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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

行動應用程式的函式行為分析 / Distributed Call Sequence Counting on iOS Executable

戴睿宸, Tai, Ruei Chen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究利用字串分析之方式對行動應用程式之執行檔進行靜態分析,進以偵測行動應用程式之行為。 本研究計算行動應用程式所呼叫特定系統函式之序列,進一步比對特定可疑行為模式並判定行動應用程式是否包含其可疑行為,由於進行此研究需要考慮行動應用程式執行檔中每一個系統函式的呼叫,因此增加了大量的計算複雜度,故需要大量的運算資源來進行,為了提高運算的效率,本研究採用了Hadoop 作為分散式運算的平台來達成可延展的分析系統,進以達成分析大量行動應用程式的目的,透過建立特定的行為模式庫,本研究已分析了上千個現實使用的行動應用程式,並提供其含有潛在可疑行為的分析報告。 / This work presents a syntax analysis on the executable files of iOS apps to characterize and detect suspicious behaviors performed by the apps. The main idea is counting the appearances of call sequences in the apps which are resolved via reassembling the executable binaries. Since counting the call sequences of the app needs to consider different combinations of every function calls in the app, which significantly increases the complexity of the computing, it takes abundant computing power to bring out our analysis on massive apps on the market, to improve the performance and the effectiveness of our analysis, this work adopted a distributed computing algorithm via Hadoop framework achieving a scalable static syntax analysis which is able to process huge amount of modern apps. We learn the malicious behaviors pattern through comparing the pairs of normal and abnormal app which are identical except on certain behaviors we inserted. By matching the patterns with the call sequences we collected from the public apps, we characterized the behaviors of apps and report the suspicious behaviors carried potential security threats in the apps.

行動應用軟體獲利模式之研究 / The profiting models of mobile applications

何易剛 Unknown Date (has links)
智慧型手機市場近年來成長迅速,台灣智慧型手機的銷售在2011年的第四季已經超越了功能型手機,成為市場主力。而這波成長帶動了另外一個令人興奮的市場,就是行動應用軟體市集。因為智慧型手機提供良好的軟體開發平台以及軟體拆帳模式,讓一些小型軟體公司以及一些個人軟體開發者願意在上面開發軟體,並且有機會從中獲取利益。 因此,本研究想要了解行動應用軟體是用什麼方式獲利?找出可能的獲利模式,分析影響獲利模式的因素有那些?並且探討各類型應用軟體最常使用的獲利模式為何? 本研究主要分析手機作業系統平台上官方的軟體市集,收集各類型軟體的前十名,分析其獲利模式。並且歸納出影響獲利模式的因素。根據本研究所得到的結論,行動應用軟體的獲利模式可以分為單次付費下載、軟體內購買、廣告、付費訂閱、平台整合、適地性服務以及行銷等七種模式。而影響這些獲利模式的因素可以分為平台、軟體類型、競爭者的獲利模式、地區以及技術。 最後,期望透過本研究,讓欲進入行動應用軟體的個人開發者或者軟體公司能夠找到合適的獲利方式。

以網路外部性探討行動應用程式對智慧型手機購買意圖之影響 / Exploring the effect of mobile apps on purchase intention of smart phone by network externalities

黃詩婷 Unknown Date (has links)
當今智慧型手機成長快速,市場潛力大,影響消費者的智慧型手機購買決策因素成為近年來值得研究的議題。但過去有關智慧型手機購買決策的研究中,大多著重在手機的作業系統或是功能層面,並未將行動應用程式(APP)及人際面的影響因素納入考量。因此,本研究以網路外部性、科技接受模型及理性行為理論為基礎,分別從智慧型手機及行動應用程式的屬性面和人際面來探討,目的為找出影響台灣地區現有智慧型手機使用者對智慧型手機再購意圖的因素,並進一步探索這些因素如何影響使用者的態度及再購意圖。本研究結果發現: 1.智慧型手機屬性面:當使用者認為智慧型手機是越有用的、越具娛樂性的,則使用者對智慧型手機的採用態度越正向;當使用者認為智慧型手機是越容易使用的,並不會直接影響其對智慧型手機的態度。 2.智慧型手機人際面:當使用者認為有越多人使用智慧型手機,則使用者對智慧型手機的購買意圖越正向;而無論使用者認為其家人、伴侶、好友、同學或同事支不支持其使用智慧型手機,都不會影響其對智慧型手機的購買意圖。 3.行動應用程式屬性面:當使用者認為在短時間內行動應用程式的數量成長的越快速,則其對智慧型手機的態度會越正面;而無論使用者認為APP數量、種類的多少、價格是否可被接受以及APP的設計品質完不完善等,都不會直接影響使用者對智慧型手機的態度。 4.行動應用程式人際面:當使用者認為其家人、伴侶、好友、同學或同事越支持其使用行動應用程式時,使用者對智慧型手機的態度會越正向。

組織關鍵活動與商業模式之關聯研究 – 以澳門訂餐外送平台為例 / Study on the Relationship between Organizational Critical Activities and Business Model – A Case Study of Order and Delivery Platform in Macao

周淑娜 Unknown Date (has links)
外送平台為滿足餐廳與消費者需求的外送平台。現代人生活繁忙,加上對網際網路的高度依賴,大部分人都希望透過網路解決日常生活問題,包括餐飲。由於人們的生活習慣改變,傳統餐飲外送都是打電話去熟悉的店家要求外送,餐飲外送平台服務的出現顛覆了傳統到餐廳用餐的習慣。本個案研究透過訪問澳門標竿訂餐外送平台A公司,以及次級資料的輔助,去探討組織關鍵活動與商業模式之關連性、帶給消費者的價值與關鍵成功因素,作為以後欲加入外送平台業者之參考加值。   新創事業會以商業模式為其事業作系統化的分析,集中市場需要,透過商業模式來解釋企業如何獲利,透過獨特的商業模式在市場上競爭。商業模式建立後,企業便希望能夠監控企業某些活動以達到短、中、長期的成功。企業投放最多資源、受高階主管重視,而且不斷實行的活動,稱為「組織關鍵活動」。   A平台為新創企業,在始創期時需要大量的資金去發展不同的業務與行銷活動。平台在剛開始運作時曾因外送人員不足、安排外送路線混亂等問題導致送餐時間延誤,或是當餐點送到客戶手裡時已冷掉。因此本研究經過對個案公司人員深入訪談,找出該企業的六項組織關鍵活動,依排序分別為募集資金、擴充外送團隊、加強宣傳力度、拓展業務範疇、優化平台服務、團隊管理。   本研究發現企業透過商業模式幫助企業定義如何創造、傳遞及獲取價值的手段與方法,是屬於發展規劃較前面階段的概念。當企業為其業務發展定位後,便開始找出企業在商業模式的基礎上針對組織想要達到的成功目標,去不斷實行相關的活動,再配合企業本身特有的關鍵成功因素,使得整個企業發展架構更有系統,對企業長遠發展能產生關鍵性作用。 / The delivery platform connects the needs of restaurant and consumers. Nowadays, people with busy life and are highly depending on the Internet in their daily life, including ordering meals. As people's living habits are changing, the start-up of delivery platform subverts the traditional habit of dining in the restaurant. This study explores the connection between the Organizational Critical Activities and Business Model through the interviews with Macau's outstanding meal delivery platform A and with the assistance of secondary materials to bring the value and success factors of consumers for the future entrants who wish to join the delivery platform as a reference.   Start-ups need a systematic analysis of their careers based on business models to identify how businesses can make money and compete in the market through unique business models. After the establishment of the business model, enterprises need to monitor certain activities of enterprises in order to achieve short, medium and long-term success. Organizations that place the most resources, are valued by top executives, and are constantly conducted, termed “Organization Critical Activities."  Delivery Platform A as a start-up business, it needs huge amount of money to develop different business and marketing activities. It faces a lot of difficulties such as lack of human power for delivery, confusion in delivery routes or the meals are getting cold when they delivered to customers. After conducting in-depth interviews with company personnel, the study lists six organizational critical activities in sequence, namely raising funds, expanding delivery team, advertising, expanding business scope, optimizing platform service and team management.   Enterprises start the business by using Business Model as the tool for positioning. Such model helps enterprises to define how to create, transfer value to customers, which belongs to the early stage of the business development planning. Then, enterprises start to consider what activities the enterprises have to implement base on the positioning result of Business Model. By combining with the company’s unique key success factors, the proposed analysis framework is more systematic and plays a key role in the long-term development of the enterprises.

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