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伊恩麥克尤恩《贖罪》中小說家延宕的告白 / The Dilatory Confession of the Novelist in Ian McEwan's Atonement薛景元, Hsueh, Ching Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
本文分成四個章節。第一章介紹《贖罪》的相關評論及理論架構。第二章先闡述巴赫汀的對話和複調理論,再剖析小說中的前三部份如何具體呈現這兩種特質,突顯白昂妮藉由多重敘述觀點,瓦解幼年時自我中心傾向並開啟與他者的對話。第三章聚焦於小說架構的告白轉折。長久以來,告白被視為一種賦予解放和完整自我的力量,傅柯則提出現代社會下的告白演變為自我規訓的機制。以傅柯的觀點來解讀小說結尾,白昂妮的告白在自我解放與治癒的表層下,其實隱含了快感和權力的螺旋結構,對真實及作者身份的延宕意味著她身為小說家權力的回歸。 / Ian McEwan's Atonement is a novel experimentally weaved with a peculiar confessional form. Not until the last part of the novel are readers informed the framed narrative structure: this is not merely McEwan's novel which depicts the heroine Briony's atonement, but more importantly, the grown-up novelist Briony's own confession crafted as a novel to make amends. This complicates our reading in retrospect as the ending reveals the central dilemma: how to judge the novelist's privilege to use confession to atone for the fault made in real life.
This thesis consists of four chapters. The first chapter introduces the criticisms of Atonement, followed by my theoretical frameworks adopted to read this novel. The second chapter begins with the explications of Bakhtin's theory of dialogism and polyphony. By integrating these two concepts to scrutinize the first three parts of the novel, I attempt to analyze how Briony's self-reflexive writing and utilizations of multiple points of view expose her childhood monologic mentality and demonstrate her broadening of the self-other understandings. The third chapter discusses the ambivalent confessional twist in relation to the previous story Briony has mesmerized readers to believe. While the confession has been historically considered as a means of self-liberation, Foucault brings out another aspect that the institutionalization of the confession has turned itself into a mechanism of self-discipline. The novel eventually strikes the final note on the double impetus of Briony's narrative that her confession offers a consolation to suture with the past but meanwhile, upon close inspection, the overtones of her restoration of power as a novelist and the spirals of pleasure and power still lurk behind.
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「藪の中」に現れた道徳的な罪の認識 - 歴史小説に現れた罪の認識との比較を中心に -尹, 相鉉 31 March 2003 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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取徑亞當.史密斯:伊恩.麥克尤恩小說中的同情與想像力 / Through the Lens of Adam Smith: Sympathy and Imagination in Ian McEwan’s Novels張秀芳, Chang, Hsiu-Fang Unknown Date (has links)
本論文研究伊恩.麥克尤恩的《贖罪》、《愛無可忍》及《星期六》這三部小說中的同情與想像力。第一章仔細爬梳亞當.史密斯的哲學文本《道德情感論》,並闡述幾個重要概念如同情與想像力、公正觀察者的角色、同情與戲劇性質、及同情與敘事。第二章運用史密斯的同情與想像力的概念來檢視《贖罪》這部小說,並指出布萊妮最初反映了史密斯式的同情概念,但在她贖罪的過程中,她實踐了自我反省及自我批判的另一層次的同情。第三章從演化、利他主義及同情的觀點來閱讀《愛無可忍》這部小說。敘述者喬.羅斯所面臨的拯救小孩及保存自己性命的道德兩難彰顯出利他行動與利己行為間的衝突。本章以史密斯的同情概念來解釋小說中約翰.羅根的利他主義,並呈現出同情與利他行為的關連性。本章指出同情並非完全是利他的情感展現,同情實際上包含了利己與利他的動機。第四章檢視《星期六》中同情與敘事的關係,並闡述貝羅安對其病人泰勒伯的同情與泰勒伯透過口述去敘述其在伊拉克所遭遇的苦難具有關連性。本章並分析貝羅安在聆聽黛絲朗誦馬修.阿諾的多佛海灘詩集時所展現的同情與想像力。本章最後聚焦在貝羅安對巴克斯特的同情,並指出貝羅安對巴克斯特的仁慈實際上強化了同情者與被同情者之間微妙的權力關係。 / The dissertation aims to study the concept of sympathy and imagination in Ian McEwan’s three novels Atonement, Enduring Love and Saturday. In the first chapter, Adam Smith’s philosophical text, Theory of Moral Sentiments, is carefully scrutinized. The chapter includes several key ideas such as sympathy and imagination, the role of the impartial spectator, sympathy and its theatrical quality, and sympathy and narratives. In the second chapter, I use Smith’s concept of sympathy and imagination to examine McEwan’s Atonement and propose that Briony’s sympathy at first reflect Smith’s model of sympathy, but in the process of her atoning for her crime, Briony achieves a new level of sympathy which is more self-reflected and self-critical. Chapter Three reads Enduring Love from the perspective of evolution, altruism and sympathy. The narrator Joe Rose’s moral dilemma between saving the child and preserving his own life dramatizes the conflict between altruistic actions and self-interested behaviors. Smith’s idea of sympathy is employed to account for John Logan’s altruism and the connection between sympathy and altruistic acts is then presented. The chapter shows that sympathy is not an other-oriented emotion but a sentiment that contains both self-interested and other-interested motives. Chapter Four looks at the relation between sympathy and narratives, and demonstrates how Perowne’s sympathy to his patient Taleb is related to Taleb’s oral report of suffering in Iraq. It then analyzes Perowne’s sympathy and imagination during Daisy’s recitation of Matthew Arnold’s Dover Beach. The final section focuses on Perowne’s sympathetic sentiments to Baxter, arguing that Perowne’s benevolence to Baxter only highlights the subtle power relationship between the sympathizer and the sympathized.
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