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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

企業規劃企業年金保險之意願分析 / Planning enterprise annuity insurance willingness analysis of enterprise

沈志翔, Shen, Chih Hsiang Unknown Date (has links)
為進一步保障勞工老年退休後經濟狀況無虞,維持其原本生活水平,行政院會於2011年12月29日通過《勞工退休金條例》修正草案,放寬企業開辦年金保險條件,企業規模在200人以上者,只要經工會或勞資會議同意,即可開辦企業年金保險,而勞工也可審視其收益狀況,選擇是否將個人退休金專戶轉換為企業年金保險。此項立法通過後,可望帶動壽險公司勞退自提部分企業年金保險商品的銷售商機。 站在勞工的角度來看,任職公司為職工規劃企業年金保險,可以讓員工提早為退休金做儲蓄,更專注於工作做努力。 從政府的角度觀察,為國內勞工做好規劃及監督與把關,更加健全、完善與更多選擇的退休金商品與制度,能給予勞工一個無憂無慮的退休生活,相對的能節省更多可能的社會福利支出,將政府資源投入國家基礎建設與經濟發展中。 站在壽險公司的方向研究,企業退休金市場的經營一直都是壽險公司所高度關注的一個區塊,只要提供適合的商品及規劃,企業為勞工、勞工為自己所提存的保費收入,是每月都會有穩定的現金流入,有利於壽險業做長期的投資規劃,再者透過企業年金保險制度的推廣,能接觸到更多的客戶與更加深入了解客戶的需求,便於設計出市場接受度高的商品,有利提供壽險公司的經營與投資績效。 最後從企業經營面來規劃,實施企業年金保險制度,能替員工提供一個更長久的退休計畫,為企業規劃一個更完善的員工獎勵制度與留才計畫;員工是企業最重要的資產,若未針對企業中的“人”此項有形資產加以運用,企業將不會產生任何無形的超額利益,本文希望藉由對企業年金保險制度之分析與介紹,期有助於國內壽險業發展企業年金保險與企業參酌實施企業年金保險制度之意願研究之參考。 / To have labors adapt to life after retirement, the Executive Yuan approved the Amendment of the Labor Pension Act on December 29, 2011. From the view of labors, it allows employees to start saving into pension ahead of time and focus more on work if the enterprise that one works for setting out an enterprise annuity insurance plan for its employees. From the government’s point of view, a good plan with constant monitoring and checking on makes a more complete pension funds system, which provides laborers with a better life after retirement. For insurance companies, as long as the insurance company provides suitable product and plan, the premium collected from what enterprises invested for employees and labour’ self-contribution will be stable cash flow on monthly basis, which is beneficial for insurance company to draw a long time investment plan. Finally, in terms of enterprise management, to carry out enterprise annuity insurance will provide employees with a retirement plan with long-term influence and will help to establish a complete reward system and a plan for retaining talent. Through the analysis and introduction of the enterprise annuity insurance in this article, it provides some suggestions for local insurance companies when it comes to develop the enterprise annuity insurance, and also some references for enterprises that are willing to put enterprise annuity insurance system into practice.

個人商業年金保險與公立中學教師退休金規劃 / Annuities and the pension plan of the public senior high school teachers

陳志堅 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣和世界一樣,人口持續老化,此外台灣在2011年是世界出生率最低的國家,同時在政府財政不斷赤字下,更使政府對公立教師所辦理的第一層社會保險退休年金、第二層對公教所辦理的退休職業年金,陷入前所未見的財務困難,各種精算報告明顯指出,未來十到二十年間,公教退休基金破產,指日可待,因此公教人員退休金制度等的改革浪潮,風起雲湧。 老年人退休金的主要需求來自於:一、一般日常生活需用的費用;二、因為身體退化關係,可能產生的醫療或長期照顧的費用;三、優渥生活品質額外產生的費用。一般民眾包括老師在計算退休金需求時,大多設想到第一項,最多還會設想到第三項。少有人設想到第二項,因為造成退休金需求低估。本研究在個案研究上,對一、二、三項都有著墨。 本研究探討公立中學教師的退休金規劃中,探討商業年金保險對其幫助。主要分為二類族群,一種是擁有退休撫卹制度舊制與新制混合的待退教師;另一種是純粹擁有新制的教師。首先就退休時所需的生活費用與探討政府能給予的退休年金改革前的狀況與改革後的狀況,加上本身自行理財的資產計算退休不足度。再依不同族群,給予商業年金保險的資產配置比例的建議,並討論其規劃前與規劃後的效益差別,進而闡述商業年金保險可保障長壽風險的不可取代性。 本研究做出以下結論:一、若想要規避長壽風險,那就需要年金保險、二、未來政府公教退休年金改革方向,給付只會更少,不會更多;三、商業年金保險和其他資產可以互補或替代;四、開放公保年金化,對新制教師有利月領退休金,降低長壽風險有利。

臺灣民眾退休不足度分析 / The analysis of retirement shortfall in Taiwan

陳彥志 Unknown Date (has links)
為探討臺灣民眾退休不足度,本研究不同以往問卷式詢問臺灣民眾準備狀況,使用所得替代率(replacement rate)為工具,建構估算模型,透過宏利人壽委託政大民調中心進行的民調數據,實際估算勞工與軍公教民眾退休不足度,其中發現台灣有24%勞工民眾在退休後無法達到60%所得替代率,且低估死亡時間與高估報酬率都會對勞工退休不足度造成影響。而對軍公教民眾而言,以80%所得替代率進行估算,才會有退休不足的問題,而低估死亡時間與高估報酬率對退休不足影響較小。此外探討退休信心與實際估算不一致的情況,主要發現高所得的勞工民眾,較可能發生有信心但準備不足60%所得替代率的情況,而低所得的勞工民眾,較可能發生沒有信心但可以準備80%所得替代率的情況,本研究認為是因為臺灣現行退休金制度下,高所得的勞工民眾若要達到相同所得替代率,所需儲蓄率高於低所得的勞工民眾。 / The purpose of this paper is to examine the Retirement Shortfall in Taiwan by using replacement rate. Building model with the poll data which is commissioned by Manulife Life Insurance and conducted by Market Survey Research Center of National Chengchi University, we found that the populations of the civil servants can achieve 60% replacement rate after retirement, but 24 percent of labors can’t reach the 60% income replacement rate. Besides, the retirement shortfall of labors become worse after adjusting by the overestimate of rate of return and underestimate of longevity risk. In short, labor people should contribute more to their pension in case they may have inadequate retirement situation. Using logistic regression, we found that people of high-income have tendency to feel overly optimistic of their retirement shortfall, vice versa. Social security and pension benefit provide less replacement rate for people of high-income, so rich people need highly save rate.

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