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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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曾烱昇 Unknown Date (has links)
以往,本國製藥業的經營大多專注在國內市場,國內市場規模雖然不大,但隨著藥品需求的增加,廠商的營收也跟著成長。1995,全民健保實施之後,全民健保政策成為影響國內藥品市場發展的關鍵因素。在全民健保呈現赤字,面臨財務壓力時,便嘗試壓低藥價、調整藥價、實施總額預算,來限制藥品市場的成長,加上衛生署對於產業升級的要求,使得廠商的製藥成本不斷增加。因此,製藥業便積極思考如何找到突破現有限制的方法。 為了尋求成長,少數廠商便試圖將營運版圖延伸至國際市場。但是對於國際市場的經營似乎沒有預期中的成功。因此,對於製藥業如何能夠成功在地主國經營,便成為本研究所要探討的主題。 全世界最大的藥品市場-美國,自然是廠商鎖定的開拓的重點市場。本國藥廠的曾在十幾年前即計畫跨進美國市場,嘗試逐步建立本國製藥業者在當地事業,也希望能建立一個製藥產業進入國際市場成功案例。同時期,其他國家的製藥業者也紛紛進入美國市場。因此,本研究主要的目的在探討其他國家製藥業者在美國經營的案例,透過分析該國製藥業者因應美國市場所具備的資源、能力、價值活動配置、經營策略與成長軌跡,來作為未來本國藥廠在國際市場發展的參考。 本研究採取文獻探討及個案研究方式進行。文獻探討主要依據Porter(1985)的價值鏈,Wernerfelt(1984)、Barney(1991)、Collis and Montgooney(1995) 的資源基礎觀點和分析個案公司所擁有的資源、能力、價值活動如何影響該公司在美國的經營策略;及Daniels(1983)的成長向量矩陣,來分析個案公司在美國所採取的經營策略與成長軌跡。 本研究歸納整理發現,個案公司擁有的資源與能力為: 1. 遍布全球的製造工廠、銷售據點、研發中心的有形資產; 2. 所擁有的公司聲譽與品牌的、研發技術的無形資產; 3. 學名藥ANDA申請的組織能力。 及個案公司採取的價值活動包括: 1. 藥物研發策略均以學名藥市場為基礎,同時發展品牌藥利基市場; 2. 優異的化學合成研究技術能力; 3. 熟悉地主國藥品法規; 4. 擁有許多FDA 認證、製造成本低廉的製造廠。 而個案公司的發展軌跡過程,都是以現有市場為發展基礎,再逐步提供改良藥品及新藥品,來滿足現有的,相關的與新的治療需求。 對於本國製藥業者而言,如何建置與培養在地主國市場發展所需的資源、能力與價值活動,並結合對於地主國市場的經營策略規劃,以期將經營版圖延伸至國際市場,才將是有效突破現有產業環境的限制與困境,建立國際市場成功經營典範的關鍵。


陳詩筠, Chen,Shih-Yun Unknown Date (has links)

全球跨國製藥業暢銷產品傳播支援的成功關鍵之探討 / The keys to successful communications support for blockbusting products in global pharmaceutical industries

劉英郎 Unknown Date (has links)
與過去相比,現今有更多的「超大型品牌」(MEGA BRAND)不再單純只是實驗室的努力成果,而是由研發、醫療、行銷及各種領域組成的跨領域團隊,透過精心協調規劃的方式,將「前景看好的分子」打造為「暢銷產品」(Blockbusting Products)。全球跨國製藥業中有多項產品具備相當高的潛力成為超大型品牌,並且能對其公司未來的業務做出重大貢獻。 行銷在打造超大型品牌的過程中扮演關鍵的核心角色,其中又以有效的傳播支援最為重要。本研究主要是透過個案研究,找出什麼是將產品打造及維持成為超大型品牌或暢銷藥品的成功關鍵?為什麼成功?以及如何成功?或許可以提供行銷人員做為參考,其中並透過之前台灣全球跨國製藥業的活動範例,以推出超大型品牌的觀點概述支持品牌的關鍵傳播活動。 同時,希望針對超大型品牌成為暢銷藥品之關鍵傳播領域提供相關建議: • 問題準備 • 競爭對手策略 • 意見領袖支持 • 與第三方組織合作 • 與媒體合作 • 內部傳播 • 與經銷機構合作 / Today more so than ever, a ‘megabrand’ is not something that is just discovered in the lab, but something that is taken from a ‘promising molecule’ to ‘blockbuster product’ through the co-ordinated and planned efforts of cross-functional teams, including R&D, medical and marketing and functions. Within global pharmaceutical industries portfolio, there is considerable potential for several products to be taken to megabrand status and make an important contribution to our business in the future. Marketing plays a critical and central role in the creation of a megabrand and, within that, effective communication support is vital. This research thesis was through cases study to find out what are the keys to be responsible for creating and sustaining a megabrand? Why to be successful? And how to success? Maybe it can provide an overview of the key communication activities used to support a brand, from the perspective of launching a megabrand, through examples drawn from previous campaigns, many from within global pharmaceutical industries in Taiwan In the same time, hope to offer guidance and advice on the critical communication areas for megabrands: • Issues preparedness • Competitor strategies • Opinion leader support • Working with third-party organisations • Working with the media • Internal communications • Working with agencies


張平珍, Chang, Ping Chen Unknown Date (has links)
藥廠在資訊科技的運用上,相較於電子業或其他高科技產業,一直都被認為是較保守的方式。究其原因,應為資訊科技在製藥業的競爭上,較難成為核心的競爭武器之一,因此,資訊科技在製藥業一直被定位為協助企業內部作業面的工具。而非協助企業達成營運目標的工具。然而,近十年來,大型跨國藥廠透過不斷地購併其他藥廠的方式,達成其擴大市場佔有率、鞏固產業中領先地位、縮短產品研發時間、及擴大產品線的廣度與深度的目的。並藉由購併後組織必須重整的過程,對組織進行人力的精減及成本的樽節。僅管跨國藥廠一直設法對人力及成本作有效的控制,但隨著購併不停地發生,不僅產品增多,組織也日益龐大,跨國藥廠所面臨到的財務、法律、人力資源、業務行銷、行政作業等各種事務也越來越繁雜。雖然跨國藥廠有其充沛的資源及豐富的跨國管理經驗,但若要能有效又即時地對全球各據點加以掌控,就必須對資訊科技的運用作全球的統一規劃,並建立全球資訊科技策略,以確實控管及協助各子公司的營運。而對各國的子公司,則應有能協助該公司在當地市場競爭的相對策略,資訊科技在市場激烈的競爭下,開始扮演越來越重要的角色。 本研究為探討性的個案研究,係以一跨國藥廠在台灣的子公司作為研究的個案,期望透過相關的文獻、對個案公司在資訊科技運用的探討、及個案公司主管對資訊科技的看法及需求,能夠達到以下的研究目的: 壹、了解跨國藥廠對資訊科技的運用現況。 貳、了解跨國藥廠發展狀況與營運方向,以規劃個案公司資訊科技的發展方向。 參、建立個案公司資訊科技策略,以提升運作績效,掌握時勢利基。 / The Pharmaceutical Industry, compared with Electronics Industry or other Hi-Tech Industries, is perceived to be relatively conservative in the application of Information Technology. The reason is being that Information Technology application to the Pharmaceutical Industry rarely plays any key role for market competition. As a consequence, Information Technology to the Pharmaceutical Industry has been an operational tool to support the back office functions, rather than a management tool to assist the business to achieve its operational goals. Nevertheless, in recent decade, giant transnational pharmaceutical companies are continuously achieving their objectives of expanding market shares, sustaining their leadership, shortening the time frame in Research and Development, and enlarging their product pipelines, through mergers and acquisitions. They have been re-deploying the human resources and implementing cost reductions by all means within the entire organization after merger and acquisition takes place and reorganization becomes necessary. Despite that transnational pharmaceutical companies have been striving to contain headcount and control expenses, they have found themselves facing to the increasingly complex operations in many aspects, including Finance, Legal, Human Resource Management, Sales and Marketing, and General Administration as a result of expansion in product pipelines and explosion in organization that comes along with mergers and acquisitions. Although transnational pharmaceutical companies have ample resources and well experienced in cross-nation management, they have to integrate their global information technology and establish a unified strategy for universal implementation, so as to enable monitoring and assisting the operations of all subsidiaries around the globe in an effective and timely manner. As such, Information Technology starts to play an increasingly important role in developing responsive strategies under the intense local market competition. This essay is a case study on a Taiwanese subsidiary owned by a transnational pharmaceutical company. It aims to achieve the following objectives by referring to relevant publications and observing the subject company’s information technology applications and their management’s views and needs on the above. 1. To understand the current applications on information technology by transnational pharmaceutical companies; 2. To understand the evolution track and business directions of transnational pharmaceutical companies to set an Information Technology development plan for the subject company. 3. To establish Information Technology Strategy for the subject company to improve operation efficiency as an advantage of obtaining timely and valuable information.

製藥業產品標準與我國藥品貿易發展之研究—以實施PIC/S GMP為例 / Pharmaceutical product standards and international trade in Taiwan: A Case study on PIC/S GMP

林聖峪, Lin, Sheng Yu Unknown Date (has links)
產品標準在現今社會中扮演非常重要的角色,但也容易造成許多技術性貿易障礙。醫藥產品由於攸關人類身體的健康及安全,因此相較於其他行業,各國對藥品皆設有許多嚴格的產品標準及技術法規,對藥品的國際貿易產生嚴重的技術性貿易障礙。PIC/S制定共通的GMP標準,並且旨在降低醫藥產品在國際貿易及流通上所面臨的非關稅貿易障礙。台灣藥物食品檢驗局於2007年公告實施PIC/S GMP,預計於2013年開始全面實施。本研究關注的核心議題,主要將以WTO對技術性貿易障礙的主要規範原則,分析探討PIC/S降低醫藥產品技術性貿易障礙的功能。另外,台灣製藥業由於缺乏關鍵技術、藥廠家數眾多、生產規模小,惡性競爭十分激烈,未來實施PIC/S GMP後,對我國製藥業的衝擊不容小覷,因此本研究另一項主要議題是PIC/S GMP對我國製藥業及藥品貿易之可能影響。 / Product standards play an important role in modern societies. However, they also raise many concerns about technical barriers to trade, particularly for pharmaceutical products which must comply with numerous stringent product standards, such as GMP standards. Therefore, PIC/S aims at reducing the technical barriers to pharmaceutical trade by providing a common GMP standard, which the Bureau of Food and Drug Analysis of Taiwan declared to introduce PIC/S GMP in 2007, and to fully enforce in 2013. This study will examine how PIC/S decreases technical barriers to trade for pharmaceutical products with principals in the WTO TBT Agreement. In addition, since Taiwan pharmaceutical industry has low competitiveness for a long time, how PIC/S GMP will affect the pharmaceutical industry and international trade of Taiwan is another main issue of this study.

我國外商藥廠的知識管理活動與知識管理影響因素之研究 / A study of knowledge management activities and influential factors of international pharmaceutical enterprises in Taiwan

薛稚蓁 Unknown Date (has links)
根據2009年IMS生物技術開發中心統計,國內藥廠前十大銷售排名均為外商企業,且在健保藥品給付進口外國藥廠的購買金額也高達70%。由此可見外商製藥公司在台灣藥品市場所佔有的舉足輕重地位。而以往有關製藥產業的論文研究中,較多著重於其行銷業務、策略以及研發模式等方面的分析,很少針對製藥公司的知識管理來加以探討。就知識密集的製藥業來說,此為明顯的研究缺口,因此,本研究以製藥產業為主軸,選定在台灣藥品市占率高的外商藥廠為研究對象,探討其知識管理作為,以及知識管理影響因素如何影響知識管理活動。 本研究同時從知識管理影響因素與知識管理活動兩構面來探討我國外商藥廠的知識管理。研究方法上採用多重個案研究法,研究者首先結合研究問題與文獻回顧,結果導出實證研究的觀念性架構,再以此理論觀念模式為主軸進行個案的訪談與資料的收集,實地深入訪談四家我國外商藥廠,瞭解其知識管理影響因素以及知識管理活動主要作為。 本研究所得到的結論如下: 1. 外商藥廠的知識管理目標若越明確、且與人員的工作流程結合度越高,則其知識蓄積活動越容易進行,且知識保護活動也越能確實執行。 2. 外商藥廠會透過企業內部環境的建構,來促進其知識的擴散。 3. 外商藥廠的科技設備若越完備,則其知識蓄積越容易進行,也因而強化了其知識的創造與擴散。 4. 外商藥廠的績效評估制度之設計與衡量指標之搭配,有助於其知識創造及知識擴散的進行。 5. 外商藥廠知識的結構化程度會影響知識蓄積以及擴散方式。知識的結構化程度越高,則越容易透過文件式的蓄積方式、並經由資訊系統來擴散知識;而知識的結構化程度越低,則越容易透過人員式的蓄積方式、並仰賴面對面接觸來擴散知識。 6. 外商藥廠會藉由成功經驗的分享,來創造組織與各部門的知識,也因而促進了知識的擴散。 7. 外商藥廠會藉由師徒制度來擴散經驗型的知識。 8. 外商藥廠會積極主動並重視知識保護的活動,且使之成為日常作業流程的一部分。 本論文最後說明本研究結果在學術上的貢獻,同時對實務研究上與後續研究上提出一些建議。 / According to IMS Health Global Pharma Forecast in 2009, the top ten sales volumes of pharmaceutical enterprises in Taiwan are all international enterprises. Under the National Health Insurance reimbursement, the international enterprises occupy only 30% of all the pharmaceuticals volumes, but occupy up to 70% of all the pharmaceuticals sales, which shows that the international pharmaceutical enterprises play a decisive role in Taiwan pharmaceutical market. Most of the past studies of pharmaceutical industry focus on the aspects of marketing, strategy, and research and development. Few specifically inrestigate the issues of knowledge management and knowledge management influential factors. Consequently, a research gap can be found as pharmaceutical industry in a knowledge-intensive one. This research focuses on the pharmaceutical industry, explores the knowledge management activities of international pharmaceutical enterprise in Taiwan from both the view of knowledge management influential factors and knowledge management activities, and aims to discover the key factors that influence knowledge management. This research adopts four international pharmaceutical enterprises in Taiwan as case studies and conducts interviews with managers to understand knowledge management influential factors and knowledge management activities. By knowing inside information of knowledge management of the four companies, this research can deliver a more practical and well-organized point of view, giving examples and facts to the future implementation of knowledge management for Taiwan pharmaceutical enterprise. The conclusions of this research are as bellow. 1. The clearer of the goal in knowledge management and the stronger of connection to the daily process in the company allow knowledge researving and protection activities implemented. 2. Higher level of organization cooperation and sharing culture leads to higher level of reliance of knowledge among each department, facilitating knowledge to spread more effectively in the company. 3. The completeness of technolocial facilities helps knowledge researving activities more convenient, knowledge creation activities more smoothing , and knowledge difussion activities more efficient. 4. The design of performance appraisal influences the knowledge creation and knowledge difussion activities. 5. The degree of knowledge structure influences the knowledge researving and difussion activities. 6. Sharing the best practice ficilitates knowledge creation and knowledge difussion activities . This method had gradually become a well-known practice in international pharmaceutical enterprise. 7. 「Mentor program」 is an important way to extend experienced knowledge. Each company has different approach to conduct 「Mentor program」. 8. The knowledge protection activity includes intellectual property rights、information system、contracts、data reserved management and data destroyed process, and the degree of compulsory execution is in accordance with the principles of the companies.

製藥業產品生命週期及通路的行銷策略與銷售績效關聯性之個案研究 / The Association between Marketing Strategy and Sales Performance with Different Life-Cycle Products and Sales Channels - A Case Study of Pharmaceutical Industry

蔡麗敏, Tsai, Lisa Unknown Date (has links)
本研究透過個案研究,運用資料包絡分析法(DEA)的評估方式,分析製藥業在不同生命週期及通路上資源分配之行銷策略與銷售績效之關聯性。研究結果發現: 一、不同生命週期「成長期」、「成熟期」及「衰退期」產品,其整體銷售技術效率、純銷售技術效率與銷售規模效率之差異,均達統計上之顯著水準。「成長期」產品效率值最差、「成熟期」產品效率值次之、「衰退期」產品效率值最佳。 二、不同生命週期產品在主要銷售通路醫學中心、醫院、診所與藥房的銷售比重不同。「成長期」與「成熟期」產品的主要銷售通路均在醫學中心,而「衰退期」產品的主要銷售通路在藥房。其銷售績效差異在醫學中心與藥房通路,衰退期產品與成熟期、或成長期產品比較,均達到統計上之顯著差異水準,但在醫院與診所通路的銷售績效,三類產品族群的差異就不明顯。 三、個案藥廠對其主要銷售的藥品,雖然都有非常明確的個別產品銷售策略與目標,但差額變數分析結果顯示,仍有部份產品在資源分配及運用上,可以加以改善以提高銷售績效。 / This research is conducted using Data Envelope Analysis (DEA) assessment method to analyze the particular pharmaceutical company on the association between marketing strategy and sales performance with different life-cycle products and sales channels. The results are as follows: 1.Sales performance appears significant differences among different life-cycle products with respect to the overall technical efficiency、pure technical efficiency and scale efficiency. The results revealed that products in「Growth Stage」had the worst efficiency performances, 「Maturity Stage」products placed the second, and「Decline Stage」products were the best. 2.Sales weight differs from different life-cycle products in the major sales channels of medical centers, hospitals, general practitioners and drug stores. The main sales channel of「Growth Stage」and「Maturity Stage」products are in medical centers;while「Decline Stage」products are in drug stores. Statistics showed that the sales performance differed substantially when the three different life-cycle products were distributed to sell in medical centers and drug stores; however, the results were not as evident in hospitals and general practitioners channels. 3.Although the case pharmaceutical company has very clear sales strategies and goals for its individual products, the analytical results showed some changes could be made to improve sales performance.

台灣製藥業策略聯盟之研究 / Research of Strategic Alliance for Taiwan Pharmaceutical Company

戴寶郎, Tai, Pao-Lang Unknown Date (has links)
本論文之研究動機乃基於個人在醫藥相關領域多年的工作經驗,了解台灣製藥業現正處於內需小、廠商多、競爭愈來愈激烈且相互分食之市場環境,加上在現行醫療健保體制及政府相關政策(如cGMP制度)的影響下,尚需面對台灣未來加入WTO可能之衝擊,台灣製藥廠商如何依公司資源優勢尋求聯盟,以提升競爭力,使得企業能夠永續經營,是本研究之動機所在。基於上述之研究動機,本研究以台灣製藥業者為對象,探討下列的問題:(1)聯盟動機與聯盟型態之關係;(2)組織特性與聯盟型態、聯盟管理之關係;(3)聯盟型態與聯盟管理、聯盟績效之關係;(4)聯盟管理與聯盟績效之關係。本研究欲達成之目的有:(1)解析出台灣製藥業所採行之策略聯盟方式,及其如何經由不同之聯盟,以提升企業競爭力;(2)藉由本研究之發現,提供產業內的其他業者於日後進行策略聯盟時之參考。 本論文之研究架構,係由個人之實務經驗,加上參考相關之文獻推導而成,並依架構中各變數之關係設計出問卷,以問卷與訪談併用之方式,鎖定台灣製藥業四家知名企業為訪談對象,推展出四大類命題:聯盟動機、組織特性、聯盟型態及聯盟管理。 經由第五章之個案分析發現,台灣製藥廠商之聯盟方式主要以研究發展聯盟、生產聯盟及共同行銷聯盟為主;在策略聯盟中以降低風險及資源互補為主要動機;另在分析過程中亦發現,學理所稱聯盟管理為影響聯盟績效之重要因素,此點對台灣製藥業而言亦得出相同結果。研究中同時發現,台灣製藥廠商雖已逐漸重視國際化課題,然國際化發展策略及整體規畫仍嫌不足。 在研究過程中,已儘量追求結構之完整,逐步撰寫、推導對台灣製藥業現行策略聯盟之分析,惟仍不免有許多主客觀因素,形成本研究之限制。在後續研究上,建議後續研究者可針對本土規模相當之大型製藥公司間如何進行合作、研擬製藥業相互專業分工或轉型之道、或分析國際化的最佳步驟與途徑等,為台灣製藥業找出值得發展的新契機。

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