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金馬影展觀影者的生活型態、知覺價值與觀影者滿意度與忠誠度之關係研究 / A study of the relationship among life style,perceived value, satisfactoin and loyalty of Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival’s Audience陳雯明, Chen, Wen Ming Unknown Date (has links)
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後殖民語境下的華語電影-解讀西方影展的「中國熱」現象胡清暉 Unknown Date (has links)
另一方面,本研究以「中心╱邊陲」的後殖民思考架構,視「中國熱」現象為華語電影走向世界的過程中的四個階段-「重新被發現、新電影運動與西方中級影展、納入主流藝術電影院線、與好萊塢電影工業接軌」。同時,本研究也將進一步探討背後的文化意涵及其所代表的意義。 / Since late 1970s, the Western has gradually put more and more concentration on the Chinese films. The film reviews and the public opinions always regard the phenomenon as the “Chinese Cinema Fever”. This article, on the one hand, analyzes the phenomenon in the historical and cultural veins. While facing China, a state once made the western feel so distant and unfamiliar before, a kind of mentality in the “Western” has been molded by the cultural imagination, colonial experience, mysterious atmosphere, and realistic demand (such like strategic consideration and large-scale market, et al.), and displayed in the various fields. Meanwhile, the “Chinese Cinema Fever” is being a part in such complicated situation. On the other hand, the phenomenon, the Chinese Cinema Fever in the Western Film Festivals since late 1970s, will be considered under the framework of “Center-Periphery” and be regarded as a process of the Chinese film toward the world, which is composed of re-discovering, re-emphasizing, including into the mainstream in the system of the Art Theatre. Nowadays, the Chinese films have turned into a part of the worldwide culture and universal consumption. At the same time, I would like to go a step further to discuss the cultural meanings behind the appearance.
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文化治理下的台北電影節 / Taipei Film Festival Under Cultural Governance張嘉真, Chang, Chia-Chen Unknown Date (has links)
然而卻與影展工作者特質相互矛盾,影展工作者多半愛好自由、對工作有相當執著等,也因此更容易對繁瑣行政體系產生反彈,同時影展工作常見的短聘制度更是不利公文體系的運作和經驗傳承。原以方便管理、防弊為出發的行政流程,卻吻合Foucault 談論的治理性,治理並不特定指涉國家機器,而是由不同論述推砌。除了由外向內,更同時進行主體化,成為由內向外的規訓。 / This study aims to analyze film festival through the concept of cultural governance. Due to the perceived close relationship between Taipei Film Festival and Taipei government, this festival has been chosen as the case study. It will begin by exploring the concepts of “film festival” and “cultural governance”, and the history of Taipei Film Festival and will focus on the workers through field study as well as in-depth interview.
The field of film festival is highly complex. Its diversity of actors, close relationship with film industry, limited time and space, and the global situation concerning film industry all play parts in the performance of a film festival.
Taipei Film Awards, a competition specialising in Taiwanese films, also makes Taipei Film Festival more confined in its creativity while brining it much resources. The close relationship Taipei Film Festival has with Department of Cultural Affairs, Taipei City Government makes its cultural aspect gets oppressed with endless administrative procedures to follow in order to gain financial and administrative support. Culture, in this case, has turned into a tool of administration; while on the other hand is ruled over by political decisions as well.
The strict administrative procedures pose strong contrast to the nature of film festival workers as they often develop a system on their own to deal with the tons of work that befall on them. They therefore tend to oppose onerous oversight. On the other hand,
the short-term contracts, which are common in film festival, also keeps the system from working fluidly. Administration is now coherence with what Foucault called “governance”. Instead only refer to government, governance is about different discourses. Governance is a process of subjectification, not only from to inside, also become the discipline which works from inside to outside.
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影迷的盛宴:台北金馬影展觀眾的儀式性參與 / The Feast of Cinéphile: The Ritual Participation of Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival Audience張哲豪, Chang Che-Hao Unknown Date (has links)
本研究發現金馬影展的儀式概念(The Cult of Film Festival)主要來自於三者:在時間性而言,因一年一度有如逢年過節的「週期性」而營造了儀式感;在空間性而言,因影片與影迷的「齊聚性」而營造了儀式感;除了這兩者之外,要達到類宗教的景仰標準,勢必還要有「神聖性」的概念,其神聖感則是來自於電影大師的作品,所帶來的崇拜心態。
至於影迷的朝聖歷程,本研究以三位影迷的生命史作為引述,介紹20、30、40歲各個世代的影迷,究竟是什麼樣的樣貌。而後根據大量深度訪談、田野觀察與問卷調查的結果,搭配儀式結構的模式,描繪出金馬影迷單次旅程與生涯歷程。在單次旅程的部份,可以分作「前影展時期」、「影展時期」與「後影展時期」,三者中尤以前影展時期的套票搶購與排隊劃位最具儀式性特質。在生涯歷程的部份,亦可分作「前影迷階段」、「影迷階段」與「後影迷階段」,此三者之間主要差異,是以對電影的重視、迷戀與可犧牲程度作為劃分標準。 / For art cinema fans of Taiwan, Golden Horse Film Festival just like a sacred Feast, fans gathered together every year, that increasingly the forces of faith in the ritual. This study attempts to follow the "pilgrimage" view, to imagine that Golden Horse Film Festival audience as the cult followers, their identity is not just the audience or consumers, but a participants.
This study is divided into three stages. First is the archive research of Golden Horse Film Festival for the thirty years (1980~2009). Second is the festival audience questionnaire survey and participant observation, to understand the fans viewing behavior. The third stage is life history interviews.
The study found that the “ritual” or “cult” concept of Golden Horse Film Festival mainly from the three points: the timing, the result of annual holidays, like the "cyclical" and created a sense of ritual; in the space, for film and fans of the "gather" of the ritual to create a sense; In addition to these two, the religious admiration to achieve the standard class is bound to also have "sacred" concept, its sacred sense is from master's work in the film, brought the worship mentality.
For fans of pilgrims journey, the study quoted by three fan’s life history, describes the various generations of 20,30,40 years old. Then according to a large number of interviews, field observations and findings of the survey, with the ritual process model depicts a single journey and the career of the cinephiles. In a single part of the journey, we can divided into "pre-festival period", "Film Festival Period" and "post-festival period". Part in a career of the cinephiles can be divided into "pre-cinephile stage", "cinephile stage" and "post-cinephile stage", the main differences between the three is based on the film's importance, degree of obsession and expendable as the division of standard.
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影展潮:藝術行銷的觀點 / The marketing strategy of the commerical film festival唐慧音, Tang, Hui-Yin Unknown Date (has links)
1.產品策略:商業影展影片仍以藝術影片為多,建議在主題的選取上可 以朝向更專業化的設計,提供觀眾更具深度的觀影經驗。另外,配合影展提供相關議題的影評講座或座談活動將可以增加影展產品的附加價值。
4.推廣策略:商業影展性質有別於一般院線電影,其所採行的推廣策略並非得要用昂貴的大眾媒體做廣告,反而透過公關報導的形式將影展訊息曝光,再利用影評人作為「意見領袖」的方式影響觀眾,透過口碑的傳播,將影展推銷出去,可以得到更大的宣傳影響力量。另外,透過品牌的建立以及建立與維持和顧客長期的良好關係都是商業影展推廣策略中極重要的一環。 / The main theme of the study focus on the marketing strategy of the commercial film festival. The goals of the study include the following:
1. To know what and how the commercial film festival develop marketing strategy, then to evaluate the effect.
2. To find out the main factor that marketing strategy formulated.
3. To research the consumer behavior of the commercial film festival, and suggest the best marketing strategy of the commercial film festival from the consumer research information.
In order to achieve the above goals, the study intends to integrate the qualitative and quantitative data. "Cast study" and "Consumer survey" are conducted. Choosing "Fanciful Film Festival" be the cast of the study, to find out how and what the fanciful film festival develop the marketing strategy, then analysis and discuss them. Simultaneously, using the research to get the quantitative data of commercial film festival consumer behavior. Contrasting both cast qualitative data and quantitative research of consumer survey, and get the marketing strategy suggestion.
The results of the study are followed:
1. Target marketing strategy the target audience of commercial film festival is mainly enthusiast about film.
Mostly they are the young college students.
2. Product strategy
(1) Film category: art film is still the main film category of the commercial film festival.
(2) Film subject: the more professional, profounder film subject is suggested.
(3) Additional product strategy: it would advantage to use some additional product strategies, such as symposium, film review conference...
3. Price strategy: using the going-rate pricing and the conditioned discount.
4. Place strategy:
(1) The consumer has trained the habit of buying the advance ticket and the suit ticket.
(2) To supply the more convenient ticket system would encourage consumer.
5. Promotion strategy
(1) The main promotional tools still are mass medium, especially the public relations. Using the public report to communicate and advertise the film festival, encourage audience consuming.
(2) To pay much attention to the effect of the opinion leader.
(3) To place importance on brand management and relationship marketing.
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影視節目市場展之比較研究劉嘉明, Liu James C. Unknown Date (has links)
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台灣「新電影」論述形構之歷史分析(1965-2000) / Discursive Formation of the "Taiwanese New Cinema": A Historical Analysis (1965-2000)張世倫, Chang, Shih-Lun Unknown Date (has links)
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