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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

在WMN 網路上考量Intra/Inter-flow 干擾之多網卡路由協定 / Multi-Interface Routing with Intra/Inter-flow Interference (MiRii) Considerations in Wireless Mesh Networks

劉彩鳳, Liu,Tsai-Feng Unknown Date (has links)
近年來興起一個前瞻性無線技術,稱之為無線網狀網路(Wireless Mesh Networks),WMNs 以所費低廉方式提供無線網路最後一哩存取Internet,同時具備ad hoc 網路全部優點,例如自我組織(self-organization)、自我組態(self-configuration)等。儘管WMNs 骨幹部分與平面式ad hoc 網路相似,多網卡(multi-radio)的Mesh Routers 節點卻是固定不動且沒有電力限制。有鑑於此,設計於ad hoc 網路上之路由協定並不適合於WMNs。 WCETT(Weighted Cumulated Expected Transmission Time)metric 考量到intra-flow 干擾,卻未捕捉到inter-flow 干擾;而LBAR(Load-Balanced Ad hoc Routing)協定以計算節點之活躍值(nodal activity)與訊務流量干擾選擇路徑,並無支援多網卡路由,LBAR 可以在單一網卡環境表現良好,在多網卡環境卻不一定。因此,我們提出一個WMNs 上考量到Intra/Inter-flow干擾之多網卡路由協定,稱為MiRii。模擬結果顯示出我們路由協定可以改善網路效能,包含了封包成功傳送率及平均點對點延遲。 / A new promising wireless technology has emerged recently, called wireless mesh networks (WMNs). WMNs are inexpensive way to provide wireless last-mile broadband Internet access and have all the advantages of ad hoc network, such as self-organization, self-configuration. Although WMNs backbone is similar to flat ad hoc network, mesh routers with multi-radio are stationary and have no power constraints. As a result, routing protocols designed for ad hoc network may not be appropriate for WMNs. The WCETT (Weighted Cumulated Expected Transmission Time) metric takes intra-flow interference into consideration, but does not capture inter-flow interference. LBAR (Load-Balanced Ad hoc Routing) calculates nodal activity and traffic interference for choosing a path, but does not supporting multi-radio. LBAR may be perform well in single-radio environment, but do not perform as well in multi-radios. Consequently, we incorporate a new Multi-Interface Routing with Intra/Inter-flow Interference in Wireless Mesh Networks, called MiRii. The simulations show that our routing protocol can improve the network performance including the Packet Delivery Ratio and average end-to-end delay.

多網卡無線網狀網路下支援點對點串流的品質感知多重骨幹建置設計 / Quality-Aware Multiple Backbone Construction on Multi-interface Wireless Mesh Networks for P2P Streaming

陳維鴻, Chen, Wei Hung Unknown Date (has links)
無線網狀網路(WMNs)為目前熱門的廣域無線網路接取技術。使用者可以透過WMNs隨時在各處使用即時影音播放的服務。相較於傳統的主從式架構,低成本且容易建置的點對點架構更適用於影音串流的應用;在進行即時影音播放的時候,影音播放的品質便為相當重要的目標。因為多媒體應用服務對於延遲及網路傳輸效能相當敏感,且WMNs的傳輸過程中常會面臨同頻道干擾的問題而使得傳輸的效能銳減,當每個網路節點都具有多張無線網路卡時,如何善用WMNs多頻道傳輸的特性提升效能更是顯得特別重要。在本篇論文中,我們利用WMNs多頻道傳輸的特性進行多媒體群播傳輸,參考史坦納樹的概念來改善現有的MAODV路由演算法,以傳輸品質較佳的鏈結改良原本尋找最小跳躍數路徑的方式,建立兩棵完全互斥的群播樹作為點對點傳輸的骨幹網路,並以MDC的概念將影像串流編碼成兩份獨立的子串流分別經由不同的群播樹傳輸。經實驗評估,我們的方法在網路負載較高的環境下能有效的降低延遲並提高整體系統的效能。 / In WMNs, users can enjoy the real-time video streaming service anytime and anywhere through the services. Compared to the client/server model, P2P approaches is more suitable for video streaming applications because of its low cost and easy deployment. But when using the real-time multimedia service in WMNs, the multimedia applications are very sensitive to delay time and the performance of packets transmission. And the performance is significantly influenced by the co-channel interference, so that it is important to know how to transmit by multi-channel to enhance the performance. In our approach, we choose the better quality links for routing instead of the minimum hop-count path in MAODV. Then we distribute the video streaming to receivers by multicast in multi-channel WMNs, and refer to the Steiner tree concept to modify the MAODV routing protocol to construct two disjoint multicast trees as the backbone for the P2P structure. Therefore, we can adopt the MDC scheme to encode the video into two independent sub-streams and transmit separately along these trees. Experiment results show that in higher network traffic load environment, our scheme is more effective to reduce the latency and improve overall system performance.

混合階層式路由於公車基底之耐延遲網路 / A hybrid hierarchy routing in bus-based delay tolerant networks

陳志宏, Chen, Chih Hung Unknown Date (has links)
在耐延遲網路(Delay Tolerant Network)中,因為節點具有移動性,因此找不到穩定且持續的點對點資料傳送路徑。常見的路由協定可分為機會路由、基於預測的路由以及調度路由,然而這些路由協定使用在市區環境中,有著些許不足與不適用,因此本論文提出一個適用在市區資料傳送的演算法。 本論文提出之混合階層式路由演算法,是在市區環境中建立一個以公車為基礎的資料傳送架構,包含行人與公車兩種節點。我們建立節點與節點相遇時資料交換傳送規則,例如行人與行人相遇、行人與公車相遇或是公車與公車相遇時各自有不同的資料傳送判斷與限制。 實驗結果也證明所提出之混合階層式演算法,除了可以有效地減少傳送延遲時間並提高訊息傳送成功率,並且在給定節點一定的移動速度與緩衝區大小下,我們的演算法有著最突出的效能。 / In Delay Tolerant Networks (DTNs), there is no guarantee that a stable connected path between source and destination nodes always exists because of high node mobility. The current DTN routing protocols can be summarized into three categories: opportunistic, prediction-based and scheduling protocols. However, these routing protocols have some deficiencies and are not specifically focused on the urban areas which have primarily two hierarchical nodes, namely pedestrian and bus nodes. We proposed a Hybrid Hierarchy Routing Protocol, a bus-based architecture for urban areas. We established the rules of data transmission when one node contacts other nodes. More specifically, Ped-to-Ped, Ped-to-Bus and Bus-to-Bus contacts, have different judgments and restrictions for data forwarding. The simulation results demonstrate that the Hybrid Hierarchy Routing Protocol can effectively reduce the delivery delay and improve the successful delivery rate. And in given certain speed and buffer sizes, our algorithm has the most prominent performance.

在耐延遲網路中依人氣與接觸關聯為基礎之訊息散播與優先排程之轉發機制 / Popularity spray and utility-based forwarding scheme with message priority scheduling in delay tolerant networks

陳英明, Chen, Ying Ming Unknown Date (has links)
在耐延遲網路環境下,訊息資料的傳送依賴於節點間因移動性而產生的間斷性連結,並使用「儲存並攜帶再轉送」的方式傳遞至其目的地,因此網路中各個節點的儲存空間以及與其他節點的「接觸關連性」將扮演訊息傳遞品質的重要因素。 本論文提出一以Flooding-based與Forwarding-based兩類路由協定為基礎設計結構、並加以擴充考量訊息優先權於轉發機制之三階段式路由演算法。其主要概念在於利用網路中節點的移動特性來週期性地預測節點與節點間未來的相遇人氣做為訊息散播時的分配權重、及以累計相遇時間之比率為接觸關聯性做為訊息是否進一步轉送之依據、最後並在訊息傳送順序上加入優先權排序的策略。根據與其他路由演算法的模擬實驗,顯示我們所提的演算法能有較高的訊息傳遞成功率、相對低的資源耗費、以及差異化訊息傳送服務的效能。 / Delay Tolerant Networks (DTNs) use the “Store-Carry-and-Forward” approach to deliver the messages to the destinations. It relies on the intermittent link that occurs when two nodes contact each other due to mobility. Therefore, the buffer and “contact association” of nodes are two important factors that affect the delivery performance. In this thesis, we propose a three-phase algorithm (SFMS: Spray and Forwarding scheme with Message Scheduling) that integrates the concepts of flooding-based and forwarding-based protocols, and considers message priority. The main idea of SFMS is to periodically predict the contact popularity and contact association among nodes, such that we can determine the fast message spraying and efficient forwarding strategy. Furthermore, we come up with a message scheduling mechanism to enhance the resource allocation. Simulation results show that our scheme has a better performance for delivering messages. Besides, it also achieves a differential delivery performance for different priorities of messages while maintaining a better resource allocation.

在WMN網路上考量功率及負載之路由協定 / An Efficient POwer-Load-Aware Routing Protocol (POLAR) for Wireless Mesh Networks

吳耀先, Wu,Yao-Hsien Unknown Date (has links)
為了降低無線網路基地台後端之backhaul成本及解決Ad hoc網路涵蓋面積問題,無線網狀網路WMNs(Wireless Mesh Networks)因此應運而生。WMNs網路上的節點裝置與Ad hoc網路上的行動裝置對電量消耗及負載的需求是非常不同的,所以在Ad hoc網路上可使用之路由協定在WMNs網路上是無法直接適用的。 在Pure Ad hoc網路上考量Power之MMBCR(Min-Max Battery Cost Routing)及考量Loading之CSLAR(Contention Sensitive Load Aware Routing)等路由協定並沒有考量到WMNs網路上不同元件間的不同特性。有鑑於此,我們著重在Hybrid WMNs網路環境上,並提出了在Mesh Clients及Routers上同時考量Power及Loading的路徑演算法,我們稱之為POLAR。實驗結果顯示我們的路由協定能夠提昇整體的網路效能及延長網路存活時間。 / In order to reduce the backhaul cost and solve Ad hoc network coverage problem, WMNs (Wireless Mesh Networks) arise at the historic moment. The requirements on power efficiency and loading are much different between mesh nodes of WMNs and mobile hosts of ad hoc networks. The routing protocol used in Ad hoc networks would be not suitable in WMN networks. The power-aware routing in MMBCR (Min-Max Battery Cost Routing) and load-aware routing in CSLAR (Contention Sensitive Load Aware Routing) used in pure Ad hoc networks don‘t consider the different characteristics of the components in WMNs. In view of this, we focus on the Hybrid WMNs environment, and propose a combined POwer-Aware with Load-Aware Routing algorithm (Called POLAR) along mesh clients and routers. The experimental results show that our routing protocol can enhance the network efficiency and lengthen the network live time.

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