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陸資在臺投資進入模式之影響因素 / The Determinants of Entry Mode of Foreign Direct Investment in Taiwan: An Empirical Evidence of Mainland China Enterprises蔡彰弘, Tsai, Chang Hung Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以2013年144家陸資企業為實證對象,分別運用Multinomial Logistic Model與Tobit Model等兩種模型進行兩階段實證分析。由第一階段實證結果發現,「國有企業」、「進入時間」、「技術來源-大陸母公司」、「技術來源-合資企業提供」及「市場風險-政治環境不穩定」等五項解釋變數係陸資在臺投資進入模式的重要影響因素。第二階段實證則發現,「民營企業」、「進入時間」、「市場動機」及「技術來源-合資企業」等四項變數是陸資在臺投資股權配置之重要影響因素。而其中廠商特性之「投資人屬性」、投資特性之「進入時間」與要素特性之「技術來源」等三個構面在兩階段實證研究均具有顯著性,表示這三項變數是陸資在臺投資進入模式與股權配置之關鍵因素。
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陸資來臺投資時間點選擇的影響因素 / The Determinants of Entry Timing Choice of Foreign Direct Investment in Taiwan: An Empirical Evidence of Mainland China Enterprises陳依辰 Unknown Date (has links)
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陸資在臺投資事業中間財採購來源的決定因素 / The Determinants of Sources of Intermediate Goods Purchased by Mainland China Enterprises in Taiwan陳靜怡, Chen, Ching I Unknown Date (has links)
在中國大陸積極發展對外投資與國際貿易全球化的趨勢下,兩岸經濟貿易交流也加速展開。經濟部自2009年起正式核准陸資來臺投資,期望能為臺灣企業開啟國際競爭的大門,並透過海外資金挹注帶動產業成長。過去相關文獻主要以臺商赴大陸投資為研究對象,反之,探討陸資來臺議題者尚且不多,本研究以經濟部2013年陸資在臺投資事業營運狀況問卷調查資料中,實際從事中間財採購活動之陸資廠商為對象,運用Multinomial logistic模型,分別由廠商特性、動機特性及產業特性等三大構面,探討影響陸資在臺投資事業選擇「在臺灣當地採購」、「自中國大陸進口」及「同時自臺灣與大陸採購」的決定因素。
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陸資赴台直接投資法制之研究 / A Study on the Regulation of Mainland China's Direct Investment in Taiwan上官丹怡, Shang Guan, Dan Yi Unknown Date (has links)
隨著陸資赴台投資逐漸顯現其正面效益,台灣同樣應該對現行的陸資政策進行檢討,適時作出調整,逐步放寬對陸資的限制,改善陸資投資環境。 / Taiwan has permitted Mainland China to make direct investment in the Island over seven years, and the relevant preliminary legal investment system has been formed. This thesis has made a research on the directly applicable laws for the direct mainland investment in Taiwan and other related laws and regulations, so as to give readers a clearer understanding of the law of direct investment in Taiwan.
Considering that Taiwan has made different laws to manage mainland investment and overseas investment, firstly, this paper analyzes the connation of mainland investment and clarifies its meaning ranges. Secondly, combined with the part of contributions of shareholder stated on Taiwan company law, the paper also discussed what way the investors from mainland could choose to make direct investment in Taiwan.Finally, descriptions of all previous business categories that could be invested and investment patterns that could be chosen by mainland investors are also the important discussion points of the paper.
After a research combining the practice with regulations, this thesis will make a further contrasting analysis of mainland investment with the foreign investment in Taiwan, as well as their treatment difference for aspects of opening investment projects, investment restrictions on the identity, application procedures and the subsequent verification mechanism. Although, the two sides have gradually reduced investment restrictions and promote to make agreements on investment facilitation, there are still obvious differences of Taiwan’s treatment on mainland investment and foreign investment.
As mainland investment is gradually making positive effect on Taiwan’s development, Taiwan should also review the current policy on mainland investment and make timely adjustments, so as to slowly relieve its restrictions and improve the investment environment for mainland investors.
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ECFA服務貿易協議市場開放議題之研究 / A study on market access issue in services sector in the Cross-straits Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement蔡季穎 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣於2002年加入世界貿易組織,服務業開放承諾項目共計119項,惟對中國大陸並未按照入會承諾履行開放義務,直到2010年6月29日,我國與中國大陸簽署兩岸經濟合作架構協議(Cross-Straits Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement; 以下簡稱ECFA),開啟兩岸經貿自由化之契機,依兩岸經濟合作架構協議第4條規定,雙方後續將推動服務貿易協議,進一步開放服務業市場,未來我國將面臨服務業對中國大陸履行入會承諾之壓力。
本研究將分析兩岸服務業發展現況、相互開放情形及我國對中國大陸開放服務業之原則,探討未來ECFA服務貿易協議我國於協商時可能面臨之挑戰及市場開放議題可能涉及問題,並提出政策建議。 / Since Taiwan acceded to WTO, its services market has been stepping up the process of liberalization. However, confronting the trend of global liberalization of services trade and the change of industry structure, Taiwan government would like to boost its economic growth by developing services industry. The policies “A guiding plan for development of services (2004)” and “The program of services industry development (2009)” will keep promoting the six rising industries and the ten key services. Taiwan government focuses on not only its domestic but also foreign services markets in these years, hoping to increase the value added, employment opportunities and quality of life.
Taiwan acceded to WTO in 2002 and opened 119 services sectors in GATS. But it didn’t fulfill its commitment of opening its services market to Mainland China. After, the signing of Cross-Strait Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement, ECFA on June 29, 2010,both governments have formally started the trade liberalization. According to ECFA Article 4, Both parties will enter into negotiation of an agreement on trade in services, for further liberalization of services market. By the time, Taiwan will encounter great difficulties in liberalizing its domestic market and the pressure of fulfilling its commitments in GATS.
The study will try to analyze the liberalization status of cross-straits services market, the principle of Taiwan market liberalization to Mainland China, the difficulties of negotiation on trade in services, the issues regarding market access and suggestions.
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影響在臺陸資產品附加價值的決定因素:以ECFA與投保協議生效後的資料做分析 / The determinants of goods value added of Mainland China enterprises in Taiwan when ECFA and Cross-Strait bilateral investment protection and promotion agreement go into effect彭美華, Peng, Mei Hwa Unknown Date (has links)
運用Probit Model進行實證研究,分別由「廠商特性」、「產業性質」及「經營策略」三方面來分析。經實證研究結果發現,在臺陸資企業的「公司規模」、「政府獎勵補助」、「發展品牌策略」及「策略聯盟」等四項變數,對產品附加價值有顯著的影響,其中廠商特性中的「公司規模」,以及經營策略中的「發展品牌策略」具有穩定的顯著水準,表示其為影響在臺陸資產品附加價值的關鍵決定因素。
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陸資來台投資政策與規範之探討 / A study on the policy and regulation of Mainland China investment in Taiwan曾碧雲 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究提出具體建議提供政府擬定陸資來台投資政策之參考,建議政府可參照開放外資投資政策,擴大開放陸資來台投資政策,將陸資來台投資項目從正面表列改以開放的負面表列管理,惟就擴大開放陸資來台投資政策下,政府對相關可能造成負面衝擊之影響,建議亦應有相關配套產業政策:如推動兩岸新型產業合作、輔導弱勢產業轉型與升級,以因應未來擴大開放趨勢、關鍵技術產業智慧財產權之保障、儘速簽署投資保障協議等,以為因應,降低衝擊之影響。另就陸資來台投資法令規範,建議建立完善投資審查機制,以防衛國家安全及因應關鍵技術流失之不利衝擊,另建議放寬大陸人員來台進出之法令、陸資購置不動產相關法令,以利陸資來台投資。 / Taiwan’s Government deregulated the investment capital of Mainland China in Taiwan on June 30, 2009. According to the statistical data of Ministry of Economic Affairs, up to April 2012, Mainland China investment in Taiwan has accumulated to 246 cases and the accumulated amount of investment (incl. capital increase) is US$280 million. Basically, the Mainland China capital investment in Taiwan is still in small scale. Following the gradual deepening of cross-strait economic and trading relationship, it is worthwhile to probe into the possibility of treating the Mainland China capital investment in Taiwan as ordinary foreign investment in Taiwan and turning it into positive energy of the economic development of Taiwan. The purposes of this research are such as following:
1) The motive of Mainland China capital investing in Taiwan,
2) Comparison and analysis of the policies and regulation of Mainland China capital and traditional foreign investment, and
3) Proposing practical suggestions for reference of the government in formulating Mainland China capital investment policy.
By Literature Analysis Approach and in Case Interview Method, the research selected representing cases of Mainland China investment in manufacturing and in services industries. There were 4 Mainland China capital enterprises interviewed. Also by comparative analysis on the policies and regulations of traditional foreign investment and Mainland China capital investment, two representing foreign invested enterprises were interview. The efforts pointed directly to the purposes of the research as well as providing practical policy suggestions.
It is found that the motives of Mainland China capital investment in Taiwan are mainly in obtaining advance techniques and operating and management experience, echoing the Taiwan Investment Policy of Mainland China government, developing market, expanding export and globalization deployment. Besides the economic motives in foreign investment of the Mainland China enterprises, they are also echoing the policy of mainland China government and actively to deploy their investment in Taiwan. In the difference of policies of Taiwan Government toward Mainland China capital and traditional foreign capital, Taiwan government is working in the principle of “Tight firstly then loose, Moving progressively, See the result before expansion” to the Mainland China capital investment, while it is in encouraging and reducing barrier to foreign investment to the traditional foreign investment. Under the control of Mainland China capital, it is subject to positive listing, and the items opened is the industries that are matured and will not result in negative impact on the domestic economy. In addition, under the control of foreign capital investment, it is rather in negative listing, that only the industries are excluded based on national security, public order, decent customs or national health, or those forbidden specifically under law or international treaty, or the charter business, all others are opened and the level of open reached 95%.
This research provided practical suggestions for the reference of government in formulating the Mainland China capital investment. We suggest that the government shall take reference of policy for opening foreign investment to expand the scope for Mainland China capital investment and turn the positive listing to negative listing in administration, but under the expanding liberalization of Mainland China capital investment, the government shall guard off the negative impacts with packaged industry policy such as new cross-strait industry cooperation, assisting the transformation or upgrading of disadvantage industry to cope with future expansion, Key techniques industry and intellectual property right protection and speed up investment protection treaty, so as to reduce the impact. In the part of legislation and regulatory of investments of Mainland China Capital, it is suggested to build complete investment review mechanism to defend national security and to cope with the unfavorable impact resulted from loss of key techniques. We will also suggest deregulating the purchasing of real estate to induce the investment of Mainland China capital under the control of the entry and exit of Mainland China people.
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