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表演藝術團體知識管理作法之比較 以太陽劇團、雲門舞集及綠光劇團為例 / A conparison study on the knowledge management for performing art organizations - A case study of Cirque du Soleil, Cloud Gate Dance Theatre, and Greenray Theatre劉歷 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究選定太陽劇團、雲門舞集及綠光劇團作為分析之標的,採取個案分析法的方式進行個案撰寫,而在分析架構上,則採取知識移轉之理論作為架構,整合Gupta(2000)、Koskincn (2002)、、Kwan&Cheung(2006)的觀點,將整個知識移轉的過程分為動機階段、知識獲取階段、知識創造階段及知識保留階段四個階段。利用此一架構,分析三個研究個案在知識管理上之相關作法,並試圖找出對這些做法造成差異的原因。研究結論如下:
一、 太陽劇團、綠光劇團及雲門舞集三個團體在知識移轉的四個階段作法上皆有所差異。而三個團體差異較大的部分,在於知識創造及知識保留兩個階段。
二、 對作法產生差異的原因,本研究歸納出包括表演類型之差異、演出之場次與頻率、組織規模、表演場地、人力資源策略、演出型態及組織類型等七個主要因素。
三、 在三個團體中,太陽劇團在知識移轉的四個階段上的作法最為完整,也呼應了「以制度化的方式,有系統的向外界吸收知識,並轉移至組織其他成員,在擴散與應用知識的過程中,努力從事知識的創新,再將學習與創新所得的知識系統化的累積」這樣的知識管理理論。特別是對於每一次決策流程的保存與紀錄,以及完整的紀錄了從創意發想到最後執行階段每一個細節這樣的作法,確實使得組織的知識得以累積,並加速了後續的發展。
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台灣表演藝術團體以非營利組織型態經營其發展進程之研究-以現代舞團雲門舞集為例 / The study on institutionalized process of performing arts foundation-A case study of cloud gate dance theatre of Taiwan陳若蘭, Chen, Rebecca R. L. Unknown Date (has links)
一. 為什麼表演藝術團體要以非營利組織的型態來經營?他們真的很難盈利嗎?
二. 非營利組織型態經營的表演藝術團體,應該如何評估其工作績效?
三. 表演藝術團體以非營利組織型態經營時,如何邁向永續?
本研究在組織構形的相關文獻上主要參考李仁芳教授所著之《管理心靈》(1980),引申出雲門舞集在開創期、暫停期、成長期與成熟期等四期進程中所發生的組織構形。在組織成長的學理引用上,主要參考學者Larry E. Greiner 1998年在《Harvard Business Review》發表的〈Evolution and Revolution as Organizations Grow〉。
2009年4月,雲門舞集與台北縣(今新北市)政府舉行「徵求民間參與興建營運淡水文化藝術教育中心案」簽約儀式。「淡水文化藝術教育中心」是雲門依促參法規向台北縣政府提案申請興建的,佔地約1.5公頃,林懷民希望雲門從2013年開始有一個固定的家。本研究完成時,園區即將開工,人間事,塞翁馬?期盼未來更多學者持續觀察雲門的發展,因為台灣需要一個這樣的文化團體給人信心。 / This thesis takes Cloud Gate Dance Theatre of Taiwan as the primal case study that with document analysis, participant observation, and in-depth interview as the research methods to have better understanding of performing arts foundation when they might face in the institutionalized process. The overall objective of this study is:
1. Why, as the most prestige, renowned Performing Arts Company in Taiwan, Cloud Gate has to running with the pattern of nonprofit organization? Is it really difficult for Performing Arts Company to make profits?
2. How to assess and evaluate their working performance if Performing Arts Company is in nonprofit organization pattern?
3. While Performing Arts Company managing with the nonprofit organization mode and mind set, how to maintain their sustainability?
Cloud Gate Dance Theatre of Taiwan was founded in 1973 as the first professional contemporary dance company in any Chinese speaking community. Directed by internationally renowned choreographer Lin Hwai-min, Cloud Gate transforms ancient aesthetics into thrilling modern celebrations of motion. The 25 dancers of the company receive trainings from the West and the East, including Chi Kung, meditation, internal martial arts, modern dance, ballet, and calligraphy as well.
This research mainly consults 《The Managerial Mind》 (1980) written by Jen-Fang Lee Ph.D. and also thesis〈Evolution and Revolution as Organizations Grow〉 (1998) which was issued in 《Harvard Business Review》 written by Professor Larry E. Greiner. Evolve into Cloud Gate Dance Theatre of Taiwan, researcher define its history from creative stage, transition stage, growth stage to mature period organization phase taken place among the four processes.
Without any similar comparison, Cloud Gate might be stands as a unique operational case; however, I hoped through the special operation analysis, It will sum up the general mode of contemporary dance company towards nonprofit foundation, which will benefit others for its practice managerial experience.
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