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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


陳思盈 Unknown Date (has links)
我國職業訓練制度發展至今,辦理職業訓練的機構眾多。參加職業訓練的民眾其個人背景、動機、訴求各有歧異,甚至不同背景條件下會衍生不同的需求。訓練需求評估是訓練系統中首要的關鍵,透過訓練需求評估在職業訓練機構學員訓練上的運用,能檢討職訓機構之訓練規劃,此為著手進行本文的研究動機。 本研究旨在瞭解公部門職業訓練機構內基本資料不同之學員實際參與訓練的情形與感受,探討不同背景變項的學員在訓練需求及訓練成效上認知的差異,發掘學員訓練需求,提出公共職訓中心在辦理職業訓練課程規劃上的建議。 為達研究目的,編製問卷作為研究工具,以泰山職業訓練中心的學員為研究對象,進行實證調查,透過問卷方式從學員的角度,利用描述性統計、獨立樣本T檢定、單因子變異數分析驗證研究假設,已獲致各項結果。經研究發現與討論,提出結論: 一、訓練中心學員個人屬性和職業訓練參與概況差異性不大,與職訓中心 之參訓資格、開課類別有關。 二、學員在訓練需求評估認知上對「個人回饋評估」構面認同度高。 三、學員在訓練成效上對「師資與教學」構面滿意度高。 四、班別的不同分別在整體訓練需求評估認知與整體訓練成效認知之各構 面都呈現差異。 五、現階段學員的訓練需求仍聚焦在訓練與就業的媒合。

外籍配偶通譯人員訓練成效之評估 / An Evaluation on the Training Effect of Foreign Spouse Interpreter in Taiwan

王志豪, Wang, Chih Hao Unknown Date (has links)
剛到臺灣的新移民,首先會碰到的即是生育保健的相關事宜,包括健康檢查、登入基本資料等;而懷孕後,期間的孕期保健、產檢等都需要至衛生所或健康服務中心諮詢與檢查;待嬰兒出生後,有關新生兒的預防注射、產後的照顧或副食品的添加等,亦需要專業與完善的生育保健措施與資源。然而公衛護士或醫生在接觸的過程中,語言不通常常是最大的阻礙。另外,隨著新移民與外籍人士的增加,法院、檢調單位或是第一線的警察單位碰到所涉及之涉外案件,言語間的傳遞亦非常重要,因司法所涉及攸關當事人權利重大,司法案件所生之法律效力更是差之毫釐失之千里,故對於雙方間的意思表示清楚,才不會造成誤解以致憾事發生。據此,外籍配偶生育保健通譯人員與司法通譯人員所扮演的角色就非常關鍵,而也因此兩類所涉及較為專業,故需要較為專業的訓練,本研究即在分析此二類通譯人員的訓練成效。 分析之模型參考Kirkpatrick的四階層評估模型、Brinkerhoff六個階段評鑑模式,以及國內TTQS對於訓練機構評核指標項目標準。據此模型,利用深度訪談生育保健與司法的訓練機構以及外籍配偶通譯人員,分析通譯人員之學習與其學習移轉後行為的效果以及訓練機構對於訓練需求掌握、設計、實施和監控的回饋機制,最後將兩項評估的結果綜合分析,導出訓練成效。 深度訪談對象分為訓練機構與通譯人員,生育保健之訓練機構因統一由衛生局開辦訓練,故訪談對象為承辦台北市衛生局訓練有十年之久的賽珍珠基金會,通譯人員則包含有在衛生所與間康服務中心服務的新移民;司法訓練單位則分別訪談公部門與民間單位,公部門為高等法院,民間訓練機構為南洋台灣姐妹會,另外,通譯人員為目前有在地方法院擔任特約通譯的新移民。 分析結果本研究認為,生育保健通譯人員訓練成效上,稍微不足,在工作的回饋上可以掌握通譯人員的需求,然而因疏忽訓練上的回饋機制,故在訓練設計上可能無法有效解決學習上的困境;司法通譯人員則分別就法院與民間機構的培訓作訓練成效的評估,法院的訓練成效不顯著,因缺乏對於訓練實施上學習與行為的監控,導致無法有效的掌握訓練需求,而因訓練的設計係由法規範所訂,亦無法有效的再設計課程以符合通譯人員的期待。民間機構的整體的訓練成效則較顯著,在課程上透過活躍的分組情境模擬演練,以及定期的工作會議,重新設計更符合通譯人員需求與期待的課程。另外,透過訪談的整理,本研究發現影響訓練成效的因素有三,分別是個人、老師以及費用。 最後,本研究建議訓練單位之課程應分為職前初階課程與在職進階課程,而課程專業名詞的部分,應與各國的在台辦事處確認無誤後,將常見的專有名詞放入課程中。對於訓練的回饋機制應需掌握,並且輔以受服務之新移民的滿意度調查,才能有效監控訓練成效。另外,外籍配偶通譯人員有其重要性與專業性,盼政府相關單位尊重通譯人員,對於費用與課程應更提升。如此,才能營造良好的溝通環境,培養以及留住通譯人才。 / New immigrants will encounter issues related to reproduction health and judicature when they are married to Taiwan, the language barrier is often the biggest obstacle. For it relates to the interests of new immigrant, foreign spouse interpreters play a critical role. However, a lot professional knowledge is involved in these two fields, so the foreign spouse interpreters need more professional training. And this study is trying to evaluate the effect of their training. This study takes Four Level Evaluation Model by Kirkpatrick, Brinkerhoff Model by Brinkerhoff as well as Taiwan TTQS as reference evaluation model. According to this model, using in-depth interviews with training institutions and foreign spouse interpreters, Analyses the interpreter's learning process, behavior after learning and also the training institute’s feedback mechanisms regarding to understanding, design, execution and monitor of training needs. Finally, the two results of a comprehensive analysis derived an evaluation on the training effect. The results of this study conclude that reproduction health interpreters’ training effect is slightly insufficient, because of lack of the training feedback. And judicial interpreters are divided to Court and private training institution. Training effect of the Court is not significant, because of the lack of training implement monitoring, including learning and behavior. In contrast, the private training institution helps students learn through situational simulation exercises in the curriculum, regular staff meetings are set as well to redesign more in line with the needs and expectations interpreter courses, so the training effect is significant. Finally, this study suggest that:1. Training institutions should be divided into elementary courses and advanced courses; 2. Training institutions should confirm common proper nouns with other countries office in Taiwan; 3. Training institutions should master training feedback and supplemented by new immigrants service satisfaction survey, in order to effectively monitor the effect of training; 4. Respect for the professionalism of the foreign spouse interpreter by improving the pay and courses, for it is the only way to create a good communication environment and retain talent interpreters.


蕭雯純 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在瞭解博物館實施員工訓練之概況,並進一步探討博物館人員專業訓練施行後的成效、不同背景的博物館人員對訓練實施成效看法有無差異,以及主管階層對員工訓練實施成效的看法,以期研究所得能作為國內博物館規劃及人員訓練的參考。 為達研究目的,首先蒐集相關文獻,分析博物館人員專業訓練的相關資料;其次,透過個案研究國內自籌備設館以來即有計畫進行人員培訓、且為國科會數位典藏計畫主要成員之一的國立自然科學博物館,以了解該館數位化工作人員專業訓練概況;最後,則以問卷對數位化工作人員進行調查,以了解員工接受專業訓練的成效、不同個人背景與工作部門對員工訓練成效的影響,以及各組主管對員工訓練實施成效的看法。 研究結果發現:(1)數位化工作人員的專業訓練偏重在技術應用層面;(2)數位化工作人員對訓練軟硬體設施普遍感到滿意,但對訓練的評估及後續的升遷與福利等方面滿意度較低;(3)數位化工作人員在受過訓練後,在「數位化相關知識與整體概念」、「與業務有關的專業技能」及「工作目標認知與合作態度」等方面的學習皆有很大的進步,同時也能夠學以致用,確實應用在實際工作上;(4)數位化工作人員對訓練不滿意的原因以課程內容安排不當、未能切合自身工作需要及受名額或班次限制為主;(5)個人背景因素及工作組別不會影響數位化工作人員對訓練成效的看法;(6)主管多認為員工在接受訓練後,不僅在知識技能、工作態度等方面有明顯進步,對組織整體營運也有很大的助益;(7)數位化工作人員認為未來訓練課程的規劃仍應加強〝技術方面〞的課程,主管人員則認為可再加強與相關單位進行經驗交流。 根據研究結果,本研究提出以下建議,作為培訓單位、國立自然科學博物館日後辦理數位典藏相關人員訓練業務之參考:(1)加強「資訊技術」方面的訓練課程,考量報名學員的背景設計課程內容深度;(2)課程主題應時有更新,對於報名踴躍的課程可增加開課班次或名額;(3)實行職務代理人制度,確定員工的訓練需求,提供員工將訓練所學應用在工作上的機會;(4)重視員工訓練成效評估,明確制定訓練的賞罰,給予員工適當的回饋,以激勵增強其學習動機。 / This research is to provide a general understanding of the staff training in a museum, an evaluation of staff training, and the responses of managerial level in the hope that it might be a reference for the museum management in Taiwan. Firstly references related to staff training in the museum are collected and analyzed with the National Museum of Natural Science studied for a deep and practical understanding of the staff-training program. This museum is a member of the digital museum project, and its staff-training program is well established. Then the feedback from the staff of the digital museum project is analyzed to understand the effect of staff training, the influence to the training from different personal backgrounds and varied departments, and the evaluation from managers. The findings of this research include: (1) the emphasis of the training of the staff of digital project is in skill application; (2) the staff of digital project are generally satisfied with the training of hard- and soft-ware equipment, but less satisfied in the evaluation and the promotion and welfare after training; (3) the staff of the digital project have a huge improvement in the knowledge and the whole concept about digitalization, related professional skills, the recognition of targets and goals, and the attitude in cooperation. In the meantime the trainees are also able to apply what they have learned to their work; (4) the staff are dissatisfied with the content of the training program, the irrelevance to their job needs, and the limitation of the number of applicants or training sessions; (5) personal backgrounds and the different departments won’t affect the perception of the staff; (6) managers mostly approve the huge improvement of the staff in the knowledge and the attitudes to work, as well as the great benefit in organization; (7) the staff of digital project consider that the future training should still focus on skills and techniques, while managers consider that it should emphasize in the exchange of experiences with other organizations in the digital project. According to the result of this research, the following suggestions are offered to staff training centers as well as National Museum of Natural Science for the future training sessions for the staff of digital project: (1) Training sessions about information technology should be emphasized and the contents of sessions should be designed with the consideration of staff’s backgrounds; (2) The subject of the session should be updated, and more sessions and applicants should be provided in popular subjects; (3) The agent system should be established, the needs of trainees assured, and opportunities offered for the staff to practice what they have learned; (4) There should be the serious evaluation of staff training, the regulations for rewards and punishment, and proper encouragements to the staff to intensify their learning motives.


徐貴香 Unknown Date (has links)
良好的人力資源是促進經濟發展的重要因素,進而影響國家整體的發展,因此國家人力資源的發展不可不重視,而職業訓練則是影響人力資源發展的重要關鍵。職業訓練是一項有利的人力投資,並可發揮經濟、社會及教育等方面的功能,因此,政府一直將職業訓練列為提昇勞動力素質、加強人力運用的重要發展策略。   職業訓練所投注的成本頗高,而投注了如此多的人力、物力,其成效如何想必是大家都關心的。而要瞭解職業訓練的成效如何及是否達成訓練目標,必須經由訓練評估才能了解。公共職業訓練的成效好壞會影響其後續訓練政策的決定,而學員的反應如何及對於訓練的支持與否可作為舉辦後續訓練的參考,所以本研究藉由Kirkpatrick評估模式的概念,以「新興重點產業及專上青年第二專長人才培訓計畫」為例,進行學員對於訓練的滿意度調查及學員知覺到的訓練成效評估,並探討學員對於訓練的反應、滿意度是否影響學員自我的訓練成效評估。   本研究之主要目的為:   一、瞭解受訓學員對訓練的滿意度與自我評估訓練成效。   二、探討受訓學員對訓練的滿意度與自我評估訓練成效之相關性。   三、探討受訓學員個人特質(如性別、年齡、教育程度等)與自我評估訓練成效之相關性。   四、根據研究結果,對於訓練計畫提出可改進修正及順應未來發展之建議。   本研究以隨機抽樣的方式,針對受訓學員發出990份問卷,回收210份問卷,回收率為21.83%。經由問卷調查及進行統計分析之後,得到以下研究結果:   第一、受訓學員對訓練的滿意度很高,而對於訓練成效的自我評估在學習、行為方面很高,但結果方面則較低,顯示受訓學員認為訓練目標達成的成效較低。第二、經由迴歸分析的結果,發現受訓學員對訓練的滿意度愈高,對訓練成效的自我評估也愈高。第三、自我評估訓練成效不因受訓學員的性別、年齡、教育程度之不同而有差異。最後,根據本研究之發現與結論,分別針對公共職業訓練、辦理訓練單位及後續研究提出建議以供未來辦理相關訓練及從事相關研究之參考。

公務人員考試錄取人員基礎訓練成效評估之研究-以102年公務人員高等考試基礎訓練受訓人員為例 / A study on the Civil Service Examination Qualification Basic Training Effectiveness Evaluation:A Case Study of 2013 Senior Civil Service Examination Basic Training Trainees

楊慧娟, Yang, Hui Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
我國公務人員考試錄取人員須經訓練及格才能成為正式公務人員,公務人員職前訓練分為基礎訓練與實務訓練,公務人員保障暨培訓委員會及所屬國家文官學院為辦理基礎訓練,每年均投入大量資金與人力,為瞭解訓練成效,爰進行本研究,並以102年公務人員高等考試錄取人員為研究對象,並以KirkpAtrick的四階層評估理論為基礎,針對反應層次與學習層次進行研究,以瞭解不同考試類科、受訓地區及訓練機關(構)之受訓人員,對於課程、講座、教材、整體、輔導員或行政安排等反應層次的滿意度,以及基訓成績、本質特性、測驗成績、選擇題、實務寫作題或是專題研討等學習層的成績,是否有所不同?國家文官學院及中區培訓中心自辦訓練與委外代訓機關(構)之訓練成效,是否有差異? 進行分析後發現如下:一、如同KirkpAtrick全新的四階層評估理論模式所強調,反應層次影響學習層次;二、不論自辦或委辦訓練機關(構)之訓練成訓均各有優劣,訓練機關(構)之訓練成效各異;三、經由t檢定結果顯示,考試類科對在講座及教材問項均達顯著影響,先備知識影響訓練成效。爰針對研究發現提出幾項建議:一、實施前測與後測,確認職能缺口與訓練成效;二、訓前規劃前測;彈性運用評量方式,建立多元評鑑機制;三、整合訓練資料,建立長期追蹤資料庫;四、應針對訓練機關(構)學校進行訓練成效評估,並依據評估結果,決定合作之優先順序,以掌握訓練品質,以保障受訓人員權益,讓全體公務人員素質不斷提升。 / To become a Civil Servant in Taiwan, one must pass the civil service examination and training, where training is further divided into basic and on-the-job training. The Civil Service Protection and Training Commission (CSPTC) and National Academy of Civil Service (NACS) devoted hours of manpower and funds annually in organizing basic training and to better comprehend the training effectiveness, a study was conducted on 2013 Senior Civil Service Examination trainees using the New World Kirkpatrick Model as the basis for evaluation. The study focused on reaction (level 1) and learning (level 2) levels of the Kirkpatrick Model. The study aims to understand trainee’s satisfactory reactions of different examination topics, training locations and training organizations on courses, forums, training materials, assistant counselors, administrative planning and the overall experience; the learning level wishes to identify differences through basic training grades, intrinsic properties, examination grades, multiple choice questions, on-the-job essays and seminars, if any? In addition, are there any differences in the training effectiveness between National Academy of Civil Service and out-sourced organizations? The analysis of the study found the following 1. The study conforms to New World Kirkpatrick Model’s emphasis that reaction affects learning. 2. Regardless of the training organization (government or out-sourced), there are pros and cons, and varying degrees of training effectiveness. 3. As t-test data shows, seminars and materials showed significant effectiveness for examination topics, pre knowledge greatly affects the training outcome. Hence I proposed the following: A. Administer pre and post examinations to identify training needs and confirm training effectiveness. B. Pre examination before training: flexible evaluation methods to establish variable evaluation mechanisms. C. Integrate training data and build a long term track record and database. D. Conduct training effectiveness evaluation on training organizations to prioritize training courses for the best possible quality, protect trainees’ rights and in turn, steadily boost the overall quality of Civil Servants.

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