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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


梁忠 Unknown Date (has links)


中尾, 聡史 26 March 2018 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第21088号 / 工博第4452号 / 新制||工||1692(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院工学研究科都市社会工学専攻 / (主査)教授 藤井 聡, 教授 川﨑 雅史, 教授 山田 忠史 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) / Kyoto University / DFAM

俄語四行詩中親暱詞之名詞詞彙語法及語用修辭特性 / Lexical - grammatical and pragmatics-stylistic features of Diminutive nouns in Russian Chastushkas (folk songs)

郭怡君 Unknown Date (has links)

新疆當代的「卡搭恰依」─以喀什市為中心的觀察 / Qatar-Chayi in Contemporary Xinjiang

周哲安, Chou, Che An Unknown Date (has links)
有關於維吾爾族的「卡搭恰依」(ﻗاﺗﺎﺭچاي - qātār chāyi),其實是一種近年來盛行於新疆各大維吾爾城市的娛樂活動。「恰依」(چاي - chāyi)在維吾爾語意思就是「茶」;而「卡搭」(ﻗاﺗﺎﺭماق – qātārmaq)則是動詞,意思就是「輪流」;因此「卡搭恰依」翻譯成漢語就是「輪流茶會」。會有這樣的稱呼是因為在活動開始時,大家都會先喝茶;乃至活動結束時,大家也會喝茶。「喝茶」在整個活動過程中,具有某種程度的象徵意義。特別一提的是,茶在歷史上有兩種叫法。一種是茶葉海路貿易時期,來自閩粵音的「tea」;另一種是絲綢之路的中亞陸路貿易時期,源自中國北方方言「茶葉」的譯音「chai」。蒙古文、突厥文、波斯文、印度文、葡萄牙文、希臘文、俄文皆稱茶為「chai」。因此維吾爾人才會稱「茶」為「恰依」。據聞,維吾爾族接觸茶大約是在唐朝前後,而如今「茶文化」對維吾爾族而言,更是伴隨商品經濟的出現和城市文化的形成孕育而生。隨著社會的不斷進步和人民生活水準的日益提高,「飲茶」也從最初的消暑解渴、強身健體,發展到現在已成為維吾爾文化中獨具特色的一部分。 根據筆者的田野調查經驗以及文獻資料顯示,在卡搭恰依的整個活動過程中,大多是充滿著維吾爾族的歌舞音樂;在享用過維吾爾族的傳統美食後,人們會開始競相表演,或者私下聊起生活話題。值得注意的是,卡搭恰依既然是「輪流茶會」的意思,代表著每次舉辦時都會有一位「東道主」做東來請大家吃飯喝茶。這樣的聚會通常都是一個月一次,規模可大可小,有十數人,也有數十人。對於這樣形式的聚會活動,筆者是充滿著好奇與興趣。因為維吾爾族傳統聚會的普遍方式就是聚在一起吃飯;而吃飯通常以茶開始,以茶結束,「喝茶」貫穿於始終。表面上看來這樣的聚會形式,只是維吾爾人聚在一起吃飯、喝茶, 但其中卻包含了很多實質性的內容,比如訂婚茶、和好茶、喬遷茶等。 做為新疆當代的民俗娛樂活動卡搭恰依承襲了這種聚會模式,卻又有別於維吾爾族的傳統聚會。按照筆者的說法,首先,它這一種「輪流做東」的玩法算是外來的活動模式,傳到南疆時經「在地化」後而成為富有維吾爾族文化特色的民俗娛樂。再來就是卡搭恰依出現的年代最早是一九八○年代,且直到近十幾年來才更廣為流傳,從社會歷史背景來看,是「文化大革命」期間「麥西萊甫」(مه شيرهپ - mashirap)的變體以及中國經濟「改革開放」後的社會產物。 較為特別的是,卡搭恰依的活動成員,不光只是男性為主的活動,女性皆有組織卡搭恰依的情況,且更佳的熱情與積極, 這在伊斯蘭文化濃郁的南疆是頗為奇特的。畢竟,信仰伊斯蘭教的女性在穆斯林社會中活耀的程度普遍較低,除了宗教活動之外的婦女聚會非常少見,更別提盛行了。而讓人覺得驚奇的是,卡搭恰依不僅僅是一個「綜合性」的民俗娛樂活動,它也可被歸類為「經濟組織」。 其組織的樣貌有點類似像台灣早期「民間互助會」的形式來運行,參與卡搭恰依的成員於每次定期聚會時都會繳交一筆金額給「東道主」,使每位東道主皆可以利用「做東」而先拿到一筆款項來做運用,儼然是「請客做東」的行為就類似於「標會」:筆者認為這樣的情況顯然是受到現代化生活的影響,是傳統農業社會轉變到以商品經濟為導向的現代化社會的表徵,可說它是一種文化變遷後的社會適應現象。 且根據筆者的田野調查顯示,作為此種現象的載體─新疆當代的娛樂活卡搭恰依,正扮演著多功能的角色。在家庭上,維吾爾人利用卡搭恰依定期見面維繫親情,四代同桌的畫面很常見;在交際上,朋友或同學間即使因工作分散各地,有了卡搭恰依的金錢制約後,再遠再忙也會趕回來參加聚會,無形的交流中也傳遞了各方面的訊息。在經濟上,伊斯蘭宗教思想對穆斯林金錢上的規範導致維吾爾人不喜歡向人借貸,此時,卡搭恰依的經濟互助性讓他們不用低下頭跟別人開口,而是冠冕堂皇的請客做東之餘,得到一筆款項來面對其產生的慾望或所面臨的危機,這對極好面子的維吾爾人來說非常重要,筆者認為這是卡搭恰依能迅速風靡維吾爾族中的關鍵。在娛樂上,做為一種綜合性的民俗活動,它承襲了「麥西萊甫」的歷史記憶。 中國大陸「文化大革命」期間,刀郎舞被批判為「野蠻落後」、「原始低級」,迫使麥西萊甫就此不敢再被舉辦。熱愛歌舞的維吾爾族人只好改成在家裡透過「恰依」的聚會方式,抒發人們心中對藝術、娛樂的追求。 因此筆者認為,卡搭恰依是以恰依為基礎來達到群體間的「經濟互助」,其娛樂內容自然與維吾爾族傳統民俗娛樂相結合。在民俗文化上,卡搭恰依就像是一個學校,學社會知識和生活經驗的學校,是一個沒有教材的學校。長輩們透過它把維吾爾族傳統道德觀念交給晚輩們;把生活經驗、相處禮節、家庭責任…等,在此交流之下,達到文化傳承的目的,凝聚了維吾爾族對自己傳統文化的認同。甚至於,這種由「擁有共同歷史記憶」構成的「我群意識」,經伊斯蘭宗教文化的催化下,型塑出一種類似於「哲瑪提」(Jamaat) 的社區概念, 使卡搭恰依的成員們在以經濟、娛樂為導向的人群互動下,彼此間關係變得更加緊密。

セン(Senl)の民俗誌―中国南部におけるトン族(Kam)の流域社会システム論― / A Folkloric Study on 'Senl': Analysis of the Regional Social System of River Basins among the Dong (Kam) in Southern China

黄, 潔 25 March 2019 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(地域研究) / 甲第21895号 / 地博第241号 / 新制||地||89(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院アジア・アフリカ地域研究研究科東南アジア地域研究専攻 / (主査)教授 片岡 樹, 教授 速水 洋子, 准教授 小林 知, 教授 兼重 努 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Area Studies / Kyoto University / DGAM


中野, 真備 23 March 2022 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(地域研究) / 甲第24013号 / 地博第292号 / 新制||地||113(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院アジア・アフリカ地域研究研究科東南アジア地域研究専攻 / (主査)教授 古澤 拓郎, 教授 岡本 正明, 准教授 小坂 康之 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Area Studies / Kyoto University / DGAM


傅志翔, FU, ZHI-XIANG Unknown Date (has links)
除導言與結論外,計分六大章一十八小節。本文撰寫目的,旨在探討自中共政權控制 中國大陸爾後,如何變革少數民族的風俗習慣,以利其社會主義事業的發展,及塑造 統一的社會主義文化之意圖。本文首先從共黨的有關理論架構著手,並說明其變革的 手段,分析近三十年來中共各時期不同的政策路線,再以實例指出中共是如何變革少 數民族的民俗,同時對中共因變革引發的問題,作進一步的探究,並提出個人的見解 。

習俗傳說融入跨文化華語教學之課程設計與實踐 / An instructional design and implementation of customary legends in intercultural Chinese teaching

林以涵, Lin, Yi Han Unknown Date (has links)
語言與文化脣齒相依,在語言學習與教學的層面上,文化的概念具有相當程度的重要性,特別是屬於高語境的華語,擁有豐富的文化意涵。華人社會中的民間風俗緊貼日常,是理解生活文化的重要線索。華語學習者能透過習俗傳說的故事性,理解隱含的華人文化背景,避免文化誤解,達到尊重他人,進而培養跨文化的能力。   民間故事的教學多置放於中文母語學習者的教育歷程,而在華語文教學的領域,仍以華裔或中高級以上程度學習者為大宗。故本研究以民間文學中的習俗傳說為範圍,中級華語學習者為對象,使用內容分析法找出合適的文化教學主題,文本分析法探析教材與跨文化教學點,並援引前人歸納之文化教材編寫與教學設計理論,做出教學設計,另以調查研究法中的研究工具作為輔助,透過行動研究法檢視華語文教學的實踐。   本研究目的有二,一為發展習俗傳說與跨文化概念應用於成人華語課程之教學設計;二為探討習俗傳說與跨文化概念於成人華語課程之實施成效。本文融合ADDIE教學模式之五大步驟,包含分析、設計、發展、實施、評鑑,以及Moran之體驗式學習循環,包括理解內容、理解方法、理解原因、理解自我,作為本研究課程設計模式。並以影音、問卷、訪談等資料等研究工具,作為評估實施成果與修正依據。   本文研究結果如下:第一,於教學設計方面,本研究採用兩項教學模式之融合,為ADDIE教學模式及Moran之體驗式學習循環,有助於文化教學更加完整,達到跨文化的範疇,另外,於教材設計中,需針對學習者程度考量詞彙難易度,並注意應符合教學宗旨與課堂設計;第二,於實施成效方面,以習俗傳說為素材之華語教學課程,能夠增進學習者的語言技能,提供文化學習與體驗的機會,達到跨文化的目的。 / Language and culture are inextricably linked. Cultural concepts are considerably important for language learning and teaching, particularly for Chinese, a highly contextualized language with rich cultural implications. Folk customs in Chinese society are closely related to everyday life and can serve as important clues for understanding the living culture. Stories involving customs and legends can help learners of Chinese understand Chinese cultural implications, avoid cultural misunderstandings, achieve respect for others, and develop interculturel competence. The teaching of folktales is usually used in the education of native Chinese speakers. In the field of teaching Chinese as a second language, it is generally restricted to heritage learners or learners at or above the high intermediate level. This study focuses on customary legends in folk literature with intermediate learners as the target group. Content analysis is used to determine appropriate topics for cultural teaching and text analysis to analyze teaching materials and intercultural teaching points. Established theories of cultural materials compilation and instructional design were referenced to inform our own instructional design. In addition, I adopted action research design and developed a survey instrument to use as an aid in examining the practice of Chinese language teaching. The study has two objectives: first, to develop an instructional design for the teaching of customary legends, and intercultural concepts in adult Chinese language courses; and second, to investigate the effectiveness of utilizing customary legends, and intercultural concepts in adult Chinese language courses. ADDIE model (analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation) and Moran’s experiential learning cycle (knowing about, knowing how, knowing why, and knowing oneself) were used as models for course design. In addition, videos, questionnaires, and interviews were used to evaluate the implementation outcomes, and served as a basis for revision. The results were as follows: First, the two teaching models that were incorporated into the instructional design for this study, the ADDIE Model and Moran’s experiential learning cycle, contributed to the comprehensiveness of cultural teaching and the achievement of an intercultural scope. However, during materials development, it was important to ensure that the degree of difficulty of the vocabulary matched learner levels, and that the vocabulary aligned with the teaching objectives and course design. Second, in respect to the effectiveness of implementation, I concluded that a Chinese language teaching course utilizing customary legends as teaching materials can enhance learner language skills, provide cultural learning and experiential opportunities, and achieve intercultural goals.

病入高原 / "Disease" in City L

張岸, Zhang, An Unknown Date (has links)
本創作分為兩條主軸,一條為攝影作品集取向的攝影製作,另一條為研究結果取向的創作論述與田野研究。兩者在內容呈現上互為輔佐,在方法上互相補充。筆者通過在雲南L市的紀實攝影與相關闡釋,為閱聽人提供一副較為真實的精神病患的生存圖景。 在X精神病院中的醫護人員與病人之間的確存在著巨大的權力落差,其中權力的運作方式基本符合Foucault的描述:與空間緊密的結合。病區中的規章制度與大大小小的日常活動依依顯示出醫護人員對病人的控制。醫生在診斷與治療的過程中並未完全依循西方醫學,而是加入了地方知識。病人也在個體層面上有著微小的反抗,雖然有效,但也未破壞醫院秩序的正常運轉。 而在LJ村拍攝的民族誌影片中,顯示出了村中年輕人與老一輩在地方文化傳承上的斷裂。相較於民俗治療儀式,他們更願意相信西方醫療體系,更加傾向於去現代醫院中進行診斷與治療。 / This paper is mainly based on two guidelines: the photography creation aiming at photo collection, and the discussion and field research for research achievements. Theses two guidelines work as supplement for each other. Through the record by photography and related discussion in L City, Yunnan, I hope that the real current situation for mental patients could be showed to readers. Indeed, there is a great “power gap” between the staff and patients in psychiatric hospital, in which the way the staff use their power almost complies with Foucault’s description: “Space, Knowledge and Power”. All the rules and daily activities in the area indicate the control of the staff to patients in different degree. The doctors don’t completely rely on western medical for healing, instead they add traditional knowledge, for which patients sometimes make small fight for. Although these small fights are effective, they don’t make effect on the normal operation of the hospital. In terms of the ethnography film recorded in L Village, it indicates a disruption between the young and the old on the inheritance for traditional culture. The young generation is more likely to choose modern hospital for disease, rather than relying on traditional method.

東方朔傳說研究 / Research on the Folktales of Donfang-Shuo

陳佳璟, Chen, Chia Ching Unknown Date (has links)
東方朔為西漢時期漢武帝人臣,因其博聞閎覽、言詞敏捷、機智聰穎又性格滑稽,而於史籍留名。自漢魏六朝小說文人藝術加工後,其形象漸趨轉變而為天上仙人。今民間傳說中,除了既有的形象延續外,還增添了民俗的色彩,而與民間信仰及節日風俗產生聯繫,豐富了東方朔的傳說體系。據東方朔的形象特質,可將相關傳說分作「機智型」、「博物型」、「神仙型」三類;以故事類型分類,則有「不死酒型」、「推遲死期型」、「神奇受孕型」、「見屈原型」、「老頭子型」、「石子變銀子型」等六類。 結合了文人敘事與民間敘事的東方朔傳說,其敘事型態具有穩定模式。各類型傳說的角色多具備「給主人公出難題」、「難題被解答」的角色功能,而情節皆以「起因──過程──結果」的序列,依時間先後排列,形成單線式、對立式等情節類型。而透過傳說中的環境特質,可反映出求仙風氣鼎盛、迷信讖緯流行、佛教道教大興等社會的時代與風俗背景。 此外,東方朔傳說還照應了民間信仰與節日風俗,如歲星、太白星等星辰的崇拜,算卦、盲藝人、相聲界等行業祖師的信奉,又與元宵節的由來有所依附,則東方朔傳說實豐厚了中國文化特質與民俗風貌。 / Donfang-Shuo, a Western Han Dynasty scholar-official in Emperor Wu period, left a glorious reputation in history for his erudite knowledge, glib tongue, many smart conversations and humorous words and deeds. During the Six Dynasties period, the image of Donfang-Shuo was gradually transformed into the Daoist immortal in Chinese mythology by the literature and arts; he became an immortal legend who had miraculous birth and supernatural powers. Nowadays, along with the continuation of Donfang-Shuo’s existing image, these folktales have been added more connections with folk customs. The connections with folk beliefs, customs and festivals enriched the integrity of the folktales system of Donfang-Shuo. Folktales about Donfang-Shuo could be categorized into six types, including the types of ‘the immortal wine’, ‘changing other’s destiny ’, ‘the unusual phenomenon of birth’, ‘meeting Qu-Yuan’, ‘elders’, and ‘the Midas touch ’. Combining intellectual narration and folk narration, the narrative pattern of the folktales of Donfang-Shuo had certain modes and features. First, most characters in the six types of folktales above had common functions in the plot, including giving tough questions or solving the questions. Second, from the perspective of plot, the stories basically developed by the timeline, following the order of ‘cause-process-consequence’ and then forming the plot of one-way type or confronting positions. Through examining the background features provided by these folktales, the author found the folktales of Dongang-Shuo could reflect the social circumstances and custom background during the Han Dynasty age, the age which was filled with superstitious beliefs, folk customs and the Chinese mythology about Buddhism and Daoism. In addition, Dongfang-Shuo legends also had important influences on folk customs and some festivals. For instance, the belief of his embodiment of ‘Sui’(歲,or Jupiter) and ‘Taibai’(太白,or Venus) led to the worship of the stars, even Donfang-Shuo himeslf was worshiped by lots of fortune tellers and was believed to be one of the earliest ancestors of Daoism. His humorous and wise legends were highly praised by many Chinese story tellers and who worked in Chinese comic dialogues as well. Moreover, Donfang-Shuo had deep relation with the origin of Lantern Festival. To conclude, the folktales system of Donfang-Shuo truly nourished the Chinese culture and enriched the style and features of folk customs.

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