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台灣的電影節之守門機制研究-以台北電影節、高雄電影節為例 / The gatekeeping research of Taiwan's film festival: the cases of Taipei Film Festival and Kaouhsiung Film Festival王志桓 Unknown Date (has links)
關於電影節,全世界有眾多的城市與國家皆有舉辦電影節,數量不勝枚舉。David Caves(2003)用守門人(Gate-keeper)來形容製片人的角色,認為製片是電影產業中非常重要的環節,如同其他創意產業中經紀人與創作者之間的關係。若進一步將此概念擴大,電影節便是透過競賽的方式將守門機制做最好的體現。
因此本研究將以守門機制的觀點切入,針對台北電影節與高雄電影節進行探討,釐清兩者彼此之間於守門機制上之差異。本研究主要研究問題為台灣的電影節之核心宗旨如何制定?具體作為為何? 台灣的電影節之策展過程,其守門機制為何?台灣的電影節對於參展者、主辦單位與電影產業之影響為何?經過文獻探討與個案田野訪談後,研究結論如下:
1. 個案之電影節雖以城市作為定位,但由於歷史脈絡發展的不同,導致核心宗旨的制定產生差異。
2. 由於核心宗旨差異,導致城市影展在作為之體現上亦產生不同。
3. 台灣的電影節之競賽設計參考國外著名影展,且不同的競賽邊界設定會影響參賽對象與品質。
4. 台灣的電影節之評選機制有不同組成模式。台北電影節採「專家選擇」為主,「市場選擇」為輔的評選機制;高雄電影節則以「專家選擇」為主。
5. 台灣的電影節之參賽作品呈現方式多元,但在實際執行過程中,僅針對電影作品進行評選,此種設計導致守門結果可能產生不同。
6. 台灣的電影節之流程對其利害關係人具有明確之正面加值效果。
7. 台灣的電影節為求評選之公正性與獨立性,拉大參賽者與守門人之權力距離。
8. 台灣的電影節在競賽獎勵設計上,為了鼓勵優良創作者,採用直接的金錢獎勵為主。但除了外顯的金錢獎勵外,亦存在隱性的非金錢獎勵。
9. 台灣的電影節在成果保護上,於策展前、中、後期各有不同的成果保護機制。
10. 台灣的電影節主辦單位在永續經營上,皆面臨預算不足之問題,但透過不同的宗旨與定位,持續朝建構互利共生的正面循環經營。
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文化治理下的台北電影節 / Taipei Film Festival Under Cultural Governance張嘉真, Chang, Chia-Chen Unknown Date (has links)
然而卻與影展工作者特質相互矛盾,影展工作者多半愛好自由、對工作有相當執著等,也因此更容易對繁瑣行政體系產生反彈,同時影展工作常見的短聘制度更是不利公文體系的運作和經驗傳承。原以方便管理、防弊為出發的行政流程,卻吻合Foucault 談論的治理性,治理並不特定指涉國家機器,而是由不同論述推砌。除了由外向內,更同時進行主體化,成為由內向外的規訓。 / This study aims to analyze film festival through the concept of cultural governance. Due to the perceived close relationship between Taipei Film Festival and Taipei government, this festival has been chosen as the case study. It will begin by exploring the concepts of “film festival” and “cultural governance”, and the history of Taipei Film Festival and will focus on the workers through field study as well as in-depth interview.
The field of film festival is highly complex. Its diversity of actors, close relationship with film industry, limited time and space, and the global situation concerning film industry all play parts in the performance of a film festival.
Taipei Film Awards, a competition specialising in Taiwanese films, also makes Taipei Film Festival more confined in its creativity while brining it much resources. The close relationship Taipei Film Festival has with Department of Cultural Affairs, Taipei City Government makes its cultural aspect gets oppressed with endless administrative procedures to follow in order to gain financial and administrative support. Culture, in this case, has turned into a tool of administration; while on the other hand is ruled over by political decisions as well.
The strict administrative procedures pose strong contrast to the nature of film festival workers as they often develop a system on their own to deal with the tons of work that befall on them. They therefore tend to oppose onerous oversight. On the other hand,
the short-term contracts, which are common in film festival, also keeps the system from working fluidly. Administration is now coherence with what Foucault called “governance”. Instead only refer to government, governance is about different discourses. Governance is a process of subjectification, not only from to inside, also become the discipline which works from inside to outside.
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中國電影文化外交探索-以2013年巴黎中國電影節為例 / The Analysis of Culture Diplomacy in Chinese Films--The Case of the Chinese Film Festival in Paris in 2013王政皓, Zheng-Hao Wang January 1900 (has links)
中國在經濟上已逐漸與歐美並駕齊驅,在文化上更是希望與歐美國家抗衡。然而在西方影展得獎的中國片或是西方電影呈現的中國意象,這些影片經常出現很深的東方主義觀念。「巴黎中國電影節」的出現提供中國宣揚自身文化,以及利用此機會平反歐美國家對中國東方主義的觀點。 / Film is an important medium of cross-cultural communication, it plays major role in the shaping of national image. In 2004, Hu Jintao particularly referred to the development of China on Fourth Plenary Session. One is hard power; another is the training of soft power. Chinese authorities want to go beyond the western countries through the development of cultural films.
In 2004, Chinese painter in France, Ms. Gao Chunfang felt the French were unfamiliar on Chinese films, so she found “the Chinese Film Festival in Paris”. The purpose is to promote the Chinese Films to French public, and this festival is also gradually paid attention by Chinese authorities. Therefore, the Chinese government has adopted "Chinese Film Festival in Paris" to execute "public diplomacy strategy". The government also hopes the film's ideology could be accepted by French person.
Chinese economy has gradually reached Europe or American; it also wants to compete on culture. However, Chinese films won the reward on West Film Festival and the Chinese image on western films which often appear the concept of "Orientalism". The appearing of ''The Chines Film Festival in Paris" provides China to promote their culture, as well as they use this opportunity to vindicate the perspectives on Chinese Orientalism from United States and Europe. / 第一章緒論 1
第一節研究動機與目的 1
第二節研究架構 6
第一節軟實力和公共外交理論探討 8
第三節國際電影節與中國電影節概略 12
第三章研究方法 16
第一節樣本取樣 16
第二節研究限制 28
第三節符號學分析 28
第四節鏡頭分析 32
第四章、分析 35
第一節中國夢VS.美國夢:《中國合夥人》、《北京遇見西雅圖》 35
第二節宣揚政府形象:《三個未婚媽媽》、《蝶吻》 46
第三節歌頌青春愛情:《情人節》、《青春派》、《我願意》 51
第四節演繹女性主義:《蕭紅》 76
第五節彰顯愛國情操:《黃金大劫案》 90
第六節營造民族融合:《唐卡》 97
第七節再現古老中國:《畫皮II》 110
第五章、結論 119
第六章、文獻參考 125
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