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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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國民小學校長讀書會團隊學習與學校效能關係之研究 / A study on the relationship between elementary school principals’ book club team learning and school effectiveness.

張秀瑩, Hsiu-Ying Chang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探究國民小學校長讀書會團隊學習與學校效能之關係。本研究採用問卷調查之研究法,問卷調查樣本以臺灣地區基隆市、台北市、台北縣、桃園縣、宜蘭縣、新竹縣、新竹市及苗栗縣八縣市公立國民小學校長為研究對象,共計抽取391位公立國民小學校長,樣本回收247份,回收率為63.17%;樣本可用227份,可用率58.1%。研究工具包含自編之「國民小學校長團隊學習調查問卷」及採用之「國民小學學校效能調查問卷」。本研究統計方法為描述性統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關分析、多元逐步迴歸分析、結構方程模式(SEM)分析等方法進行分析討論。根據研究結果與分析後歸納之研究結論如下: 一、國民小學校長團隊學習之內涵包括績效滿意、責任義務、目標承諾、一般承諾、互補技能與團隊衝突。 二、國民小學學校效能之內涵包括學校建築環境設計、學校行政領導、教師教學效能、學生整體表現、社區家長支持與學校組織氣氛。 三、校長團隊學習的得分程度佳,並以「責任義務」得分最高,而「績效滿意」得分最低。 四、學校效能的現況得分程度佳,並以「學校行政領導」能力表現最佳,以「教師教學效能」能力得分最低。 五、校長背景變項中,性別、最高學歷及學校區域在校長團隊學習的得分差異達顯著水準,但在年齡、校長年資、學校規模未達顯著差異。 六、校長背景變項中,性別、年齡及最高學歷對學校效能的得分差異達顯著水準,但校長年資、學校規模及學校區域未達顯著差異。 七、校長團隊學習與學校效能間呈顯著正相關。 八、校長團隊學習對學校效能具有中度預測力,且以責任義務最具有預測力。 九、校長讀書會團隊學習對學校效能的模式經驗證後適配度佳,具有顯著影響力。 最後,本研究依研究結果分別提出以下建議: 壹、對教育行政機關的建議 一、宜有計畫推行、倡導並輔助校長讀書會的成立。 二、教育行政人員一同加入參與校長團隊學習,達到資源互助與共同成長。 三、協助校長讀書會之成功經驗出版或網站建構。 四、舉辦增進校長學校經營效能之團隊學習進修活動。 五、建立完整之國小校長在職訓練發展制度。 六、針對校長讀書會給予經費上的補助。 貳、對國民小學校長的建議 一、校長參與讀書會團隊學習時,應對績效滿意、責任義務、目標承諾、一般承諾、互補技能與團隊衝突有所關注。 二、參與校長讀書會團隊學習首重責任義務。 三、校長應有計畫,且有恆心、毅力的參與校長讀書會團隊學習。 四、各個校長讀書會團隊間應頻繁接觸,以增進交流、對話並學習。 五、建置校長讀書會經驗分享平台,以幫助個人與團隊之成長與發展。 六、注重專業知能與實踐能力,以持續進修達成自我能力之躍進。 七、邀請資優的退休校長或表現優良的現職校長積極參與校長讀書會以分享豐富經驗。 / The main purpose of this research is to study the relationship of principals’ book club team learning and school effectiveness in elementary schools. The research methods used was questionnaires investigation. The research instrument was distributed to 391 public elementary school principals inclusive of Taipei City, Taipei County, Keelung City, I-Lan County, Taoyuan County, Hsin Chu County, and Miaoli County. There are totally 227 valid samples used in this study. The data obtained was interpreted using descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Scheffé posteriori comparison, Pearson’s product-moment correlation, multiple regression and SEM through the use of LISREL 8.71. The conclusions drawn from the study were as follows: 1. The principals’ book club team learning includes: Commitment to Purpose, Commitment to a Common Approach, Complementary Skills, Accountability, Team Conflict, Team Performance and Satisfaction. 2. The school effectiveness includes: School’s Environment and Facilities, School’s Administrative Leadership, Teacher’s Teaching Effectiveness, Student’s Comprehensive Performance , Parental Support from Community, School Atmosphere. 3. All the elementary principals’ book club team learning got positive outcomes, and “Accountability” dimension ranks the highest, “Team Performance and Satisfaction” dimension ranks last. 4. All the elementary school effectiveness received positive outcomes, and “School’s Administrative Leadership” dimension ranks the highest, “Teacher’s Teaching Effectiveness” dimension ranks last. 5. The elementary school principals’ background demography district incurred a significant difference with all the principals’ book club team learning. 6. The elementary school principals’ background demography incurred a insignificant difference with all the school effectiveness. 7. The principals’ book club team learning for elementary school principals are positively correlated with the school effectiveness. 8. The principals’ book club team learning could positively predict the school effectiveness, especially “Accountability” dimension. 9. The model of the principals’ book club team learning to the school effectiveness for an elementary school principal is proper. In the last, based on the research results, the researcher proposes some suggestions for “Educational Administrative Agencies” and “the principals of elementary schools”, hoping to benefit the professional competence of principals and school principals in-service education in the future. Key words: principals’ book club, team learning, school effectiveness

青少年收容人圖書資訊利用與讀書會參與之研究 / Library and information use of juvenile inmates

張齊家 Unknown Date (has links)
青少年時期在人生中是一個很重要的時期,但往往有時會因觀念的偏差而犯錯,而進了矯正機構。但與成人不同的是,青少年收容人尚處於受教育的階段,未來還具有相當的成長空間,因此矯正機構的教育就顯得更為重要。而監所圖書館更是矯正機構中的文教重要機構,如果能夠提供收容人文化教育服務,方能突顯監所圖書館在矯治教育中的重要性。 本研究在了解矯正機構中的圖書資訊利用情況,並探討收容人讀書會的運作情況,以作為未來收容人讀書會辦理的參考。首先透過問卷調查法,了解誠正中學收容人的圖書資訊利用情況,探討收容人對於圖書資源的運用是否符合需求。並透過與收容人讀書會的帶領者進行訪談,了解每個帶領者帶領讀書會的方式,並深入探討帶領者對收容人讀書會的看法與建議。 根據本研究發現,就圖書資訊利用情況來說:一、對於收容人來說,圖書室的利用不甚方便,因此在取得資訊上也有所不便;二、收容人對於圖書館的認同尚有加強的空間;三、收容人在閱讀書籍的學科種類上不甚均衡;四、收容人對圖書館所提供的服務不完全滿意。而就讀書會運作情況來說:一、參與讀書會的確帶給收容人正面的影響;二、同時收容人讀書會也給帶領者帶來正面的收穫;三、收容人讀書會和圖書館間缺乏互動;四、收容人讀書會的參與者變動情形嚴重;五、收容人讀書會缺乏足夠的經費來源。 最後提出下列的建議。對監所圖書館來說:一、機關首長重視圖書資訊利用,增設一位專職圖書館員,並讓圖書館的設置常態化;二、制定館藏發展政策,以求館藏均衡發展;三、重新訂定圖書館利用方法;四、加強與公共圖書館的合作。對收容人讀書會來說:一、尋求外界讀書會的支持;二、維持讀書會參與者之穩定性;三、定期評鑑讀書會的成效;四、提供一個收容人發表心得的園地;五、推動資訊相關科技。除此之外,對國內資訊相關科系來說,若能開設特殊圖書館相關的課程,對於社會上弱勢族群的圖書資訊利用也將會有所幫助。 / Adolescence is a very crucial phase of life. However, adolescents might be sent to correctional institutions for making mistakes that resulted from conceptual deviation. But, juvenile inmates are still on the stage of education, so there is a great room for them to grow in the future. Therefore, the importance of education in correctional institutions is manifested. Moreover, the prison library is even more important among the correctional institutions. If the prison library could provide the inmates with cultural and educational service, it could enhance the importance in correctional education. The purpose of the research is to understand the library and information use in correctional institutions, and the function of the study groups of the juvenile inmates , for planning study groups of the juvenile inmates in the future. First, using the questionnaires to investigate the library and information use of the inmates in Chengjheng high school, and to study whether the function of the information meets their demand. Furthermore, interviewing the leaders of study groups of the juvenile inmates to realize how every leader conducts a study group, and to profoundly discuss the leaders’ opinion and suggestion for study groups. The findings are as follows: First, as for the inmates, the use of library is not that convenient, so it’s rather inconvenient to get information resources. Second, there is till a great room for the inmates to use the library. Third, the available books need more categories. Fourth, the inmates are not satisfied with the services the library provides. As for the function of the study groups: First, participating in study groups surely has a positive effect on the inmates. Second, leaders also get a positive effect from study groups of the inmates. Third, study groups lack for interaction with libraries. Fourth, the participants of the study group of the inmates vary greatly. Fifth, There are not sufficient funds to form study groups. Finally, some suggestions are made. As for the prison library: First, the chief of the institution should focus on the library and information use, employ one more full-time librarian, and should normalize the installment of libraries. Second, with a collection development policy to balancing the collection of libraries. Third, the ways of using libraries should be improved. Fourth, the cooperation with public libraries should be enhanced. Then, as for the study groups of the inmates: First, the study groups should search for the support of other outside study groups. Second, the participants of study groups should be fixed. Third, the effects of the study groups should be judged regularly. Fourth, a space for the inmates to express opinions should be provided. Fifth, technology related to information should be promoted. If departments of library and information science in Taiwan could offer new courses on special libraries, they would also be a good help for the disadvantaged minority in society to take advantage of the library and information use.

臺北市立圖書館成人英語讀書會之研究 / A Study on the Adult English Study Circles in Taipei Public Library

曾湘雯, Tseng, Hsiang-Wen Unknown Date (has links)
閱讀是通往知識殿堂的道路,是學習的基石,藉由閱讀,能夠擴展眼界,活躍思考。世界各地正如火如荼推廣閱讀,公共圖書館在推廣閱讀上更是不遺餘力,藉由舉辦不同的活動鼓勵民眾培養閱讀習慣,讓民眾親近文字,享受閱讀的樂趣。近年來,為了提升民眾英語閱讀的興趣,增加英語討論的機會,公共圖書館陸續舉辦不少英語讀書會,讓參與者能夠以英語資源為媒介,討論與分享不同的看法。 本研究透過問卷調查法與訪談法了解臺北市立圖書館成人英語讀書會實施現況,並歸納讀書會成員、帶領人以及圖書館讀書會業務負責館員之看法,發現成人英語讀書會之運作特色與遭遇困境,進而分析成人英語讀書會之成效。最後歸納相關文獻與研究結果,提出辦理英語讀書會之具體建議,期望作為日後公共圖書館辦理英語讀書會之參考。 調查結果顯示,成人英語讀書會成員以50歲~59歲的女性參與者為主,職業以家庭主婦居多,但與演講協會合作之讀書會較為特殊,無家庭主婦參與,而以上班族為多。教育程度上,以大專院校畢業者佔多數,而擁有研究所以上學歷者為讀書會的第二大族群。成員參與讀書會的動機為:增加英語表達能力、增廣見聞、拓展閱讀範圍,與喜愛閱讀等。 臺北市立圖書館成人英語讀書會運作特色有:一、學習方式生活化,讓英語更貼近生活;二、報章雜誌、短篇文章為主要的閱讀材料;三、研討的主題呈現多元的風貌,從休閒娛樂、文學、科技、時事新聞、醫療保健、教育、語言學習,到全球性議題;四、以英語歌曲為主之研討深受歡迎,使得原本以閱讀書籍、文章為主軸的討論型態逐漸轉變;五、圖書館英語志工加入英語讀書會,以其專業來協助讀書會之運作。 臺北市立圖書館支援成人英語讀書會的角色可分為主辦與間接推廣,前者是由圖書館自辦英語讀書會,後者是圖書館提供英語讀書會硬體空間與設備之援助。整體來看,圖書館對成人英語讀書會之支援包括:定期辦理帶領人培訓課程;透過網站或電子報、文宣刊物、出版品、海報來行銷成人英語讀書會;於館內展示讀書會成員作品;建置線上「心得分享區」與「線上讀書會」供讀書會成員討論;此外,亦提供「鼓勵讀書會購書優惠」方案,讀書會成員依此管道購買書籍可享有折扣的優惠。 在使用圖書館英語資源與服務方面,未參與成人英語讀書會前,約半數成員未曾使用圖書館英語資源與服務,他們找尋資料的管道主要為網路與自己的藏書。參與英語讀書會後,將近七成的讀書會成員因為讀書會的緣故而更常接觸圖書館,進而利用圖書館英語館藏與服務,資源使用上,則以英語圖書、英語報章雜誌與英語參考工具書被使用的情況較多。同時,有將近八成的讀書會成員平均每個月增加1~3冊館藏借閱量。 參與成員肯定英語讀書會對己身的幫助,例如能夠吸收最新的資訊與專業知識,也能增進國際視野,且經由成員的意見交流與分享,了解每個人不同的思考點,無形中擴展了個人的思考面向。成員英語能力也因為參與英語讀書會而有所提升,尤其是英語會話與聽力。除此之外,自信與勇氣的增加與人際關係的拓展也是成員認為參與讀書會的收穫。成員對成人英語讀書會在各方面之滿意度均呈現不錯的表現,以「讀書會的團體氣氛」與「帶領人的領導」滿意度最高。 研究發現,臺北市立圖書館成人英語讀書會遭遇之困難包括:一、圖書館英語資源無法滿足成人英語讀書會之需求;二、雖然有英語志工的加入,但英語讀書會帶領人才仍非常欠缺;三、成員聚會前的準備與積極性仍需加強。 最後,針對成人英語讀書會之舉辦提出幾點建議供相關單位參考。從圖書館的角度來看,普及舉辦英語讀書會、辦理英語讀書會帶領人培訓課程、充實英語館藏、英語館藏數位化、加強行銷圖書館英語資源與服務、安排英語專題演講、發行英語讀書會刊物、建置線上英語讀書會網站、持續評估成人英語讀書會辦理情形等,都是未來辦理成人英語讀書會可努力之方向。英語讀書會參與成員則可朝向:共同擬定讀書會內部規範、加強積極參與活動、適時提出回饋與建議等方向努力之。 / Reading is the way to knowledge and also the foundation of learning. We can broaden our horizons and activate the thinking through reading. Reading promotion is held worldwide; the public libraries go to great lengths to promote reading especially. Different reading activities are held to encourage the public to develop reading habits and enjoy the reading. In order to elevate the public’s English reading habits and increase the discussion opportunities, public libraries have held lots of English study circles in recent years. The group participants can discuss and share different opinions through English materials. This study adopts questionnaire and interview approach to investigate the status quo of adult English study circles in Taipei public library. Through the ideas and opinions from the group members, leaders and librarians in charge of the study circles, the study will discover the operation characteristics and difficulties English study circles encountered. Further, analyzing the effectiveness of adult English study circles. Finally, the study will provide some suggestions for holding adult English study circles after concluding literatures and study results. According to the study results, female members aged from 50 to 59 years are the primary participants in adult English study circles.The most participants are housewives. However, the members’ main career in the study circles which the library cooperates with Toastmasters International is office worker. As concerned about education background, most members have college degrees. Members have master degrees are the second largest group in adult English study circles. Besides loving reading, members’ participation motives are to increase English expressing ability, to broaden their horizons, to extend the lust of reading, etc. The operation characteristics of adult English study circles in Taipei public library are described as follows: (1)Members can use English in their daily life. (2)English books are not the main reading materials. Instead, many groups use journals.(3)The topics of discussion are divergent, including entertainment, literature, science and technology, current events, medical and health care, education, language learning, and global issues.(4)English song–centered discussion is popular. The discussion pattern has been changing gradually from discussing books and short articles to song-centered symposium. (5)Library English volunteers are engaged in English study circles and use their professional specialty to assist the group operation. The roles of Taipei public library on holding adult English study circles can be divided into auspices and indirect outreach. In the former case, the library hosts the English study circles. In the latter case, the library offers English study circles the place and facilities. On the whole, the library’ supplies include (1)holding regular leader training curricula, (2)propagandizing English study circles through websites, e-paper, publications, and posters, (3)displaying the members’ works in the library, (4)building websites “online reflection sharing” and “online study circles,” and (5)providing purchasing proposal for study circles. As far as library English resources and services concerned, about one half group members never use library English resources and services before participating in the English study circles. They surf the net and use their own collections to find the materials. After participating English study circles, about 70 percent group members go to library more often and they also use English collections and services in the library. English books, newspapers, magazines and reference books are more often used. Besides, nearly 80 percent group members increase documents on loan per capita on the average of 1 to 3 volumes per month. Group members affirm the benefits of taking part in English study circles. For example, they can get latest information, learn professional knowledge, and broaden their visions. Through sharing the opinions, they can learn different thinking from others. After participating in the English study circles, members’ English ability have improved, especially conversation and listening. In addition, self-confidence, courage, and interpersonal relationships are also the benefits. Group members think the performances of English study circles are good in all respects. Among all the performances, members are most satisfied with group atmosphere and leader’s guidance. The study shows the difficulties that adult English study circles have encountered. They include (1) library English collections can’t satisfy group leaders, (2) English group leaders are still going short, and (3) members should have more preparation and initiative. Finally, the study brings up some suggestions about holding adult English study circles. From the library’s perspective, holding more English study circles, running study circle leaders training curricula, increasing English collections, digitalizing English collections, advertising English collections and services, publishing English publications, building online English study circles websites, and keeping on evaluating adult English study circles are some ways libraries can work in the future. With regard to the members, they can draw up the group interior rules, participating in activities more actively, and raise questions or make suggestions at anytime.


陳柏年 Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

讀書會召集人領導功能之研究 / A study of the conveners' leadership of study circles

游淑靜 Unknown Date (has links)
讀書會(study circles)為一種志願團體,若立案為社團法人者,為非營利組織,回顧台灣讀書會自民國七十四年台北「媽媽充電會」及高雄「揚帆主婦社」成立發軔至今,隨著解嚴、社區主義及女性主義的抬頭,已有長足進展,依據民國九十年十月第五屆全國讀書會博覽會之統計,目前全國有案可稽之讀書會有1,912個。 表面數字雖值得欣慰,但這其中卻不乏中途倒會、進入冬眠或目標變質者,因此,讀書會泡沫式的現象非常值得觀察研究。大致說來,讀書會發展有四階段,即籌組期、發展期、倦怠期和成熟期,在發展過程中,如果無法渡過倦怠期危機,很容易就倒會,名存實亡。國內雖有讀書會暴起暴落,然而成立超過十年,成員超過五十人者(甚至超過二百人),也大有所在。因此,讀書會的領導與管理,攸關讀書會之成敗,是值得探討之主題。 借鏡於國外案例,美國的讀書會發展,據一九九七年統計,已有五十萬個讀書會;瑞典的讀書會據一九九六年統計,有三十五萬個讀書會在運作。以目前台灣約兩千三百萬人,約有兩千個讀書會,相較於美國及瑞典,台灣民眾參與讀書會比例,顯然偏低,值此全民學習、終身學習的時代,讀書會尚有極大發展空間,值得政府及民問來共同推廣。 有鑑於此,本論文期經由文獻探討、深度訪談、比較研究及焦點團體座談,從讀書會不同發展階段、Yuk1的有效領導管理行為、易經啟示理念等不同理論,來建立不同面向之讀書會領導功能模型,並針對讀書會召集人領導功能、讀書會未來發展方向提出結論及建議,供讀書會及各相關單住參考。 本論文結論重點為:一、讀書會是否成立為法人、繳費多寡,和讀書會經營成敗無關,最重要是讀書會能給會員什麼收穫。二、不同發展階段有不同領導功能特色及重點,領導功能可概分為決策、影響力、建立關係、取給資訊和權變等五種面向,其中權變領導為核心。三、領導功能有智慧面及知識面,二者相輔相成,相互為用。四、讀書會可參與社區議題和公共政策,促進社群意識,建立公民社會。 建議重點為:一、讀書會會員應以「自我導向學習」(self-direction learning)來參加讀書會,達成終身學習、豐裕心靈。二、讀書會召集人日久可能有倦怠現象,應培養接班人,使讀書會能薪火相傳,永續發展。三、讀書會應尋求市場區隔,結合社會資源,配合社會發展,尋找讀書會定位及舞台。四、讀書會可辦理新生訓練、發行出版品、辦理各種活動等方式,提昇會員社會化程度及組織凝聚力。五、召集人應加強領導管理智能及人文素養,有如領航人,帶領讀書會邁向新世代。六、轉換型領導、服務型領導是較適於讀書會召集人運用的領導類型。七、政府輔導讀書會政策應有一貫性,不要人去政息。入、政府應協助成立讀書會資源中心,整合各種資源經驗,促進讀書會發展。 關鍵詞:讀書會、召集人、自我導向學習、轉換型領導、服務型領導。 / Study Circles are voluntary groups until registered formally in which case they are called non-profit organizations. Taking a view backward, the development of study circles in Taiwan was triggered by“Mama chong diann hwei”in Taipei and“Yang farn juu fuh sheh”in Kaohsiung. Since the remoal the Martial law and the promotion of cormnunitarialism and feminism in Taiwan, study circles have progressed steadily until today. According to statistics printed by the 5th National Study Circles Fair in October 2001, the number of Study Circles in Taiwan has reached 1,912. Though the number is encouraging, we found that a great deal of study circles have disbanded, stopped activities or replaced their original goals. Though the bubble-phenomenon regarding study circles is worthy of research and observation, generally speaking, the development of study circles has typically followed 4 stages: preparation, development, fatigue and maturation. During the development process, if particular study circles can't pass through the fatigue stage, they will usually dissolve very soon, normally not lasting for longer than half year. Though some study circles are like bubbles, there are also a lot of study circles that have existed more than 10 years, have more than 50 members (some more than 200 members), and continue to be more stable and reputable. It seems that the leadership and management of study circles' conveners is directly related to the success of the organizations. This tendency has become the theme to be further researched by this study. In USA, there were 500,000 study circles in 1997. In Sweden, there were 350,000 study circles In 1996. Presently, there are 1,912 study circles in Taiwan with about 23 million population Compared to the USA and Sweden, the participation rate is quite low. During this“life-long” learning age, there is quite a bit of latitude in regards to the development of study circles. This thesis used "documentary-type methods" ,"in depth interviews" , "comparative study" and "focus group" styles to try to establish various leadership models such as "different development stage leadership model", "Yuki's valid leadership behavior model" and "Yin-and promote their respective study circles. The conclusion is 1.The member fees and official registration of study circles do not determine the success of a study circle versus what the study circle can give to the members. 2.Different stages need different leadership, leadership includes decision making, influence, relations, information and contingency. Contingency leadership is the center of all leadership. 3.Leadership has the dual dimensions of wisdom and knowledge , those two help and engender each other. 4.Study circles can participate in community issues and public policies to help establish a more civil society. The suggestions are 1.The members of the study circles should base themselves on "self-directional learning" to participate and target "life long" learning. 2. The conveners of the study circles have the phenomenon of exhaustion, the study circles should cultivate suitable members to take over the role of leaders to progress the study circles. 3.The study circles should choose their market segment, follow the development of the society, and find their own performing stage. 4.The study circles can organize new member training programs, publishing books and another activities to upgrade the cohesion of study circles. 5. The conveners of the study circles should improve their leadership and knowledge to lead the organization to walk into the new age. 6.Transformational leadership and servant leadership are more appropriate style for study circles' conveners. 7.The government's policy of sponsoring the study circles should be maintained to help develop the study circles. S.The government should help to establish a study circle resource center to promote the progress of the study circles on a national front. Key words: study circles; conveners; self-direction learning;transformational leadership; servant leadership.

不同城鄉學生組成之線上讀書會對於閱讀成效的影響研究 / The Effects of Urban and Rural Group Members in On-line Reading Groups on Reading Performance

黃姮惠, Huang, Heng Hui Unknown Date (has links)
本研究透過網路通訊平台Skype經營線上讀書會,讓偏遠地區學童與來自不同區域的學童進行閱讀討論活動,藉此觀察研究對象之間的互動討論情形與討論的對話內容層次,以探究偏遠地區學童與來自不同城鄉區域的學童組成線上讀書會,對於閱讀成效的影響。本研究之實驗對象共分為三組,實驗組一為偏鄉地區與都會地區國小六年級學童各2名,合計4名之國小六年級學童;實驗組二為偏鄉地區不同國小六年級學童各2名,合計4名之國小六年級學童;對照組為偏鄉地區相同國小共4名之國小六年級學童。本研究在實驗前後實施閱讀理解測驗,並針對各組線上讀書會的討論對話進行內容分析,實驗結束後再針對研究對象進行半結構式訪談。研究結果歸納如下: 一、基於文學圈經營線上讀書會為一可行之線上合作學習模式 二、偏遠地區學童與都會地區學童的線上讀書會成員的異質組合,有助於提升偏遠地區學童的閱讀理解成效 三、偏遠地區學童與都會地區學童的線上讀書會成員組合,有助於激發高層次之討論對話 四、同為偏遠地區但不同學校的線上讀書會成員組合,有助於營造愉快的討論氣氛 五、在討論對話中,偏遠地區學童發表高層次思考型問答以及使用推理用語的次數越多,其閱讀理解成效越好 本研究之研究結果可作為教師基於同步討論經營有效線上讀書會的實施模式參考,也對於有興趣於線上讀書會的研究者提供許多值得探究的研究方向。 / In order to explore the possibility of using information and communication technology to help the children in rural areas and the effects of rural-urban disparity on collaboration learning, this study organizes three online reading groups with different compositions of group members by implementing Literature Circles, a student-led and structured book club. The members of experiment group1 are 2 sixth graders from a rural school and 2 sixth graders from an urban school. The members of experiment group2 are 4 sixth graders. All of them are from rural schools but half of them are from a different school. The members of the control group were 4 sixth graders. All of them are classmates in a rural school. The results of reading comprehension tests and the dialogues of three groups are analyzed to collect quantitative data. A semi-structured interview is conducted to collect qualitative data. The research outcomes shows that the heterogeneous group of rural-urban students could best improve the reading comprehension of rural students and produce high level thinking dialogues. In addition, the group of rural students from different schools could conduct the dialogues in the most delightful atmosphere among all three groups. Based on the research outcomes, relevant applications or in-depth researches could be further preceded in the future.

視覺障礙者讀書會推廣模式與策略之研究-以臺北市立圖書館為例 / A Study on the Reading Group’s Popularize and Strategies of Visual Impairment in Taipei Public Library.

邱明宇, Chiu, Ming-Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本論文所使用之研究方法為質化訪談和實況觀察。從而分析公共圖書 館面對弱勢族群之角色定位和策略以及舉辦讀書會需求。 圖書館也可以證明自身的價值,幫助弱勢族群充分使用資源提升 閱讀風氣。以下為本研究目的 : 1.瞭解視障者參與讀書會的動機。 2.瞭解視覺障礙者進行讀書會的方式。 3.瞭解圖書館協助視障者經營讀會的規劃與瓶頸,提升對於相 關弱勢族群的服務。 / The research methods used in this paper are qualitative interviews and observational Method. It analyzed the role and strategies of public library in the face of the underprivileged groups as well as the needs of disadvantaged groups organized the book club. The library can also prove its value. Helping the disadvantaged groups make full use of the library, which provide a friendly, and safe reading atmosphere. The following is the purpose of this study: 1. To understand the reading motivations of visually impaired. 2. To understand the reading patterns of visually impaired. 3. Understanding the library's business planning and bottlenecks in helping the visually impaired, and also, to enhance the library for the visually impaired related vulnerable groups of services.

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