」。其四,關於牛女神話形成的過程:筆者則根據王孝廉及洪淑苓之說,再加以深究。其五,關於七夕詩的盛行狀況:以《先秦漢魏晉南北朝詩》、《全唐詩》為依據,製成<六朝七夕詩作一覽表>、<唐代七夕詩作一覽表>,藉以統計六朝與唐代七夕詩之作者、作品數量及年平均產量。其六,關於七夕的習俗:唐代七夕節比起六朝,又多了「浮花洗面」、「競試新妝」、「喜食花果」、「女子拜月」等習俗。可見唐人對七夕節日之重視,遠過於六朝時期。其七,分析七夕詩的典故運用,有助於對下列幾項的進一步瞭解:一、牛女故事的形成脈絡二、織女的信仰三、七夕的仙道色彩 四、七夕詩的內涵其八,關於七夕詩的內涵:唐代七夕詩在「寫景記遊」、「抒情感懷」、「遊戲應酬」等內容上,比六朝來的豐富多樣;此外,唐代又多了「借題議論」之內涵,可見牛女故事在唐代已普遍為詩人所歌頌,詩人並開始對故事內容與習俗提出反思。
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習俗傳說融入跨文化華語教學之課程設計與實踐 / An instructional design and implementation of customary legends in intercultural Chinese teaching林以涵, Lin, Yi Han Unknown Date (has links)
本文研究結果如下:第一,於教學設計方面,本研究採用兩項教學模式之融合,為ADDIE教學模式及Moran之體驗式學習循環,有助於文化教學更加完整,達到跨文化的範疇,另外,於教材設計中,需針對學習者程度考量詞彙難易度,並注意應符合教學宗旨與課堂設計;第二,於實施成效方面,以習俗傳說為素材之華語教學課程,能夠增進學習者的語言技能,提供文化學習與體驗的機會,達到跨文化的目的。 / Language and culture are inextricably linked. Cultural concepts are considerably important for language learning and teaching, particularly for Chinese, a highly contextualized language with rich cultural implications. Folk customs in Chinese society are closely related to everyday life and can serve as important clues for understanding the living culture. Stories involving customs and legends can help learners of Chinese understand Chinese cultural implications, avoid cultural misunderstandings, achieve respect for others, and develop interculturel competence.
The teaching of folktales is usually used in the education of native Chinese speakers. In the field of teaching Chinese as a second language, it is generally restricted to heritage learners or learners at or above the high intermediate level. This study focuses on customary legends in folk literature with intermediate learners as the target group. Content analysis is used to determine appropriate topics for cultural teaching and text analysis to analyze teaching materials and intercultural teaching points. Established theories of cultural materials compilation and instructional design were referenced to inform our own instructional design. In addition, I adopted action research design and developed a survey instrument to use as an aid in examining the practice of Chinese language teaching.
The study has two objectives: first, to develop an instructional design for the teaching of customary legends, and intercultural concepts in adult Chinese language courses; and second, to investigate the effectiveness of utilizing customary legends, and intercultural concepts in adult Chinese language courses. ADDIE model (analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation) and Moran’s experiential learning cycle (knowing about, knowing how, knowing why, and knowing oneself) were used as models for course design. In addition, videos, questionnaires, and interviews were used to evaluate the implementation outcomes, and served as a basis for revision.
The results were as follows: First, the two teaching models that were incorporated into the instructional design for this study, the ADDIE Model and Moran’s experiential learning cycle, contributed to the comprehensiveness of cultural teaching and the achievement of an intercultural scope. However, during materials development, it was important to ensure that the degree of difficulty of the vocabulary matched learner levels, and that the vocabulary aligned with the teaching objectives and course design. Second, in respect to the effectiveness of implementation, I concluded that a Chinese language teaching course utilizing customary legends as teaching materials can enhance learner language skills, provide cultural learning and experiential opportunities, and achieve intercultural goals.
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